Married to the Game

By Michellloves31

2.9K 112 22

When Nala and Christian finally get married shit hits the fan. Can Nala and Christian marriage weather the st... More

Pay Me what you Owe Me
Turn Up!
If you don't know, NOW you know!
Joesph White


582 16 3
By Michellloves31

"Yes, yes, yes I do baby!" Nala said jumping up and down, and kissing Christian on the lips. "Baby you just made me the happiest man on Earth." Christian said picking Nala up spinning her around. It has been two months since Deon and Devon have been born, and Christian and Nala was on cloud nine. The plan is still in affect, and Nala is pretending to be a real estate agent for her friend Carma and Wesley yes Carma and Wes are a thing now. They have been dating since January. "So as you can see this house has a long foyer with two columns on both sides in the foyer. To the right you see French doors which is another room, you can make this into an office, or any other room of your choice. After showing them around for an hour she shook both of their hands and told them congrats on their new home. As she closed and locked the door behind them Nala received a phone call when she looked down she saw 4 faces that puts a smile on her face everyday. "Hey baby what's good?" She asked him into the phone. "Nothing much just checking on you, you do know Rona going around where are you at baby?" He asked her. "I am on my way home baby we just got finished I have to make it look believable in case they are watching us." "Ok!" Christian said shaking his head. "Well I will see you in a few baby" Nala said to him and hung up the phone since this whole pandemic has happened Nala has been working from home, and her sales has decreased. She understands what's going on which is why she did partial unemployment for her employees. She pulled up to their house 20 minutes later and was greeted when she walked through the door.

"Hey, Baby!" Christian said "hey mommie!" Tatum said, Tatum has been staying with Christian and Nala full time since Destiny checked herself into rehab two months ago, and "blah....gggg....ccccoo....eeehhh" Devon and Deon said. "Hey, my loves" Nala said kissing each of them "I miss you all too! I am about to shower and start dinner ok?" "K!" Tatum said. "Handle yo business baby." Nala headed upstairs to shower as she was washing today off of her and as she was praying she felt a kiss on her shoulder. She turned around to see Christian's naked body standing behind her. "Chris you are so bad" she said with a devious smile. "Well let me show you how bad I am" he roughly grabbed the back of Nala's neck and kissed it gently. That sent tingles to Nala's pussy, she bit her bottom lip, and let out a soft moan. Christian's breath was on Nala's ear and he whispered "I love you so fucking much." He slid his dick into her as she moaned "I love you too!" "Baby you know imma make you squirt?" Christian said as he started going faster all Nala could do was bite her lips and moan in pure pleasure. He slid out of her and put his face between her legs, Nala inhaled air as she felt his tongue touch her clit, and she was now moving her hips to the rhythm of his tongue. "Come on squirt for daddy I know you feel it baby!" He put his face back in it and did his little tongue trick that gets Nala every time two seconds later Nala squirted all over Christian's face and mouth. He kept doing that trick until she squirted three more times Nala head was spinning and she was in heaven. She pushed Christian so that they were staring at each other, they kissed each other passionately, and then Nala pushed Christian up against the wall. Nala got down on her knees so that she is facing the one eyed monster and she took all of it into her mouth "fuucckkk!" Christian groaned out Nala was making eye contact with Christian something she never did before, but she wanted to be bold, do something different, watch her man enjoy her sucking his dick, and feel him cum. After Christian bust two nuts Nala rode Christian until they heard a knock on the door. "Mommie, daddy the twins are crying" Tatum said "ok we are coming" Christian said they both laughed and Nala playfully hit Christian and said "I told you, you were bad" "that's because you made me this way" he said winking at her.

