Greenville: Season Two

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Now that Damien Clark has control of the East and Westside, things in Greenville are going to get much more i... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

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Renee paced outside the hallway as doctors rushed into Roman's room.

"Renee!" Dean yelled as he and Becky ran down the hall.

"I stepped out of the room for two seconds.." Renee said with tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" Becky asked.

"I don't know. I just saw a syringe on the floor and there was blood on his arm.." Renee said as a tear fell from her face.

"Did you see who went into the room?" Dean asked.

"No, my back was turned." Renee said as she saw Seth walking down the hall.

Everyone got quiet as Seth approached them.

"Is he okay?" Seth asked.

"We don't know." Becky told him.

Naomi and Jimmy ran into the hospital and joined everyone.

"What the fuck happened?" Jimmy asked.

"We don't know. The doctors have been in there for awhile." Renee told him.

"You said someone went into the room?" Naomi asked Renee.

"I didn't see who it was." Renee said.

Seth thought to himself for a second and walked away. Dean chased after Seth and stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked.

"To find the security tape." Seth said as he pointed up at the cameras.

"That's smart. I'll come with you." Dean said.

Seth looked at Dean for a minute uncomfortably before they continued walking down the hall. Renee held her breath as one of the doctors came out of the room.

"It's a good thing you got to him when you did. Someone wanted to give him a lethal injection of potassium chloride." The doctor said.

"Shit." Naomi said.

"You're saying someone tried to kill him?" Jimmy asked.

"The police are on their way now. But we got lucky. Whoever did this didn't know what they were doing. They only injected enough to induce unconsciousness. If they have they injected the full amount in the syringe he would have been dead almost instantly." The doctor said.

"So he is alive?" Renee asked.

"Yes and it looks like he will be awake by morning." The doctor said before walking away.

"Thank god." Becky said.

Dean and Seth made their way into the elevator. They stood there in silence at the doors shut.

"Congratulations on the engagement." Seth said reluctantly.

Dean looked over at Seth in surprise.

"Are you high right now?" Dean asked.

Seth looked over at Dean in frustration.

"That's all I had to say and I said it.." Seth told him.

Dean let out a small laugh as the elevator reached it's destination. They walked into the hall and Seth saw a familiar face sitting at the front desk.

"Fuck." Seth said.

"What?" Dean asked.

"The chick at the front desk.." Seth said as he turned his back to her.

Dean looked over and took note of the woman.

"I kind of hooked up with her the other day." Seth told Dean.

"Like in the hospital?" Dean asked.

"Yeah.." Seth said unfortunately.

"And people thought I was the slut out of our friendship." Dean laughed.

"You were. But that was in high school." Seth said.

Dean looked at Seth and let out a sigh.

"You've gotta distract her." Dean told him.

"What? Why?" Seth asked.

"Because the security footage in that room over there and I don't think she is going to let me in willingly." Dean said.

Seth took a deep breathe and rolled his eyes.

"Fine." Seth said.

Dean waited until Seth approached the front desk before sneaking into the surveillance room.

"Hey there, Penelope." Seth said as he flash his smiled.

"It's Peyton." She corrected him.

"I knew it started with a P." Seth said.

"What do you want?" Peyton asked.

"Um.. I just want to say uh.. thanks for the other night." Seth said awkwardly.

"I go on break in an hour." Peyton told him.

Seth looked at Peyton and admired her beauty for a moment.

"That's really tempting but I don't think so." Seth said, not believing the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"You don't want to sleep with me?" Peyton asked in surprise.

"Not this time." Seth told her as he saw Dean out of the corner of his eye.

"Wow, I've never been rejected before." Peyton said.

"It was nice seeing you again, Pe-?" Seth tried to say as he began to walk away.

"Peyton." She helped him.

"Right." Seth said as he walked into the elevator with Dean.

"I'm assuming you're coming back up here when she gets off?" Dean asked.

"No, actually. Did you get the tape?" Seth asked.

"No. Someone else already took it." Dean said.

"Shit." Seth said.

"You think this is the Samoan Lords?" Dean asked.

"Tonga's dead, I don't know who would have taken over." Seth said.

Downstairs, Kofi was questioning Renee while everyone sat in the waiting room.

"Thanks for your help. My men are getting the security footage right now. We are going to find out who did this." Kofi told Renee.

