Why do we Fight? - Volume II...

By ArcanePanzer

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The continuation of the story as it follows the lives of Argen Lorderius (The reader) and the inhabitants of... More

Chapter 1: Raiding the Raiders
Chapter 2: Warriors of their own Accord
Chapter 3: Still Alive and Kicking
Chapter 4: A Rouge's Life
Chapter 5: Viking Diplomacy
Chapter 6: Driving Force
Chapter 7: A Fallen's Final Request
Chapter 8: Reenlistment
Chapter 9 (Part I): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 9 (Part II): Wood, Iron, and Steel
Chapter 10: The Harsh Reality of Life
Chapter 11: The Truth Always Hurts
Chapter 12: Common Enemies
Chapter 13: Common Negotiations
Chapter 14: New World, New Possibilities
Chapter 15: Allies and Enemies
Chapter 16: Cycle of Allegiances
Chapter 17: A Returned Fruit
Chapter 18: Foreign Relations
Side Stories: The Strong, the Honorable
Chapter 19: Beginning of an Invasion
Chapter 21: Who are You?
Chapter 22: Reconnaissance
Side Stories: Our Life Then and Now
Chapter 23: Cross' Revelation
Chapter 24: The Great Raid
Final Chapter: The Real Beginning

Chapter 20: Up the Beach

317 11 3
By ArcanePanzer

The plot of Volume IV is finally set thanks to the Eight Princes trailer from Total War: Three Kingdoms. And goodness me, another hero called Jormungandr. I don't see the character making its way to this volume at the very least, but we'll see how things go. Also, is it just me or is the male Jormungadr always high on something?


I do not, in any way, own For Honor or any resources that might make an appearance here. If I did, I would've made it into turn-based game.

That probably is a bad idea, but to each their own :v


Apollyon: (Narrating) "Hoping for quick spoils - and perhaps the glory of victory - the Vikings turned their attention on their neighbors across the sea. The Samurai lands were guarded by an ancient sea port. One that the Vikings believed to be poorly defended."

- The Vikings' landing... -

Rowan: (Narrating) "Apollyon's war has taken us to the brink of extinction. But that raid... reminded us of who we are. We began with a fortress on the sea. But they knew we were coming."

The Vikings stood on the decks of their longships, eager to draw their weapons and for victory. The first fleet of the Vikings is massive, and it looms over the dark horizon. However, the sound of a war horn is heard, and it is coming from ahead of their destination.

In the fortress, Imperial Samurai prepare for battle; catapults are being primed to launch their powerful projectiles and archers taking positions all over the fortress while the ashigaru man the defensive positions in the beach.

(The Vikings on their longship. Runa is at the left while Siv is seen in the middle.)

As the commander of the Samurai garrison watch the Viking fleet loom closer, he prepares himself for battle, not willing to go down without a fight.

Fujikiyo: "Yumi-tai! Hanate! (Archers! Fire!)" He orders and his Nobushi second ready to signal his commands, the archers complying by loosing their fire arrows.

A Shugoki signals the catapult to launch, and soon enough the dark and stormy skies were lit up by fire. The Vikings were nonetheless unpleasantly surprised by this.

Warlord: "Brace!" A Warlord shouts to his comrades behind him.

A flaming boulder strikes one of the longships, destroying it and sending shockwaves on all directions that caused several Vikings to fall into the water. Arrows shot down more of their comrades as Siv, who is in one of the longships regains her footing and started banging on the wardrum to signal the rest of the fleet to sail faster.

The Samurai archers loose their arrows once more and shot more Vikings who were unfortunate. The longships were closing in fast, but the Samurai are not so easily defeated. Imperial Shugoki pull large chains that lead up to the waters. Large wooden stakes rose from the raging waters and destroyed a few more longships. Some were able to breach the stake wall and come closer to the beaches.

Warlord: "Ready your weapons!"

The Shugoki operating the defenses in front retreat as the longships crash through the barricades without issue; the storm seeming to favor the invaders with an ominous lightning strike foreshadowing what is to come. It was time.

Rowan: "To the gates!" The Raider leading the first wave shouts, jumping off his longship. "I welcome you all!"

The Vikings storm through the barricades as Samurai catapults and archers continue to rain down fire on them. Rowan joins the assault, evading arrows as he does.

