Peace Doesn't Exist

By XYZangel26

3.4K 111 65

The Shinobi World is no more. Extinguished by an unseen apocalypse. Three young travelers explore the epicent... More

Moving On
Back to work
Devil's Ravine
The Hybrid
New Home
Opposites pt.1
Opposites pt.2
Beating up orphans
All Aboard!
My Greatest Creation!
Origins Pt.1
Origins Pt.2
The Board
Future Plans


128 3 0
By XYZangel26

Megami found Hinata rocking back and forth next to a tree. She's sweating, shaking and murmuring to herself. It appeared as if she was losing her mind.

"Hinata? Hinata!" Hinata breaks from her mental breakdown.

"Wha- Megami? What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What are you doing?! You look like a lunatic."

"I couldn't risk being spotted. Especially by Naruto."

"Speaking of which, he faced the Headmaster."

"I saw. He could've defeated him in multiple ways. Yet, he got emotional and ruined everything. Deplorable. If he can't avenge our son then I will."

Hinata heads towards the Village. Megami stood baffled. She never heard Hinata say such things. It felt as if she's becoming cold-blooded. Spiders float above her, whispering to her.

"Something changed within her."

"I'm beginning to like her."

"Vengeance blinds, even the all-seeing"

"Vengeance you say, but I say its something else."

Megami grew tired of the whispers. "Enough! Keep an eye on her. If she continues her pursue this path. Shut her down. She becoming a risk to herself."

"Ah, we can finally rid this waste of life."

"All we need is one slip up! And then we can strike!"

The Spiders laugh. All of them dancing in the air. Megami ignores them, heading back to the Village.


"W... what?"

"I know this a drastic decision, but we believe this is the right choice," Sakura explains to her daughter.

"I trained for years to master my powers. All my practice will be for nothing!"

"We know, but your psychological state is crumbling. It's too high of a risk. I don't want to see you suffering in silence anymore."

"No, no! Papa! You don't actually agree with this?"

"I-I trust you're Mother."

"But all our progress! Are you willing to throw it all away?"

"Sarada, the Sharingan does not define you. Losing a part of you will not be your end. You will rebound. I believe you can."

Sarada calms down and thinks. The nightmares were hell for her. But that power the Sharingan grants was worth it. Without it, she was nothing. And she hated that. There was a voice in the back of her head, screaming to revolt. Yet, deep down she trusted them, they were her parents.


Sakura was relieved. Sasuke remains conflicted. Sarada stayed woeful.

"Your father and I will do some research on Juinjutsu. We'll save you from this pain. Promise."

~2 Days Later~

Sarada finds herself back in her room. She relaxed for hours letting her mind drift. The voices were harming her, screaming. Siting up strait she focuses chakra in the palm of her hand. Practicing the Rasengan helps her remain calm, despite not making progress. Sarada looks out her window. From afar she could see Mitsuki on a rooftop. After seeing him, Sarada notifies her parents.

"I'm out to see Mitsuki!"

They were busy researching books and scrolls.

"Don't stay out too long!"

Sarada leaves through the window running towards Mitsuki. She climbs the building meeting him face to face.

"What do you think you were doing?" Mitsuki explains. Sarada staggers, she didn't expect this from Mitsuki.

"I... What?..."

"I worried when I heard you left the Village to face the Vigilantes. I tried to follow but they won't allow me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

Mitsuki started shivering. Sarada thought he was going to breakdown but was hit by a chill breeze, making her realize Mitsuki was instead cold.

"How long have been standing here?" She asks.

"...a while..."

"Come to my place."Sarada then remembers the mess her parents had in their house. "Or maybe we can go to your place. I can make some hot cocoa."

"Certainly, I have a new place in the city."

"What happened to your old place?" Sarada assumed the worst. She imagined his old home was vandalized by some loathers.

"Nothing really. I just received a new place."

The pair travel into the city and arrive at a hotel. Sarada could tell this was a five-star hotel. They enter the elevator reaching the top floor. After a small walk, they make it in Mitsuki's room.

Sarada's jaw-drops. Mitsuki lives in a penthouse. It was a finer place than her own home. And her mother is a doctor and her Father a legend, yet they couldn't afford such luxury.

"How are you able to afford all of this!?"

"My brother gave this place to me."

"Excuse me. Brother? You have a brother?"

"It's complicated."

"Is he rich or something?"


"Then how?"

"Also complicated."

Sarada wonders around while Mitsuki heads to the fridge.

"Man, I wish I could stay here."

"It would help with anxiety. Not being there with you felt horrible. That feeling of incompetence, I hated it. All I can do is hide here and wallow in my own sorrow."

