Crimson Dreams

By RedtheDeath

154 22 1

Tazana Tava is the daughter of a powerful family. They fight criminals outside of the law while they have leg... More

The Beginning
Ketsueki Kama
Jax Hakan; Friend or Foe?
Taz's Plan Gone Awry
The War Begins
God of War - Challenge Accepted
Stages of Grief


18 3 0
By RedtheDeath

Ringing sounds in my ears. Jax is straddled over me, a gun pointed to my head. "You'll pay for that beating," He seethes. I sigh. "Men never learn," I twist his wrist, causing him to drop the gun. He tries to pin me to the ground, but I end up headbutting him. "Mother fucker!" I push him off of me, grabbing the gun and pointing it towards him. He's on his knees, his hands up. Blood trails from his nose down to the floor. I back out of my room slowly. I'm about to run towards the stairs, Jax takes something out of his pocket and throws it at me. The device he threw at me explodes.

"TAZ!?" Koi yells from downstairs. He and Asha are fighting off two members of the Ketsueki Kama. "Koi, if both of them are--" "Asha, they're not. Our kids are... they're smart," He mutters as they fight back to back.

Anoki coughs as he tries to crawl out of the debris from the explosion. "I'm gunna kill that guy," He mutters. He walks up to the kitchen. As soon as he steps foot into the kitchen, an explosion goes off. "TAZ!?" Koi screams from the living room. Anoki ducks behind the kitchen island. "Please, don't be dead, Taz," He whispers to himself.

Jax walks over the now exploded closet cautiously. "Jax!" Jax turns around. A man who stood about 6'1 walk over to him. "Will," Will looks at the closet behind Jax. "Wow. A grenade, huh?" Jax nods. "She wasn't any trouble," Will chuckles. "Kahn is asking for you. We've got the survivors tied up in the living room," Jax nods as they both head to the stairs. Gunshots ring in the air, suddenly. Jax and Will turn around to find Tazana pointing the gun at them. Their eyes widen.

I'm standing in front of Jax and his friend, pointing the gun at the both of them. Both of them seem speechless. "How - I - But you... HOW THE FUCK DID YOU SURVIVE THAT!?" Jax exclaims. I smirk at him. "Haven't you ever heard... a magician never reveals her secrets?" A creak is heard on the steps behind the two villains. They turn around to find Anoki swinging his fist towards Jax's friend. Jax's friend blocks Anoki's punch. He twisted Anoki's arm behind his back and threw him over the rail. Anoki lands on a glass table, breaking it in the process. I gripped the gun. "I can handle her, Will," Jax tells the other man. He nods and walks down the stairs. Jax turns towards me. "You're going to die one way or the other," He speaks venomously. "But am I though?" He growls. "Let's settle this without weapons, like men," I take the clip out of the gun, emptying it. I dropped the gun at my feet. "That's fine with me," Jax charges at me, swinging punch after punch. I swiftly brought my knee to his gut, causing him to double over. I push him away from me and try to make a break for the stairs. Right before I reach the stairs, he grabs my ankle. He trips me and attempts to climb on top of me. He brings down a punch, which I dodge. I roll us over, swiftly taking a knife out from my pocket, pressing it against his neck. "You're are a piece of shit," I growl. I stand up, kicking his groin. "Fuck!"

I hurry down the stairs. Mom and Dad were tied to chairs that were brought from the dining room. Anoki's unconscious on the broken glass table. "Taz! You're okay!" I run to my parents, trying to untie them quickly. Once the ropes fell from their wrists, a red light catches my eye. I turn towards it. An explosion erupts, knocking me, mom, and Dad through the living room window. I look around as pain jolts through my body. Dad and Mom are both unconscious and critically injured. From the corner of my eye, A few of Ketsueki Kama members, including Jax and his friend, Will, walk away. "We'll meet again, Tazana," Jax had a sickening smirk on his face as he walks away. I watch them walk away as my consciousness slips.

I wake up to beeping sounds. I look around my surroundings. "What?" I mutter. "You're awake, Miss Tava," I look towards the unfamiliar voice. A woman dressed in a white coat is writing down on a chart. "You're in the hospital. You've been here for about three weeks," My eyes widen. "Three weeks?" She nods. "Your parents and brother are unconscious still. The three of them were critically injured," I look towards the window, tears welling up. "You should rest. You're nearly fully healed," The doctor walks out of the room, leaving me to my self-loathing thoughts.

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