No Love Needed [BOYxBOY]

נכתב על ידי Imbrication

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Dmitri Daniels is a 22-year old male dancer who is a total player. Growing up he never received love so he do... עוד

Chapter 1: Dmitri
Chapter 2: Andre
Chapter 3: The Best Sex Yet
Chapter 4: Talk Over Breakfast
Chapter 6: We Meet Again
Chapter 7: Technically Not a Date
Chapter 8: Pardon the Interruption
Chapter 9: Sexual Tension
Chapter 10: Daytime Liquor
Chapter 11: Let's Play a Little Game
Chapter 12: Sex in the Movies
Chapter 13: Blows and Kisses
Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Thick Tension
Chapter 16: The Revelations
Chapter 17: Dmitri & Yvonne's Talk
Chapter 18: Smile For Me
Chapter 19: Private Talk
Chapter 20: The First Time
Chapter 21: Leaving Childish Things

Chapter 5: Along Came Quinton

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נכתב על ידי Imbrication

Here I am guys, bringing you a new chapter of No Love Needed. I am trying to make sure I keep updating frequently! Enjoy the chapter. :)


*Andre’s Point-of-View*

            All I could think about was what happened that night with Dmitri. It had been a couple days and of course I hadn’t seen or even heard from him. When I think about it, it’s not like we exchanged numbers or anything. Or at least I don’t think so. Some memories of that night were fuzzy, since I was pretty drunk. But I remembered that next morning, clear as day. The things Dmitri were saying was pretty harsh. Like he had no filter at all and it had me taken back. But I couldn’t help but wonder why. Why was he so against the idea of getting to know someone new? Why wouldn’t he give me a chance? I mean, I’m not talking about just falling in love and all that. If that happens, it happens. I’m pretty sure he has been hurt before and this is why he is the way he is. I’ve had my share of heart breaks, yet it’s like I still have hopes of falling in love. If only money wasn’t a factor…

            I sip my coffee as I continue thinking about everything. Honestly, I was over my break up from a few days ago. I mean, we had only dated 3 months. It’s not like that was such a long time. I shrug off the thoughts, looking out my kitchen window. I could see a few people leaving out for work and starting their days. The sun was beaming down and it was definitely another hot summer day. I sat my coffee down, taking in the silence in my home. It sucked living alone sometimes since it got pretty boring. I decided that I wouldn’t sit in the house all day today, so I got dressed and headed out. To where I was going, I wasn’t sure. But I just drove and drove. Eventually, I realized I was in the area of Fairlane Mall after driving for a long time. Going to the mall where my break up was? Sure, why not?

            I parked my car and got out, walking casually into the mall. It actually seemed tedious to me even being here, since I wasn’t really looking to buy anything. I headed over to Foot Locker and just peeked in the store. The cashier who had helped me and my ex was there. I remembered his name was Quinton. He didn’t seem to notice me though, as he stood at the counter looking bored. I decided to walk in and browse, just to see if he’d remember me.

“Welcome to Foot Locker. Let me know if you need help finding anything.” Quinton said, glancing at me.

“Just looking.” I replied, looking away. I don’t think he remembered me, or if he did, he just wasn’t engaging in a conversation. It had to have been about 5 minutes of me just looking around before I could feel someone staring at me. I looked up to see Quinton staring, as if he was trying to make out who I was.

“I’m sorry, you just look familiar. You were the guy in here the other day with ole dude?” Quinton asked, now sitting on the counter. I nodded slowly, smiling a little.

“Me and that guy aren’t together anymore.” I said simply.

“Oh wow. Really? Can’t believe he’d leave a dude like you...” He said, seeming to trail off. I didn’t really take the compliment. But I could tell he was flirting a bit.

“Well, I actually left him. He just wasn’t in it for the right reasons.” I said with a shrug. It saddened me a little thinking about it though. I tend to put way too much emotion into people who won’t do the same.

“Huh. I guess that would make sense. But I’m sorry to hear that.” Quinton replied hopping down from the counter. “Want to hang out when I get off work?” He asked. I raised an eyebrow, not sure how to respond to this. Was he trying to make a move on me?

“Hang out doing what?” I questioned. Quinton chuckled.

“Ah not like that. I know you fresh out of a relationship and all. I just wanna chill.” He said, approaching me. Giving a small smile. I guess I could use a new friend.

“Sure, why not?” I finally said after a moment of silence. Quinton smiled.

