5SOS Preferences

By WhosLukeHemmings

1.1M 13.5K 830

A series of 5sos preferences. Request are open updating at least 3 times a week. Vote, comment, and follow PL... More

He teaches you how to kiss (T)
Sex on the beach (T)
Your Child gets Bullied (T)
He has to ask one of the Boys for a condom (T)
His Parents Make Fun Of You (T)
You Turn Him on at a BAD TIME (T)
You're Sick And He Doesn't Know What To Do (T)
Your parents don't like him but he impresses them (T)
Cute Moment With Your Kid (T)
Daddy (T)
You Catch Him Jerking Off (T)
After Sex Cuddling (T)
Your Daughter Gets Her Period (T)
He Finds Out Your Being Bullied (T)
He Walks In On You Changing (T)
Tour Bus Sleeping (T)
Your Child Swears (T)
He wants to, but your on your period (T)
Making your ex jealous
You Breastfeed In Public & A Fan Makes A Rude Remark About It. (T)
Your childs friends think youre a milf (T)
Your kids see your lovebites (T)
You give him a massage (T)
His Girlfriend hates you and makes him choose (T)
His Girlfriend Hates You And Makes Him Choose part 2
You Give Birth At Home (T)
You Have To Use The Safe Word (T)
Swimming with your kid (T)
You Breastfeed your baby at an older age (T)
Your Child Throws A Tantrum (T)
He Hears You Talking to The Baby (T)
You Give Him A BJ and A family member walks in (T)
You Walk In On Your Kid (T)
Trying to stop Breastfeeding (T)
He has a child from another relationship (T)
Your child starts Kindergarden (T)
Your Baby is Teething (T)
Mothers Day (T)
He films you going down on him (T)
Baby spit up (T)
Attending Yoir Child Soccer Game (T)
Your Child Wets The Bed (T)
Your Child looses their first tooth (T)
Build-a-Bear (T)
Morning Wood (T)
You do his makeup (T)
Sneaking Around (T)
Moving In (T)
First Ultrasound (T)
Baby-Bump (T)
You Have A Child From Another Relationship (T)
Road Trips (T)
Thanksgiving (T)
Your kids are in the delivery room with you (T)
Say Yes To The Dress (T)
You Have A Lot Of Kids (T)
He Wants To Try For A Baby (T)
Your Baby Says Daddy For The First Time (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend. (Part 2)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 1 (T)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 2 (T)
A Fan Catches You Buying Condoms (T)
Teenage Parents (T)
He Keeks Your Daughter Doing Something Cute (T)
He Won't Let Anyone Hold Your Newborn Daughter (T)
After A Fight (T)
He Sees You In A Swimsuit (T)
You Wear His Shirt (T)
He Sees You In A Snapback (T)
You're In A Keek (T)
Mistletoe (T)
The Morning After (T)
Bad Day (T)
He Crashes Your Slumber Party (T)
He wants to do your hair, makeup, nails, or pick your outfit (T)
Spending the night at his house (T)
The morning after he stays the night (T)
He gets in a fight protecting you (T)
He Calms You Down (T)
Thunderstorms (T)
He Talks To Your Unborn Baby (T)
Fans Ask About Your Pregnancy (T)
Easter (T)
He meets your divorced parents
Shopping For Baby Clothes (T)
Youre Insicure
You Reveal The Sex Of Your Baby To The Family (T)
Tummy Time With Daddy (T)
Your Baby Girls Gets Sick On Tour
You Arent Able to Get Preggo (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.2 (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.3 (T)
Champ|| C.H (T)
Say HI To The Camera C.H (Smut) (T)
Mommy's Little Miracle M.C (T)
Merry Christmas (T)
He Has A Mental Breakdown (T)
He Teases You On... (T)
he Forgets Your Anniversary//Malum (T)
His Child Calls You Mommy (T)
First "I Love You"
He Fingers You In Public//Smut (T)
Taking Care Of Them When Their Drunk (T)
He Has A Secret Tattoo (T)
Baby Bump Starts To Show (T)
Your Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant/ Son Got A Girl Pregnant (T)
5SOS Sentence
He Tells You He Loves You For The First Time (T)
Your Dad Catches You (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part One| (T)
Mood Swings (T)
You're a Youtuber (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part Two| (T)
Your Child Is Kidnapped (T)
He's Insecure(T)
He Plays With Your Hair (T)
You Catch Your Son or Daughter Smoking Or Drinking (T)
He confesses his feelings while drunk (T)
He asks your parents for permission to date you (T)
He Compliments You On Something You're Insecure About (T)
A 1D Boy Says Something Inappropriate About You And He Gets Mad (T)
Dirty Talk
He's Needy For Your Attention (T)
You're Pregnant And Horny (T)
You want to be the big spoon
You're Famous (T)
Play Fighting (T)
You Tell His/Your Parents You're Trying for a Baby (T)
He meets your parents for the first time (T)
Kidnapped P.2 (T)
Hes Whipped (T)
Spanking (T)
Baby Talk (T)
First Public Picture (T)
"I Hate You" (T)
Something Private Revealed (T)
Big Arguments (T)
Your teenager does something bad (T)
You have low self-esteem (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 1} (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 2} (T)
Big Arguments P.2 (T)
You Catch Him Alone With The Baby (T)
Fans ask you for a picture while you're out with friends (T)
He Accidentally Hurts You (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight P.2 (T)
Commitment Issues
Commitment Issues 2
You File For Divorce
Cheater. (Part 2)
You File For Divorce. (part 2.)
He Asks You To Ride Him.
You Get The Same Injuries/Scars as Your Soulmate.
The First Fight.
The First Fight. (Part 2.)
Childhood Proposals/Marriage
Childhood Proposal/Marriage Part 2
Cock Blocker
You're Mentioned In An Interview
The Test
You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend
You're In Love With Him, but He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 2.)
You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 3.)
Eating You Out
Phones and Sex
You're mad at each other but have to go out in public
Private Picture Leaked {Luke}
Private Picture Leaked {Michael}
Private Picture Leaked {Calum}
Private Picture Leaked {Ashton}
Drunk Boyfriends
Someone Does Something Perverted To You
Car Trouble
He Breaks Down On Stage After The Break Up During Amnesia
He breaks a body part on stage
You're best friends: He sees you naked and gets turned on
You're Sore the Day After
Turn On's
Hes A Virgin
Calum Imagine (dirty)
Luke Imagine (dirty)
Michael Imagine (Dirty)
Ashton Imagine (Dirty)
You Feel Insecure - Ashton Irwin Imagine
You Have Your First Fight
Your First Fight PART 2
You Find Out He's Not A Virgin
Skinny Dipping
He picks you up from school (Luke)
He picks you up from school (Ashton)
He picks you up from school (Calum)
He picks you up from school (Michael)
The End