Rowan: (Narrating) "The gates of that fortress hadn't worked for a century. All we had to do was get through them."

Viking 1: "Everyone to the gates! Charge!"

Viking 2: "Get up the beach!"

The Vikings fought the Samurai that are blocking their way through. One by one, the defenders fell and they go ever closer to their objectives. When their way is clear, the Vikings turned their attention to the gate, but it closed as they get closer to it.

Rowan: (Narrating) "When those gates moved, the whole plan changed."

With no other choice, the Vikings turned elsewhere. To the right is a part of the walls that are built lower than the others. It's the only way they can go through to open the gate from the inside.

On they way, Rowan encountered more Imperial Samurai, among them was a Kensei even whom the Raider defeated after a short while of struggling. Going up the hill is Runa who is fighting two Seieibushi by the wall.

Runa: "This is crazy!" The Valkyrie comments as they defeat the Seieibushi and the rest of the defenders.

Rowan: "Ropes! Grapples! Here!" He orders to the Vikings.

The Viking soldiers plant grappling hook launchers on the ground. One of them is shot with a flaming arrow. Disgruntled, Rowan throws the corpse aside and launches the grappling hook.

Runa: "Go! Lead the climb!' Runa shouts at him and he nods in response.

Viking: "Need to get up that wall!"

The vanguard force then heads up the wall. Samurai on the wall drop rocks and shoot arrows to try to stop the invaders. They then begin unhooking the grapples. But it is too late. Rowan reaches the top, embedding his axe in one soldiers before climbing over. The Samurai retreat from the sheer sight of the muscular warrior before them as the Raider recovers his weapon before chasing after the Samurai.

Rowan: "Need to open that gate..." He whispers to himself.

The Samurai attempted to stop him from advancing further but they stood no match against the fury of the Raider. Even a Shugoki fell against the Viking, although he proved to be a challenge. Flaming rocks impacted against the defenders. It would seem that their siege works have arrived to assist.

On his way, Rowan sees to his left a broken Samurai ballista, possibly by their own catapults in their longships.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “The war machines of the Samurai often make ours look like toys. They learned much during their exodus, and from many different peoples. If they hadn’t, they wouldn't be such a threat.”

Rowan finds the gate controls after defeating an Imperial Kensei on the way. He breaks open the controls with the dane axe, letting in the Viking horde. From the other side the fortress's commander, Fujikiyo appears, sees the Raider and orders his archers to fire on the army of Vikings; an act of defiance against the Viking onslaught, and against Rowan.

The Kensei leaves the scene as doors to Rowan's left side opens, revealing an Orochi who seems to be challenging the Raider.

Rowan faces his new opponent who lounged at him with his curved blade. Rowan blocks the attack. He was about to retaliate when the Orochi disoriented him and kicked him against the wall and managed to land a large cut against the Raider. The latter recovers and parries an attack. He broke the Orochi's guard and pushed him against the wall and kneeing his opponent. He took the opportunity and crashed his dane axe against the Orochi's shoulder, forcefully pulls it off and wraps his arm around his neck and crushed it with his strength. (Neckbreaker execution)

He proceeded make his way further and used the steel chain to slide his way downward using his weapon. He encounters another Imperial Kensei and he swiftly defeats the Samurai with an uppercut from his axe. (Axe Uppercut execution)

Apollyon: (Narrating) “The sea fort of the Samurai guarded one of the few places in the Myre where a fleet could safely come to shore. And it was an ancient place.”

Rowan: (Narrating) "All we needed to do now was push them back!"

Rowan joins the Vikings down on the street where the fighting is taking place. To his right is another gate that must've been broken down by his comrades.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “The Samurai had no ancient ancestors in these lands. They came after The Fall, from another land far to the east. But they had been...enthusiastic in their rebuilding.”

Stigandr, Runa, and Siv are among the Vikings and together with Rowan, the Samurai forces crumbled.

Runa: "Send them to Valhalla!" Runa shouts as she pulls her spear off from a Seieibushi's back. (Vlad the Impaler execution)

Stigandr: "Almost there! Victory! Fight harder!" The Warborn jarl yells after executing a Seieibushi.

