And So The Lamb Became the Wo...

By UntitledAlsoUnknown

279K 9.1K 848

Bella was left by Edward in New Moon. Her friendship with Jacob results in an accident that pulls her into Sa... More

1. Prologue (AKA the exposition)
2. Runs With Wolves
4. Pet, is it?
5. I've Decided We're Friends Now
6. You want I should teach her a lesson?
7. Something big is coming
8. You don't take hints, do you?
9. Both is Good
10. I Would Love to See More of You
11. A Rose for Rosalie
Can We Do This Again?
So, Imprinting?
A Mate as Pure as Bella
This Was a Mistake
It All Disappears When You Imprint
What a Shame
What Am I going to Do With You?
We're All Here For You
20. Is that so bad?
21. Tamed by a Vampire!
22. They're Coming
23. He's Just Imprinted
24. We've been together for five minutes.
25. 11 Minutes
26. I'm Giving You a Choice
27. I'm in Charge
28. And Then? Forever. (Epilogue 1)
29. All Was Well (Epilogue 2)

3. Have You Moved On?

11.8K 354 40
By UntitledAlsoUnknown

Bella stopped trying to fight Sam's commands. She went limp, her legs hanging in the air over her. She looked like a puppy. If the situation wasn't so serious, it would have been comical. I-I imprinted?

Jacob howled. They could all feel his distress. Yes. Sam growled. He leveled his dark eyes on hers. He tried not to snarl, but his muzzle pulled back in an angry display. Get up. Bella rolled over, sitting up. She padded slowly to Jacob and licked the wound she had given him. He whimpered. Sam's emotions were a mix of rage and despair. Bella felt his turmoil, and it hurt.

How do I make it stop?

You can't. Fate has chosen her for you.

I don't want this! I never felt this way before!

You weren't a wolf before.

Bella looked toward the parking lot again. Rosalie and Emmett were gone. She hates me. She hates everyone.

She won't for long. Sam spat out.

I won't cave for this. I don't want this. I won't have this and I won't have her. Bella pleaded, begging her pack and herself. Even as she sent those thoughts to the others, her heart clenched painfully in her chest at the thought of staying away from Rosalie.

Paul looked at all of them, his emotions so in turmoil the others couldn't pick them out as he went from one to the next. Sam, what do we do?

I don't know. Every wolf turned to look at Sam. He had never been unsure of himself, not for as long as Bella had been in the pack. We may have to inform the head leech.

It's none of their business. Jacob snarled, startling Bella.

That's not up to you. That's up to Bella.

They turned to her. She stared off into the woods. It's no one's business. I don't want anyone to know.

For now, that's fine. Sam turned to walk away. But Bella, at some point, they will know. He kept walking. You two, come. You can't go back to school today.

Bella and Jacob fell in line and followed silently, neither of them wanting to go to class anyways. They all made their way slowly to the res, each lost in their own thoughts when another consciousness and voice broke in. Hey, shit-eaters. I'm back. Leah's voice cut into their thoughts, and Bella yelped in joy. She tore off to where she knew Leah's mind indicated she was. Slow dow- It was too late. Bella's hulking wolf form slammed into Leah, knocking her onto her back. Bella's unbridled joy flooded the entire pack. Bella put a paw on either side of Leah's head, her laughter echoing through their link. Leah looked up at Bella from the ground. Bella licked her face, soothing where a tree branch had scraped her snout. We have really got to work on your excitement, puppy-breath.

I'm so glad you're back! Where have you been? Bella panted, her excitement seeping from her and influencing the rest of the pack. Young shifter emotions were always the most wild, and they allowed themselves to enjoy Bella's happiness. Leah had abandoned them shortly after turning. As soon as she got control of herself, only a few weeks after Bella had changed, she crept out in the middle of the night. Leah had run as far north as she could, and when she felt Sam ready to command her back, she turned human and continued on foot. She had been gone for two months, and Bella had been worried.

