I'll Ride For You, Homie

By unrelatedrae

317K 10.9K 22K

Down-low, bi-curious thug, Delontae "Smutt" Williams, has had curious thoughts about sexual activities with... More

c h a r a c t e r s
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
c h a r a c t e r*u p d a t e
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e
t h i r t y
c o n f e s s i o n a l s

f o u r t e e n

10.6K 302 640
By unrelatedrae

October 30, 1999


"Augh! Fuck!" I moan busting my nut untouched, again.

"Shit!" Delontae busts not too much longer after me. "Damn, baby. This gets better, and better every time." He smacks my ass before he collapses on top of me breathing unevenly.

"Mhm." I hum in response because he done gave me the itits.

All I wanna do is sleep nih.

"I know you ain't ti'ed?" He says in my ear as he lays on my back.

"I don't think you know how hard it is to keep yo' back arched when there's a dick the size of a toddlers leg drillin' yo' shit." I attempted to say it with attitude, but I know it came out sounding pathetic, especially since my breathing is a little off at the moment. "Not to mention it's like nine in the mornin'."

"I know I done wo'e dat ass aht. Yo' shit talkin' ass can barely talk yo' shit." He laughs in my ear, causing our bodies to vibrate from his laughter.

"Says the one that collapsed on top of me." I say groggily.

"I'an gon' lie, this ass got some power." He lazily smacks the side of my ass, being that he's still buried deep inside and laying on my back. "Got my bitch ass ready to fall asleep." He mumbles quietly, breaths evening out.

"Unh unh, get up, Delontae." I say half heartedly because I could use a nap my damn self.

"Shut up and go to sleep." He mumbles groggily. That sleepy voice sounding sexy as ever.

Guess we takin' a nap then.

"Aight, but don't forget we got shit to do today." I mumble, grabbing a pillow to adjust it under my head comfortably.

"Mhm." Delontae grabs the comforter and throws it over us, him still in me, and laying on me. "Thank you, baby." He kisses the back of my head.

No, thank you, is the last thought I have before I drift off in to a dreamless, deep sleep.


"Noooooo." I whine pushing Delontae from behind me as I try to shower. We overslept from our nap, which was only supposed to be an hour, two at most. We ended up sleeping for five hours, making it now fifteen minutes til three p.m. and here he is trying to have sex, yet again.

"Com'on, baby. Stop playin'." He comes up behind me again and starts to kiss on my sweet spot behind my ear.

"Noo-uhh." I groan. "Com'on stop playin', Delontae." I elbow him in his side, making him groan in pain. "You know we got thangs to do and people to see."

"You might, but I got people to do and thangs to see." He tries to kiss on my neck but I dodge it. "Jus' a quickie, babe. Com'on." He groans in irritation.

"We jus' had a damn quickie nigga! Why you so damn horny?" I ask him irritated myself. We woke up, well I was waken up, to him slow stroking me. He said he had a dream he was fucking me and it felt real to him.

Like, no shit Sherlock, your dick was still in my ass. That was a quickie that I, unfortunately, didn't get off to. Can't win 'em all right? He busted hard and fast. The only reason I'm not mad about it is because, as I've said earlier, we got shit to do today.

"Yo' ass is like a aphrodisiac, make me wanna lay up and fuck all day." He wraps his arms around me from behind.

I roll my eyes, "thank you, daddy." I turn my head to kiss his lips a few times, "nih hurry up and wash ya ass. You was s'posed to been at the shop, and I needa go gift shoppin' fa' my T lady." I begin scrubbing myself, trying to go as fast as possible.

"You the one that decided to go gift shoppin' last minute. That ain't my fault."

He got his nerve.

"First of all," I pause to dip my head under the running water, "the attitude is unnecessary. Second,"  I start to scrub over my body for the second time, getting every possible crevice as quickly as possible. "It is yo' fault, 'cause you feel like I gotta spend every moment I'm not at work wit' yo' ass."

"So you mad?" He has laughter in his tone. I can't see him because I'm currently scrubbing my face, but I definitely hear the amusement in his tone.

"Shut up, Delontae." I rinse off completely before I hop out of the shower. "If I'm dressed and ready before you I'm leavin' and you betta' lock my shit up too." I don't wait for him to respond as I walk out of the bathroom to finish getting ready.

