
By asgardixn

50.3K 1.8K 769

The Ministry of Magic is terrible. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter want to do something about it. But they fall... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

3.9K 143 101
By asgardixn

All the Avengers besides Thor stumbled and took a couple seconds to get back up after the Apparation experience.

"Teddy!" Harry yelled. Harry ran downstairs since he had apparated to an empty room in the house. The Avengers followed.

Teddy turned around, holding a wand to the door to hold the man out while using slight wandless magic to shield them.

"Harry! Oh thank Merlin! Draco's over there. I can hold the man off while you bring him back."

Harry nodded while running down to the basement to grab a cauldron and the ingredients needed. He came back upstairs and put his stuff down next to Draco.

Banner slowly made his way over to him. "I can help, if you'd like."

"Yeah, um," He cast an Aguamenti and got started. "Can you pass me the vial that has the yarrow, please?"

Banner nodded and passed him the vial. Harry opened it and put three of the flowers inside the cauldron.

"Now the spider venom, please."

They went on for a couple minutes, Teddy still holding off the man who was still trying to get in. The other Avengers ready to fight if needed, while Banner and Harry worked to get Draco back.

"Okay, pass me the knife please."

Banner gave him the knife. Harry cut a straight line down his forearm and let the blood drip into the cauldron. He had to cut his skin many times because he kept healing. He cleaned the knife then cut into Draco's arm, taking the smallest amount of blood and adding it into the mix. He stirred for a bit before using the Elder wand to pull on the magic surrounding the soul in the bracelet.

A couple seconds later, Draco's eyes shot open while gasping for air. "Fuck. I forgot how terrible that feels."

Harry laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Dray, thank Merlin."

Draco had only died a couple times, each time brought back by Harry. No matter how many times they went through it, it was always stressful when one of them died.

Harry sent the cauldron and ingredients down to the basement before kissing Draco. He got up after pulling away.

He stood next to Teddy, Elder wand pointed at the door. Draco leaned against the wall with Banner next to him. He didn't even bother asking who it was. He was familiar with the Doctor's work. At the moment, he just needed to rest a bit. Coming back to life really takes the life out of you.

"Ted, let go. I'll open the wards to him."

"Are you out of your mind?" Barton yelled. "You wanna bring a crazed psycho into your house? The one that kinda killed your husband?"

"He knows who we are. He called Draco 'Death Eater scum'. He's from our world." Harry explained.

Teddy leaned to Harry, "Do you think it's Sirius?"

"I doubt it. He wouldn't kill Dray no matter how much he hated Lucius, Bellatrix or Snape."

Teddy nodded, "Letting go in three..." Harry started adjusting the wards. "Two..." Harry finished. "One." Teddy let go of the spell holding him back and Harry opened the door.

A man with shaggy blonde-brown hair, scars on his face and worn out clothes entered. He reminded Harry of Remus Lupin.

The man held his wand to Harry. Harry thought he recognized the wand, but he could be wrong.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"Who are you? You aren't Harry Potter. He would be at least 32 by now, in terms of this world."

"I am indeed Harry Potter, if the scar doesn't tell you that. Now answer me, who are you?" Harry asked again.

"Harry. It's me. It's Sirius."

"Get rid of the glamours."

"Sirius" nodded and cast a couple spells to get rid of his glamours. Black hair replaced the blonde-brown. His skin became lighter, eyes darker, and grew a couple inches. He had more aristocratic features than he did with the glamours.

"Tell me something only Sirius would know."

"Your third year, you and Hermione used a time turned to get me out of getting Kissed and told me to use Buckbeak the Hippogriff to escape getting Kissed. I hid out with Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, in my Animagus form during the school year."

"Show me. Let's see Snuffles, then."

Sirius nodded and turned into his animagus. It was the same black dog that Harry recognized from third through fifth years. The supposed grim that Trelawney said was his death omen for the year.

Harry broke out into a smile and went to pet the dog.

"So that's it? He kills your husband and now we're fine with him?" Stark asked, earning an elbow jab from Rogers.

"He's my godfather." Harry backed up as Sirius turned back into his normal form.

"Who is that?" Sirius asked, pointing at Teddy.

"I'm surprised you didn't recognize him. Well, not really. He's a Metamorphous."

Sirius gasped. "Cousin Andromeda's grandkid? Tonks' son?"


"Tonks and who?"

Harry smiled, "Remus. Moony."

