Our Little Sunshine//Fifth Ha...

By lanasparilla

115K 3.3K 1.1K

Ally suddenly isn't the little ball of sunshine and energy like usually, surely this doesn't get unnoticed by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

4.8K 136 63
By lanasparilla

I get woken up by Momma around nine am. "Noooo Momma.", I pout and cuddle in between her Breasts, enjoying the Warmth and Comfort as I almost fall back asleep. "No more sleeping Babe, today's gonna be really fun, we're going shopping.", She says as she gently pats my Bottom and sets me down on the Changing Table. "Toys?", I ask with a huge Grin, my Tiredness immediately forgotten. "Yeah we can also get some Toys, Allybee, but only if you behave.", She says and my Eyes widen. They wanted to go with Baby-Ally? "Sopping wif Baby-Ally?", I ask quietly, so hoping that the answer will be No. "Of course, Baby. Now let's get you ready, Babe, it's kind of cold outside.", She Explains And starts taking off my wet Diaper. "No goin outside!", I pout with a quivering Lip. Why do they want to humiliate me like this? Is it because I ran off? I thought they weren't mad? "Sshh it's going to be really nice, I promise Babygirl.", She Replies once she's wiped me and put some rash cream on me, then she lifts me onto her Hip again and sits down on the Rocking Chair. She takes the bottle from the Table besides us, which she must have gotten before she woke me up, and starts feeding me the milk. Yet it tastes different today and I realize they put a little bit of an Apple scent into the normal Milk, which immediately calms me down. Almost the to point of falling asleep again actually, but Momma seemly wasn't having it, so she gently bounces me up and down to keep me awake.

After some time Momma powders me and puts me into a Diaper again, this time a Diaper with little Princesses, such as Ariel, Snow White, or Elsa, on it. Over that she gets puts a Light blue Bodysuit with pink and yellow flowers on me. She brushes my Hair and puts two Hair ties on her Wrist, probably to braid them later if necessary. At the end she puts some converse shoes onto my Feet, Clips them close and puts a Beanie on Top Of My Head. "Jacket is downstairs little one, Mommy's Already Waiting with that and some goldfish crackers.", Momma says and once I hear the world 'goldfish Crackers' I run off to Mommy, but before I even reach the Hallway I'm already scooped up in Momma's Warms.

"No running down the Stairs, Little One.", She reminds me lovingly but also stern and I nod, giving her my best smile and puppy Eyes. "I wa' jus runnin to da Stairs an' dan slow.", I try to explain as best as possible, while giving her my Puppy Eyes. "You could still have gotten hurt, Allybee. Let's get downstairs now okay? There's much to buy.", She says with a small Laugh and I prepare to walk off as fast as possible, but instead of getting back on the Ground, I stay on Mommas Hip as she carries me to Mommy. I don't really complain, given I'm kind of tired anyway and she's so tall that it's fun to be lifted that High.

"Hi sunshine.", Mommy says and scoops me up before holding me high the Air, to what I Giggle and reach down to touch her Face. "Alright little Simba, lets get you dressed Thought.", Mama says from behind us while carrying a big Baby seat outside. This causes me to remind myself that I'm actually going outside like this. I immediately start crying as Mommy tries putting a Coat on me, but once it's on I get even more hysterical. Why do I have to get out like this? It's embarrassing enough, especially as a prominent who's caught by Paparazzis pretty much everywhere we, The Girls, go. Why are they so mean? Why can't we just stay at home and cuddle and watch Disney movies and Play in the Playroom? "Sssh it's all good, my little Sunshine.", Mommy says and gently bounces me up and down. I still don't find enough Calmness and Strength to calm down, so I continue crying. After a few seconds of rubbing my Cheek, I can hear her beautiful and strong, yet soft and very feminine voice sing softly into my Ear.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word.

Mommy's  going to buy you a mocking bird.

And if that mocking bird don't sing,

Mommy's going to buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring is brass,

Mommy's  going to buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass gets broke,

Mommy's going to buy you a billy goat.

And if that billy goat don't pull,

Mommy's going to you a cart and bull.

And if that cart and bull turn over,

Mommy's going to buy a dog called Rover.

And if that dog called Rover don't bark,

Mommy's going to buy you a horse and cart.

And if that horse and cart turn round,

You'll still be the sweetest little babe in town.

