
By Albion_dxd123

55.1K 961 586

why don't we sickfics. @whydontwemusic๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ More

d.s.<broken leg>
c.b.<fight w parents>
j.m.<stressed out>
z.h.<felt faint>
j.a.//d.s.<car crash>
z.h.<stomach flu>
j.a.//d.s.<car crash>part 2
c.b.<throat surgery>
c.b.<chrons disease>
j.m.<i wanna leave>
c.b.<mental collapse>
j.m.<no inspiration>
j.a.<how to keep going>
wdw.<losing a friend>


2.7K 42 9
By Albion_dxd123

I put this one in my corbyn besson sickfics, but I liked it sm, I wanted you guys to read it too, just in case you don't read the corbyn besson sickfics ones. I wont put anymore corbyn besson sickfics in here, like i said i did it this one time cuz i loved it so much. so if you like this one, you should go check them out enjoy❤

It all started when i joined the band. No its not tho boys faults. Heck they don't even know.

It's 3 years later and were still known as why don't we biggest pop sensation. I started getting hate, and it was all the same thing

corbyns too fat

he needs to eat he's too fat

corbyn lose fucking weight

corbyns too fat, he doesn't belong in the bad with all his fatness

It all started to hit home hard when we were performing in st. Louis and someone from the crowd yelled "CORBYNS TOO FAT, GET OFF THE STAGE"

In that moment I relized maybe it's true.

So a few weeks later everytime I eat, I throw it all back up, I don't dare tell the other boys, but I am losing weight really fast, which makes me so fucking happy in myself.

"Corbyn, come and eat" I went downstairs to be meet with my beautiful 4 best friends faces.



Jack and


I sit down and start eatting, granted im really hungry, but I know exactly what im going to do after I eat this.
Sometimes I don't wanna do it, but it has recently become and big problem, and has had a big effect in my life

after i eat, I immediately run upstairs and throw it all back up. Usally I hate throwing up, but I feel like I have gotten really used to it.

"Guys, come on, we're going to the beach" our manager jon yelled

I quickly glance up into the mirror with only my swim trunks on, and relize I have lost alot of weight in the 2 months, which kinda scares me, because I feel like the guys will notice.

I like being skinny though, gives me so much perfection, plus our fans won't make fun if me anymore.

"come on corbs let's go" daniel yells. I slowly slip on my shirt and run down stairs and get in the car.

When we arrive to the beach all the boys have taken off thier shirts, and I am hesitating if I should take me shirt off.

Well, when I take my shirt off no one really seems to notice, so I run into the ocean and swim with the guys, we see some fans taking videos of us, which makes me feel a little insecure.

I've always felt insecure about myself ever since the hate. I know I should talk to someone, but they wouldn't understand.

We finally decide to get out of the water, and that's when zach takes notice to my skinnyness

"corbyn, what the fuck, bro you've gotten so skinny" zach said looking at my kinda worridly, but when he said it all the boys looked up at me and gasped.

"how are you so skinny bro" jack asks me, which makes me feel insecure so skinny.

i uh- um- ive been working out, yah, I've been working out. All the guys gave me a questioning look, and the believed me, which gave me a huge sigh of relief.

●at home●

When, we got home I immediately ran upstairs and threw up what we just had ate, this time when I threw up it gave me so much pain, and i started crying. I didn't understand why it hurt so bad, but it did

"corbyn, buddy you okay in there" Im pretty sure daniel had asked me

yah, im uh-fine. thanks for asking

Daniels POV

After I heard what I had just heard in the bathroom


dry heaving


I knew I couldn't let this go, when there was something wrong with my best friend upstairs crying in the bathroom, so I went downstairs and the boys could tell something was wrong.

"Daniel, are you okay, you look off" jack had asked me putting a hand on my shoulder

Guys, I'm worried about corbyn


He was upstairs in the bathroom, crying, gagging, dry heaving, possibly throwing up, he pushed me away, but it sounded like he was in pain, alot of it too.