Sirius seemed like he was gonna cry, "He found someone? How is he? Well, how are they?"

Teddy frowned, "They died a month after I was born. Gran took care of me until she died the year I graduated."

Sirius turned to Harry, "What the hell happened? Why's Moony dead? He was supposed to survive! He was supposed to protect you after I was gone! That was the Marauders rule. Whoever's left takes care of Prongslet, that's you by the way. First it was passed onto Remus after James died. Then me as your godfather. Then back to Moony. Wait, how's the Wizarding World even right now?"

"You all might wanna sit down. They already heard somewhat of a story because of a truth charm." The group all sat down in the living room, Harry closest to Draco. The Avengers, minus Thor, all seemed to be on edge still, as if Sirius could attack at any moment. "The year after you 'died', Draco was turned into a Death Eater, Voldemort saying he had to kill Dumbledore or he would kill his family. The end of the year came, and when he was gonna kill him, Snape killed him instead."

"Snivellus?! Oh, I knew he was a piece of shit. Since he started hanging out with Malfoy and Cousin Bellatrix, I knew he was shit. He called Lily a Mudblood!"

"Sirius. Snape and Dumbledore planned it. Dumbledore wanted Snape to be the one to kill him, so he could prove his loyalty to Voldemort so he would trust him. After that Hermione, Ron and I went for Tom Riddle's Horcruxes. We found most but had to go back to Hogwarts to find the last couple. Then I ended up being a Horcrux and whatever. War broke out at Hogwarts, the Battle of Hogwarts. May 2nd, 1998. Hell broke lose. So many people died, Sirius. Fred Weasley died, Snape died, Lavender Brown died, Colin Creevey died. Remus and Tonks died. I had to die. But Dumbledore gave me the Resurrection Stone so I came back. Thanks to Narcissa, I'm still here."

"Cissy? Oh, I missed her so much. How is she?"

Draco spoke up. "She's dead. Died two years after the war."

"Malfoy? You're supposed to be dead!"

"Yeah, we need to talk about that." Harry crossed his arms. "You shot my husband with the Killing Curse, Sirius!"

"You married him?! I knew you were into blokes, but seriously?! Why not someone like-"

"Like who? I had a crush on Cedric and he died. Krum is as straight as a board. The Weasleys were too much like family. Dean and Seamus were gay for each other. Neville was hardcore crushing on Luna during our school years."

"But him? A Death Eater's son?"

Harry slapped Sirius.

"He's my husband. If you talk about him like that again, I will kill you."

"Alright, sorry! I just didn't know how to react!" He held his hands up in surrender. "Now you were saying? About the War?"

"I killed Voldemort. Most Death Eaters are now in Azkaban. Bellatrix was killed by Molly after she tried to kill Ginerva. Lucius is gonna rot in there until he dies, unless he already died."

Draco laughed, "Serves him right."

"What'd you do after?"

"I became Head Auror. And don't say James would be proud of you. I was sentenced to Azkaban with three murder charges. Two of which were idiotic."

"What were you sentenced with?"

"Assist of murder of Cedric Diggory. Murder of Tom Riddle. And Attempted Murder of Andrew Creevey. It's a really long story."

"Don't forget me! I was sentenced to 20 years, I think they said, for harboring a fugitive!" Draco laughed, though there was nothing funny about it.

"Wow, okay. Well, moving on. Who are they?" He pointed at the Avengers.

"They're the Avengers. The us, you could say, of this world. They're superheroes."

"Hi, yeah, excuse me. They're also really confused over here." Stark said.

"Who are you?" Sirius asked.

"Seriously? Do you not know who I am?"

"He's giving off strong Draco 'my father will hear about this' Malfoy vibes right now, but no. I do not know who you are." Draco contemplated telling Sirius that he was now Draco Potter, but that would probably make him even more confused.

Stark whined. "I'm Tony Stark. Or Iron Man. That's Steve Rogers, Captain America. Then there's Clint Barton, Hawkeye and Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow. Then the giant blonde with the hammer is Thor. And the one sitting with the Doctor, is Doctor Bruce Banner, or the Hulk."

"Oh! The Hulk! Doctor Banner, your transformation reminds me so much of an animagus or a werewolf transformation. You have to show me how you do it someday." Sirius smiled.

Bruce looked shocked. No one ever wanted to actually see him do it. He just did it for the necessary task at hand.