The marauder's defeat their Myrian counterparts with a newfound determination and slowly inched their way further through the wavering Samurai. Archers from above tried to shoot down as much as they can, but went up the ladder and killed them easily, eliminating the threat to his warriors. To his right is the landscape of the entirety of the Myre itself.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “Beyond that fortress lay the Myre. Acres of unforgiving swampland, and a natural defense for the Samurai city beyond. That city was what the Vikings had come for.”

Rowan: (Narrating) "The battle was won. Only their commander remain."

Rowan rejoins his Viking brethren and assured in defeating the Samurai that faced them and reached a bridge. To the left of the bridge is something what seems like an ancient canal, long unused.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “Before the waters receded, that entrance was a canal. Imagine, ships sailing through, into waters that are now only swamp. The world has changed.”

With the Samurai army falling apart, The Raider proceeds ahead. As he enters the gardens, he sees Fujikiyo, the garrison's commander slaying three marauders with ease.

Apollyon: (Narrating) “The fort’s commander was Fujikiyo, the Samurai champion. His name had reached across the sea. Even the Vikings knew of his legend. There, the Warborn Raider would face him.”

The Kensei lifts his head and gazed at the Raider.

Fujikiyo: "(In Japanese) It was you! Savage. You have destroyed everything. My fortress is lost, my soldiers slaughtered. Soon I will join them. You opened the gate. Now, you will pay!" The Kensei yells in his native tongue as he prepares for his final duel.

Rowan: "You're in my way!" The Raider shouts as he too readies himself.

The Kensei charges at the Raider and immediately sends heavy strike from the top which felt considerably more powerful than the rest before him. Rowan barely had time to block it, and even when he he did, the furious Kensei broke his guard and kneed the Raider on his stomach and threw him behind. Rowan recovers but as he did, the Kensei already sent another heavy strike to his right and hit the Raider.

Fujikiyo: "Shine! (Die!)" The Kensei spits at him.

Rowan backs away and regains his footing. Once recovered, and charged towards the Kensei and picked him up, throwing him to the ground afterwards.

Rowan: "Ég ríf ykkur í pita! (I'll tear you all to pieces!)" Rowan shouts as he sent a powerful blow to the recovering Kensei.

He sends another heavy strike which the Kensei parries and strikes the Raider's face with the hilt of his nodachi.

Fujikiyo: "Jinjyo no shoubu! (Let's have an honorable showdown!)" The Kensei yells as he used his momentum and gravity to land a powerful strike against the Raider.

Rowan knew that this Samurai would be the one to give him the challenge but he wasn't expecting such skill from him. It was then he realized that they were underestimating the Samurai.

However, he is determined to finish this. The Great Raid will start whether will there be resistance or not. He sends a couple of light attacks against the Kensei; he will have to outwit him if he were to defeat the Samurai. He blocks several retaliatory strikes from the Kensei and finally parried one. He broke the Kensei's guard and send a heavy attack that will finally end their duel.

His axe lands against his opponent, tearing through the fabric and flesh that he wore. He pulls his axe off the Kensei, struck his head with the end of the shaft and as the Samurai fell, struck him in the crotch with the heavy blade of his weapon. It is done.

The Vikings have secured their foothold in the Myre, but at a great cost; a price they paid for underestimating their enemy. To them, a victory is a victory and now... The Great Raid begins.

Rowan: (Narrating) "That day reminded our people what Viking fury could do. The Great Raid, they would call it. And it had begun."

Rowan looks around at the burning buildings as his comrades destroyed and pillaged whatever they can.

- Blackstone City... -

Cross: "... Are you sure about this, Peltaris?" A certain second-in-command of the Blackstone Legion questions his former second Knight.

Amber had been staying in Blackstone City for two years and did not return to Harrowgate for reasons she would rather keep to herself. Today, she had just asked Cross to return back to the borders on her own, much to the Lawbringer's confusion.

Amber: "Yes, Cross. I am sure. I found an opening in the borders and I am going to survey it to see what we can do about it." She lies to him, hiding her true motives.

Cross, being the intelligent man himself saw through her lie instantaneously, and Amber knew it. For a moment there, she almost regretted lying to the person who could order her executed in a blink of an eye, but knowing him, he always was the rational man. With a sigh, he responds.

Cross: "Very well. You do know that if you fail to report on time, your pay could be suspended, no?" He asks the Warden, although there was no stopping her now and he asked the question just to see how determined Peltaris is on whatever she plans to do.