“Aight, well my shift won’t be over for another few hours. So you can just give me your number and we’ll meet up later.” He said. I nodded, giving him my number. I didn’t really plan on anything happening, even though as a single man, I could dabble and do whatever I like. But despite the fact that Quinton was a very attractive guy, I just had a lot of other things on my mind.

“I’ll see you later.” I said, heading out the store.

“See you…” Quinton replied.

            I probably walked around and browsed the mall for a good hour before I finally decided to leave. It was really boring in here. I did in fact end up buying me some outfits since I was there. As I was heading to my car, I could’ve sworn I saw Keith heading into the mall. Last thing I needed was to see my ex. I lowered my head and quickly got to my car. Did he see me? I don’t think so. I scrambled for my keys as anxiety seemed to take me over.

“Andre!” I heard Keith call. I dropped my keys and sighed.

“Shit.” I exclaimed to myself. Keith was coming over my way.

“Hey, Andre wait!” He called again. I picked my keys up and stared at him as he approached.

“What?” I asked impatiently.

“I just want to say I’m sorry and that I want to be with you.” Keith explained.

“Keith just stop. Did you not get the hint when I stopped answering your calls? Blocked your texts? When you see me, all you see are dollar signs, just like the others.” I contemned, not wanting to hear another word.

“OK, you’re right! But give me a chance to get to know the actual you.” He said.

“No. I’m not even interested in you anymore.” I said simply. Keith grabbed my arm and I snatched away.

“Andre can you just stop and listen?”

“No, and don’t touch me!”


“No!” I yelled. “Look, you had your chance. You played me and strung me along just to use me for my money. Who knows what else you were doing while we were dating. All you gold digging assholes only care about yourselves!” I was fed up with him and this conversation. I don’t understand why he’d even try to come talking to me.

“I don’t want to lose you!” Keith cried.

“You already did…” I replied simply. He frowned at me and just stared. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to get going.” I said after a while.

“One of these days…” Keith mumbled. I looked at him, unsure of what to say or do. He was definitely making me uncomfortable now. It’s like it was 5 minutes of silence before Keith walked away, brushing past me as hard as he could. I shook my head. What the hell?

            I finally got in my car and headed to downtown Detroit just to look around. There were people in their business attire just walking around and you could see policemen patrolling the streets. I didn’t want to end up going all the way back to my house if Quinton ended up having us meet at his house. At the same time, I wasn’t going to expect him to drive out to Clinton Township. But anyway, I continued just cruising downtown, looking for something to occupy my time. Before I knew it, I had killed another hour just looking at stuff and thinking. Then finally, my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey, this is Quinton. I just got off my shift.” Quinton replied.

“Oh ok cool, so where do you want meet at?” I asked.

“Uh, well we could either meet up at your place or something if that’s more comfortable for you.” He said.

“Well I live kinda far out so-“

“I don’t mind driving out. Just tell me where you stay at and I’ll see to it I’m there.” Quinton quickly said.

“Clinton Township.” I said simply.

“Huh. I don’t mind driving out there. Text me the address, I’ll be on my way.” He said.

“OK, see you.” I said before hanging up. I texted him my address and started heading home. The sun was still pretty high as it neared 3pm. The roads weren’t too busy yet, as most people still hadn’t gotten off work yet.

            I pulled into my driveway and hopped out the car. I’m pretty sure that at any moment, Quinton would’ve been arriving since we were both basically coming in from Detroit. Once I was in the house, I made sure everything was in order. It had to have been about maybe 10 minutes after I got home that Quinton called.

“Hey, I’m outside.” He said. I answered OK, walking to the front door and watching Quinton get out his car. It was pretty nice and well-kept from the looks of it. I really had to admit, Quinton looked better and better the more I saw him. As he walked up to the door, he smiled at me.

“Your house looks pretty huge. You stay here all by yourself?” Quinton asked as I let him in.

“Unfortunately.” I said with a chuckle. His smile dropped and he stared at me for a minute, looking a little sad about my answer. I wasn’t sure how to exactly take it. Quinton then seemed to force a smile after a while.

“I’m sure you’ll eventually find someone soon enough. But uh, yeah. I brought by some movies. Wasn’t sure if you had anything planned.” He said, pulling out some DVDs from his drawstring bag.

“You carry around a bag of DVDs?” I asked, taking a seat on my couch.

“Nah, I stopped home first. You didn’t notice I wasn’t in uniform either?” Quinton laughed, motioning towards his attire. I guess I wasn’t paying attention. He definitely wasn’t in his Foot Locker attire, but in a white tee and cargo shorts.