"So he knows Brucey but not me. They all know Bruce but not me." Stark pouted. "But still. What's the Killing Curse and if it's supposed to be a Killing Curse, how's he still alive?"

Harry sighed. "The Killing Curse is exactly what it sounds like. It's one part of the three Unforgivables. It's the Killing Curse, the Torture Curse and the Mind Control Curse. When you use them in our world, you're supposed to get sent to Azkaban, the prison I was talking about. The Killing Curse can kill you with just two words. The Torture Curse causes you an immense amount of pain just by saying one word. The Mind Control Curse, is also what it sounds like. With one word, you can get anyone to do anything for you. The reason he's still alive is because he has a Horcrux."

"You mean the thing you sought out to destroy when you were supposed to be in your seventh year?" Rogers asked.

"Well, yeah. But in this case, Draco was forced to make a Horcrux by Voldemort. He believed that if he failed, Draco would be the one to carry out his work, seeing as Lucius was his right hand man. And it helped the Draco was the one that we could trust the easiest since he went to school with us. A Horcrux is supposed to cause you to go insane because a part of your soul is missing, also cause whoever around it to be extra mad, mean, et cetera. Basically your feelings are dialed up to an eleven. But before Narcissa died, she and Draco worked on a spell that causes those side effects to go away. That's the reason I was able to bring him back. There's only been one person to ever survive the Killing Curse without anything to bring them back, and like I said earlier, it was me.

"But anyways. How are you here?" Harry asked Sirius.

"I fell through the Veil. I originally landed on a different world, Earth-37, I think. They had a Wizarding World, though a more advanced one, so I was able to get to their Ministry and go through their Veil. That world had been in a war between the Muggles and Wizards. Then I landed on another one, Earth-441. Although they didn't have a Wizarding World, they had a Veil. The Muggles had been testing it and trying to figure out what it was with little to no luck. Then I landed on a planet in this galaxy. I believe it was called Titan...? I found a young man, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin. I told him I had to go to Earth and he teleported me here. It was sort of like Apparation. He told me before he left, 'He's coming. The Mad Titan Thanos is looking for the Infinity Stones. Tell the Avengers'. I didn't know who they were or how the heck I'd find them. I've been on this Earth for a year or so now. Then in a pub I hear some man complaining that their superior was bring up an old case from the 70s about an unknown sudden energy burst. I knew someone from another world was here so I started looking. And that lead me to here."

Thor spoke up, "Did the man you spoke of earlier have on green, black, or gold on?" Now, Thor seemed to be on edge.

Sirius thought for a bit, "Yeah. He had on a gold helmet too. It had like horns on it."

"And what did he say again?"

"He said, 'He's coming. The Mad Titan Thanos is looking for the Infinity Stones. Tell the Avengers'."

"Is it Loki?" Steve asked Thor.

"I believe so. If what he is saying is true, that most likely means that my brother was being used by the Mad Titan."

"Loki? As in the one who attacked New York?" Sirius asked. "That's where I recognized him from! I'm such an idiot."

"Wait. You said you've been on this Earth for a year, yet the Avengers didn't exist then. How could Loki know about us if we weren't a team yet?" Tony asked.

"It was most likely Heimdall who told him. He is a Seer, he can see into the future." Thor explained.

"Like Luna!" Draco said, finally getting up off the floor to sit next to Harry.

"Luna Lovegood? She's a Seer?" Sirius asked. Draco nodded. "No wonder she was always a bit off. How is she?"

"Last I checked, running the Quibbler."

"Wait. How long have you been here?"

Harry, Teddy and Draco looked at each other. "Um, 42-43 years." Teddy said. "Since 1970."

"What?! What year was it in the Wizarding World? And what happened?"

"2052. Granger was Minister. One of her and the Weasel's kids was an Auror. The she-weasel married a man but got divorced three months later, everyone claimed her to be 'devastated after the death of the childhood love'. Personally, I think she was just a gold digger." Draco snickered. "The Malfoy reputation was never fully restored after the War, though me and my mother tried. I'm pretty sure McGonagall is immortal. She was still around by the time we left. Just not as Headmistress. She retired, Teddy was Headmaster and now I don't know who is. Maybe Longbottom. He was Head of Gryffindor and Herbology professor. The Weasley twin left runs the joke shop. The one they both set up during our fifth year. He named his son after his twin. And my favorite part. Theodore Nott was Head of Slytherin! He taught Potions. No one liked him. The professors dealt with him but the students... he's just as bad as Moody slash Barty Crouch Jr."