Amber: "I know that. I considered everything beforehand." She answers. To her, pay matters not. What matters most to her is that she find her answers.

Cross: "Then you may go. I'll inform the Master soon."

Amber: "Cross, if you could help it, she doesn't have to know."

Cross: "Peltaris, you know that you are Apollyon's favorite out of all of us. She will be looking for you when she wants something done."

Amber: "She has Mercy for that. For now, I'm doing things out of my own accord." She says as she frowns, remembering (Y/n's) words.

(Y/n): (Flashback) "How about uniting all of Ashfeld?"

Amber: "Besides, I know what I am getting into." She finishes.

Cross: "Then I suggest you set out as soon as you can. You are dismissed." He says to her.

Amber salutes the Lawbringer and promptly left the room. She made her way down to the city's courtyard and looked for her men. She eventually found her men along with the two Lightshield Captains that she brought to the Myre two years ago.

Amber: "Sir Ringo." She calls for her senior officer.

Sir Ringo: "Commander Peltaris, how may I help?" The senior officer asks.

Amber: "Start preparations. We move out to the Epicenter within two days. Alert Captains Black and Whitesong as well. They will be coming with us." She orders. The officer nods at her and he immediately set out to do his task. "Captain Dain, bring me to our guest." She says to one of her Captains who nods and leads her to where their 'guests' are being kept at.

She arrived with the Captain at a room where several Darkrose Knights are being kept, away from the Blackstones eyes. One of the Darkroses sees her enter the room and immediately stood to salute.

Darkrose Conqueror: "Lady Amber." The Darkrose who recognized her to be the daughter of their late leaders salutes to her.

Amber: "At ease, my friend. I want to ask you questions, and I want honest answers." She says to him.

Darkrose Conqueror: "Of course, milady."

Amber: "Firstly, why are you all the way to the east? Are you not supposed to be back at the Sanctuary and restoring it?"

Darkrose Conqueror: "Master Hardrada brought us with him in assistance of this mysterious group of what I can tell are exiles."

Amber: "What do you mean assist someone? Who does uncle want to help?"

Darkrose Conqueror: "I am not sure, milady, but he seems to be working directly with one known as 'Anaximander.'"

Amber: "I see. Since when-" She was about to ask another question when a familiar name clicked in her head. "Wait... Did you say Anaximander?"

Darkrose Conqueror: "Uh, y-yes milady. This Anaximander seems to be the leading figure of the mysterious group that Master Hardrada is currently involved with."

(Y/n): (Flashback in Valkenheim) "Remember the name Anaximander."

Mysterious Warden: (Flashback two years ago in the Myre) "Saidan Anaximander."

She suddenly had a clear understanding of (Y/n) himself, even if it was just a fragment. She managed to pick up the pieces that (Y/n) left her.

Amber: "I know... I know now! That's it!" She exclaims upon realization.

Darkrose Conqueror: "Milady?" The Darkrose Knight asks, confused.

Amber: "My friend, thank you. You have made things clearer for me."

Darkrose Conqueror: "Ah, I see. It is my pleasure to assist you in any way we can, Lady Amber."

She now found a new level of determination. If this Anaximander is trusted by none other than (Y/n) himself, then she must know more. Her intrigue, however was replaced by curiosity and suspicion. Why has her uncle, Nevil Hardrada left the Darkrose Sanctuary and travelled through Ashfeld just to assist this mysterious Warden. Who really is he under that steel helmet?

She intends to find out... one way or another.

- With Anaximander's group... -

Kalec: "We can't go back to Ashfeld through the borders now, son. Our previous camps have been demolished and our men scatter behind us. Commander Marwynn cannot risk us being discovered so he did."

(Y/n): "I see. We still have to get back with Anaximander and the rest to Ashfeld. The is about begin, and we cannot risk getting caught between the two of them."

Kalec: "But what about seeking assistance with the Samurai?"

(Y/n): "Me and Hojo managed to have a talk with Fujiwara Ayu, but nothing else. At this point, their hands are full. We'll continue our work in Ashfeld and gather what mother already has."

Kalec: "Right then. Tommorow?"

(Y/n): "Tommorow. We'll make our way to the Epicenter and go through it back to Ashfeld."

(Y/n): (Narrating) "That day, that decision... changed everything. But what I can remember is that it went from bad, to good."

"Because we now had more to fight for ever so suddenly."

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