Levi's Wings of Freedom (Levi...

By Exellda

150K 7.8K 6.3K

Summary: Levi lived his whole life in a cage. His shackles followed him wherever he went which wasn't far at... More

Levi's Wings of Freedom
Levi is Auctioned
Levi's New Home
Levi Cleans
Levi's First Taste of Freedom
Levi Goes Out
Levi's First Flight
Levi Gets Sick
Levi Decides
Levi's Interveiws
Levi Works
Levi's First Love
Levi Models
Levi's Jealousy
Levi Tells
Levi's First Celebration Party
Levi Needs Help!
Levi's Only Hope
Levi For Christmas
Levi's Alone
Levi's Return Home
Levi Awakens

Levi's Choice

4.8K 342 111
By Exellda

Ah fuck it xD I'm Updating early~!


Levi’s Choice


            Heartbroken. Eren was heartbroken at the sight in front of him. He had been very depressed all last week… and now it had carried four days into this week. Everyday had now become a routine. He’d stop by and see the same thing. Why did this have to happen? If only I stayed. I could have prevented this… Sadly, the past couldn’t be changed. Hanji couldn’t help. Levi had been too sick… Eren sighed in frustration. I feel so helpless right now… I wish I could have been there for him… He was probably miserable… Why?

            Just like every other time Eren would visit, he’d stare miserably and then before he knew it, he’d be holding back tears that threatened to spill out. Sometimes, Hanji would come with him. Sometimes they would talk, other times they’d stay silent.

            “I’m sorry Eren… R-really, I am… but there was nothing I could d-do… and- and-” Hanji for once covered her mouth. Her tears became visible as she tried to speak again, “I w-wish it d-didn’t have to be this way…” Eren frowned and embraced Hanji as she started cry. He just stood there silently as she shook in his arms. It was a little gross considering she started to leave snot on his shirt but he could care less right now.

            Eren exhaled slowly as he looked over at the bed near them. The blankets were white. The cords created a jumble of designs and hung off the bed like threads of life. Still, Eren wondered how Hanji could even have things like this. If they hadn’t been at Hanji’s house right now he could have sworn they were at a hospital. Eren blinked and found himself staring at the small form wrapped in the white blankets. His eyes traced pale fingers which then lead to pale arms and then Eren glanced away just before his eyes passed the neck. He bit his lip, brows heavily furrowed and then looked back at the small figure on the bed. This time he looked at his face, it looked extremely, unhealthily pale. His face greatly contrasted with his raven locks. He would have looked like he had been sleeping peacefully had there not been an oxygen mask strapped to his face.

            There he was. Breathing, thankfully but lost in his own unconsciousness. “Do you think he’ll wake up anytime soon..?” Eren asked quietly.

            By now Hanji had thankfully calmed down, her crying halted into little sniffles, “I wish I knew… Technically, since I don’t have the right equipment… I can’t tell you if there is anything internally wrong with him… But one thing I could tell was that he has a concussion… He could have mental issues… Maybe memory loss… So many different things… That’s even if he is ever conscious again…” Eren frowned, he was all too aware of the things that could be wrong. He could only hope for the best. Hanji pulled away from Eren slowly, “S-sorry for making such a mess… on your shirt.” She laughed softly, “I’ll find something for you to change into.”

            Eren shrugged, “No, I’m fine… I was actually going to leave and say goodbye.” He pat Hanji’s shoulder and then slowly walked over to the white bed. Leaning against the edge, Eren reached his hand over to the pale face and moved some raven strands to the side. Eren sighed heavily, “Goodbye Levi, I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that Eren leaned forward and just like the other days ever since Levi had fallen very ill, he kissed his forehead. “Wake up soon.” After a goodbye from Hanji, Eren left the room and decided to go home. He would leave with a heavy heart and hope that maybe someday soon Levi would awake from his slumber.

            Levi peeked his right eye open. His mind was groggy. With the vision that he had, he could see Eren walking out the door. Why? Where is he going? “Eren..?” Levi mumbled out just barely. His voice was scratchy. He could barely hear himself over the sound of the monitor and the oxygen mask over his face. He shifted ever so slightly. At least I’m not in pain. Levi thought thankfully. He opened his other eye and tried to focus. Levi now could tell that he wasn’t at Eren’s house. Also, Hanji was staring right at him. “Tch. What the fuck?”

            Hanji seemed to be in shock as she leaned forward. She approached the bed, her eyes wide, “Y-you’re awake?”

            “No shit. My eyes are open and I’m talking to you.” Levi’s brows furrowed as Hanji got closer. “Haven’t you heard of personal space four-eyes?” Levi watched as she stopped about a foot away from him. She was silent for a moment which surprised Levi and then he covered his ears fast.

            “OH MY GOSH LEVI~! YOU’RE AWAKE! YOU’RE AWAKE~! GAH! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” She breathed and then continued, “OH! OH! I NEED TO TELL EREN~!” She practically was jumping by now with enthusiasm.

            Flinching from Hanji’s annoyingly loud voice, he glared at her, “Could you shut the fuck up. I’m about a foot away from you. Damn.”

            Hanji just smiled to Levi’s comment, “Sorry~! I couldn’t help myself! I’m just so happy you’re awake~!” She pulled up a chair next to the bed and suddenly her face became very serious. Levi could sense that there was something wrong. She cleared her throat, “But… before I tell Eren… I’m going to give you a choice. Well, actually more like three choices.” There was silence for several seconds and Levi was going to say something before Hanji spoke, “Your first choice is to stay with Eren…” Levi’s brows furrowed. Where could this be going? “Your second choice is to live with me because you’re always welcome here… And lastly, your third option, be free and live by yourself.”

            Levi pinched himself, he had to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, “Are you serious?” It wasn’t that he didn’t like her ideas, it was more about why is she suggesting them. So he asked, “Is there a particular reason that you’re bringing this up or are you wasting my time?”

            She clapped her hands together, “No, I’m actually not wasting your time. I really did want you to consider those choices because I found something out…” Hanji physically leaned forward, as if she was about to tell a secret, “about Eren.”

            “Tch. What the fuck Hanji? You went snooping into Eren’s life or some shit? You really are a crazy woman.” Though Levi was very curious as to what Hanji was going to tell him.

            Hanji smiled, all too knowingly, “Yes Levi, I thought we already established that a long time ago…” She looked down at Levi, “But could you seriously blame me? I didn’t know who Eren was. I wanted to see if he was going to actually take care of you. It seems that he has taken great care of you, which makes me happy but… It actually surprises me a little.”

            Levi rolled his eyes and sighed because he was impatient, “Are you going to tell me or not?” He actually found himself getting slightly nervous.

            “Okay. Okay.” Her eyes down casted, “Grisha was the owner of the company that kept you imprisoned…”

            “What does that have to do with Eren? I mean who the actual fuck is Grisha?”

            Hanji looked up in bewilderment, “You mean you don’t know? Grisha has everything to do with Eren… After all, Eren is Grisha’s son.”

            Levi’s heart stopped for a moment. Silence. Time seemed to freeze. He held his breath. What. The. Fuck.

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