I'm a simple nigga. I will wear a plain white tee with jeans any and every day. Unless there is a uniform, or I'm invited to an event with a dress code, plain white, or black if I'm feeling daring, tee is the go to every time.

"You'a white tee a muh fucka' to death, Poo." Delontae comes out of the bathroom in his towel wrapped around his waist. I roll my eyes at him for two reasons: one, bitch get out of my head. Two, I don't like for my mama to call me that, so his ass definitely can't.

"I done told you I'on like bein' called that name, Delontae." I glare at him.

"Unh hunh. But I keep forgettin' to actually give a fuck." He shrugs, dragging the towel all around his body to dry off. "I like callin' you that."

He know he fine.

"I know, you don't even call me by my name no mo'." I shake my head. "I'm either bae, babe, baby, or fuckin' Poo." I say the last nickname with an attitude to distract myself from wanting to fall to my knees. But I really don't like that nickname.

"Why you'on like the name Poo?" He asks me currently rubbing Keri lotion all over his body.

Look away, Arique! You got shit to do!

But he so fine! And he got good dick.

"You's a capper." I look at him like he's crazy because I never answered his question. "I got phenomenal dick," he pulls his boxers up. "But don't be tryna distract me. Why you'on like that nickname?"

I roll my eyes before responding. "Hate to be the one to tell you, but, phenomenal would mean I came every time we fucked, even if it's a quickie." So I lied a little earlier about not being mad because I didn't get a chance to cum.

Who gon' pop me?

"My nigga, that was one time!"

A bold face lie.

"Well naw. Try seven times, baby."

"It's yo' fault!" He starts to pull on his khaki Dickies.

"How you figure that?" I cock my left brow up.

"Nih I feel like you got a thing for being praised or some shit." He straight faces me pulling a belt through the loops of his pants.


"What?" I scrunch my face up in annoyed confusion.

"You like when I tell you how good yo' ass, and head game is."

"Well naw. I'an ever said nothin' like that."

"You'on have to say it. When I'm strokin' that shit and I tell you how good you takin' my dick, yo' dick jumps." I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "When I voice how good yo' ass feels wrapped around my dick you shiver, and pre cum oozes out the tip of yo' dick."

I'm not responding because I'm kind of in defense mode. Is he saying it like a good thing or a bad thing?

"When you eatin' me up and I tell you to keep doin' it, how you doin' it you damn near forget to breathe and yo' eyes flutter." He keeps going on, listing different things he noticed I like during sex. "Why you look offended about it?" He laughs.

"'Cause it makes me sound narcissistic." I look down at my shuffling feet with my arms still crossed. I hear him groan, and make his way over to me.

"I'on like that shit and you know it." He lifts my head by my chin. He pecks me twice on the lips before he continues. "Everybody likes to know when they makin' somebody feel good. Especially if they're puttin' in effort," he kisses my lips a few more times before sucking on my bottom lip. "You tryna make a nigga fall in love. Yo' ass ain't slick." He smirks and smacks my ass.

"Nigga please," I roll my eyes extra hard. "You basically only tellin' me you like when we fuck, and tried to make it seem like you know me so well. So if sex is all it take to make you fall in love you can save it. While you might be the best I've ever had as far as partners, you ain't tellin' me nothin' I haven't heard already. You jus' do it in a different manner."

Well a nigga ain't ever listed small things he noticed while we was fuckin' but I've heard about how good I am.

"Naw nigga, witcha cocky ass. The sex is like a condiment."

I huff out a breath and keep my arms folded. I don't respond verbally, I just look up at him with a bored expression. He knows I'm waiting for him to elaborate.

"You like yo' burgers dry?"

What in the actual fuck bro?

"Not really. I'll eat it dry if I have to but, I prefer something on it." I decided to just answer the question, I've come to learn he always has a reason to match his random.

"Exactly. I'm sure it's still edible, will fill you up, dependin' on who makes it, maybe even taste good with no condiments. But when you add ketchup, mustard, mayo, or any combination of the three, it tastes that much better. You want it that much more."

He makes me sick. "Why you can't explain stuff like normal people?" I ask him.

"What'chu mean?" He tilts his head to look at me funny.

"A normal person woulda just said 'your good sex is a bonus, I like you for you' or somethin' along those lines. Yo' ass had to have some extravagant explanation." I'm not mad about it or anything, just curious as to why he always has to paint a picture like he's Picasso or something.

