Arrow One Shots

By Hamjiii

18.2K 244 51

Different Arrow stories in which you play a part More

Hello - Requests Open
Broken Words - Oliver
Broken Words pt2 - Oliver
Stay - Oliver
Mission ~ Oliver
Painful heart ~ Oliver

Yellow Bridge pt.1~ Oliver Queen x reader

674 16 7
By Hamjiii

A/N: Hi, it's been a while. I've been busy with all sorts of things. But seeing all your comments and votes, I kind of got teary eyed. It brings me so much joy to see you all enjoy my content and request more. So I felt like I had to give back and continue writing. Here you go! It isn't great but I hope you will like it. Let me know!


It was a misty morning, which made it quite hard to see through the fog and because of the rain, that had been pouring the last few days, the roads were quite slippery too. All in all, the weather conditions weren't the best.

Still Oliver thought it was a great opportunity to go out and catch a criminal in the cold early morning. With half opened eyes you looked out of the window of Diggle's van. The rain had just stopped pouring and though you couldn't see too far out on the road, the cloud like weather brought some peace to your mind. Because it was so slippery out there, you thought it would be much better to not ride with your bikes, but secretly it gave you the excuse to stay warm and cozy. And so the peaceful drive lulled you to sleep before you would have to start your mission and save Starcity from the dangers in its town.

*A few hours earlier*

You were sound asleep when you heard your phone ringing. You ignored the noise and got back to your sweet dreams, only to hear your phone ringing again. A grunt escaped your throat out of frustration and you picked the phone up.

"Hello?" You said tiredly, the groggy morning voice quite evident.

"Did I wake you up?" You heard Oliver's voice through the phone.

"No, it's only like-" You quickly glanced at your clock.
"FOUR IN THE MORNING??!!! What the f*ck are you calling me so early for?? Of course I was sleeping!! You should be too!" You shouted with shock in the phone. Leave it up to Oliver to call you at such odd hours. You had just finished a search till late at night, you definitely wanted some good and uninterrupted rest.

"Well, I think we might be able to catch Davii this morning."

These last weeks had been filled with looking for a certain man, named Davii. Or that's what he called himself. A new drug had started circulating Star City and though the team had been able to intercept one truck, another one was still out there. You had to find Davii and the truck to put an end to it.

"This morning? Which morning?! It is 4AM. Davii, himself, is probably still sleeping!"

"Please?" Oliver pleaded.

You grunted and threw your body around in your bed. "Whyyy? I was just enjoying a good night rest!"

Oliver grinned, knowing you were gonna come. "See you here asap?"

You sighed, you've always had soft spot for Oliver . "Alright, be right there."

You got up and walked straight to your door, skipping changing into decent clothing. You had to change in the base anyway, so it would only be waste of time. You just put on your jacket and boots and walked out. The cold night air hit your legs as you were only wearing shorts and a loose crop top, with your jacket over it. You quickly began running towards the Arrow cave, as not to stay out in the cold for long and hopefully warm up a little.

Out of breath and a little wet you arrived. You didn't expect it to rain when you were outside and didn't really prepare to bring an umbrella. Luckily the rainfall wasn't too heavy and you didn't get soaked. You opened the door and walked downstairs. You sighed, relieved, when you felt the warmth of the basement hug your ice cold body. The team looked at you confused and for a moment you thought you saw Oliver's cheeks turn pink as he was looking at you, but his face quickly turned in that of worry, so you weren't sure.

He jogged towards you and held your hands, making it your turn to blush slightly. Urgh, if only he knew what effect he had on you. "You're so cold!! When I told you to be here asap, I didn't mean for you to get up and walk straight out of the door." Oliver scolded at you, but his blue ocean eyes showed so much kindness. And you wanted nothing more than to get lost in them. 

"It's okay, it was quite nice." You grinned.

But that only made him frown. "Should I get you a blanket?"

"No, it's okay. I'm changing into my suit anyway." You answered, walking towards it and taking it out of the display.

You looked around you to see where you could change, you weren't really fond of changing in front of everyone. It wasn't that big of a problem, but them seeing your body or more specifically your scars, kinda was. So you walked behind a few boxes, Oliver following behind while informing you of the plan. He was the only person you didn't mind seeing you in short clothes, because he knew. He knew what it was like to survive out on you own and fight in order to stay alive. That didn't come easy, the scars on your bodies being your witness and proof. 

