Vampire Knight X Reader


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"Elissa, are you hungry?" The headmaster asked her. She was another adopted daughter of Kaien Cross. Her and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven

You stood stunned on the balcony. Your adoptive father and Zero were here. You looked over at Aidou as he smiled over at you. Did he arrange this meeting?

You walked over to Kaien and hugged him and Zero, after you had your hugs you looked up to them both and asked, "What are you doing here? Father you are at a vampire ball and you're a human. This isn't going to go down well, and Zero too! He hates vampires, why did you both come here?" You asked and then they both smiled a little.

Kaien raised his hand which was holding a brown envelope, he then revealed there was two of them. He then answered, "We're carrying out a duty as Vampire Hunters. We aren't allowed to ignore these orders." He said and you nodded.

"Besides, you told me you'd see me soon." Zero punched the side of your shoulder lightly. You chuckled and smiled at it. This is how he used to act with you, it made you glad he still did.

"I'm glad you're both here anyway. My nerves have been going crazy. I keep thinking what if there is someone here that wants to kil-" You got cut off but your father's hand covering your mouth. He obviously didn't want to hear anymore of that.

"Elissa, you cannot talk like that here. The walls have ears, everyone listens. Should you be saying things like that you should be whispering very very quietly." He told you and you nodded slowly. You looked over to Aidou and he nodded in agreement.

"Does Kaname know you're both here?" You asked and Kaien nodded, you sighed. "How come he didn't tell me?"

"He didn't know himself until you were dancing with Aidou. We had found him and was talking with him, though he was more focused on you." Kaien explained and you nodded. That made sense, Kaname would have told you if he had known before surely.

"I think I should be getting back to the party now. Do your best, father. Zero you too, and I'll do my best." You smiled, Zero smiled warmly at you.

"I'm proud of you Elissa." Your father told you and you smiled wiping a tear from your eye.

"Thank you, father. I'm proud of you two too." You told him and he smiled back at you. With that, you exited the balcony and Aidou guided you to Kaname, on the way you heard people talking about how "yummy" a girl looked. You stopped in your tracks and walked towards the murmurs. The crowd seperated itself for you to get through, Aidou had tried to get in behind you but they had cut him off.

You walked into the centre of the crowd to find Yuuki's best friend, Yori. You looked towards her concerned.

"Yori? What are you doing here?" You asked her and she stopped and looked back at you.

"Elissa... I came to see Yuuki." She told you and you looked at her gobsmacked.

"You can't be wondering around here without a guard, you could have got hurt. Come with me, I'll take you to her." You told her extending your hand for her and she took it, her eyes already thanking you so you smiled.

You turned around to walk back to Aidou and they seperated once again for you to walk past. Before you got clear you felt someone's hand on your shoulder. You looked to the left to see a lady with very long wavy hair. She smiled at you, and you could tell she was a pureblood too.

"That girl, she looks so delicious don't you think?" She asked you and you narrowed your eyes at her.

"Please stop, she's a friend and she's under my protection." You tell her and she nodded. You walked past her and saw Aidou, as he saw you he looked relieved. You smiled at him and he smiled back and then saw Yori and his smile faded. He looked concerned. You finally reached him again and you all take off towards Kaname. Reaching Kaname you saw Yuuki wasn't with him. You looked around trying to spot your younger sister.

"Elissa, what's wrong?" Kaname asked and you brought Yori to your side. Kaname looked at her and his eyes softened.

"Yori, you can't be here. You're putting yourself in danger, you know what we all are here do you not?" Kaname told her and she nodded.

"I want to see Yuuki please." She pleaded and you turned to Kaname.

"I've already told her that and I've already promised to take her to Yuuki. Do you know where she is? At this moment in time, they all know Yori is under my protection but I fear it's not enough." You explain to Kaname and he sighed.

"Takuma took her to get some air too, when she heard you went for some air she thought it was a good idea too." Kaname explained to you and you nodded.

You turned to walk towards the balcony and Aidou followed you. Kaname stopped Aidou from following you claiming that he had faith in you that you could protect yourself and Yori should it call for it. When he had told Aidou that it warmed your heart that Kaname knew you could take care of yourself should it call for it. You still had Yori's hand in yours as you started to try and find Yuuki. On the way you started talking to Yori.

