distraction: you

By twosetmeridian

128K 6.4K 2.4K

distractions are not high on eddy chen's priorities. when brett yang steps into his life, however, he might n... More

author's note ;
chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
interlude - the panel
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
interlude - cynthia
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
interlude - the music director
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
interlude - elizabeth chen
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty

chapter two

4.8K 192 130
By twosetmeridian

the day is hot, the sun is shining, and brett's world has just fallen down around him like crumbling sandcastles.

okay, that's a bit overdramatic, but he can't help it. he has always been a rather sensitive soul, perhaps, if that is indeed the right word for it. he feels all too deeply, takes everything to heart, and once he had heard the news of being shot down yet again for another audition for concertmaster—or any position, really, at this point; he is that desperate—it had been all too easy to stumble down onto the bus stop bench and force himself not to pass out.

he hadn't expected anyone to come up and talk to him, much less offer to stick around until he looks a little less green around the gills. he hadn't expected eddy chen.

• • •

five minutes and a few unsteady steps to a vending machine later, brett's got a bottle of water thrust into his hand by the tall stranger who, for god knows what reason, has taken an interest in his plight. it's not that he's ungrateful or anything, it's just—not something he's experienced recently.

he isn't really used to kindness, not from outside the boundaries of his own family, and even within that, it's complicated.

eddy keeps his gaze trained on him as he drinks water, most likely checking to see if brett's going to faint any time soon, and it is here that brett realizes just how devastating those dark eyes can be when their full focus is on you. it is safe to say that this is the most nerve-wracking drink of water in his life, and with the way his throat grows dry in anxiety, the bottle is empty after just a few gulps.

fastest finished drink ever. the guinness world records should call him up about that.

"well, brett yang," the other man drawls his name out all slow and measured, as if testing the shape of it on his lips, and okay, no, that was definitely a weird train of thought.

shut up, brain, brett admonishes his wayward mind, squeezing his eyes shut as he steadies his breathing, puffs of air all timed to the 4/4 rhythm like his mother had trained him to do. it keeps him calm, yes, but at the expense of missing a few words eddy's aimed in his direction.

". . . a violinist?"

what? "sorry?" brett squints up at him—so tall, what the hell even are his genes—and stares wordlessly for a few moments before his brain comes back online. "ah, yeah. yeah, i am." he hadn't planned on making that declaration sound so forlorn, but, well, there you go.

eddy hums in reply, eyes slightly glassy as he turns his focus inward, and brett takes the opportunity to sneak a peek at the other man's violin case strapped to his back. sleek and silver and well-polished: definitely someone in higher standing in the musical world than he is.

oh god, what if eddy's a soloist? brett would die out of sheer mortification and envy if he were. here he is, still jobless with an old scuffed violin to keep him company, and in the presence of someone who looks as if he has his life well put together.

things aren't really looking good so far.

as if sensing the brewing dark cloud of brett's thoughts, eddy clears his throat and gives him a smile: a small, adorably toothy thing. "ah, yeah, i should've figured, since you're carrying a violin case." the man laughs self-depreciatingly. brett's heart skips a beat. "sorry—yeah, that was fairly obvious. but anyway, do you feel any better yet? do you need anything?"

it's here that warmth ripples through brett's chest, against all odds. it really is a sweet gesture that this man is doing for him, and he isn't one to let that go unrewarded. "no, it's alright, i'm fine." eddy's eyebrow climbs to his hairline, and at the sight of that, brett's mouth involuntarily curves up into a smile. "no, really. thank you. i mean it. is-is there any way for me to pay you back?"

even as he asks that, brett knows quite well that the contents of his wallet are getting thinner and thinner as days go by. he is in no position to offer freebies, but this man has literally gone above and beyond for someone he's just met like ten minutes ago. he has to at least pay him back somehow.

as expected, eddy shakes his head, but brett is relentless. "please, it's the least i can do as thanks. dinner maybe, my treat? or i can at least pay you for the water?" he's half-aware that he's babbling by now, but the words suddenly dry up the moment eddy gently nudges his arm.

"it's fine, mate. don't worry about it." brett opens his mouth to protest, and the other man lifts up a finger to stall whatever words are about to come out. "if you're really worried about that, then you can pay me back some other time, and not right now, when you look like you're dead on your feet. i'll even give you my number, see? this payback thing is a promise now, don't you dare skip out on me."

shut up, brain. brett nods meekly, a bit overwhelmed. "ah. yeah, that's a good plan."

eddy's smile turns sharper, becomes a delighted smirk, and god above, who on earth is this man? brett is halfway convinced he's an alien or something.

"one last thing," eddy continues. "let me walk you home. just, you know, to make sure you don't faint somewhere along the way, and then it'll be my fault somehow."

shut up, brain. brett laughs, all past worries faded into the wind. "okay, mate, that sounds fair. let's go."

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