They both hopped out the shower and made their way down the stairs "well let me start dinner" Nala said she pulled out chicken breast that she soaked in special sauce and seasoning overnight, broccoli, and rice. She put the chicken in the oven and started on the rice. An hour later everything was finished and they were scuffing the food down. "Baby this is delicious thank you baby," "Yea it is yummy mommie!" The twins were cooing in their bouncers. "I will feed you all when I am done ok?" They beamed at her with smiles on their faces. Nala was now feeding the twins and watching Christian and Tatum play Uno "draw four daddy and the color is red." "Awwww Tay you breaking my heart. You going to do your daddy like that?" He said pouting. "Yep" she said with an nonchalant attitude "wow!" Christian said picking up four cards. "Uno game I win" Tatum said jumping up and down 10 seconds later Christian's phone was ringing. He looked down to see Dub number pop up "what's good nigga?" Christian said into the phone. "We gotta meet at the trap some shit just went down" "give me an hour." Christian hung the phone up and he can feel Nala's eyes cutting him deep into his neck. "You ain't going nowhere Chris you betta call his ass back and tell him that you can't go. You told me yo ass was done Christian Demetrius." He cut his eyes at Nala because this is the first time she ever said his first and middle name. He turned his head towards her and stood up, she stood up with him as he started walking towards the door. "Chris I am dead ass serious" she said with her hand on the door. "Move out my way Nala!" Christian said with base in his voice. Nala put her hands on her hips and said "make me!" Christian picked Nala up and put her down behind him. "Chris, Chris, Chris....." Christian slammed the door and hopped into the Mercedes Benz truck.

15 minutes later he pulled up to the new trap house pissed off. "This shit betta be good my nigga Nala is pissed the fuck off, and I was playing Uno with Tatum." "Yea, it is this bitch ass nigga have been stealing product and giving it to Ike." Christian shot him clean between the eyes, "and y'all niggas couldn't do that shit? See how easy it was for me to kill his ass! It took me one second." Christian said putting the gun back behind his back. Trap and Wesley shook their head "nigga he was going to tell us where Ike trap house at." Wesley said pissed "how long y'all had this nigga sitting in here?" Christian asked more pissed. "Twelve hours" Dub said Christian's eyes grew wide "12 fucking hours and not na one of y'all niggas get shit out of him? What the fuck you all were doing slapping dicks? You know what I am about to take my ass back home and fuck on my wife. Y'all nigga just pissed me off and call Don and tell him to clean this shit up please and thank you." Christian was about to walk out the door until Wesley stopped him. "Ummm....Chris let me holla at you right quick. Well all of y'all" Christian can tell that Wesley was dead ass serious. "Everything good?" He asked Wesley. "I don't know if it will be after I tell you what I got to say." They all walked into the living room and sat on the sofa. Trap rolled up a blunt and lit it, he inhaled, and exhaled the weed out. "Ok, remember two months ago I told you that it was more I wanted to tell you but not right now?" Christian shook his head yes. "Well do you remember Mariah?" Christian was trying to remember who is a Mariah, so he sat there stuck looking at Wesley. "Well who the fuck is she?" Christian said aggravated. "The girl who tried to set us up. She pretended to be Nala's friend." Wesley said refreshing his memory "oh yea that bitch Cameron's wife right?" He said pointing at Wesley, Wesley clinched his jaw and balled his fist up. Christian saw it and said "damn you act like I was talking about yo bitch" he said nudging Trap and laughing. Wesley stood up and walked towards Christian "nah, she ain't my bitch, but she is my sister." Christian's eyes got wide and he stood up so now him and Wesley are looking at each other in the eyes. "You betta be mutha fucking lying to me Wes?" Wesley stood there with a straight look on his face and replied "do it look like I am fucking playing?" Christian looked around at everyone else face to see if they knew that Khyla was still alive. "Did you know about this shit Trap?" Christian asked in a brink of tears "nah I am shocked just like you" he said holding his hands up. "No one knew but Cameron and we wanted it to stay that way because as I told you we did not want you to be on that fuck shit. You can front all you want to but everyone knew you had a thing for my sister. I know you said you considered her a sister, but we knew it was something more, she liked yo ass too, but I told her homies are off limits so she started fucking with Cameron to make you jealous, and it worked because you started fucking with Destiny to make her jealous, and it worked. Look I love you like a brother and I didn't want to ruin our friendship." Christian dab him up and said "respect, respect I understand and I think you did the right thing because I would have fucked her over. I was young and wanted to stick my dick in everything. But you didn't have to lie about her being dead that shit fucked me up. I get it tho y'all did what y'all had to do." Christian got up and walked out the Trap house trying to wrap his head around what he was just told.

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