"'Cause I'ma extravagant type of nigga." He smirks, "nah no bullshit though, I jus' like to put things into perspective by scenarios." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Well sometimes you don't need'a do all'at. Jus' simplify it sometimes." I drop my arms from their crossed position at my chest. I rest my hands flat against him. Below his chest, but above his navel and softly peck his lips.

"Eh, ain't really my style." He pecks me a few more times. "You get what I'm tryna say though, huh?"

"Yes." I peck his lips.

"Good." My ass is smacked, leaving a slight sting in it's wake. "I'll let'chu know the other things you possess that makes a burger, a burger." He winks and walks away.

"You so damn corny." But it makes me smile like an idiot.

"Shit, das coo'." He shrugs walking over to my drawer to get a wife beater out of it. He's been slowly leaving stuff by my crib. "As long as you like it." He winks.

"I'an say all'at." Even still, the smile is stretched across my face.

"I'on ca'e what'cho mouth say. Action speaks louder than words." He sings the tune of the Geto Boyz song.

"Okay, I'on have time to be playin' witchu." I walk over to kiss him. "I'm gone. Make sure you lock up." I kiss him again before I actually leave.

"I got'chu. You be safe out the'e." He tells me.

I just leave without responding because that's a given.


"Happy birthday, mama." I give her a hug and kiss her forehead. "Where the gift table at?"

"Psych settin' all the gifts in the bedroom. Said he didn't want nobody tryna rob us or some'mn like that." Why invite people to your house if you think they're going to rob you? But, you never know. Nigga's be shife fa' no reason these days.

"Baby, show Poo where the bedroom is so he can put my present up please!" She yells to Psych from across the room.

"C'mon, lil Arique." Psysh nods his head past where we are currently, which is the living room.

"Who all comin' over?"

"Shit as far as I know jus' y'all peoples and mine." He shrugs his shoulders. "Not no big party type shit. More like a housewarming, slash birthday, slash family kick-it shin-dig."

"So you do know yo' peoples?" I cock an eyebrow at him. I was under the impression that they didn't know their real families.

"Duh bitch. You do too." He mushes my head.

"You the only white person I know on a first name basis." I mush his head back, after I gut punched him to bring him down to size.

"That hurt ni-"

"Ain't shit changed but the date bro. You still can't say nigga arahn' me."

"No cap, I was finna say the shit that time. You hittin' me in the stomach caught me off guard though."

"Uh huh, whatever dude."

"Anyway." Psych slaps the back of my head. "Like I was sayin', lil gay ass lil boy, my people ain't white. You already know Josh and Delontae." He starts to mumble under his breath about how I know Delontae in ways they don't want to know.

"So you don't know yo' real family either."

"Yo' ass hard of hearin' ain't chu?" He looks at me stone faced. "They is my real family."

Ugh! These niggas is annoyin' I swear! "Your biological family, Psych." I match his facial expression.

"Oh you mean relatives?" I keep my face neutral and blink at him once. "Naw, I'on know them muh fucka's. Family is what you make it though. If I never teach you anything else in life, remember that."

"Nigga you talkin' to me like I'm a young nigga and you a OG." I roll my eyes in annoyance, placing my mothers gift down on the bed.

"I mean, technically, you my stepson. I gotta get my 'my gay son will not be loose booty' convo's in."

"I swear you get on my nerves bro." I shake my head and walk back toward the living room.

"You're welcome." He pats my back as we walk back to the living room.

"Mama I still don't understand why you mess arahn' wit' this foo'."

"It ain't fa' you to understand." She shrugs her shoulders and walks to the kitchen.

"Y'all make me sick." I mumbled to myself, taking a seat on the couch. "When er'body comin'?" I kick my feet on the coffee table.

Psych slaps the back of my head, taking a seat next to me. "Get yo' feet off my table lil boy."

"Speakin' of," I politely remove my feet from the table. "Don' y'all think it's too soon to be movin' in wit' each other and shit?" I ask Psych.

"Naw. We know what we got goin' on. She got me pussy whipped and in love." He tells me.

"In two months?" I raise my eyebrows at him. I mean, I've heard about love at first sight but damn. They already moving in together and shit and it's only been two months. I just feel like it's being rushed, they haven't known each other that long to really know each other.