Canada's nice this time of year. Leah growled. Get off of me you overgrown wiener dog. Bella was knocked off Leah before she could even answer. Leah's sour attitude had no effect on Bella. She knew why Leah hurt so much, and it only made the knot in her own stomach grow larger. Seems I came back just in time for the fireworks. Seriously? Even wolf you wants a leech?

No. Not gonna happen.

We're happy you're back, Leah. Sam echoed to them. Get back to the rez. We have to talk.

Leah snarled at the command but followed nonetheless. Bella could see images of Seth and the Clearwater's in Leah's mind and knew she was excited to see her family. Sam drifted through Leah's mind, along with a profound sadness that hurt Bella down to her soul. Leah looked sideways at Bella, who was jogging beside her. I don't think you'll have a choice.

There's always a choice. Leah's ice blue eyes locked with Bella's, and Bella could see the depth of sadness there, accompanied by doubt.

They continued in silence until they met the boys. The girls shifted, hastily dressing. Seth met his sister first, wrapping his arms around her. He was finally taller than her, and he crushed her in his grip. "I am so happy you're back. You can't do that to me again. Mom and dad were so worried."

"I know kid, I know. I needed time. It was all too much." Seth nodded. He put an arm on Leah's shoulder, and she put her Arm on his opposite shoulder. They looked each other in the eye. "I missed you, kiddo."

"Kiddo!" Seth's voice cracked, and all the wolves laughed as he turned a deeper tan.

"Come guys. We need to call the council." Sam headed towards Billy's house. "They need to know what's happened." Bella looked worried. "It's okay. They can't do anything about it."

The pack quietly made their way to Billy Black's. He looked at them curiously. "Hey guys, what's going-" He froze as Leah entered the house. "Leah! I'll call the council. They'll be so happy to see you're home." Leah leaned down to hug him in his wheelchair.

"I'm so happy to see you, Billy."

He beamed. "I'll call everyone in. They need to know you're home."

When everyone arrived, Harry could not contain himself. He gasped in shock. Leah wrapped her arms around her father, "Daddy, I'm so sorry." Everyone averted their eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you guys. I just needed time."

"Shhh, honey, it's alright. It's not important. All that matters is you're here now." Harry put his face on his daughter's head, reveling in her presence. He had been so worried. Some nights his wife sat in the kitchen and cried over their missing child. They knew that their children were in for a difficult time when they shifted, but neither of them had anticipated one of them disappearing. Harry and Leah stood like that for a moment longer.

Sam interrupted the moment, an embarrassed look on his face. "We're all very pleased our pack is whole again, but that isn't what this meeting is for."

"It's not?" Billy asked as the elders and pack members took their seats on the logs around the empty fire pit. "Then what is?"

"As is required, we must make you aware of an Imprint."

The men looked delighted. "Who is it?" He asked happily, his hand never leaving Leah's.

Bella grimaced as Sam looked at her. All the men looked at the lightest member of the group. Bella was accepted as an honorary tribe member, but they still looked surprised. "Bella?" Billy asked confused. She nodded. "That's never happened in history."

The elders looked between themselves. An adopted shifter was not unheard of. Part of the wolf survival required turning those with no Native blood. Native members of the pack had been imprinting since shifting had been ingrained in their bloodline. However, never before had an adopted shifter imprinted. The silence echoed loudly. Bella wished there was a fire going, so there would be some sound. She'd never heard a silence quite this loud. She looked out toward the water, refusing to meet the eyes of anyone around her.

Harry cleared his throat. "Who is it?" He smiled as Bella looked towards him. "We will welcome him with open arms, as we would any imprintee." Bella looked down at her hands. Billy took a guess at Bella's nervousness. "Her? Is it a her?" Billy smiled. "That's no problem! We're open here." He reached out to pat Bella's hand gently.

"Billy, it's a Cullen." Sam said quietly. The ensuing silence was even more painful than the previous one. "The angry blonde female."

"Well," Billy looked to Harry, "I don't believe that changes anything."

"It doesn't?" Bella gasped.