"Yori, if you get separated from me I want you to do your best to find either me, Kaname, Aidou, Yuuki or Zero. Or even my father. Don't draw any attention to yourself either, so try not to get hurt cause if you start bleeding these vampires will most likely try 'help' you. Do not trust anyone but the people you already know here okay?"

"Okay, thank you Elissa." She thanked you and you smiled.

"It's no problem, just next time if you try a stunt like this again. Make sure you have a guard like Zero or the headmaster. Not all vampires are like Kaname, Yuuki and I. They see humans as a food source, not a friend. You're lucky I'm naturally curious, Yori. Honestly, I don't want to think of what might have happened." You tell her and she stayed quiet before talking again.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a bother." She tells you and you sighed, realising how harsh you must have sounded to her.

"I didn't mean it in a harsh way Yori, I just don't want to see you get hurt. If you get hurt Yuuki will be upset and blame herself."

"That's Yuuki..." She mumbled and you chuckled a little. You got to the balcony and saw her out on the balcony. But it's what she was doing that had shocked you. You saw Yuuki and Takuma in an embrace. Takuma looked over to the window and saw you, he instantly detached himself from Yuuki. You opened the windowed door and entered. You looked at the two who looked as if they just did a taboo.

"Yuuki I brought someone to see you," You tell her and as soon as Yuuki saw Yori she gasped and ran to her, giving her a massive hug. Yuuki had started crying and you stood next to Takuma, you smirked at him nudging him towards Yuuki. He looked at you dazed, "Cheer her up." You chuckled and he simply smiled a little and walked to her. He had hugged her from behind and you smiled as Yuuki looked up to him and then back at Yori.

Even Yori was surprised she had been with Takuma. You wondered how long this had gone on. You had always been near Takuma and yet you were oblivious to this budding romance between them. You sighed happily. You went to exit but you called out to them all before, "Protect Yori you two, also we are going to talk about this romance between you two when we get home." You chuckled with a huge smile on your face. They both nodded and with that you left the balcony. You made your way over towards Kaname when you had made contact with another vampire. They had whisked you away to the dance floor, making you dance with them.

They had black hair with eyes like Kaname's but one of his eyes were blue. You felt uneasy around them but you smiled none the less. You could never let anyone at a vampire ball see a weakness in you. You danced with him and he whispered something in your ear, "Say Lady Elissa, was it because of Rido Kuran that you and your sister got turned into humans and had attended Cross Academy?" Your eyes widened immediately and he pulled back from your ear, your heart beat had fastened.

Soon enough Kaname was at the side of you in a second, "Can I cut in and have a dance with my fianceé, Quentin." He told him taking your hand from his, the vampire now known as Quentin had released you and bowed to you both. He walked away with a smirk.

You continued dancing with Kaname and he held you close to him, "Elissa, calm down. I could hear your heart beat from a mile away." He whispered to you, you clutched his hand tightly as he danced with you. His arm held you securely and closely to him which you were quite content with. He knew how to make you feel safe and you loved that. You saw Zero walking around watching you both before walking towards you.

"Kaname, let me dance with her. I know something that will calm her," Zero offered to help and Kaname actually let him. He let you dance with him and stood next to your adoptive father. They were both talking about something. "Hey, just listen to my voice okay? You're alright, do you remember when we were growing up? You were so scared after having a nightmare that you came to my room, woke me up and we stayed up all night looking at the stars? You remember that right?" He asked you and your heart rate started slowing back down remembering the stars that were shining brightly that night. That was and always has been one of your favourite memories you had with Zero. You looked up at Zero from resting your head on the front of his shoulder and smiled.

"I remember that, how could I forget?" You smiled chuckling a little. Zero pulled you closer and you smiled, "Thank you Zero."

"It's no problem, I'm here for you Elissa. We made a promise when we were younger that we were going to be there for one another, I always keep my promises." Zero told you and you smiled at him even more.

"I know you do." You tell him and he pulls you close to him and you hug him, continuing to dance. You looked over to Kaname and saw him smiling at you relieved that you had calmed down whilst your father waved at you.


I want to apologise that I've not been updating these past couple of days it's been hectic. I'm in the process of moving out so it's a little busy and the evenings I have I'm either really tired and fall asleep without writing or I'm writing and I fall asleep whilst writing.

Hopefully updates will come more regularly again. This weekend I'm having a friend round so I'm busy with that so I won't be updating this weekend but the updates in the next week should be sufficient.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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