"Good luck with that." Seth said as he and Dean walked down the hallway.

"Someone already took the footage." Dean told him.

Kofi looked at Dean and Seth with concern.

"Do I wanna know who you two know that?" Kofi asked.

"Probably not." Seth said.

Everyone looked over at Seth and Dean with confusion.

On the Westside, Kenny was working a shift at the diner when Cody walked in.

"How's your leg?" Cody asked as he sat down at the counter.

The song "Tears and Rain" by James Blunt come on over the radio.

"It's fine." Kenny said in annoyance.

"You're welcome." Cody told him.

"For what?" Kenny asked.

"I saved your life." Cody said.

Kenny looked at Cody and laughed.

"You didn't save anything. I got shot in the leg." Kenny told him.

"Yeah but you don't know what would have happened if I hadn't pulled you behind that bar." Cody told him.

"Why are you here?" Kenny asked as he cleaned of the bar.

"I figured this was the only place I could talk to you and you couldn't run away." Cody said.

"Well my shift ends in ten minutes so.." Kenny told him.

"You seem more tense than usual." Cody told him.

Kenny shook his head and wiped down the tables.

"I mean your usually a dick to me anyway but you seem more dick-ish today." Cody told him.

"That's not a word." Kenny said as he scrubbed the tables clean in frustration.

Cody watched him for moment, seeing that something was bothering Kenny.

"Let me help." Cody said as he grabbed a rag from behind the counter.

Kenny watched in surprise as Cody grabbed a water bottle and began clearing tables.

On the Westside, Finn and Bayley had just returned from dinner. Finn pulled up to Bayley's apartment and parked the car.

"Are you okay?" Finn asked her.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" Bayley asked him.

"Your father hired the man that kidnapped you, Bayley. He was sitting a foot across from us at the dinner table tonight." Finn said.

"I'm fine." Bayley told him.

"I know I just met your father but how could he just ask Seth Rollins to work for him? I mean what kind of person does your father have to be to allow-." Finn began to say.

"Don't talk abut my father like that." Bayley interuppted him.

Finn looked over at Bayley in disbelief.

"Bayley.." Finn said.

"My father is a good man. He has sacrificed a lot to get where he is today and maybe he has done a few questionable things in his life but he has always been there for me. No matter what was going on in his life, he was there. So don't question my father's integrity because he is a good man." Bayley defended Damien.

Finn looked at Bayley in confusion.

"If he cares about you so much, why would he allow Seth Rollins anywhere near you? That man is the devil. You know that better than anyone, Bayley." Finn told her.

Bayley looked at Finn in disbelief. She opened the car door and got out.

"You should go home, Finn. It's been long night." Bayley told him before shutting the door.

Finn sat in the drivers seat in confusion as Bayley walked into her building.

At the hospital, Naomi walked over to Kofi while Jimmy got coffee from the cafeteria.

"Hey." Kofi said.

"So your a detective now?" Naomi asked.

"Yeah. I've been working the beat in Oakville for the past few years. I just got promoted last month." Kofi told her.

"What about Mandy, how does she like being back in town?" Naomi asked curiously.

"She didn't come with me." Kofi said.

Naomi looked into Kofi's eyes, feeling an uneasiness in her stomach.

"We're getting a divorce." Kofi said.

"I'm so sorry." Naomi told him.

"Don't act like you're not happy right now. You never thought she was good enough for me." Kofi said.

Naomi let out a small smile, trying to hide her discomfort.

"So you and Jimmy.. Did you ever get married?" Kodi asked her.

"Not legally but we're practically married. I mean a piece of paper doesn't really define someone feelings." Naomi said.

"Right." Kofi said as he looked into her eyes.

Jimmy walked down the hall with two coffee's and saw Naomi talking with Kofi.

"Here's your coffee." Jimmy said.

Naomi turned around in surprise and took her coffee. Jimmy looked up at Kofi with suspicion.

"What were you two talking about?"Jimmy asked.

"Nothing, really." Naomi said.

"I was just telling Naomi that Mandy and I are getting a divorce." Kofi told Jimmy.

Jimmy looked at Naomi in frustration.

"I should probably get going. I'll see you guys around." Kofi said before walking away.

Naomi looked at Jimmy and took a deep breathe.

"What the hell was that?" Jimmy asked.