Harry sighed; Billy continued. "There are rules ingrained in our history. An imprintee is protected." He rubbed his chin. "We'll need some time to discuss this. Sam, please remain. The rest of you may go." The wolves left. Bella sighed, knowing she had just complicated everything.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Bella." Jacob didn't wait for a response. Bella sighed again. She made her way home, wondering what was to come.

Alice floated to Bella the next morning. "Where did you disappear to yesterday, young lady?"

Bella grimaced. "I went for a run. I needed some time."

"We missed you! You, Emmett, and I have Gym class together!" Alice hooked her arm through Bella's. She looked around before saying, "Can you stop hanging out with the wolves? They smell. They're making you smell. You don't smell as bad, but you don't smell as good as you used to."

Bella shrugged. "I kind of like it. It's a forest musk!"

Alice wrinkled her nose. "It's a dog-butt musk."

"What about dog butts?" Emmett shouted as he snuck up behind them and threw Bella and Alice over each of his shoulders. The students around them turned to stare at the commotion. Alice squealed while Bella laughed. Emmett's deep booming laugh was soothing. She had missed him so much. A year ago, she would have blushed bright red at the attention, but becoming a wolf had instilled a confidence in her that she would have killed for back then.

"Drop me, you monster!" He set them both on their feet and Bella punched him. She ran a hand through her long hair before carefully straightening her plaid shirt.

"Boo bear, are you-" he stepped back and looked her up and down, "getting hotter? Alice, it's not just me, right?" He walked a full circle around Bella, looking her up and down. Alice laughed at Emmett's surprise. He took in Bella's converse, her skinny jeans, the red and black plaid shirt she was wearing, and the forearm muscles exposed by her rolled up sleeves. "Jeez, we should have left earlier. You look great!' He looked in Bella's deep brown eyes, seeing the gold flecks that had taken up residence in them since her change. "If you didn't smell so bad, I might claim you as my own right now! Why are you so tall?"

Bella smirked confidently, then punched Emmett. "You're an embarrassment. I'd like to say that you got hotter, but Charlie taught me not to lie." Bella dodged an open-handed slap coming for her. Emmett jumped forward, pinning her arms to her side as he squeezed her in a bear hug.

"You're so warm! I missed that." He paused. "Seriously, Bells, you look good. I'm happy you're safe." He bit his lip. "How are you, though? Are you okay?" He set her down.

"I'm good Emmett. Truly. Things were hard for a while, but everything turned out okay." Bella sniffed herself. "Do I really smell that bad?"

"No, but you don't smell that good either." Emmett sized her up again. "I don't know what it is, but you were right, Alice. She's different."

Alice slapped Emmett's shoulder. She looked guiltily at Bella. "You are definitely different."

Bella rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm different. I kept myself alive and even improved after my first breakup." Thoughts of Rosalie snuck into Bella's mind. She could sense Rose was nearby. "Speaking of, where is the rest of the family?" She was wondering about Rosalie, but she knew they would assume the question was about Edward.

"Jasper and Rose are inside. Edward will be here soon. He seems to think arriving just before the bell rings will spare you any unnecessary pain." Alice looked at Bella like she might explode.

Bella rolled her eyes. "Was he always this dramatic?"

"Yes, he was. You were so blinded by puppy love that you couldn't see it." She grimaced. "He has such a good heart though."

Bella chewed her lip. "I'm gonna have to see him eventually, aren't I?"

"Yep." Emmett said offhandedly while checking his phone. "You two have class together seventh period. And speaking of puppy love," Emmett murmured, "here comes your puppy Bella."

"I heard that." Jacob put an arm around Bella's shoulder, glaring at Emmett. The two were of equal height and musculature. A fight between them would be a sight to see.

Alice took Bella's hand. "We'll see you in class." She let go and hooked Emmett's arm, leading him away.

"I could take him," Emmett whispered once he thought they were out of earshot.

"Sure, you could. Do you really want to hurt Bella like that? You want to kill her best friend?"