By the End of it I'm calm again, one of my Hands is placed against Her Chest, my Knuckles almost white already from how hard my Grip On Her Shirt is, the other one is against her larger Hand, my Fingers wrapped around two of hers, while my Head rests on her Chest. She continues muttering things such as 'you're okay' or 'I've got you' into my Ear as we get outside and she sits me into the Adult-Baby car seat. I don't know from where they get all that Stuff, but I also don't really care right now and just snuggle into the Seat. Mama drives with Momma in the Passenger Seat, while me and Mommy are behind them and Mami is in the Back.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I get woken up by Mommy and once I look outside the Car Window, I realize were in front of a Shopping Center. I've never seen it before I think, so we probably went a little bit out of the City. "Hey Baby, we're at the Mall now, Sunshine. Do you need a change before we go?", She Asks And I whimper but shake my Head. I really don't want to get out of this Car. She opens the Seatbelt and pulls me on her Lap before checking my Diaper anyways. Once she realized that I actually don't need to be changed, she moves to get us two out of the Van, and I try burying my Face in between her Boobs, deciding it's the best spot besides her Neck. It's warm, comfy, and her Breasts are big enough that I can snuggle and hide in between them and still be comfortable. "Hey Hey what's wrong, Allybee?", She Asks with a Small frown, noticing that I normally love going shopping. She quickly mentions for Momma and Mami to get a Cart and for Mama to pack the Baby-bag, leaving us 'alone'. "I no Wanna go sopping Mommy! I-Baby-a-and.", I try to explain, just to be cut off by my Cries again. "Sssh Baby it's all okay, it's not weird or anything I promise. Didn't Momma tell you where we went?", She Asks And gently wipes my Tears away again before putting my Paci in my Mouth. "Sopping?", I ask confused. "Look around, Sunshine.", She says and kisses my Cheek once I turn my Head. There are Adult Babies and Mommies or Daddies everywhere! "We would never embarrass or humiliate you like this, Sunshine. Ready to go in the Mall now Thought? You can even sit in the Cart.", Mommy Asks and I nod rather happily.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I look around, spotting all those cool shops while contently sucking on my Paci. I tried getting out of the Cart to go and look into them further, but every time one of my Mommies would just kiss me and tell me to stay still, or sit me back down (if I managed to get out on my own anyways). After several Hours of getting Bottles, Pacifiers (Which I'm low key glad that we got, given mine are ALWAYS getting lost), Wipes, Diapers, All kinda of Creams, Food, Vegetables, Cheetos, Popcorn, Oatmeal and several powders with several flavors, Dresses, Shoes, Pajamas, Bodysuits, Bibs, Sippy Cups, And some more that I can't even recall now, we finally come to a Rest at a Bench in the Mall and I'm finally lifted out of the Cart and on my Mama's Lap again. "Mama Toys!", I remind whining while pulling on her Shirt to get her Attention. "We will get your Toys babe, I promise. We just have to get a few things until then.", She says and I whine and crawl over in Mommy's Lap, pulling on her Shirt just as well. Mommy usually is cooler when it comes to buying and playing with Toys. "Come on, how about you and Mani get some more Clothes and whatever you need, Mila gets something for Dinner, and good in general of course, *cough Cheetos cough* while me and Ally get some Toys?", She Asks And I Grin Up at her. Mama sighs but agrees, knowing that it will 'cost us much more time if we go together to all the shops' as Mommy Explained earlier.

"Mommyyyyy!", I yell and run as fast as possible with tugging her behind me to the Section of the Shop filled with Stuffies. I pout when she lifts me onto her Hip, but stay still otherwise, hoping to get one of the fluffy Stuffies. "Alright let's say...One for now, okay, Sunshine? Then Mama might let us Buy some Candies later.", She Asks And I nod happily as she walks us closer to them. There are so much cool Stuffies how am I supposed to choose only one? After a few Moments Mommy gets some Gum from her Pocket but knocks a Stuffie down by it. "Mommyyyy! Da Stuffie!", I yelp, almost loosing my Paci by it even, and point at the Rabbit laying on the Floor. She picks it up and goes to put it back into the Shelf, but I quickly take it from her Hand. "M'sorry Mr. Rabbie, Mommy didn' mean to hurt you.", I say and hold it close, rubbing it's soft Ear against my Cheek. "Mommy you have to say sowwy.", I Mutter around my Paci, holding Mr. Rabbie Out for Mommy to take it and kiss it better like she always does with me. "Baby I'm sure he's okay.", She says and moves to put him back in the Shelf once again, and again I pull it away before she can have it. "Mama said you always 'ave to say sowwy when you did somethin bad.", I scold and hold The Stuffie back towards Mommy. "Alright..I'm really sorry Mr. Rabbie..I did not mean to push you off the Shelf as I got my Gum.", She apologizes and looks back at me. "You 'ave to kiss it better!", I say and nearly shove the Rabbit in her Face, if she didn't push it a little away chuckling. She quickly kisses Mr. Rabbie's head and I pull him back close to me. "That's the one we'll take home, hm?", Mommy Asks chuckling and I nod and rub the Rabbits Ear against my Cheek again. After I kissed Mommy's Cheek, as an 'you're okay now', She walks into another section of the Store and I see several Coloring Books. Yet my Eyes stay at the Wonder Woman and Disney one for a little bit longer than at the others. She seems to notice and puts it in the Cart before continuing to go through the Section. I quickly tug on Mommy's shirt again and squeal for her to lift me out of the Cart, when she does so, I quickly crawls towards the Penguin Water Toy and hold it up to Mommy, having already learned that running with a Diaper is not a very wise decision. "Alright..But don't show Mama until she bought our Candies..", Mommy says bending down to me before she lifts me and the Penguin up and puts us in the Cart again, Mr. Rabbie never leaving my Arms.

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