"Like I said before, we know what we got, so the time we known each other don't matter. Neither does yo' opinion."

"My bad. Let me shut the fuck up and mind my business." I didn't think he had a serious bone in his body, so the change in tone threw me for a loop.

"You straight, lil Arique." He nudges me playfully making me smile. "Well not all the way 'cause you like dick. But, you know." He shrugs his shoulders. Mature Darrin moment over. I roll my eyes at him.

"Psych, what are you talkin' about?" My mama comes in and plops down on his lap.

"What'chu talm'baht bae?" He kisses on her neck.

"Why you say some'mn 'baht Poo likin' di-" she starts to ask before I cut her off.

"It's coo' mama he knows. He jus' be playin' arahn' wit' me abaht it." I waved her off.

"You told him?" She looks at me surprised.

Kinda...sorta..... "not really. He sorta saw me and the dude messin' arahn' on the low." I shrug my shoulders. I hope Psych knows not to say no names.

"So you messin' arahn' wit' a nigga and ain't tell me?" My mama raises up a little bit in his lap. "I thought we were closer than that, Pookie." She gets all sad in the face.

"Chill babe. Dude ain't want nobody to know he like dudes." Psych comes in with the save.

"You know I don't gossip or run my mouth about nobody's business but my own, Pookie."

"Mama," I groan. "Will you please stop callin' me that? You haven't called me that in fifteen years. Like, why now?" I sound like a teenager getting embarrassed in front of their friends, but I need to change the subject.

"'Cause I miss callin' you that." She pouts. "But, I know you jus' tryna change the subject, so I'ma let'chu make it." I release a sigh of relief. "For now." She smiles.

That's better than nothing.

"I am glad that y'all two get along though. I though it would be awkward because y'all are close in age."

"I mean, I don't necessarily care for it, but it ain't much I can do abaht it." I shrug my shoulders, over it now. "If y'all like it, I love it." They both look happy, so who am I to say they shouldn't be together?

"Good." She leans down and kisses him on the lips.

"Aight nih," I wave my hand and shake my head no. "That don't mean rub it all in a nigga face though."

"Boy hush." My mama waves me off after kissing him one last time.

"When is er'body sposed to be comin'?" I ask again.

"When they get he'e. You know niggas run on CP time."

"He'yeah." Psych agrees.

"She doesn't mean a real time zone. It means colored people time." I tell him.

"I grew up arahn' all black folks. You'on think I know that?"

"I'on think I like you agreein' though." I give him attitude.

"Look, yo' ass ain't finna make everythang with me some racist shit bro. I'an got damn racist. All I know is black people. All the people that look like me that I've come across don't fuck wit' me, so I don't know who else to fuckin' relate to bro. Wit' all'at shit bein' said, I'm not finna disrespect the muh fucka's that respect me."

Well he definitely didn't have to talk to me like that.

"Damn baby, you ain't have to talk to him like that." My mama tries to take up for me, giving much attitude. She doesn't really need to, because I get the fact that he's letting me know how he feels.

"Naw. 'Cause y'all asses quick to cop a fuckin' attitude, then wanna get to poutin' when somebody give y'all what y'all givin' to others." He points his finger at me, "I'ma get my pahtna to check yo' ass lata'." Then he focuses his attention on my mama, grabbing her by her neck, and making her gasp at the action. I know he's not doing it too hard because she starts to bite on her bottom lip. He whispers something in her ear and she nods her head.

The entire time I'm sitting there watching them with my face scrunched up in disgust, wondering why the fuck I haven't looked away. When they start trying to suck each others faces off I get up and walk to the kitchen.

Nasty fucka's.


People have slowly started to show up to the house. Mainly my family members, my mama's only friend is her sister. So my grandparents, and cousins are here. I'm surprised my uncle Justice is here and not at work. Another surprise is that my mother isn't here yet.

"Whe'e twin at, Arique?" My youngest cousin Justice asked me.

"On ya mind." I answer simply. I don't know why my family seems to think that me and Boo are attached at the hip. Everybody calls us twins because of our age and names, but we haven't been super tight like that since right when I started messing around with Corey.

I mean we're still close, closer than what me and the rest of my family is, but not siamese twin close like how we used to be.

"Damn kin folk, what'chu mad fa'?" She asks me.

"I'm not mad," I look at her strangely.