"damn, let me go see what's up" Jonah said worried

Corbyns POV

My stomach hurts so bad.

corbyn you do this all the time why does it hurt now ? I thought to myself crying even more, but I quickly snapped outta thought, and back into reality when I heard a loud knock at the bathroom door. It was jonah.

"corbyn, im coming in"

no-um-i-um-I'm-ok, come in. I knew I needed help so I couldn't resist not needing jonahs help, cause I knew something was wrong.

Jonah, slowly opened the door with a loud gasp, as I was laying on the floor, in lots of pain.

Jonahs POV

When I opened the bathroom door I let out a loud ass gasp, I saw corbyn laying on the floor, holding his stomach in pain. I knew I should of reacted faster, but I had no idea what was wrong with him

a stomach ache

the flu

chromes disease

I had no idea

Corbyn buddy, are you okay ?

"j-j-jonah it hurts, real bad jo" He said crying, I couldn't help but kneel beside him and pull him in my lap. Corbyn, buddy what's wrong.

"can we go to out r-r-room jojo please"

of course we can. I picked up corbyn bridal style and carried him to our room, I layed him down on the bed, and got up to lock the door, corbyn slowly sat up, and crawled to the end of the bed with me, "jonah, im bulimic" is all corbyn said to me, before he got up and walked out if the room, I sat there in shock, not knowing my best friend was suffering, throwing up everytime he ate, just to become skinny

why did he felt the need to be skinny ?

who was telling him he wasn't skinny enough

and most importantly why was he listening to them

who could it of been?

the fans

no, the haters jonah, it was the haters telling corbyn he was fat, and needed to be skinny

I just sat on my bed, thoughts running through me head, I quietly went downstairs and everyone was eatting including corbyn, I was glad to see him eatting but I know exactly what he's going to do after

"How was everyone's day" zach asked very nicely. "It was good, overall" jack answerd happily. Then I corbyn popped the question " may I be excused" is what corbyn had asked. Jon had said yes and he ran up the stairs. I started to flip out.


"dude chill, and what do you mean" jack said

I'm sorry for yelling, guys corbyn bulimic, that's why he's so skinny, everytime he eats he throws it back up, and he's doing it because of all the hate comments telling him he isn't good enough, but he is.

All the boys gasp, they were in just as much shock as I was, believe me.

"we have to go stop him" our manager jon said getting up and running up the stairs as all the boys followed.

guys, let me do it. I walk into the bathroom to see corbyn, in front of the toilet, throwing up, it honestly scares me, once he's done, I pick him up and take him to our room, were all the boys are waiting. I sit him down on the bed as he cries into my chest.

"Why, corbyn just why" is all zach can get out, from tears falling down his face. He always hates seeing his best friends in this kind of state, but we all do.

"have you not see the comments, all the hate comments always telling me im too fat, and I need to lose weight? I believed them, so I wanted to be skinny, but today when I was doing it, it hurt so bad, like I was weak, and im getting skinny which makes me happy" corbyn said sadly

"honey" jon started "you are perfect the way you are, before you turned skinny you were perfect, don't let these people get to you sweetheart, no one wants to see you get some sort of disease because your making yourself throw up all the time"

"corbs, we love you for you." daniel said

"we wouldn't change you for anyone, or anything" jack continued

"we love you" zach said putting his hand on Corbyns shoulder.

corbs, please don't do this again, we all love you. Your body is amazing, your personality is amazing, I, I mean we love you for you, don't change because a couple people told you too, we love you. I said kissing him on the cheek in a brotherly way.

"i-i-i love you too, i won't ever do it again, in sorry." No, corbs no apologies necessary, as long as your okay were ok, I said as we all pulled corbyn into a group hug.

honestly i'm not that disappointed in myself😂

-kilie❤ (btw, your pronounce my name like kylie, it's just spelled differently)😂

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