Wanderlust ✓

By AnxietyIsMyWeakness

219K 5.5K 1.8K

When introverted Paige Lewis unexpectedly wins a radio contest, she didn't know she would be off to Florida f... More

0. Music of love
1. Hopelessness
2. Bliss
3. Compromise
4. Annoyance
5. Organize
6. Nervousness
7. Relief
8. Exploring
9. Serene
10. Joyous
11. Playful
12. Contemplating
13. Amazed
14. Chaos
15. Bitter
16. Change
17. Euphoria
18. Reality
19. Departure
20. Unload
22. Patriotic
23. Mayhem
24. Return
25. Mess
26. Aftermath
27. Confrontation
28. Surprise
29. Breathless
30. Crisis
31. Heartbroken
32. Resentment
33. Tense
34. Cracked
35. Cease
36. Rescue
37. Encouragement
38. Forgiveness
39. Epilogue
40. Final Regards

21. Amusement

5.3K 116 22
By AnxietyIsMyWeakness

"Nope, nope, no."

I'd been going through my wardrobe for the past half an hour flinging different items of clothing behind me onto my bed or onto Kharis who had decided to come and help me get ready since Carly was off doing god knows what today. Every couple of minutes, I would hear a grunt of annoyance and shuffling on my bed as she moved out of the way from the onslaught of hoodies, leggings and jeans.

Kharis is useful for a lot of things like last minute homework or random facts that I really didn't need to know but fashion? She was as clueless as I was. We had simular tastes with hoodies and jeans, however my palette was usually more neutral tones, hers was more colorful and vibrant. Although, Kharis doesn't care as much as me, she only really needs her own approval not others.

Nevertheless, I have been stuck on what outfit to wear and Kharis hasn't really had any useful input on the situation. Only humming when I say something or grunting depending on my tone. With the majority of my wardrobe laid out on my bed, I collapsed on top of it checking the time on my phone.

Six thirty.

Half an hour until Parker gets here.

"What if I just cancel? Do you think it's too late to do that?"

Finally looking up from her phone, Kharis squinted at me.

"I mean, he's going to be here soon what are you going to tell him? 'Oh hi Parkie, sorry I won't be able to make it cause my wardrobe doesn't have the right clothes. Toodles! Maybe next time.'"

I threw a shirt back at her, trying to quiet her snickering.

"I could just tell him I'm sick."

"Or you can just choose something to wear, like a normal person."

"But what if it's not right for the date? What if I wear a fancy dress and heels and we go to Mcdonalds? What if I wear a t-shirt and leggings and suddenly we're going to a nice steakhouse? I'll make a fool out of myself!"

Rolling her eyes, she sat up. "What about that stuff Natalie gave you? Surely there's something ther-"

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that... Wait how do you know about that?"

"The mystic forces told me..."

I squinted back at her, not appreciating the sarcasm. She simply rolled her eyes, adjusting herself on the bed and snarked, "Carly told me duh. We talk you know."

Ignoring her comment, I walked back to the closet. I dug around the drawer, looking for the item I needed.

"Ah ha!"

I turned around to Kharis again presenting the item down in front of her.

"O-kay a pair of black shorts. What top?"

I began rummaging around on my bed.

"How about," I continued rummaging," This!"

Once again, I presented an item to Kharis. This time it was from my own collection. An olive green tank top. Holding up my index finger, I rummaged around looking for something more to add to the outfit. I perked up when I felt the silky material between my fingers and carefully pulled it out of the pile. A flowery kimono jacket my aunt had gotten me on her last trip to Japan. Perfect.

"Finally! See that didn't take that long, you definitely didn't need an hour," she mumbled.

I grabbed the clothes and raced across the hall to the bathroom to change.

Ten minutes left.

I got back as soon as I'd changed and noticed my beat up converse and a pair of ankle high fishnet socks laying beside them.

Kharis was now standing by my desk, getting some make up out of her bag.

"You can put them on in a minute. We need to do this now or else Carly will kill me."

I relaxed slightly before settling down in the chair. Nerves that were once buzzing had died down a bit but there was still a fluttering sensation in my stomach.