Nightmares (T)

8.1K 99 2
By WhosLukeHemmings

AshtonHe wasn’t there. You ran down the hallway, a few flickering lights illuminating your way, but he wasn’t there. Black shadows flitted around you, creating ghastly shadows along the walls, your heart was pounding, inching up your throat preventing you from screaming. You ran faster, but your legs felt like they weighed a million pounds though making you run slower then you needed to. But you could hear his voice down the hall, and you knew you needed to get to him but the shadows danced even closer to you. The lights beginning to flicker off, his voice getting louder as the shadows drew near, you opened your mouth but no sound came out. You crumpled to the ground, holding yourself as you sobbed, the shadows even closer then before. “(Y/N)!” You jolted awake, sitting up slightly and feeling your shirt cling to your sweaty chest, hair plastered to your forehead and tears streaming down your face. Ashton was leaning over you slightly, his hand on your shoulder, surely form shaking you awake, and a look of horror and concern etched on his angelic features. “Babe, you’re okay…” he said drawing you near in his arms. Your shook in his arms as a muffled sob left your lips. “It was just a dream baby,” He said holding you against his chest as he waited for you to settle down. You took a deep breath and hugged him closer, reassuring yourself that he was there. “What were you dreaming about? You were screaming and sobbing. Christ, you gave me a heart attack!” He weakly laughed. “You… you weren’t there. The shadows… they were going to take you away and get me…” You said between deep breaths and the occasional sob. “Nothings going to hurt us babe, nothing. Go back to sleep. I’ve got you, I’ve always got you… you’re safe.” He said, his voice low and soothing. He ran a hand through your hair and up and down your arm, willing you to go to sleep. You knew you were safe in his arms - in reality - but you worried what would happen once you closed your eyes and entered the world of dreams once more.