"No," Emmett growled. "He seems pretty cool. I wonder if we'd be well matched in an arm-wrestling contest."

The scowl dropped from Jacob's face as he and Bella laughed. Bella put her hands to her temples and squeezed her eyes tight. "I've had a vision!" She gasped. "You and Emmett are going to be friends!"

The scowl came back. "Shut up." His face softened. "I'm sorry about yesterday. It was tough."

"Forgiven. All of it. I'm also sorry." Jacob shrugged, and they made their way into the school. As an afterthought, Bella added, "Watch your thoughts while Edward's around."

Jacob tapped his forehead. "I've gotten crazy good at protecting my thoughts. Don't worry. The only one of us who has to worry about control is you. Imprints make people stupid."

Bella huffed, walking away quickly and trying to leave Jacob behind her.

The day dragged slowly. Bella enjoyed her morning with Alice and Emmett. Random texts poured in throughout the day from Jacob.

I hate this.

I hate this school.

I hate you.

I can't think of anything else to hate, but I hate it too.

Bella finally responded. I love you!

I hate that too! He sent a colorful array of heart emojis.

When lunch came Bella and Jacob ate outside. Her heart was tugging her toward the cafeteria, where she was sure Rosalie was. She wondered what Rosalie was pretending to eat today, or if she was flipping through Car and Driver. She thought of ways to begin a conversation with Rosalie when she finally saw her. "You can't, Bells."

Bella dropped her head onto the table. "Can't what?"

"Whatever you're thinking."

"I'm not thinking anything." Bella wondered if she should learn about cars. Jacob had taught her a few things, but it wasn't enough, and she knew it. How could she ever compare to Rosalie?

Jacob watched the faraway look on Bella's face. "I'm gonna barf." He pretended to retch.

"I hate you, Jacob Black." He gave her a noogie. They spent the rest of lunch throwing their food at each other.

When seventh period rolled around Bella and Jacob were dredging happily through the day. Jacob was complaining about Chemistry and how he would rather let the town veterinarian declaw him then study the periodic table. Bella rolled her eyes. Jacob could be so dramatic. He held the classroom door for Bella. She froze in the doorway. Edward was coming down the hallway. Jacob stepped forward, and Bella shoved him into the classroom. "I've got it." Jacob sat down angrily, never taking his eyes off the doorway. Bella let the door close. She had known she needed to see Edward eventually, and here he was.

"Isabella." Bella raised an eyebrow and cocked her head at Edward. "Bella. How are you? Alice and Emmett say you've been doing incredibly well."

"I have, Edward."

He flinched at her sarcastic use of his name. "Bella, I wanted to apologize. I never wanted to hurt you." She put a hand on her hip, waiting for him to continue. "I hope you can forgive me. Alice told me about what it was like for you after we left. It took everything in us not to come right back. Then, when your future disappeared," he sighed. "We were terrified. Imagine our surprise when it was just that you spend all your time with shifters!" Clouds rolled in to his expression. "Are you safe with them? Are you okay?"

"I am safer with them than I was with you."

Edward nodded. "I deserved that." He seemed to be considering something. "There is something different about you. Something amazing." He looked deep into her eyes. His golden eyes, which had once held something for her, seemed so shallow now. They held nothing for her anymore. She didn't understand why, but she wondered what he was thinking. "Bella...have you moved on?"

She smiled so brightly he was stunned. "Yes, I have."

He smiled back. It seemed tight, forced. He responded with, "Good. I'm happy for you. Is it the wolf?" The teacher knocked on the door, looking at them.

Edward opened the door. "I hate to interrupt you two lovebirds, but could you maybe join the class?"

Jacob laughed, a short, gruff sound that made the rest of the class look at him. He stifled his laugh. Bella gracefully walked towards Jacob, slapping him on the back of the head. Bella slid into the desk next to him. Edward watched them. Bella leaned over. "Watch your thoughts, dog breath."

Jacob looked angry, but she had to trust he could keep his thoughts in check. It was the only way she could keep any control over her situation.

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