Did I say it wit' a attitude?

"Then why you gave me all'at attitude, bro?"

Yup, I did.

"I didn't mean to cousin, I'm just hungry den a hoe."

"Then go eat." She looks at me strangely this time. "Why have you jus' been sittin' over here nibblin' on rabbit food?" She squints her eyes at me in a questioning manner, I have only been eating on baby carrots and the sliced fruit.

Nosey ass. I think to myself rolling my eyes.

"I gotta stomach bug, so I'm tryna eat light so I don't be havin' the Hershey squirts later." I lie easily. The real reason is Delontae and Bugg are coming over to spend the night again tonight. They've made it a weekend thing to have a "fella's night" every weekend in my apartment. Josh and Psych have crashed once with us.

"Mhm." She hums at me with a look that tells me she's not buying it. But she can't prove I'm lying so, I don't care if she doesn't believe me.

"How is college?" I attempt to change the subject. My uncle has seven daughters, three different baby mothers, and Justice is the baby of them all. Her mother is the one my uncle chose to settle down with.

"It's straight." She shrugs her shoulders. "It's an experience meetin' all different types of people who're all into different types of things." She's still giving me this look like she's trying to get some information out of me.

"That's coo'. They say college helps you to find your true self faster."

"Yeah, teaches you who other people true selves are too." I give her an annoyed look because I know she's trying to hint at something. "It's okay, cousin. I am too." She gives me a warm genuine smile. Not going to lie, it took me a little while to figure out what she was talking about. But, her confession surprised me once I did realize what she was talking about.

"Aw yeah?" I shoot a brow up. "Somebody special?"

"Eh, not really." She shrugs nonchalantly. "I've always known what team I play fa', but I'an tryna be locked down when there are so many beautiful people on campus. Ya dig?"

I laugh at that. I'm sure if I had the same opportunity I'd be the same way. "Yeah, you dig." She says dapping me up.

"What abaht'chu?" She asks me.

"Eh," I shrug my shoulders. "Some'mn slight, you know." I smirk at her.

"Already." We dap it up again.

Justice is probably my second favorite cousin. She's the closest to this side of her family of all of her dads kids. She's only twenty, and I haven't really hung out with her or anything like that. But the few times we have since I've been out, she is real chill. She reminds a lot of my mom. She was just going into middle school whenever I got locked up, so we missed some time together.

"You plan on tellin' the fam?" I ask her.

"Do you?" She tilts her head looking at me.

"I mean, I'm not gon' call some family meetin' and be like, I like nigga's or nothin'. If they find out, they find out. Don't matter to me if they find out fa'real."

"You brave, kin folk." She shakes her head. "You know PawPaw always sayin' how he'on like faggots and shit so I don't think I ever will." She laughs lightly.

"Well at the end of the day I gotta live with myself. So if I can't live for me and by my own terms, especially if it's not hurting anyone else, then life wouldn't be worth livin'."

"I can dig it, fam. I'm still gon' be the one they assume about tho'." She laughs, making me laugh a little with her.

"What'chu mean?"

"Like they gon' be sayin' shit like, 'she ain't ever had no nigga and livin' the single life wit' no kids' so that mean she a carpet muncher.'" We laugh a little more.

"Mann fa' real, fa' real." I agree with her. "I'on see me messin' wit' nobody that wanna be out tho. I gotta thang fa' hood nigga's."

"Shit, hood rats wit' a fucked up attitude is my weakness." She sighs dreamily. "They always swear they can't be checked by no bitch, and I love the challenge."

"You's a foo'." I laugh at her her. "I feel what'chu sayin' tho. When a hood nigga whipped." I trail off, and a shiver runs down my spine hearing Delontae saying how good I make him feel in my head.

Welp, looks like he was right about what he said earlier.

"Mhm, sound like y'all the same kinda whipped, cuddy." She laughs shaking her head at me.

"He righteous." I smile at her.

"Mhm. And given your choice of food today, you the one catchin'." I look at her in shock.

"How you know about that kinda shit?"

"Like I said, earlier, but in different words, in college you run into all types of people, I got me a few ponk friends. They flamboyant tho, you a lil boyish."

I scrunch my face at her choice of words. "I'ma grown ass man, the fuck? I'm supposed to act like a broad or somethin'?"