Calum: You threw your arm out at the person attacking you, trying to ward off his deadly punches. You cowered into the wall, kicking and yelling as best as you could. Your attempts were feeble though, his strength overpowering you. You sobbed as you saw the gleam of the blade, weakly throwing another punch and another, trying to ward off this man. He laughed at your horrible attempts to harm him off, and merely stepped towards you, pinning you against the wall. “Please, I don’t want this. Please, stop!” You cried as he raised the weapon, the moonlight catching the clean blade and making it shine. He laughed as you pushed against his chest, kicked his shins, anything to make him stop. “Stop baby,” You heard him say as the knife drew nearer and nearer to your chest. You let out a final blood curdling scream, awaiting the pain to erupt in your chest, his eyes met yours as the tip came closer and closer. “Stop baby, I’ve got you.” That wasn’t the strangers voice, but it was Calums. Your eyes flew open, and you sat up slightly, panting. He sat up beside you as you tried to calm your racing heart and erratic breathing. You shifted closer to Calum, needing to feel him to soothe you and to calm yourself. He understood as you shuffled over to him, his arm wrapping around your slightly damp shoulders. You leaned your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes for a brief moment. “Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. You sighed and bit your lip, the strangers face flashing against your eyelids. “Some guy was going to stab me, the guy… he looked so familiar though…” You said wracking your brain for who it could be. “It was just a dream, nobody is going to hurt you. Not while I’m around.” He said kissing your head. “You have one hell of an arm on you by the way,” He said chuckling. You looked up at him confused. “You were punching the air and struggling, you had some power behind it babe.” He said easing you down so you were flat on your back. He shimmied down as well, beckoning you over to his chest where he protectively wrapped his arms around you, holding you close against his chest. “Try and get back to sleep love, I’ll protect you.” He said, already almost asleep. You sighed, but as hard as you tried, you couldn’t will yourself back to sleep.

LukeSmoke curled around you, blacking out any surroundings. You coughed despite yourself and looked around. A bead of sweat trickled down your face, realizing it was really, really hot in the car. You looked around, wincing at the pain in your chest but you couldn’t see anything. You tried opening the door but it wouldn’t open, it was jammed. Panic began to set in as orange and red flames shot up in front of your eyes, the smoke getting thicker and thicker. You heard a moan beside you and you realized that your sister was in the car with you. You tried to open the door again, but without luck. You covered your mouth, trying your hardest to escape the clutches of the car. Within seconds, the window shattered around you, arms grasping your shoulders. With a heavy pull you were out of the smoke and flames, in the arms of a firefighter. You tried to speak, to tell them about your sister but you couldn’t talk, all you could do was cough hysterically. But just as you turned your head, the car burst into flames, a small explosion surrounding you. Pieces of the car fell around you, and you screamed as a firefighter came around the side, limping. You knew he was trying to get to your sister, but the explosion prevented it. You screamed and yelled, watching the car melt away. Tears running down your face… “(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! It’s okay, it’s not happening.” You heard Luke’s voice willing you out of the memory. You sobbed as you fell into his arms. “The same dream?” He whispered and you nodded. You ran your hand along the scar on your arm, a constant reminder of that day, that horrible day that you witnessed your sisters death. It wasn’t your fault, it was the drunk drivers fault for veering into your lane and causing a head on collision. It wasn’t your fault that the car burst into flames and exploded, killing your sister. But you blamed yourself everyday for what happened, the scar a reminder - and now you were plagued with the dream every night. Never getting a full nights rest - you haven’t for months. “It’s not your fault…” Luke said as you cried into his chest. “Babe, you have to let it go. It. Wasn’t. Your. Fault.” He repeated, but you could only cry into his chest as the nightmare plagued your mind. 

MichaelThe nurses took your baby away from you. You clutched as its body was taken away, knowing you’d never see it again. Your little baby, a child you bore for nine months was taken away, its screams echoing down the hallway. Fatigue corrupted your body, but you wanted to run after it. The thing you loved dearly, the thing you cared about whole heartedly. Michael was nowhere to be soon, the doctors beginning to file out of the room, leaving you broken, bloody and weak on the table. You sobbed, for the cruelty of the world. You were alone, everyone you loved wasn’t there, our soul breaking, crushing and crumbling. The emptiness in your body was overwhelming, the lack of life leaking out of you, your child gone, all hope gone. Weakness overtook you, closing your eyes, clutching your stomach that no longer held the bundle of life within. You awoke, gasping and clutching at your swollen stomach, a muffled sob escaping your parted lips. Michael immediately rolled over to you, his eyes cracking open. Once he saw your disheveled state he sat up. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” He asked, his hand ghosting over your stomach. You rubbed your hand over your stomach, reassuring yourself that your baby was still there. “Don’t leave me,” You gasped out, your hand still rubbing your stomach. You felt a flutter and you relaxed a little, confirming it was still moving. “I would never dream of it, why?” He said instantly. “Just don’t… bad dream…” You said lying down, still holding your belly. He placed a hand on your stomach, his large fingers covering the expanse of exposed skin. “Nothing’s going to happen love, it’s healthy and safe. I would never let anyone hurt or take it.” He said, his voice gravelly with sleep. As if he read your mind, you relaxed, knowing Michael would never break a promise. You sighed, willing your shaking frame to settle, as he lie beside you, his hand still on your stomach rubbing small circles. You placed your hand on his, and sighed, sleep overwhelming you once more. 

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