Unforgettable Memories [✓]

By nadiaamaradjunaidi

12.5K 363 123

Our memories were unforgettable, memories that can't be bought with a single gold. When he left without a mem... More

Please take your time to read this first :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Epilouge
Special Thank You
Special Note

Chapter 9

395 11 9
By nadiaamaradjunaidi

Chapter 9 - I'm acting strange?

Astrid P.O.V

     I woke up with the sun shining throughout the day. I turn over and stretch myself as my bones started to make cracking noise, it's satisfying to hear it bends.

     Then it dawns on me of what occurred yesterday.

     Great son of Odin! What have I done?  I completely blurt all my feelings and let my walls down to Snoutlout. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be the tough one, not the weakling fool I am yesterday. Yesterday event wasn't supposed to happen, none of it should have exist. This is not happening.

     I am to blinded by the pain that I've been having and blame everything, everyone for it. It's so selfish for me to do. This is not who I am.

     I step outside from my house and good thing everyone still asleep due to the quite surrounding. Oh, I wore my armor when I slept. Did not noticed.

     I walk toward the great hall while fixing my hair. It is not something that I would do, but I have to. I can't just walk away from everyone else, I should be strong instead of cowering away. I sat on the gang's usual table. I look up ahead to notice that Fishleg is there and so are the twins. But Hiccup isn't there, yet. Turns out the gang is already up. "Hey Astrid!" Ruffnut calls and pat the chair beside her. I nod my head at hear and proceed to sit at that chair.

     For some couple of minutes, Snotlout came and so does Hiccup. Hiccup looks horrible, his eyes looked like he hadn't slept for days. "Dude, what's wrong with you?" Tuffnut jokes and Ruffnut laughs beside him. It wasn't something funny, but I'm sure they did not meant it to be like that. Fishleg chokes on his food as he knew something was going on between him and I. And I just... ignore the both of them, pretending that I don't care anymore. Hiccup was about to sit beside me but instead, Snotlout ran and took his place next to me. "Dibs!" Thanks Snoutlout, but I don't want to talk to you either.

     "Get away idiot." I whisper, so only he could hear and he just smirks in return. Hiccup just let out a sigh as he find other place to sit. He eventually found himself sitting next to Fishleg, he did not seem to notice that Snoutlout did it on purpose, for him to stay apart from me.

     Then a moment later, Heather came to the great hall. Her looks made some male vikings turn their heads, some even wolf whistled. It disgust me to see that she's willing to look like a prostitute. I knew it then that she would come over to Hiccup, it angers me that he did not look fazed about it and simply letting her touch him. I grip Snoutlout's arm firmly. "Ow ow ow ow Astrid!" He cries in pain. A pain that I cause. "Sorry.." I mutter an apology and released his arm from my grip.

     Hiccup looked at me like I'm the one whom acting strange. Maybe I am acting strange these days. Wait, I am. I can't take it anymore, Hiccup stares the whole time and it feels like he accused me of being a jerk and dramatic. He's making me feel things that I do not want in the first place, I just need to excuse myself for a minute. I need air.

     "I have to go" I excused, wanted to walk away from their judging stares. "But why? It's still early in the morning?" Ruffnut asked, confused of my weird excuse. "I promised Gobber to help him on something." I mutter my response, and it gets understanding nods from them. But I knew that they knew something's the matter, but won't interfere further on my problems. I could hear Tuffnut asking "What's wrong with her?" I simply kept walking, ignoring their stares.

     What's wrong with me? Call me exaggerating but you would be mad if you're in my place right now. He just sat in silence like nothing happen yesterday. Who breaks people, Hiccup that's who. I know we are not official, or even together. But, we both knew there were something between us. I would like to keep that 'something' in between us. Or maybe he couldn't tell? Or maybe he thought the feeling had already faded? I am so confused, it seems like I have lost my mind about it.

     "Astrid!" a familiar voice called. I am not ready to meet him, honestly. I ran quickly and whistled for Stormfly. She came to me, I mount her and immediately fly with Stormfly leaving the boy who called my name.

     I was riding my deadly nadder and gripped my hair tight. Thinking about everything, about him, about my friends, even about myself. I lay on Stormfly's back, I have tried it oftenly so I wouldn't fear of falling. I have fled for a couple of hours, and I never intend to go back to Berk yet.

     Something suddenly bumps into me, it made me lose my grip on my dragon. I heard devilish laughs from the stranger who bump me with its deadly nadder. "Hofferson, you are foolish!" that female stranger shouts. Stormfly tried to help but she was constantly clawed by the other deadly nadder. It can be seen that the person did not own the dragon, she simply stole it. "The chief is mine, you have no rights to state otherwise." She exclaims, claiming something that was not supposed to be hers. But, Hiccup was not something that I could claim either...

     It is Heather, I just know it's her. Her jet black hair that shivered proudly, her green mist eyes that glares at me, her sweet devilish voice sounds like venom.

     "I will come for you!" I shouted, struggling to mount my dragon back. But she scowl at my action, her dragon bumps harder to Stormfly, making it impossible for me to reach the top. "Astrid lost her breath as she fall for her death. It rhymes perfectly, don't you think?" She laugh at her own words, I glance down to see the sea. I knew if I fall, the sea will engulf me whole and I won't survive it. Does she hate me so much that I had to die for it? Do I deserve death?

     "Let's make the it real then." she said, referring back to her recent words about rhyming my death. Her dragon began to clawed harder to Stormfly as she instructed, I use the last of my strength to swing myself from my dragon to hers. Once I was up in the air, I angled myself to aim at her dragon. I successfully landed on top of her dragon, she was surprised. Without no hesitation I hit her right on the face, she immediately was taken back and saw that blood seeps through her nose. "I hate you." she snarled, hitting me in return. "The feeling's mutual." I dodge her attacks, she shriek as I land my fist on her face once again. I found myself strangling hear, I would not stop until she stopped. I did not want to murder a person, even if I despise the person so much.

     Once she had enough, her face turned red. She was furious, but so was I. She instructed her dragon to do the backflip thing in the air, without a warning I was hanging on dear life once again.  I turn my head downwards and saw the same sea. "I'm sorry Astrid, but your life ends here." she steps on my fingers whom is my last hope of surviving. I screamed as my finger let out cracked bone's voices, immediately my body feels like it had no weight. Stormfly was watching me fall, she was petrified by the look of her face. She tried to escape but she can't. She's trapped under Heather's dragon and she had to watch me die. I am falling, to my death. There is no way that I could survive the harsh waves of the sea, not to mention the creatures that lives underneath that would swallow me whole.

     The fall reminds me of everything.

I knew I only had a short amount of time to live, I may take the time well to let my emotions out.

My tears burst like a waterfall, the feeling of fear consume me. I was not familiar by the feeling of fear, it feels new to me. This is not how I wanted my end to be, this is not the way I supposed to die.

     But here I am, falling to my painless death. The height between the sky and the sea could define my fate, which I would probably be dead as soon as my body crash with the water.

     The last thing I know there's a person, shouting my name while mounting a dragon. Wait, no it's not a person. There's no one, my mind was hallucinating things. Whatever it is, it is calling me with a language that I do not speak of. It flies towards me, but I knew the creature would be to late to catch my falling figure. I don't want to think furthermore, it causes my vision to get blurry and my head spinning like a top.

     Once my body was close to the water, the pain engulf in every part of the body. But it didn't last long, it vanished just like that. Then everything turns black, every moment that I dreamt of vanished, the vision disappears. I can't speak, I can't even move, I'm paralyzed.

Am I..dead?

Edited - 1630 Words

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