"We were just talking." Naomi assured him.

"So you're telling me that your ex-boyfriend moves back to town while he is in the middle of a divorce with his wife and you two were just talking?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes." Naomi said as she kissed Jimmy on the lips.

At the diner, Kenny was closing up after Cody helped him finish clearing the tables.

"Thank you." Kenny said as he locked the diner door.

Cody put his hands in his pocket as watched Kenny for a moment.

"I'll leave you alone if you want me to." Cody told him.

"What?" Kenny asked in confusion.

"Just tell me to leave you alone and you won't ever have to see me again." Cody said.

Kenny looked into Cody's eyes and thought over what he said.

"I don't.. want that." Kenny said with hesitation.

"No?" Cody asked as he walked closer to Kenny.

"I think you're an arrogant, jackass but I want you to keep bothering me." Kenny said.

Cody leaned in as if he was going to kiss Kenny but stopped once he reached his lips. Kenny looked into his eyes with confusion.

"Have a nice night, Kenny." Cody said as he walked away.

Kenny laughed as Cody got into the back of an SUV.

The next morning, Bayley woke up to find Sonya searching through the cabinets.

"What are you looking for?" Bayley asked her.

"I forgot to go to the grocery store yesterday. We are out of coffee." Sonya told her.

"It's okay, I will just go across the street and get everyone a cup." Bayley said as she put on her jacket and walked out of the apartment.

Aj walked out of his room and sat down at the table.

"Where's the food?" Aj asked in a heavy southern accent.

Sonya looked at him and raised her eyebrows.

"Do I look like I am here to cook you food?" Sonya asked.

"I got it, Aj." Kenny said as he walked in and got out the pancake mix.

"See, this is why he's my favorite roommate." Aj said.

"What about Bayley?" Sonya asked.

"Okay.. You're my second favorite, Kenny. Sorry but Bayley always cooks me breakfast." Aj said.

"You're like a man child.. seriously." Sonya said in annoyance.

Across the street, Bayley was on her way to Rita's Cafe when she saw Liv Morgan working in the pizza shack. She walked inside and approached her.

"What are you doing here this early? I thought you guys didn't open for another three hours." Bayley said.

Liv looked at Bayley nervously.

"Yeah.. Um, I asked to come in early. After what happened, I wanted to get back in the swing of things, you know?" Liv said.

"How are you doing?" Bayley asked sincerely.

"I'm good." Liv said almost instantly.

"Well if you need anything, you know I'm here." Bayley told her.

"Of course." Liv said as she forced a smiled.

"I'll see you later." Bayley said as she began to leave.

"Bayley?" Liv asked as Bayley opened the door.

"Yeah?" Bayley asked as she looked back at her.

"Thank you.. for everything you've done for me. You've helped me and my father out so much and I just wanted you to know that it was appreciated." Liv told her.

"You're like a little sister to me, Liv. You know I'd do anything for you." Bayley said before walked out of the pizza shack.

Liv let out a sigh as tears filled her eyes.

At the hospital, Seth paced around the waiting room, giving sudden glances to Dean and Becky.

"Can I talk to you?" Seth nervously asked Becky.

Becky looked up at Seth with confusion.

"Um.." Becky said.

"Go." Dean told her.

Seth looked at Dean uncomfortably as Becky stood up. She followed Seth down the hall.

"You're really happy with him?" Seth asked her.

"Seth." Becky said.

"I'm not going to get mad, just tell me.." Seth said.

Becky looked into his eyes and saw that he was being sincere.

"Yes. I'm happy with him.. Happier than I've ever been." Becky told him.

Seth looked into Becky's eyes, feeling a sting in his chest as heard those words. He watched her for a moment, wanting nothing more than to hurst out into a rage.

"Then congratulations." Seth said with reluctance.

"What?" Becky asked in confusion.

"I want you to be happy, Rebecca.. And if that means marrying him then do what you have to do." Seth told her.

Becky watched his eyes, not sure why he was being so nice.

"You really mean that?" Becky asked.

"Every word." Seth told her with tears in his eyes.

Becky wrapped her arms around Seth, hugging him tightly.

"I'll always love you.." Becky whispered over his shoulder.

A tear fell from Seth's face as he held tighter his grip on Becky.

"Me too." Seth said with a crack in his voice.