You let your jacket fall, revealing your survival story over your stomach and arms.
Oliver leaned back on some of the boxes and kept his gaze away, only sometimes glancing to you. It was kinda cute. He had probably seen you changing so many times, but still wanted to give you some privacy. Oliver had always been considerate of you.

"Those shorts look uhhhh... really good on you." He mumbled, but you heard.

"Thank you." You chuckled, continuing to put your leather pants of your suit on. The suit was kind of similar to Oliver's green leather suit. Yours was black with (fav colour) tints, which matched your arrows.

Suddenly Diggle shouted that you guys had to go. You and Oliver looked at each other surprised. You quickly zipped up your leather jacket closed and got your quiver with arrows and the leather straps of your suit together, running to the van. The team looked at you confused.

"What?" You questioned.

"Are we not going with our bikes?" Thea asked.

You laughed sarcastically, "Hahaha... Crazy..." as you stepped inside the van.
"Of course NOT! It's cooold!!!"

They frowned at each other, but let it slide and stepped inside.

"Gives me time to continue changing" You mentioned, while wrapping the belts around your legs.

*Back to the beginning*

Still warm, cozy and some road ahead before your final destination, you had fallen asleep on Oliver's shoulder, which he surely didn't mind. Sometime later the team arrived and Oliver gently shook you awake, feeling a bit guilty as it looked like you were having a nice rest. These last weeks had been rough and you weren't able to rest much. But duty called and so you yawned and sat up.

"We have to go, we've arrived." Oliver whispered softly. Was it the sweet voice and kind words that had made you fall for him first? He'd always had a way of making you feel special and loved, just by the way he talked to you. If only he could hear your beating heart and hear how in love you were. For now you just smiled back to him.

You stretched your arms out and got out of the van, stretching a bit more now that you had the room. You scanned the place with your eyes, getting fully aware of your surroundings. There wasn't a lot to see, as it was still foggy. But you could make out some storage buildings and a weird structure in the distance. You looked at Oliver, waiting for him to give out orders. 

"Okay, so Davii's phone keeps being untraceable at this place. Felicity thought it would be a good idea to start searching here for more leads on him."

You nodded, trying to decipher the weird structure you had seen earlier. As your eyes got used to the fog in the distance, you started to make out something that was similar to a bridge.

"So I think it is best to look a bit around and if there's anything important, call each other up." Oliver explained, while giving each member a earpiece.

You took yours, turned it on and put it in your ear. "Y/n, here?"
"Thea, here", "Diggle, copy", "Oliver, here", "-and your lovely tech at your service". You looked around and nodded. "Works fine."
The team was split in two: A. Thea and Diggle, B. Oliver and you.
A. was going to check out the warehouse, B. the bridge.
You separated, if nothing was out of the ordinary you would return in 30 minutes, if one team didn't return, the other would check it out.

It wasn't a long walk to the bridge. As you came closer and closer, the bridge became more and more distinguishable. It was bright yellow and very large, looking down you could see that the river under it was also very wide and even through the fog you could see water splash around in strong waves. At first nothing seemed wrong. You had been looking around for a while, but then you felt like you were being watched. You turned around and gestured for Oliver to come closer to you, not trusting the sudden change. 

"I don't think we are alone" You whispered into his ear.

He nodded "Team A, quickly come to the bridge. We think-" He couldn't finish his sentence, because soon enough a brick flew dangerously close past him.

You shrieked, quickly covering your mouth with your hands, your eyes wide. Oliver looked at you and smiled slightly. "It's okay, it didn't hit me." You checked him over as quickly as you could, seeing he was indeed just fine. 

You sighed relieved and looked at the direction the brick came from, realizing you were now surrounded by a whole group of men in white hockey masks. Some with baseball bats in their hands, others with their good old knuckle braces. Great.

