It's not always what it seems

By Haileana

3.1K 89 22

The Origin Story about Larota, Venus, Talena and Amoly. How they lost their parents, become kunoichis, a team... More

The beginning of a new life
An new encounter and old accusations
The reason behind
A little advance
An unexpected disclosure
A temporary decision
Four mean integrity
About Ninjas and Turtles
The beginning of trust
Family isn't always blood
Head or Heart?
A rebel, a nurse, the cute one and the dreamer
A/N (Part I)
Unexpected changes
A/N the next!
A new meeting
One last trial
Alley or Foe?
Changes of plan
The Mutagen blast
Leaving home behind
A/N (Part 2)

The abandoned and the adopted one

163 4 10
By Haileana

At the same time somewhere in Osaka. A young male turtle mutant was covering in a old cloak. It was dirty and needed to stitch up at some parts, but it didn't matter to him. He was glad he had clothes to wear.

The other kids weren't friendly to him. They always called him a freak or monster and this was one of the nicer things they said. Sometimes they even throw sticks and stones at him. Olivier never did somethings to the other kids. That he exist was enough reason for them to bully him.

Olivier was never the turtle who stand up for himself. He just let the others bully him and was glad when it was over. He was scared that they would become even meaner to him as they already were when he would do something.

He never learned to speak. He was a little pet turtle before he got mutated. No one taught him to do it and he never learned it for himself. Maybe he even wasn't able to speak.

Olivier began to open his eyes again after a long sleep. One of the stones hit his head hard and causes him to pass out. His head still hurt, but he didn't find any bad injuries. So he sat there alone on the sidewalk and looked around. The autumn dyed the leafs and let them fall down. On the one hand he found it sad, but on the other hand he smiled about the colors.

Some minutes ago another turtle wasn't alone. She stood in the dressing room of her human friend and had to hold some clothes for her. The female didn't understand why Haguno was so much excited about a walk.

"Got it! I knew it was somewhere in there!" Haguno hold a pink raincoat with flowers on it up. She looked at the turtle and was sure it would suit her.

Maolier looked skeptical at it. For her taste it was too pink, but for Haguno she tried it on. It fits perfectly, but some parts of her legs and hands were still uncovered. She didn't mind. It was no big deal for her to look different than other kids. It was more that she liked it. No one teased her about being a mutant and no one bullied her for being the way she was. She had a caring family who loved her the way she was and she loved them.

Haguno was really happy that her father Sabato allowed that they could took Maolier with them. Maolier was never outside the estate of her family. Not after the one time no one spoke about. The two girls didn't even remember the day.

Haguno hold the hand of Maolier and her father and spoke to him a lot. She was a really talk active child and loved to tell stories or asking questions. Maolier didn't talk that much. She was more a listener and just spoke up when she had to answer questions or when it was necessary.

The female turtle looked around. Stunning. The world outside was different than she imagined. But she just saw a lot of people she didn't know, but they seemed to knew Sabato. In the grocery store Maolier wasn't allow to look up. Not every human was so nice to her than her family, but no one would attack her. Not as long she was under Sabatos protection.

She looked away when he waved another person and saw the male turtle on the sidewalk. First she thought she imagined some thing and looked again. A pair of brown eyes stared back at her. Stunned like her. Was it even real that they saw another mutant turtle? Even when the family went away they still watched each other.

"Is something wrong, Mao?" Haguno looked worried at her as she still looked back even when she couldn't see him anymore.

Maolier didn't even had time to respond, because she was caught by a woman. They came outside from a van. They surrounded them and separated the girls from Sabato.

Haguno screamed and try to get away from the strange persons, but they were stronger.

"Let the girls go! They didn't have anything to do with this." Sabato had let the groceries fell down on the sidewalk and was in the fight position.

"Sabato. You broke your promise at the loyalty of our master. You gave safety when you had to bring her to our master. Now you will pay!" One of the woman declared and the others attacked them.

Two of the women dragged the girls inside the van. They closed the door and started the engine. Before they turned of one of the doors opened and Sabato tried to get the girls out. Not knowing that one of the women was still on her feet and had her weapon with her. One moment and he was dead. Maolier looked shocked at the lifeless body who was dragged away from the van while Haguno hugged her and began to cry. Now both of her parents were gone and Maolier swore to herself vengeance for her family.

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