It's not always what it seems

By Haileana

3.2K 89 22

The Origin Story about Larota, Venus, Talena and Amoly. How they lost their parents, become kunoichis, a team... More

The beginning of a new life
An new encounter and old accusations
The reason behind
A little advance
An unexpected disclosure
A temporary decision
Four mean integrity
About Ninjas and Turtles
The beginning of trust
Family isn't always blood
Head or Heart?
A rebel, a nurse, the cute one and the dreamer
The abandoned and the adopted one
A/N (Part I)
Unexpected changes
A/N the next!
One last trial
Alley or Foe?
Changes of plan
The Mutagen blast
Leaving home behind
A/N (Part 2)

A new meeting

41 1 0
By Haileana

The day came that Chung I picked Venus up. Larota took a walk with them to the outside of the village so she could spend some more time with her. Tight they hugged each other and Larota waited until she didn't saw them anymore.

Her heart ached when she lifted her hand down from the waving. It was like a part of her was missing again. Like they shouldn't be apart from each other. Like something bad would happen.

She didn't wanted to go back so soon so she was wandering around. Most of the human were not surprised to see her. Either they know her, because they were a part of the Furuji Clan, they thought she was an invention from Gaoto or just someone in a costume. The Clan was popular for their Kappa stories and obsession of them. This way it was easier to explain her existence without getting her kidnap or getting killed.

She liked it having some freedom without asking. Always staying at the institute was very boring for her and she like the market. Sometimes she spotted another mutant and felt less than a freak or they gifted her something for free what she would give to others.

"You look like me." A male mutant turtle with red eyes stepped out of the crowd and came to her.

"No. I am wearing a mask. You are naked." Larota looked sceptical at him from head to toe. Another male turtle mutant. If Oliviers existence wasn't enough.

"I lost mine. My name is Jakena and yours?" Jakena held out a hand towards her.

"Don't want to know. Don't care." Larota just walked off and let him stand there still holding his hand out.

Days went by while Larota spend most of the time with training. Only for food and sleep she stopped. She wanted to be the strongest so she had to train the hardest. Also the test was not that far away and it depended everything on it. She didn't wanted to disappoint her family.

But Hopu saw that she was almost at her limit and asked her for a pause and get her something from the market. Which she didn't resist to do, because she did always what Hopu made happy. She also just call her mom when she was really upset, because she knew that she isn't their mother.

Larota looked at the piece of paper and bought some fruits she was requested. She spotted also some Space Hero stuff that she took for Venus to give it to her when she came back. For Talena she bought a orchid and for Amoly some bubble gum. With the bubble gum she was able to focus better.

"You're here again. Do you say me your name now or do I need to give you a name?" The red eyed turtle appeared right behind her.

"Larota." She didn't wanted to get a dumb nickname.

"Can I help you?" Jakena was already reaching out towards her bags.

"Don't touch my stuff." Larota growled at him.

"Got it. Not touching you or your stuff. Anything more?" He looked curious at her. Trying to figure her out.

"Leaving me alone." She hadn't time for that kind of conversation.

"But I want to be your friend." Jakena wouldn't let her get away this time.

"I don't need friends." Three other turtles were enough in her life. Four were already too much and a fifth she wasn't interested in.

"Everyone need friends and I don't have anyone." He tried one last time to get her out of her comfort zone.

"Don't got on my nerves." She sighed and just wanted to go home again.

"Got it. I will never speak to you again." A sad expression went over his face when he began to give up.

Larota rolled her eyes. Still not understanding how that guy was so stubborn, but then it hit her. She was the same with Venus. She didn't gave up until she agreed to be her friend. "See you next time, maybe."

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