Back in the waiting room, Roman's doctor approached Renee.

"He's awake." The doctor told her.

She jumped out of her seat and ran down the hall. Renee stopped when she got into Roman's room and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hi, there." Roman said.

Renee ran over and hugged him with tears in her eyes.

"I left you alone for two minutes.." Renee said.

"It's not you're fault." Roman told her.

Renee looked into Roman's eyes and felt and ache in her chest.

"You scared the hell out of me." Renee said.

"I'm sorry everyone wants to kill me." Roman joked.

"We have something in common there." Renee laughed.

Jimmy, Naomi, and Dean walked into Roman's room.

"Hey, big dog." Dean said.

"How long have you guys been here?" Roman asked as Seth and Becky walked into the room

"All night." Jimmy told him.

"Damn. We are going to have to start renting out rooms here." Roman joked.

Bayley was just leaving Rita's Cafe when she saw an SUV pulling away from her apartment. She let out a laughed and looked at the time. It was still fairly early in the morning so there was little to no traffic. The sun was still rising as Bayley began to cross the street. Suddenly, a car sped down the street. Bayley turned when she heard the engine ramming up. Before she had time to think, the car hit her, throwing her over the windshield and knocking her onto the street. Bayley tried to catch her breathe as she laid there, motionless. Joe pulled pulled up for his shift and rushed out of his car.

"Bayley!" Joe yelled in a panic.

At the hospital, everyone was talking in Roman's room.

"So you didn't see who it was?" Becky asked.

"All I remember is Renee leaving the room with Miz then after that it all goes blank." Roman said.

"The doctor said you might remember with time." Naomi told him.

Suddenly, Seth's phone rang. He walked to the corner of the room and saw that it was Damien.

"Hello, Sir?" Seth asked.

Everyone watched Seth with confusion.

"We need you at the residence. Someone just tried to kill Bayley." Damien said over the phone.

Seth's face turned pale as he stopped breathing for a second.

"I'm on my way." Seth said before hanging up the phone.

"Is everything okay?" Becky asked.

"I have to go." Seth said as he practically ran of the room.

On the Eastside, Seth rushed into Damien's residence to find Joe sitting on the staircase with blood on his shirt. Seth began to panic as he looked around the room.

"Rollins!" Damien yelled from the top of the staircase.

Seth ran up the stairs in a hurry.

"Is she okay?" Seth asked.

"It appears so." Damien said as he looked back at a door.

Seth looked at the door in desperation.

"Is she in there?" Seth asked.

Damien examined Seth and saw his concern.

"Yeah, go on in." Damien told him.

Seth walked over and opened the door. Bayley was laying in her bed with her ribs taped up. Her face was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Hi." Bayley said with a crack in her voice.

Seth felt a sharp pain in his chest as his eyes filled with tears.

"Hi." Seth said as he looked down at her helplessly.

"Water." Bayley tried to say.

Seth looked over and saw the glass of water sitting on her nightstand. He walked over and sat down next to her on the bed carefully. Bayley looked up at him with pain in her eyes as he held the glass to her lips. She took a sip as a tear fell from her face. Seth sat the glass down after she was done.

"I-." Bayley tried to say.

Seth watched her and could see that speaking was hurting her.

"You don't have to say anything." Seth told her.

They looked into each other's eyes as Seth slowly removed the hair from her face.

"Bayley!" Finn yelled as he ran into the room.

Seth pulled his arm back and stood up as Finn rushed to Bayley's side.

"Thank god you're okay." Finn said with tears in his eyes as he grabbed Bayley's hand.

Finn leaned town and carefully hugged Bayley. She looked at Seth behind Finn's back as he walked out of the room.

Damien wiped the tears from his eyes as Seth walked out of the room and passed by him.

"Where are you going?" Damien asked him.

"To find out who did this." Seth said.

"You can't." Damien told him.

"Like hell I can't." Seth said in frustration.

"If you go around questioning people, word will get out. Sanchez will know you're working for me." Damien told him."

"So what am I supposed to do? You just want me to sit around and do nothing?" Seth asked.

"For now, yes." Damien told him.

Seth looked at Damien with concern and sat down at the top of the staircase.

Thanks for reading! Please vote and leave a comment!

Who do you guys think tried to kill Roman? Who tried to kill Bayley? Do you think it could be the same person?

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