Let's hope this was the right choice...


As I was slipping my converse on, I heard the doorbell ring followed by my mom's voice.

"Paige! Honey, Parker's here!" She called up.

"Oh shit."

I shoved my foot into my shoe, not caring that the front was messed up before sprinting down the stairs, Kharis in tow. There were a few things in life I didn't want to happen. Right now, I didn't want Parker alone in a room with my family.

"Ah there she is. I was just telling Parker about how this was your first date in, well... ever!"

Parker was standing by the door facing towards my mom so I hadn't been able to see him fully yet. Several footsteps behind me reminded me that Kharis was still here and I could clearly hear Carly's voice coming from her phone.

I inwardly groaned at what my mother had said. "That's enough, mom! We'll be leaving now before the embarrassment continues!" I announced, stepping forward and tugging on Parker's arm with one hand as my other opened the door.

Before my family could add in another comment, we were out the door and heading towards what I assumed was Parker's Audi.

"Woah! What's the rush, Paige? I like seeing you flustered." He smirked, stopping us about a foot from the car.

I stepped back from him, finally having the time to take in his appearance.

Oh thank god. He's casual!

He wore dark blue jeans with a fitted, simple black tee that made me want to run my hands down his chest. He had slightly styled his hair, adding a little bit of volume to it although, seemed to have given up halfway through judging by the back of his head. Scruffy as always.

"Oh look it's happening again."

I met his eyes in a confused look while he walked around me to open up the passenger door.

"You have that flustered look in your eyes and you were looking at me this time so who knows what was going through that pretty little head of yours." He winked, gesturing a hand to the open door for me to climb in and I slowly did.

Deep breaths, Paige. He's too hot for his own good.

Parker settled into the black leather seat and started the car. Soft rock music came out of the speakers and I recognized the radio station's DJ as soon as he announced the next song. The world works in mysterious ways because the boy sitting next to me would've been a stranger without this radio station and their contest. I'm just so glad that it happened, as crazy as it is.

"Isn't this weird? Me driving you around finally and being back home, together?" He smiled over to me as the car came to a stop at a red light.

"Definitely. But good weird." I smiled back as he took me by surprise and reached his right hand over to grasp my own.

"We're gonna have so much fun tonight, just you wait." He said, followed by a squeeze of my hand.


I think Parker's definition of "fun" is different than mine...

"Er, I don't know about this Park." I frowned over at him and continued to tie up the laces.

"You're gonna be fine. I'm just surprised you haven't done this before."

He rolled up in front of me, holding out his hands to help me up because he had unfortunately noticed I was done lacing.

"Well no one's ever wanted to take a clumsy girl roller skating." I paused, hesitant to grab his hands and finally be up on the skates.

"I'm up for the challenge."

Getting annoyed with my slow movements, he took matters into his own hands. Literally.

Before I knew it, I was up and sliding around as I held onto his arms in a death grip. He slowly moved us around only a few steps to the rink and I exchanged my hold on him to grasp onto the barrier between the slippery wood and the carpet.

I tried moving my feet in itty bitty steps, ending up stumbling almost every time. Parker was already spinning around me, showing off his skills with going backwards.

"You're gonna have to help me if you want me to get anywhere else other than the wall." I told him with a stern face and he made his way over.

"Just walk regularly, like there's no wheels on your feet." He told me, grabbing my left hand in his.

It's harder than it looks, Parker!

I was off. Gliding beside him as we went along and I thought I was getting the hang of it until my ankle decided to twist. "Ah!"

I stumbled down in what felt like slow motion but instead of crashing down onto the hard floor, a body caught me instead. Parker let out an "oof" as I collided into his chest and his arms wrapped around me instinctively.

"I'm so sorry! I tripped and didn't know I would go down like that and didn't mean to bring you down with me and-" I babbled on until he reached a hand out to cup my face.

"It's alright," he laughed, "You were right. You're definitely clumsy but I find it adorable."

We were only inches apart, lying in the middle of the rink but that was the last thing on my mind. All I could think about was his soft lips that slowly moved towards my own before they crashed into mine.

