Tick tock

By 111MIRROR111

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I looked around the locked room, shivering violently. I spot the discards of my hair that Clockwork cut off a... More

*~9~* /// POV switch///
Hęłłœ pëøpłę pėrśœñš
It's ya favourite fighting french man~
It's the mythic bitch...
Ummmm... hi...
⚠️iMpOrTaNt ShIt⚠️
1k reads!!!


393 17 8
By 111MIRROR111

Cold beads of sweat prickled the back of my neck as my eyes lingered on the horrific sight.

Broken, shattered, and blood covered clocks scattered the walls.
The stench of the blood
filling my nostrils, making me light headed.
The clocks came in an array of various different types of shapes, forms and patterns.
They all made constant ticking sounds that left my head ringing.

My gaze quickly shifted towards the floor, giant body bags scattered around making me scrunch up my nose in pure disgust.

I could barely hear the distant buzzing sound over all of the ticks.
My eyes darted towards a box in the corner of the room.
It vibrated uncontrollably, making me flinch back.

Should I?



I walked over to the box and crouched down to its level cautiously opening the flaps.

My breathing became ragged from the sight of what was inside.

It... it was my stuff.

My phone was in there... my watch... my ID, pictures of all my family members and pictures of me.

My phone automatically turned on, showing a text... from... from my sister?

The simple sentence read,
"what do you mean?"

I quickly unlocked my phone and started reading through the conversation.

"Jamie I can't find you!
Where are you?"
                   "This isn't Jamie, it's her

That must've been Natalie talking to her when she took my phone.

"Wait... are you the one
who kidnapped her?"

                          "I DIDN'T KIDNAP
                      HER! I SAVED HER
                          FROM YOU!"

"Pardon? I love her!
Why would she need
saving from me?"

                         "Yeah? Then why did she   
                          complain to me saying
                          that everyone treats her
                          like she doesn't exist?!"

My chest tightened.
The rest of the texts were my sister asking where I was and to tell me how much she loved me.
She texted everyday... and everyday she was left on read.

As I scrolled down to the bottom I noticed something odd.

                            "Today, your time is
                            up! Jamie will finally
                            be mine once I get rid of

"What do you mean?"

That was the text from right now.
That's why Natalie went out... she's planning to kill my family.

My family... they were trying to fight to get me back... and Natalie never told me.

She made it seem like they forgot about me.

She lied.

She could've taken me home... she just didn't want to.

I could've escaped all of this... but she didn't want me to.

My heart felt like it was slowly cracking into two.

How could I be so blind?

This is a murderer who doesn't care about anyone except herself.

Why did I even put my guard down and try to be friends with her?

Am I really that desperate?

Why am I so stupid?

Why do I even fucking like her?!

Silent tears of frustration rolled down my face as I realized what Natalie meant when she said the real her would scare me.

She was right. It did.

Scratch all my stupid fantasies of us living a normal life together.
I finally see that it can never happen.

I know what I have to do.

I have to go home.

I wipe my tears away with the back of my hand and frantically start to text my sister.

We waist no time in discussing my plan to escape.

I shove my phone into my pocket, following with my ID.
I smash the pictures of my family and I, and I put on my watch.

With a deep sigh, I quickly exit our- I mean her home.

I glance back at the cabin, giving it a weak, broken smile.

Goodbye, Natalie.

It has been about ten minutes of me trying to retrace my steps from the last time I attempted to escape.

I told Santiago to meet me close to where my cottage is, but the problem is... i don't even know where I am.

I guess I'll try to keep walking...
Everything seems kinda familiar in a way.

I unconsciously start to shiver from the harsh, bitter wind.
My arms wrap around themselves, gripping onto my sweater for some type of warmth.

Well isn't this amazing.

The chances of getting out of here are pretty slim.
I must admit that I probably will end up dead, either from another killer or hypothermia.
One thing I do know is that I'm definitely not going back to that cursed cabin.

My breathing becomes more ragged and I could feel my chest start to tighten up.
A small lump starts to form in my throat as I push back the tears that threaten to fall dawn my face.

What have I done to deserve this?

The last time I checked I don't have a single body count nor have I even murdered anyone.

"Jamie!" A male's voice calls out from behind me.
My head immediately shoots up and I spin around, my lips break out into a wide grin as I recognize the voice.

"Santi?" I look at my sister's husband with the emotions of relief, disbelief and utter happiness mixing together, all of them washing over me at once.

His appearance change. He had dark, visible eye bags and his small trimmed beard was now grown out and a mess.
He looked like a complete mess, quite the opposite of how he usually looks.

Before I could even mutter out another word he ran towards me and grabbed my hand, dragging me to a near by bush.

Santiago abruptly stopped running when we reached behind the bush, pushing me to the ground and sitting beside me.

"What the hell-" his dirt covered finger finger pressed against my lips, forcing me to stop talking.

Then I heard it.

A growl echoed throughout the woods and I could've sworn my heart stopped for at least a second.

"What the hell is that?" I shakily whispered while cautiously sitting up.

"I- I don't know! I was waiting at the cottage for you and... and I got worried. So I... I decided to go looking for you," he began. He panted heavily and his voice was shaking.

As much as his facial expressions were trying to say 'it's going to be okay' it failed by literally screaming 'WE'RE ALL GOING TO FUCKING DIE, DAMMIT!'

"I... I was wandering around the woods and... and this thing... this very big thing came out of nowhere and attacked me." He extended his left leg out; displaying the horrendous rips in his jeans and a big bloody scratch mark.

The mark looked like it was from an animal, though I would highly doubt it.
The skin was fully ripped off and even with the pool of blood forming in the cut, you could clearly see his muscle threatening to completely rip off.

"Holy shit." My eyes became wide, while my face gave off the impression of a dear in headlights.

My eyes traveled towards his panicked face. "Er... what... what did the thing look like?" I ask, shivering for now a completely different reason.

"It had a... a black hoodie, I think; though it's kinda hard to tell considering that it is still pretty dark outside. Anyways, it had a
blue mask and I think it had no eyes... which is completely
impossible, I know.
Oh! I also think it was a male."
He rambles, running his hand through his messy, greyish brown hair.


Did I ever mention how much I truly hate Eyeless Jack?

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