Our Little Sunshine//Fifth Ha...

By lanasparilla

117K 3.3K 1.1K

Ally suddenly isn't the little ball of sunshine and energy like usually, surely this doesn't get unnoticed by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

3K 115 52
By lanasparilla

Ay-guess who's actually trying to update regularly and or daily. Ps another long one for y'all-and it's kinda a Continuation of the last chapter

I wake up gasping and when I look around, I'm wrapped in Mommys' Arms, laying in her Bed with the Bathroom light turned on and used as Nightlight. I reach for her Phone and Press the Home Botton-the bright screen showing 5:32am. In my Hand I find Mr. Rabbie, while in Mommys' Hand there's my fluffy blanket. I'm also changed into a new Diaper now, while Mommy wears nothing but a thin Sweatshirt and some Shorts. I whimper and bury myself into Mommys' Neck again, Mr. Rabbie's Ear in my Mouth. I feel someone Patting my Bottom, and I whimper, knowing that I woke Mommy up yet again. "It's all fine, Babygirl, Mommy's here.", She coos and cuddles me close to her. "Did you have another Nightmare?", She Asks and I nod. "Alright Baby, lets warm you a Bottle and try sleeping again, okay?", She Asks and I shake my Head, afraid of other Nightmares. "Alrighttt..I'd say let's color, but Mama is going to kill me if we do so, so how about playing with your Toys a little, hm? If you get tired then you can take a nap anytime.", She says and I nod with a smile, before wrapping myself around her. "Alright come on, my little Baby Koala.", She says chuckling and Lifts me onto her Hip before we make our way downstairs.

We turn to get in the Kitchen and once turn around the Corner, there stands Mama with a Lamp in her Hand. "Ah!", Mommy yells and falls to the Floor, me on Top Of Her. "Mama!", I exclaim giggling and run over to her, hugging her and burying my Face in her Chest. "Don't ever do that again! I almost died!", Mommy says and dramatically holds her Hand over her Heart. "You also scared the sh—poop outta me.", Mama says and I Giggle and kiss her Chin, before she holds me onto her Hip and I wrap my Legs around her Waist. "Why are you two up already?", Mama Asks and I tell her (as best as I can) about my Nightmares and that Mommy and me were going to Play now. "Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio- we are having a Meeting Tomorrow-or well-today!", Mama says sternly while patting my Bottom. "Mama, Mommy corner now?", I ask and she chuckles but shakes her Head. "Mommies don't get into corners, Doll.", She Explains and sets me down in my Highchair, while Mommy prepares my Milk and Mama cuts some Fruits into small Pieces. "Alright open up Baby.", Mommy says once the Milk is finished, and once again it tastes a little bit like the disgusting Medicine, but I know better than to throw a tantrum, not wanting to end up in the Corner myself. I finish it all while Mommy goes and gets my Play-Doh, Kinetic Sand, Disney Coloring Book and my Wonder Woman Paci. In the Meantime we wait, Mama feeds me some Carrots and Apple pieces, even thought I know that there still is some Candy in the Top Drawer. I blush and smile when I realize that my Picture, that I drew the other day, Is now pinned on the Fridge with little Heart Magnets.

I giggle as Mommy makes another Silly Face, this time she touches her Nose with her Index Finger and squints at it, making weird notices at doing so. "They're going to get stuuuck.", Mama sing songs and I giggle more when she starts bouncing me up and down on her Lap. My Paci falls out, and I Take Mr. Rabbie's' Ear in my Mouth instead, Then my Attention goes back to the Play-Doh. I babble to myself while creating a few Figures (such as Hearts, Circles and Tetrahedrons), until I feel The Stuffie being pulled out of my Mouth and being replaced with my Paci once again. "Momma!", I yell once I see Momma stumbling into the Living Room. I quickly get up from Mamas' Lap and run (more like stumble, with the Diaper Bulge between my Legs) to Momma, who catches me in her Arms and picks me up once I'm in her Reach. "What are you doing up already? Seriously Girls I love you but you're out of your Mind, it's six in the Morning.", She groans tiredly before turning to me, a playful look replacing the Tired one. "And you little one should be sleeping as well.", She says chuckling and tickles me on my Feet, making me giggle and squeal in her Hold. "I better get ready for the Meeting then, Can you get Ally her Bottle and something to eat? I've got to shower.", Mama says and kisses my Head before disappearing upstairs. Mommy goes to leave as well, probably also to get ready, But Momma stops her and tells her to clean the Play-Doh up and scratch it off the Floor and Sofa.