I missed this.

Our lips moved in sync in soft and smooth motions, filling my heart with joy. I pushed on, continuing to hold him against me and never wanting it to end but it did...

"Hey! You two on the floor! No PDA in the rink, you're outta here." A voice boomed from the side breaking up our intimate moment and that's when reality set in and I remembered we were in public.

I scrambled off of Parker in a hurry but couldn't get up on my own because of the stupid skates strapped to my feet. He got up swiftly and grabbed onto me tightly to help me up so we could make our way to the exit.

The large worker was there waiting for us with a deep frown. "I don't tolerate that behavior in my rink and you guys were blocking my customers so I gotta get you out of here for the night, sorry."

I hid behind Parker as he shrugged and took the blame, pushing past the man to help me sit down on the bench.

How many times do I have to be embarrassed in a day?!


"So have you seen the crazy red head since being back?"

I chuckled shoving another greasy french fry into my mouth before replying. "Yes, she wouldn't leave me alone as soon as she knew I had come home. What about your arrogant twin? Seen him yet?"

He took a sip of his coke, scooting closer to me on the cool metal. We were now side by side on the hood of his nice car that I tried not to scratch when I climbed up on and we were parked in the McDonald's parking lot. Yes, I said McDonald's. Because who doesn't like this delicious fast food that's awful for you? I suggested it after we "left" the roller rink and it was an easy stop across the street. All I wanted were the yummy fries to cure my embarrassment at the situation we just went through.

"Marcus? Nah, he's been busy working at his dad's company and probably trying to hook up with the cougars," Parker said casually.

I snorted out a bit of my sprite in amusement. "No way. That's hilarious! You're telling the truth?"

He smiled. "I'm dead serious. I don't understand his mindset."

I leaned on my side to face him directly, now done with the unhealthy snack. "No? Not into older women?"

"Nope. But I am into one woman at the moment," he said, leaning in closer to my face so we were only a foot apart.

"Is that right?" I teased, closing the gap once and for all. I gained enough confidence to capture his lips with my own and reached up to grab his soft hair with my fingers. He gripped my waist, trying to keep me in his hold which felt like forever.

We finally had to lean back from each other for air but that didn't stop us from staying close and attached.

"Did your mom manage to pick you up from the airport?"

Parker went silent and still. The light that had previous been in his eyes disappeared while his muscles tensed around me. He slowly began shaking his head.

"Uh, no. No, she didn't. She had to pick my step sister up from her summer camp. Which is understandable I mean..."


"...she's younger than me so she can't really take a taxi on her own yet but I can cause y'know I'm going to be a senior so-"


That stopped his rambling. He met my eyes. Sadness and disappointment had painted his beautiful features. It made me want to cry. Cupping his cheeks with both of my hands, I gently stroked over them, letting him know I was here.

"God, sorry Paige. I didn't mean to ramble. It just happens sometimes."

I frowned, placing my hand against his forehead.

"Ah, it seems you have come down with a bad case of the Paige Lewis virus. Symptoms may include; tripping over air, talking to one self, being indecisive, prolonged rambling and last but not least some good ol' anxiety. Although it can be cured. All one simply needs is a kiss, or several from the woman herself."

With the last spur of confidence, I brought our lips together once more in a short kiss. I pulled away from Parker feeling him smiling against my own lips.

"Thanks Paige. But I feel like I need some more medicine to make sure I am truly cured."

I rolled my eyes as he pulled me forward again in a long, soft, teasing kiss. "Mmm I would stay here forever with you but I gotta get you home. Your dad warned me that your curfew was midnight and we're an hour out of town. He said that if I didn't make that time and I quote 'beat you up until you can't stand' so..."

I put my hands over my face and gently shook my head. "Oh god. I'm so sorry. I'm his only daughter so he's a bit overprotective." 

"Let's get going then so I don't have to fight your dad," he replied, hopping off the car and holding a hand out to help me up.

We both laughed hard, entering the car on a light note and ending what was one of the best, disaster but perfect first dates.

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