By NurulDnySham

63.2K 3.3K 275

This is the short stories of Shivika... On this book had 4 types of Short stories that I write on Shivika... More

PART 2 - ANIKA.......
[New] - Part 1 [Shivaay Throw Anika out the House]
[New] - Part 2 [Shivaay Engagement Day!]
[New] - Part 3 [Anika Stop OmRu!]
[New] - Part 5 [Final Goodbye!] LAST PART
πŸ’˜ [YOU ARE MY JAAN - PART 1] πŸ’˜
πŸ’˜ [YOU ARE MY JAAN - PART 2] πŸ’˜

[New] - Part 4 [The Truth Is Out!]

2.9K 180 8
By NurulDnySham

This part is a bit long... Hope you all don't mind it... Next part is end part...

At Omkara room...
Omkara - Did you find where is Anika now Khanna and Tiwari?
Khanna - No not yet Omkara sir...
Omkara - Just find them as soon as possible...
Khanna - Okay sir!
Gauri - Omkara ji... You look so stress...
Omkara - Yes Gauri I am... Your sister is pregnant and this month is her delivery months... And she is gone from that Chandna house... I am worried she is like my own big sister for me and she is also my bhabhi Gauri...
[Shakti, Tej, Jhanvi and Dadi went to Rikara room... Rudy also come inside the room and Shivaay saw him walking to Rikara room...]
Shivaay mind - Why Rudra goes to Omkara room... Is there is something that I don't know and they know it... I had to know the truth...
Omkara - Gauri and we all had to help Anika bhabhi...
Shakti - Omkara tell us the truth about Anika... We been asking so many times from you...
Tej - Yes Om... Ru... Tell us the whole truth...
Omkara - Fine you all want to know... We will tell you...
Rudra - Om... You forgot your promise...
Omkara - What should I do Rudy! Anika bhabhi is missing and we were put everyone here on puzzle like this...
Dadi - Tell us puttar the whole truth about Anika...
Omkara - Anika is sick Dadi... And she had leukemia...
Shakti - Then about the whole truth that Shivaay tell on that day! Was it also right? Or not?
Omkara - It's not the whole truth... The truth had be manipulated by Choti maa... Chote papa... Yes Anika bhabhi been in Mahi house, she faint on the road there... When she faint Mahi comes near there and help her... Then Pinky found out... Mahi call doctor... I mean Mahi knows that she is pregnant from the doctor... And he found out she is pregnant, Anika were so happy on the news and then choti maa make a fake video and fake photograph that Shivaay sees that Anika is sleeping with Mahi... But the truth is not! And she make a plan to throw Anika out from the house...
Shakti - Pinky done this to Anika... What is her fault in this matter... Is it because she's not from high class family? Oh god... And the baby Omru?
Rudra - The baby is the child of Shivaay bhaiyya and Anika bhabhi...
Omkara - And Chote papa tell me the truth is it true that before... Choti maa born a twins in this family...
Shakti - And the first twins is die on that time...
Rudra - Die or being kidnap by Kamini...
Tej - What Kamini?
Rudra - Haan... Kamini had kidnapped Mahi... Mahi is your son chote papa... And also the first born of the Oberoi family...
Omkara - Your child is that guy chote papa... Mahi Singh Oberoi... He is the eldest brother of the Oberoi family... And Shivay big brother... He is alive and Anika help him been through everything and even on her tough time now... That she face until Kamini flead away from the house... She help us and also so much on Mahi chote papa... She is our angel... Shivaay bhaiyya and Mahi bhaiyya angel...
Rudra - Yes angel for our family and Shivaay bhaiyya lives... Our family lives... She bends down on our knees on that day and want us to hide this truth from everyone... And when we try to find her at her house... She's not there..
Gauri - Oh god my didi...
Rudra - Anika bhabhi is dying! She had leukemia and in the same time she wants to experience to be a mother... Mother of the baby in her womb which is Shivaay bhaiyya and Anika bhabhi future child...
Dadi - Oh god!
Gauri - Didi!
Omkara - That's why I tried so hard to find her and where she been now...
[Shivaay that hide then comes inside the room and tears up... Pinky also come inside the room...]
Shivaay - Where is Anika now Omru? So Mahi is my brother?
Pinky - Mahi is my son?
Omkara - Shivaay! Yes Shivaay... Choti maa you did everything wrong!
Shivaay - Why did you hide all of this from me? You should tell me the truth on that day... You should stop me!
Pinky - You all know about the twins? Anika done all of this for me?
Rudra - Haan she is not like you... Even she is a street girl or low class girl... She is way more better then your Tania... That were cheating behind Shivaay and you...
[Then Rudra show Tania kissing some guy passionately and smile seeing that guy...]
Pinky - Oh My Maata...
Shivaay - Tell me where is Anika now?
Omkara - I don't know Shivaay...
Dadi - Jhanvi bring me to temple I want to pray for Anika... And also for my great grandchild... I'm really disappointed on you billu... You didn't see the love that you always said... Her sacrifice... Her heart is belongs to you Shivaay... Same with you Pinky!
Jhanvi - Come mummy ji...
Shakti - I also wanna join you maa...
Tej - Me too maa...
Gauri - Me too...