"I'an said all'at, you jus' a bit more masculine than most of the bottoms I've come across on campus."

"I guess." I take our conversation in a different direction. "Anybody else in the family know?"

"Aint Jamie."

"So my mama knew?" She nods her head yes. "She didn't even tell me." I'm genuinely surprised.

"She know about you too?" She asks me.


"I'an know about you either so...I guess yo' mama can hold water."

"I guess. That's a good thing tho."

"Hey y'all, the otha' half is he'e!" I hear making me turn my head from my spot on the couch, and look over at the door.

My aunt Janie didn't come alone. Next to her is Corey, my ex-whatever the fuck we were. I'm not sure if they came together, or if it's coincidence that they showed up at the same time. I guess it shouldn't really matter to me either way though.

"Happy birthday, twin!" My mom and aunt yell at each other simultaneously, hugging tightly.

"He came wit'chu?" My mama asks my aunt, pointing her finger at Corey.

"Mhm. Girl this my boo I been tellin' you abaht." She smiles and blushes like a school girl. "You remember him?" She asks my mama.


"Of course I remember him." My mama says, I can tell she is trying to keep her attitude and ill feelings to herself. "How you been, Corey?" She reaches out her hand to shake his.

"I been straight. How you been?" They politely shake hands. Why they make it look so formal?

"Same. Straight." My mama shrugs.

"How Arique been?" He asks my mother.


"I can't speak for nobody else, thats not my place. I'm sure if he wanted you to know anything about him, you'd know already." She shrugs her shoulders at him. She kind of failed at hiding her attitude. "You're more than welcome to go ask him yourself. He around here somewhere." She waves her hand around dismissing him, walking away from them.

We're literally only a few feet away, it's an apartment.

I strongly dislike for a nigga to not be aware of his surroundings. It's such a turn off. I mean, I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, he's standing at the front door...in the living room.

"Hey nephew!" My aunt comes towards me , all smiles.

...okay. "Hey, TT Janie. Happy birthday." I get up to hug her.

"You get me somethin'?" She pulls back to ask me.

Well naw.

"I'm broke. Rent due Monday so I had to keep some money fa' that." I give an apologetic smile, it's bogus, but I'm good at faking some stuff.

"It's aight neph," she waves me off. "You 'member Corey?"


"Whassup, Arique " I hear his voice ask me. I turn my eyes to him to see him smiling at me.


"What's wrong wit'chu, Arique?" My aunt scrunches her face up at me. "Why you actin' like he botherin' you?"

'Cause he is.

"I'm jus' hungry." I look back to her to answer her.

"Well go eat." She has a "duh" tone, with the face to match.

"I can't eat too heavy, I gotta stomach bug."

"Ugh!" She turns her face up in disgust, backing away from me. "I hope you ain't get me sick."

"Janie, this my boo Psych." My mama comes back over to us with her man in tow, thankfully interrupting the direction of our conversation. "Psych, this my twin Janie."

"What it do?" Psych tries to shake my aunts hand, but she is on some more shit.

"You act like a nigga." She giggles. "You family if you got my twin ready to marry you though, bring it in." She showing all teeth and gums, going towards him for a hug.

My teedy got ta' be the friendliest muh fucka.

Psych wasn't going for it though.

"I'on hug no females unless it's my gal or ha' mama, and you ain't eitha' one." He extends his arm out further to stop her advancement towards him. Fortunately, he got her in the head.

"You coulda jus' said it. You ain't had to put yo' hands on me." My aunt develops an attitude to give him.

Maybe I meant unfortunately it got her in the head.

"You straight, lil twin. I'an mean it in no disrespectful way. I'an know how to stop you tho." He chuckles lightly at her.

She visibly loosens up and is trying not to smile. "Okay, but just move next time or somethin'." Then she shakes his hand. "This is my boo Corey."

"What it do?" Psych daps him up.

"Mane, I can't call it." Corey responds to him. "Y'all got some food left over? I know we made it here kinda late." He asks Psych.

"Yeah mane. Ha' and lil Arique made beaucoup food." He grabs my mama around her waist.

"Baby, you can make my plate?" Corey asks Aunt Janie.

"I got'chu bae." She walks away.

"Shit, I wan' some too nih that I done heard food." Psych turns to my mama. "You can get me some too?"

"I got'chu." She kisses him before she walks away. When they break apart, he smacks her ass.