“Sorry, my mind been everywhere today.” I replied, laughing nervously. Why was I acting so ditzy? I mean, I know I can be a ditz in general, but I’m being ditzier than usual. If that’s even a word.

“You’re good. I can understand if you have things on your mind.” Quinton reassured, giving me another one of his bright smiles. Something about him made me feel submissive and secure, but that scared me in all honesty. He could be a gold digger looking to just use me for my money like Keith was, who played the role so well. Keith had a smile that made me melt and a voice so smooth, I couldn’t help but fall under his spell. I would not allow myself to do the same with Quinton.

“Yeah…so you can pick the movie.” I suggested. That encounter with Keith today really messed with my psyche.

“You know, maybe we should just talk first and get to know each other?” Quinton said, taking a seat next to me, putting away the movies. Oh no, was he going to try something with me?

“Quinton, I’m not looking to…” I began, but he stopped me.

“Andre, those really aren’t my intentions. I’m not even gay.” Quinton said. My eyes went wide. Was he lying?

“What? But the smiles…the comments!” I replied in disbelief. He laughed shaking his head.

“Is it a crime to be friendly? I’m comfortable enough with my sexuality to say another dude looks nice. I admit, you’re a very good looking dude and I don’t even know why you’re single. But trust me, I’m only interested in chillin’ and getting to know you.” Quinton stated. I blushed, out of embarrassment and his compliments once again.

“I’m sorry, Quinton. I’ve just been so nervous and in thought about my break up and this other guy…” I said weakly.

“Well, I don’t mind listening to you vent. And no need to apologize. You’re good.” He replied, smiling. His smile was still very alluring. I no longer had the fear of being around him. I now couldn’t help but smile and chuckle. Quinton seemed surprised at me doing this.

“Andre, you OK?” He asked. I nodded.

“Yes, yes. I just feel less nervous around you now.” I said.

“Well I’m glad, so how about you tell me some things about yourself.” Quinton suggested.

“Well, as you know, my name is Andre. I’m 24, have a bachelors in Psychology. Eventually I’ll go back to school for my masters but I needed a break.” I began. “I currently have no job, but have worked plenty in the past. I try to work for the things I want.” I said. Quinton nodded listening before taking his turn.

“The name’s Quinton, of course. I am 23 years young. Uh, I actually got my bachelors in Mass Communications and graduated magna cum laude. I know you might be wondering like why am I working at a Foot Locker then. Well the simple fact of the matter is, I just never believed I could make it on TV doing the news or something. I mean, I’d try but ya know.” Quinton explained. Wow, I can’t believe he graduated magna cum laude!

“Wow, I think you could make a very nice news anchor actually. Especially to have graduated magna cum laude!” I exclaimed. He chuckled.

“Yeah, even my frat bruhs would tell me that I have so much talent and should try. But I’m fine where I’m at.” Quinton said. This guy was really impressive to me. Smart, funny, and just down right gorgeous. I’m a little disappointed that he’s straight now.

            Quinton and I continued talking for hours, just telling each other things about ourselves. I learned so much about him and he seemed to be interested in learning about me. I even revealed to him who my parents were, to which he then realized I was a member of “The Smith Family”. Keith ended up coming up in the conversation, and I explained why we ended. Keith was nothing new, since gold diggers always seemed to flock to me.

“A person like you really don’t deserve the shit you go through.” Quinton said, sipping on the pop I got him from the kitchen.

“Yeah. And it’s like…the same night I broke up with Keith, I was just a mess. Then I ran into this dude at a club. He was a dancer and I don’t know if it was the alcohol or not, but I felt like me and him had a connection. But he was against the idea of love. Haven’t heard from that guy since.” I admitted disappointingly.

“Well that’s his lost. But I’m sure if the connection was there, y’all will be bond to meet again. I don’t know.” Quinton assured, giving me a warm smile.

“Hopefully. But even if we do, there’s no guaranteed that he’d necessarily give me a chance.” I stated. Quinton took a big gulp from his cup and looked me in my eyes.

“Well fuck em’ if he’s going to be like that. Don’t try to settle.” He said after a while. “That’s why I’m single. I won’t settle for bullshit. It is what it is.” I listened to his words and nodded. He was right in a way. Yet there was something in me that still wanted to try and talk to Dmitri. Hmmm. Dmitri….


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