While Mr. Rabbie and me have a Conversation, Momma prepares everything that Mama told her, then she gets herself a Coffee, which I learned (the hard way), does not taste good. I look up from Mr. Rabbie and notice Momma smiling at me, my Bottle and A Plate Of Cut Carrots and some white Sauce (I think its named tzatziki, but I always call it White Sauce, given I can't pronounce it anyway) in her Hands. "Hey Babe.", She says smiling, and I blush a little, knowing she's heard me and Mr. Rabbie talk about playing in my Ball Pit again. I wave a little, giving her a Bright Smile. "Playing Hm?", She Asks with a Small smile and I grin even wider, nodding happily. "Alright, but let's eat first, then you can have your Bottle and then we can play a little before taking a Nap.", Momma suggests and I agree smiling.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"No pantsieeees!", I pout and try pushing Mami's Hands off me. "Hey, no Hitting!", She Replies sternly and takes my Hands out of the Way, holding them together with One of Hers before continuing to put the Leggins over my Diaper. We're going to go to a park, they said, which is great actually, but I don't want to get dressed for that! "Noo!", I wail and keep wiggling Away, so Mami can't dress me. "Alright One More Warning or you'll get a Time Out.", She warns and pulls me closer again before putting the Leggins on. She takes a Big Shirt Of Mommy, given they're my Favorites and I refuse to wear any others. They're so big and smell so good like Snacks. I obliviously kick her when she tries putting some socks on me, and it takes just a few seconds before she picks me up sighing and sits me down in the Corner again, my Head facing the Wall. "No weave Mami!", I yell crying when she moves away from me to set her phone down. "I'm not leaving Babygirl.", She Replies And picks me up onto her Hip again, kissing my Forehead. "You see the Rocking Chair there?", She Asks And I nod, Tears slowly stopping now that I'm in her Arms again. "I'll be there the whole Time, Allybee. I promise. Five Minutes facing the Corner, then we can cuddle a little, I'll continue dressing you and then we can cuddle all the way in the Car. Kicking is bad but I doubt that you'll do it again after this Time out, so you can have Mr. Rabbie this one time.", She promises and Hands me Mr. Rabbie before kissing my Head again. "Pwomise?", I ask with Teary eyes. "I'm here all the Time, Princess.", She assures me and sits me down on the Ground again. "Ready?", She Asks and I nod, hugging Mr. Rabbie real close. "Five minutes from now Baby, I want you to face the Wall okay? If something is completely wrong then you can come running to me and we'll talk about it.", She says and kisses my Head. "Wes Mami.", I answer, my Words slightly muffled by Mr. Rabbies' Ear in my Mouth. I start tracing my Fingers up and down the Wall, like Spiders' Legs, calmed by hearing Mamis' Lightly humming and the Sound of the Rocking Chair, telling me that she really isn't leaving me.

After what felt like an Hour, Momma finally tells me that I can come out of the Corner again, and I run, as fast as my short Legs and the Diaper Bulge would let me, into her Direction, cuddling her close when she picks me up and sets me into her Lap. "M'sowwy Momma! I no wanna be bad!", I Whimper, cuddling her close. "Ssh You're not bad baby, you just did something bad, but you're all forgiven now.", She says and kisses my Forehead before Rocking us slightly. "Pway in da park?", I ask and she smiles and nods before carrying me back to the Changing Table, laying me down on it and putting on my Socks once again.

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