"In nine months, you gon' have a lil brother or sister, lil Arique." He bites his lip watching her walk away. "We finna break this bitch in just like we did the otha' day."

"Okay, Psych." I just laugh humorlessly, because I think, no I know, he likes to mess with me.

"I'm glad you know." He walks towards the kitchen to follow my mama.

She really got this man head gone.

"I know you'on got no stomach bug, Arique." Corey says to me lowly. "I remember when you used to stay ready fa' me."  I look at his face to see him smirking.

I literally have nothing for him, so I don't respond.

"So you gon' ignore me? I thought we was better than that."

"I'm not ignoring you. I jus' don't have anything to say to you." I shrug my shoulders.

"I find that hard to believe, lil C."

"Don't call me that please."

"Why not? You used to love it." He smirks at me.

"I neva' understood why you called me that. You damn near my height." Nigga got like an inch or so on me.

"I see you still talk mo' shit than a Japanese radio."

"Hurt too much to bite my tongue." My face remains neutral.

"Whe'e dat nigga at?"

"On ya mind."

"Don't do dat shit, Arique. I'm jus' tryna be cordial." He turns to fully face me.

I want to roll my eyes, but I don't. "He's in his skin." I try to give him a better answer.

"That's the best you gon' gimme hunh?"

"I know he ain't in my pocket, so I wouldn't know what to tell you." I really don't understand why you wanna know whe'e he at anyway.

"So that attitude is back hunh? I thought I got rid of that shit." He is smirking at me. I elect to ignore him again.

I am so disappointed in myself. I was really head over heels for this nigga? I used to find him doing shit like that sooo sexy bruh. But, they say hindsight is twenty, twenty.

"Damn, a nigga ain't good fa' conversation no mo'?" He looks surprised, I can also sense the irritation in his voice.

"Not the conversation you tryna have."

"Well wassup? I missed you man, you can't do me like that." He looks sincere.

Moment of honesty, I still have a soft spot for this man. In a way, it feels like I owe him for exposing me to certain things. I appreciate some things that he's done for me. But, my feelings are hurt. It's a fucked up feeling when the man you're in love with, and did time for doesn't show any love while you're down.

"If you missed me, why you stopped writin' me?" My attitude overpowering the sadness in my tone.

"I'an mean to hurt chu, lil C." He makes his voice softer and gives me a sympathetic look. "Let me make it up to you." Instead of fighting it this time, I just go on ahead and roll my eyes.

"How, Corey? I did eight fuckin' years fa' you bro."

"Chill, chill." He says lowly. "Look, I can't do too much here, but I'ma give you a beeper." He pulls a pager out of his pocket. "When I page you, hit me up aight? My house number still the same." He softly pinches right above where my wrist is before walking away.

"I hope you don't believe nothin' that nigga jus' said." Justice pops up from behind the couch.

"Why you hide behind the couch, weirdo?" I laugh hoping to sway the conversation.

"I saw how yo' whole mood changed when he walked in. I remembered his face from when y'all used to hang out when I was eleven, so I wanted to be nosey."

"Well you got it honest." I shrug my shoulders, "er'body in this family nosey."

"Mhmm. He sound like he runnin' game on you tho' so don't give in."

"I jus' wanna hear him out. I ain't givin' in to shit." I say smartly.

"Yeah, okay." Her tone is sarcastic as she shakes her head. "Jus' remember past actions, they a hell of a lot louder than current words." She gets up and walks away.

I know this man ain't worth two cents, but as I've said before, I have a soft spot for him. I know it would be dumb of me to just go back to him how we were before, so I'm just going to hear him out. Maybe he'll apologize.

Like I know he means me no good, but like a drug I keep coming back. Hopefully this time isn't detrimental.

Whateva' finna happen gon' happen regardless, I jus' gotta think wit' my head and not my heart.


Character update

Name: Corey Kelvin Hughes
Age: 34
Birthday: March 15, 1965
Height: 5'10"

Aye, so school started... and yeah, I got chur'n so... I'ma try to, at the very least, update once a week.

But then again, one of my professors already got me fifty shades of fucked up. But I'm known to thug shit out so I'm finna go in. 🤘🏾🤘🏾

But who told my bitch ass to do seven classes at once?😩😩

But I'm a thug...

I got this..

Pray fa' me please😩😩

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