[Shivaay bends down on his knees and crying...]

Shivaay - Anika I'm so sorry sweetheart... Give me a second chance to prove myself please... I had to find you no matter what! Stay away from me Mrs Oberoi you had done so much in my life... Creating a big misunderstanding between me and my wife... Why did you hate her Mrs. Oberoi...
Pinky - I'm sorry Shivaay... Because of the hatred towards Kamini... Now Anika had become like this... I know and yes I done everything like that to make you separate from her... Because I thought she might be the same like Kamini... I'm sorry Shivaay... Kamini had steal my baby... Your brother Shivaay... I give you my bless bring Anika back... I need to apologize towards her... I had to say sorry to her... Just give me this one last chance Shivaay...

Shivaay - What I had done to you Anika? Aaaarrrhhhh!!! Khanna! Khanna!
Khanna - Yes sir!
Shivaay - Find Anika now! I need to me her now!
Khanna - Yes sir! Omkara sir already asked me and Tiwari to find her since three weeks ago...
Shivaay - I don't want any excuse Khanna! I want a result! Give me some result! Just find Anika!
Khanna - Yes sir!
[Shivaay drive his car and he crying in the car...  Meanwhile Tania already found where Anika lived... Chandna had gone to supermarket and Mahi just go at the restaurant near the house...]
[A loud knock at the door... Anika slowly goes to the door and when she tried to open the door... A kick at the door happened and Anika fall down at the floor... The door swung open and Tania come inside..]
Anika - Aaah... Hmmm... 😟😟😭😭 What do you want with me Tania? You already had everything that you ever want... Why you here again!
Tania - I didn't got anything that I ever want Anika... Which is I want to kill you now...
Anika - Please go away from here I didn't disturb you... Hmm...
[Tania takes the knife 🔪  and try to stab her and she moves back and her legs injured... And she pull the knife again and stab her at her shoulder...]
Anika - Aaah... Please Tania... Don't... Please don't kill me...😨😖😭
[Then Mahi arrived sees her like that he call police and pull her and he got a scratch on his hand...]
Mahi - How dare you come in my house and hurt my Anika!
Tania - Your Anika! This trash and 2 rupees girl is yours! So Shivaay is right then...
[Mahi slap her and she fall, he tied her hand at the wall... When police arrived a few second there they took her away...]
Anika - Mahi! Aaarhh! Please take me to the hospital now... Please... You need to take the champion out now... Asked the doctor to take him out please...
Mahi - Anika come let's go to the hospital...
[Chandna that arrived and shock seeing Anika bleeding badly on her leg and shoulder..]
Chandna - Anika what had happened? Mahi explain to me...
Mahi - I will tell you everything at the hospital... Chandna get in the car...
Anika - Aaah... My water broke... 😭😭 Hurry Mahi bhaiyya... Hurry up... Huuhhu...
[Then Anika been taken inside the OT room... And Omru with Shivaay arrived there... Mahi cannot control his anger... He hold Shivaay collar and punch on her face twice... Every of the family member arrived shock seeing them...]
Mahi - Aaarrhh!!! 😡😡😡 👊👊
Chandna - Mahi stop!
[Omru hold Mahi... Shivaay fall down and Shakti with Tej hold him...]
Mahi - You know why I punch you twice...
Shivaay - No...
Mahi - Because first you are the biggest idiot and second because of your fiance Anika in the OT room and got injury on her leg and shoulder... Bleeding badly... I never seen a stupid and idiot person like you Shivaay! And you Mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi! You had such a lovely daughter in law but you all waste her... She needs you support on her sickness but you all hurt her and that girl in jail now because she tried to kill Anika and the baby just now in my house!
Omkara - What?
Rudra - Tania tried to kill Anika?
Mahi - Yes!
Shakti - Mahi... This is dad... And Pinky is your mother... Please don't let your anger towards us... We don't know it son...
Mahi - You didn't know it but Mrs Oberoi does know this...
[Pinky look down...]
Mahi - I don't even want to be with you all... And listen this carefully Shivaay... You are my twin brother! But that child I will be the father of him! I will never give the baby to you... Me and Chandna had decided to raise him as one family and complete every of her needs! Come Chandna...
Chandna - I'm sorry...
Mahi - Wait... Anika had her give to you Shivaay... I will take it from my car...
[Mahi gone out and takes the gift and letter for Shivaay... He comes back a few minutes later and give him the gift and letter for Shivaay... Shivaay open the gift and he saw everything inside it... And he also open the letter...]

