It's complicated (Alvinette/A...

By Chipettes_lover59

4.2K 39 12

Brittany is always so lively, energetic and outgoing whereas Jeanette is shy, humble and quiet, but which one... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

690 5 0
By Chipettes_lover59

At this time of the year with winter approaching very quickly the days where getting shorter and shorter and thus Alvin was now standing in complete darkness with tiny lamp beside the chipettes front doors being the only source of light. He took a step forward and raised his hand. He froze a few centimeters away form the wooden entrance. What if he was just being ridiculous? What if Jeanette wouldn't want to help him? After all she had her own problems, assignments and topics to revise. He looked behind him. The street was well lit with people and cars still on it trying to get to their homes after a whole week of hard work, waiting to finally unwind and relax in the comforts of their homes. Maybe he should also go back to his house. He turned to the left just to see Dave in the kitchen preparing a hot meal for them. He exerted his vision trying to spot Theodore or Simon as if seeing them would help him made up his mind, but they both must have been upstairs in their bedroom probably playing games. After all they already knew almost everything, they had to in order to pass the test. Besides it was Friday anyway, so hardly anybody would be studying today especially a few minutes after coming back form school. And that's when it struck him. Jeanette was also most likely unwinding after a week of hard work although he did see her earlier in front of her desk so there was a small chance, she was actually doing her homework. Very small chance. The right question to ask now was - was she still doing it? Asking Jeanette for help was already hard on its own but knowing that he might be turned away by her and just make a fool out of himself was even worst. It looks like he will have to ask his brother for help after all. Sure, he will have to somehow stand the teasing, but at least there is a small chance that he might actually pass this test. He let his hand fall free and silently turned around. However as soon as he stepped on the first stair, he herd the door behind him opening and familiar voice that he wasn't too keen on hearing "What's wrong Alvin, are you lost?" Brittany said sarcastically.

"I'm so tired! I can't even take one more step. All I want to do right now is lay down and watch some TV" Brittany complained for the nth time pushing her sister's Eleanor patients to even greater test. "Then sit down on the couch and turn on the TV, but just quit complaining already" she still tried to maintain a calm and friendly tone. "It's so easy for you to say, after all, all you have to do is sit in class all day and listen to the teacher unlike me who has to..." "...sit in front of the desk and fill out some paperwork every now and then" Eleanor couldn't take it no more and finally decided to speak up. "Fill out some paperwork!" Brittany suddenly got a lot livelier as if she just forgotten about all the pain, she was in a few seconds ago. "You don't even know what it means to be the principals assistant! All those documents you have to fill out in such short time limit! Sometimes I hardly even finish them on time". "Sounds a lot like stuff we have to do" Eleanor whispered quietly to herself before adding "Well you always hand all of them on time, so there is nothing to worry about". She very quickly realized that perhaps adding the last part wasn't the best idea and one look at Brittany had convince her in that. "Nothing to worry about! If only Jeanette could hear that she would probably talk some sense into you! I imagine that being a normal student isn't hard at all, but when you' re principals right hand you always have to be on top of things and you definitely don't have any time for slacking!". Brittany's last words really ticked her of and if it wasn't for lucky turn of events, this night could easily turn out very differently. Eleanor was just about to say something back when she suddenly saw a movement outside the window on the front porch. "What was that?" her angry voice from few seconds ago suddenly disappeared and all the anger she felt towards Brittany vanished. Now she just wanted to be as close to her sister as possible. "Maybe it was just a tree branch or some litter" Brittany tried not to think about the worst, but nevertheless she moved a bit closer to her sister. "After all it's pretty dark outside and your mind is probably playing tricks with..." she stopped in the middle of the sentence as soon as she saw a slight movement, just few centimeters away from their front door. "Maybe, we should call Dave" Brittany suggested. "What about Jeanette?" Eleanor reminded "She said she is going to take a shower as soon as she's done with her work". "Well maybe she still in her room. We should probably check out on her. But make sure to make as little noise as possible" Brittany added as they both started to slowly walk towards the stairs. Halfway through Eleanor full of worst fears turned her head around hoping to see at least a part of the intruder and to her surprise she saw Alvin standing in front of their doors waiting for god knows what. "Looks like we want have to evacuate from this place after all" she pointed outside the window, where Alvin was still waiting with a confusion painted on his face. "If I wouldn't know him, I would say he's confused". "Yes, it looks like it" Brittany slowly agreed now heading towards the door "So why won't we help him" she smiled as she said that "We could also tell him what we think about him stalking as in the middle on the night" and without giving her sister any time to answer she opened the door. "What's wrong Alvin are you lost?" she said sarcastically. 

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