Mitsuki grabs a tub of chocolate chip peppermint ice cream. He takes a spoon and starts eating. Sarada takes a glance noticing the ice cream was almost gone.

"Have been eating that whole thing while I was gone?"

"It helps me relax."

"That whole thing for the entire day?"

"Room service brings me ice cream whenever I run out."

"Seriously, can I live here."

"Well, if you're serious then of course. I plenty of room for you."

Sarada was taken by surprise. She wanted to stay here but she never expected to actually get the chance. A lot of question runs through her mind. Would her parents allow this? Was she ready for this kind of commitment? Is she really willing to live a boy? What happens if things get awkward? What will others think? Is it even necessary? Many more questions ran in her mind.

Mitsuki sees face slowly turning red. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll think about it. Okay?"

"Affirmative. I wonder how your parents will react?" Mitsuki giggles.

"They..." Sarada sighs. She walks around then slumps in the sofa. "They want to seal my Sharingan. So maybe being here..."

"Seal? What do you mean?"

"I lost control during the fight. They're afraid that I'm losing my sanity."

"Are you?" He asks. Sarada eyes Mitsuki but then slumps back down in defeat.


"This is a good thing!"

"Yeah, but... I need them. I have to become stronger. Without them, I'm no one important. I'll be seen as weak and useless."

"Sarada, your already strong without your Sharingan. You'll be fine without them."

"Then how? How do I become stronger?"


"It's what I been doing my whole career."

"Then you're already in the right path."

"Papa will leave as soon as he finishes the seal and Mama too busy with the Hospital. Konoha-sensei is now on missions all the time. Who will train me now."

"Haven't you been with the Hokage lately?"

"Lord Seven? No, no, no. That spot belongs to you."


"Earlier in the week, the told me he wanted to see you. Since he's a Sage maybe he could train you to control the Natural Energy."

"He, wants to train me?"

"Appears so."

"I- I don't know what to say."

"Yeah, must feel nice."

"Don't feel so gloomy. The Village is full of living legends. I'm sure you'll find someone who will take the time to train you."

"Oh certainly, people will be thrilled to train the daughter of Sasuke Uchiha," Sarada spoke with obvious sarcasm.

"There's bound to be someone."

Sarada reflects for a moment. Many figures flash through her mind. None of them would spend time with her, according to herself. One, however, stood out. Kabuto Yakushi.

She was fascinated by him during the chaos at the orphanage. He seemed powerful and intelligent. And he looked like an outcast, just like how Sarada sees herself.

"Do you know who Kabuto is? He's the one in charge of the orphanage."

"Kabuto Yakushi? Of course, I know him. I visit him from time to time."

"Do you think he'll train me?"

"To be honest, I don't know. He relinquished ninjutsu ever since the Fourth Shinobi World War."

"Oh..." Sarada saddens further.

"But I believe that's a question I can't answer. Only he can."

Sarada sighs. "I'll go tomorrow."



Mitsuki hands over the ice scream to Sarada. She picks a spoonful and began devouring the whole tub. Sinking in her own depression.


Sumire wakes up inside a detention cell. She never imagined being here again. Imprisoned by good people. But unlike last time Sumire wasn't given leniency. There's a possibility that she could go to prison. In her heart, she knew she deserves it. She now wished to rot in cell never to bother another again.

The door opens then Himawari came charging in. She grabs Sumire and shakes her violently.

"You idiot! What were you thinking!?"

"Easy! I'm still injured."

"Is this the reassurance you were talking about? Breaking the laws? Now Mama tells me that you are going to prison now."

"Don't worry about me."

"I am worried about you. Boruto would scream at you for doing something so stupid!"

Sumire lowers her head. Himawari pulls Sumire in a hug. Both let tears fall from the checks. The door opens revealing a guard.

"Minutes up, young lady." He announces.

"I'll talk to Papa. He can help you."

"Don't bother, Himawari. Just leave me here."


"Time to leave." The Guard claims.

Himawari leaves after being persuaded. Sumire was left alone in her cell, with no one in her life now.


Sarada arrives at the orphanage. They were still repairing the damage done to the orphanage. The Uchiha felt uneasy. Rejection is something she hated the most. A little girl yells out to her. A voice Sarada recognized.

"You again..." Sarada moans.

Kagayaku confronts Sarada while striking another pose.

"State your business." Kagayaku declares.

"I want to see Kabuto. Can you direct me to him?"

"What do you want from him?"

"I just want to talk."

"Hmmm, alright. Father is at the courtyard."

"Thank you."

Sarada strolls into the orphanage trying her best to avoid eye contact with anyone. She spots Yui hiding behind a corner, with a noticeable look of fear. She ignores her and continues down her path. Sarada finds Kabuto in the courtyard just like Kagayaku said. Kabuto notices her approaching.