Anika letter for Shivaay...
"My tadibaaz bhagad billa... The Shivaay Singh Oberoi... The only guy that I fall in love with... Firstly I wanna say sorry from the beginning of our meet until the end of our relationship... I'm sorry for every mistake that I did to you... For the pain and the hurt that I get from you and also towards you..... And I wanna say thanks to you... Because from you I had learn so much about family... The real family means to me... People once had said... We can lost anyone that we love in our life and I did lose everyone... First I lost my mom... And then my dad... Then I lost my little sister... But when I'm with you first I was so angry by your tadi... Then I found my lost sister... After that I lost you... I never thought you would think me as low like that... 😭😭 My heart already broken into pieces when you throw me out on our anniversary day... That's is the gift that I brought to you... And that's is also my pregnancy report of our baby... Now I admit one things that I was not supposed to fall in love with you Shivaay... And I'm not like you that can change every feeling into hatred... I just hope you will be happy and safe with your new choice in your life... Tania... And I'm sorry for not being a good wife for you... 😭😭😭 Thank you Shivaay... Thank you for make me realize where I stand... I just hope in next life I won't meet you ever again... It's really hurt me... Pain me everyday... Everything is end until my last breath... The love and my feelings that I felt is for my baby and also for you but when you gone now this feeling is only for my baby... Hmmm... 😭😭 Goodbye Shivaay... May god always protect you all and give happiness in your life... And to Mrs Pinky Singh Oberoi, I know about your pain towards Kamini... But I'm not like her... I'm trying to find your child and after I found it you accuse me being with him.. I'm sorry that I can't be a good daughter in law for you and for the rest of the family... My last request for you all... Please forgive me... 😭"
[Shivaay were crying and hold the latter and Omkara takes the letter and read it...]
Omkara - Hmm... Bhabhi is already hurt so much Shivaay...
Shivaay - I misunderstand about her! I'm sorry Anika... I really am...
[Then the doctor out from the room...]
Mahi - Doctor how Anika... And the baby...
Doctor - The baby is fine... But...
Shivaay - But what doctor!
Doctor -  The mother... She in a critical condition... She doesn't have so much time left... Her body is already weaken, cold and the blood lost to much on her body... Around 2 or 3 hours she had left now... I will leave her to you all...
Chandna - Oh god Anika! 😭😭😭
Gauri - Didi... 😭😭😭
Omkara - Oh god!
Rudra - Bhabhi!
Shivaay - Anika...
[Everyone sees from outside the window... Anika is attached on the oxygen mask...]

[Her pale faces... Wires on her body... And Mahi with Chandna goes inside... And Mahi stop Shivaay at the door...]
Mahi - That's enough! You are not invited in! You had gives her so much pain and hurt Shivaay... I will allowed you go in if she wants to meet you...
Shivaay - Mahi bhaiyya please...
[Mahi slam the door on his face...]

Gauri - Didi...
Anika - Gauri... Omru...
Shivaay - Anika...
Anika - Shiv... Shivaay...
Mahi - I told you that you cannot get in...
Anika - It's okay Mahi bhaiyya... Please take my baby out for a while...
Mahi - Okay...
Shivaay - Anika I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said all of that things to you... I had hurt you so much Anika...
Anika - I forgive you Shivaay... Please go and hope you will be happy with your new life... Hmm... Papa... You here... Gauri papa is here... You going to pick me papa...
[Anika breathing become shallow and she breath deep...]
Chandna - Mahi bhaiyya! Mahi!
[Mahi comes and sees Anika... Anika hold his hand...]
Anika - Take care of my baby... Mummy.. Loves you...
[Then she closed her eyes and the line on the monitor is straight... And everyone cries  badly... 😭😭😭😭😭😭]
Shivaay - Anikaaa!!!

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