"Uuhhm.... Hello? You smiled, slightly frowning. Though Davii did like to have a group of delinquents with him, it usually weren't that many and the man himself wasn't anywhere near.
Luckily you saw two figures, which you assumed were Thea and Diggle, appear running through the fog. You grinned, now much more confident. "Bring it on"

Davii's boys weren't at all hard to handle, but Davii himself? He was a whole other story.
You, guys, had encountered him a few times and he was a strong opponent. But also a coward, you thought. Because every time you almost defeated him, he somehow would disappear and be untraceable for a long time. Hence his nickname Mr. Untraceable, which the team had come up with one night. Now as said, the boys weren't the problem even with the increased number. But as they slowly decreased, ow Mr. Untraceable turned up to the party himself.

"What a pleasure" You heard the man speak out.

You slammed one of the guys into the ground unconscious and turned towards Davii. "Well, I can't say the same Davii" You answered with disgust. There was an anger inside you, thinking of the things Davii had caused by the drug he had created and brought into this city. The addiction and death rates had skyrocketed and each week you guys looked for him, was another week in which the citizens lost their lives. This man had to be stopped.

The others had almost gotten rid of Davii's men, which would leave Davii alone and that was his que to disappear again. You had nothing of that, so you picked an arrow from your quiver and skillfully shot it through his leg, causing him to fall. It didn't face him much though as he soon got up and looked your way with furious eyes. Your eyebrow quirked up in question and he came charging for you, hitting you square in the face. A warm liquid leaped from the side of your head, but you shrugged it off. The battle had begun.

On the other hand Oliver just finished knocking out his guy and by the look of it there were only a few left, which the others were handling. He turned around, finding you on the very side of the bridge itself fighting Davii. He knew Davii was a strong opponent and that made him worried. He started running towards you to see if he could be of any help. It would devastate him if you were to get hurt on a mission he set up.

You were beginning to question, why you thought it would be an okay idea to come on top of one of the beams of this bridge. You were having difficulty to obtain your balance on the bridge, because of the slippery rails, but that didn't mean Davii didn't have any problems too. He had eventually knocked your bow on the ground, but you still had some surprises for him. You pulled out a dagger from your thigh-strap and threw it straight to his shoulder.
You were happy to see it hit him, Davii had a fast reflex which had made it hard for the team to land hits on him countless times. But Davii showed no sign of pain neither did he seem fazed by the dagger sticking ot of his shoulder. Had he started taking his own drugs, so he wouldn't be able to feel pain? You had no time to think about it, but you couldn't help but wonder why he had shown no signs of being affected by your hits.
You picked another pair and threw them to his legs, you then tried to push him off the railing back to the ground. It would be safer to continue the fight there. Surprisingly Davii was a lot heavier than you expected, making you stumble. The side was not at all sturdy and you felt yourself slip towards the other end, or better said towards the dangerous waters.

Your eyes grew wide and you tried to grab one of the beams. That's when you saw Oliver running towards you, his eyes growing wide and it seemed as if he was screaming something but you missed it as Davii rose up and covered your vision of Oliver. You saw Davii smirk and knew all too well what was going to happen. If only you had just stayed on the bridge itself. With the weather conditions, what had made you think it was alright to jump onto the railing and balance on the side of the bridge? Davii pushed you hard, real hard, making you lose grip of the last thing that kept you from falling in the foggy distance. As Davii disappeared, Oliver's face was the last thing you saw running towards you as you screamed and fell into the depth. The depth you had seen before, the depth with clashing waves. 

Oliver screamed out your name, terror circulating through his veins. He looked down, not seeing a lot but definitely hearing a splash. The river was wide which would make it hard to find ground, but it was the waves that had scared him most. Would you be able to swim through them and find the riverbank? He attempted to jump over the edge of the bridge, but Diggle soon came, grabbing him and preventing him from jumping after you.
Oliver kept shouting and cursing, fighting Diggle off, but Thea came too and spoke to him.
"Don't be stupid-"

That's when they heard the noise of a ship.
"No..."" Oliver whispered as they saw how a ship moved over the place you just had fallen down in. Oliver screamed his lungs out, tears flooding his eyes. His heart ached, thinking of your body crushed by its weight or- He couldn't think of it, so he just fell to his knees and cried his heart out. There was no way, you would've survived that. 

A/N: Well, well. That was an interesting end, hahah. Don't worry though, there will be pt2. I won't leave you clueless. I hope it was fun to read and not too bad. I want to thank you all again for reading. Leave a comment of what you thought, I absolutely love to read them and they really motivate me. See u next time. Love, HJ! 

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