"Oh. That's bad." Sirius mumbled.

"I tried firing him but the Board didn't let me to show 'not all ex-Death Eaters are bad!' I know that because of Draco but my students were more important than the Ministry mantra." Teddy said.

"Wait, hold on. What's a Death Eater again? Who's the Board? Who the hell is Theodore Nott? Who's Moody slash Barty Crouch Jr? Who's Longbottom? Who's McGonagall? Who's the twin left? Who's the she-weasel? And why is she devastated over her childhood crushes death?" Barton asked.

"The Death Eaters were Voldemort's minions. The Board is the Hogwarts Board, basically the only people above the Headmaster. Theodore Nott was one of Draco's classmates, both in year and House. His father was a Death Eater, though he never got the Mark himself. Moody is an ex-Auror. Barty Crouch Jr is a Death Eater and a previous Ministers son. He Polyjuiced himself into Moody and he's the reason I was in the Triwizard Tournament my fourth year. Neville Longbottom was one of my classmates, also in year and House. He was always scared of basically every class, especially Potions because of Snape, but Herbology was like the only thing he was confident in. McGonagall was Head of Gryffindor up until after the Battle when she became Headmistress. She was also Deputy Headmistress before the War. The she-weasel, as Draco loves calling her, is Ginerva Weasley, Ron's younger and only sister. She had a crush on me her whole childhood. We dated briefly after the War then I realized I was that the whole relationship was based on ifs. If we're gonna live. If we're gonna win the War. It was forced and we broke up about a year after the war. Which brings us to our next point. Her childhood crushes death. That was me. We faked our deaths to stop the Ministry from looking for us. But that didn't happen! We Polyjuiced some Death Eaters we found during our run from the Ministry and killed them. It may sound harsh, but they technically killed me first, so I mean..."

"My idea. Brilliant, isn't it? The Aurors really should've thought to look for distinct marks like tattoos."

Teddy laughed, his hair slightly turning more of a yellow blonde. "Right. Because they would know you have your patronus and your wedding date tattooed on your chest."

"How'd his hair change color?" Banner asked.

"I thought we already explained this. he's a Metamorphous. He can change his form at will." Harry said.

Teddy smiled and turned into a copy of Banner.

"Okay. That's creepy." Barton said.

Teddy laughed again before turned back to his platinum hair and green eyes. "It's how I reminded myself of Draco and Harry while they were on their run. I just turned myself into their love child! Of course we have the iconic Malfoy blonde hair and the Evans' green eyes."

"Wait... you inherited Tonks' Metamorphous genes. Did you also get Remus'... illness, as he called it?"

"If you're talking about his werewolf genes, no I didn't. Harry told me that when Dad went to him to ask him to be my godfather, he also said he was worried about passing on his werewolf-ness to me because he didn't want me to be treated differently because of it."


"What's a patronus again?" Someone asked. At this point, Sirius couldn't tell who was who.

"It's a sign of happiness, I guess. It's a white-blue misty animal that represents you and your true love or someone important to you. When I was younger, my Patronus was a stag, just like my fathers. Now, it's a dragon. One of their main purposes is holding back dementors. Dementors suck the soul out of you and replays your worst experience while a patronus uses a powerful, happy memory to fight it back. In third year, when Sirius escaped, we had Dementors circling the school. During the train ride, a dementor got in the train while looking for Sirius. Everything got cold. I could hear a woman's scream. Then I passed out, but Remus, who was in the same train compartment as us, cast a patronus and sent it away. I later found out that the woman's scream was my mothers before she died to Voldemort."

"So you have your patronus and your wedding date tattooed?" Rogers asked, slowly speaking out the word patronus.

Harry nodded and unzipped the SHIELD Agent uniform that he was still wearing. He had the tattoo on his collarbone.

"How come Fury never noticed it?" Barton asked, both to Harry and to Romanoff.

"I cast glamours on them. Most of them anyways. I cover up the patronus, the Draco constellation and the Marauders. I keep the Snitch and the Deathly Hallows out. No one knows what they mean, so it doesn't matter."

"The Deathly Hallows? Harry James Potter, what the hell did you do?"

"Did I forget to mention that? Oh, yeah, I kinda got all the Hallows my seventh year and now I'm the Master of Death... It's how I can't die."

Sirius sighed. "Two years, Potter. I'm gone for two years and you decide to become the Master of Death..."

"May I see this Deathly Hallow tattoo that you have?" Thor asked. He had a suspicion about it, that it might be something that he was thinking of but he had to be sure.

Harry was slightly confused but he nodded. He moved the bracelet slightly down his arm and showed the tattoo that was on his wrist.

Thor's eyes widened. "That is the symbol of Hela, the goddess of death. There were tales on Asgard of a man who could bend the laws of death at his will. He was called the Lord of the Deceased. The tale said that the man who held this power shall not be defeated by another. Only he shall lead himself to his own demise. The tale was always as such, just a tale. The symbol is known for the same reason. The line meaning power, the circle for lost love and the triangle for death."

Harry chuckled. "In our world, whoever possesses all three of the Deathly Hallows is the Master of Death. It's also a tale. A tale of three brothers. Three brothers came across a treacherous river which would kill whoever come near it. So the brothers made a bridge over the river. Death showed up, said to congratulate the brothers for their job well done by giving them each a wish.

Harry went on to explain the story of the Three Brothers.

"The circle is the Stone, standing for those of lost love. The line is the Wand, for power. And the triangle is the Cloak, the one who greeted Death like an old friend. It just so happens that it all connects back to me.

"The three brothers are Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus Peverell. The Peverell family spilts two ways. The Potters and the Gaunts. Marvolo Gaunt claimed he had Peverell blood from the female line. He had the Peverell coat of arms, which is the Deathly Hallows symbol. Marvolo Gaunt is also Tom Riddle's, or Voldemort's father. The ring was passed onto Tom which he turned into one of the Horcruxes, the Gaunt Ring. Iolanthe Peverell, granddaughter of Ignotus Peverell, inherited the Invisibility Cloak. She married Hardwin Potter and explained that the Cloak was a secret that was passed onto the eldest child of each new generation of Potters.

"My father had the cloak. He left it with Dumbledore who gave it to me my first year at Hogwarts. As for the wand, Draco unarmed Dumbledore, making him the Master of the Wand. Then after we were kidnapped to Malfoy Manor, I disarmed Draco to escape, making me the Master of the Wand. But since Snape was the one to kill Dumbledore, Voldemort believed that while Snape was alive, he could never use the wand to its full potential, so he killed Snape. Then after Dumbledore died, in his Will, it included that I get the Snitch I caught in my first quidditch match. Engraved it said, 'I open at the close'. So when I went to face Voldemort, it finally opened and I got the Resurrection Stone. So, I became the Master of Death." Harry explained, mainly to Thor, but also to anyone else who listened.

"Harry. Go back like before that story. You have a Marauders tattoo?" Sirius asked, completely disregarding the story he just heard. He'd already heard it several times from his family and from James himself.

"Of course that's the only thing you pick up." Draco mumbled.

Harry laughed a bit and showed the stag, mutt and wolf on his hipbone.

"Obviously, I didn't include Pettigrew. Even though he did die saving me from the Manor."

"He did what? Wait, don't answer that. You'll tell me later."

Sirius scanned the room, eyes landing on Romanoff, "She's not another Weasley, right? Like she's not secretly Ginny Weasley in disguise, right?"

Harry laughed. "No, that's Agent Romanoff. From our world, it's only us four, as far as I know."

"Okay. Okay. You'll catch me up later. Wait. Important question. Who were the DADA teachers your 6th and 7th year. "

"6th year was Severus. Slughorn was Potions. 7th year, we don't know. I was hiding with my family and Harry was on the Horcrux Hunt." Draco explained.

"Slughorn? He absolutely adored Regulus. Couldn't care less about me. I was shit at potions while perfect Regulus was the good one at Potions. Obviously made his wall." Sirius groaned. Although, he missed his brother, he was still pissed about his childhood.

"Regulus?" Rogers asked.

"My younger brother. Died trying to get the Horcruxes once he turned against the Dark Lord." Sirius explained.

Rogers nodded.

The rest of the day was them catching up and explaining to the Avengers what all their words and phrases mean. Stark and Banner seemed to be the most interested. Thor was a close second. Romanoff and Barton still seemed on edge about the whole situation while Rogers just looked confused. One thing was learning about what you missing in your world, another is learning about a new world.

Overall, it was a pretty decent day for Harry and confusing for the Avengers.

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