"Sarada! What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here in the outskirts?"

"I, er..." Sarada chokes on her words.

"No need to be shy now."

"During the day the Vigilantes attacked I tried to save Yui but I ended up unconscious instead. Since then I felt useless."

"Sarada, you know that's not true."

"I realized that I need to be stronger. So I can protect the Village and the ones I care about. I remember your actions that day, I was fascinated. So, I figured... maybe you could... train me."

Kabuto surprised couldn't help but chuckle. Sarada lowers her head in embarrassment.

"W-what is something I said..." Whispers Sarada.

"It's funny how life works," Kabuto mutters.


"A question Sarada. Why me? There are plenty of Jōnin who can teach you."

"You seem... different. Just like me."

"What does your father say?"

"He busies right now. So he doesn't know."

"Ah..." Kabuto ponders for a while. "Perhaps, I could educate you."

"Y- you will?" Sarada face lights up.

Kabuto walks to the side and grabs a broom. He hands it to Sarada.

"Show me what you can do."

"Uh, what am I suppose to do with this?"

"Clean the halls, of course!"

Kabuto left with a smile leaving Sarada confounded.


Toneri sits inside his palace in the Moon. He analyzes the findings of the puppets. They all yield different results, making it difficult for him. He felt a presence enter the room. He stood up from his chair and speaks.

"You do not belong here."

"Come on! You seem lonely up here. Let me put some intrigue in your life."

Uchū smiles as he drifts along the hallways. He walks in front of Toneri with his hands in his coat's pockets. Tilting his head, he observes Lunarian up close.

"The Ōtsutsuki, extinct. Well, barely." Uchū yawns. "I always knew the Ōtsutsuki would end up killing themselves. So self-absorbed in their own majesty."

Toneri feels the power that radiates from his eyes. A power he was too familiar with.

"The Tenseigan. It does not belong to you."

"On the contrary, it was your ancestors who gave them to me. Had them for a few solar cycles now. But you must have to know that. You did know that, right?"

Toneri didn't answer. Uchū walks around observing the architecture. He looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

"What do you want Horsemen?"

Uchū grew a satisfying grin. Chills felt through his body. Air left his mouth as he chuckles.

"You don't know how long someone has called me that."

"Your name is scattered across our archives. But just your name, I can't find anything else."

"Name or titles? There two different things on Earth. Doesn't matter, what matters is you! The one who been tracking me down."

"Earth is under my protection."

"Wrong! It's under mine."

Uchū looks out the giant window viewing the entirety of Earth.

"I've been away for far too long. The world became uneven. As a result, a new so-called Gods have emerged."

Toneri immediately thinks of Naruto.

"You're correct, Lunarian. Naruto Uzumaki has surpassed any boundary in front of him. His influence has changed the world, brought in an Era of Peace. I claim, ignorance."

"You call yourself the protector of Earth, yet you scorn the peace its earned?"

"Earned? Humanity never earns. It's all a lies shaped as truth."

"Lies by who? Naruto?"

"He's a figurehead, directing the world away from my design."

"If you view his actions as transgression then you are inept of the title of caretaker."

"For the love of the Emanations, you are clueless. To be fair, you have no idea who I am. Not for long. I think its time to change that. Time to get back to work."

"Whatever you're intentions are, you will never defeat Naruto or the Hidden Leaf."

Uchū gazes Toneri while slowly walking towards him. "Foolish child, you think too small."

Himawari enters the room where Naruto has enclosed himself. The Hokage has completely shut down since his journey. Himawari tugs on his shirt. Naruto slowly shifts his head at her.


"Are you okay?" She asks.

"...No..." Naruto told truthfully.

Himawari hugs her father. The gesture partially cheers Naruto. The Hokage kisses her forehead.

"Thank you."

Hinata came in the room, pouting at the sight."What about me?"

Himawari pulls her mother into a hug and kisses her on the cheek. Hinata holds Naruto hand and smiles. Naruto couldn't help but smile.

"This... this is nice."

A crack echo across the house, the floor shaking so much that items fall. Naruto immediately acts forming a clone to protect his family while he checks out what happens. He opens the door finding a huge hole in his living room. A hole in the ceiling revealing the blue sky, and a crater that goes into the earth itself.

He looks at the center of the crater discovering Toneri in the center. The Hokage first thought was that he fell from the sky. His face had fear and terror, always staring up in the sky. Naruto walks down to him. Upon getting closer he could hear him whispering.

"Toneri! Toneri, are you okay?"

Noticing Naruto, Toneri speaks up.

"He's... coming..."

"Who? Who's coming?"

"...Infinity... coming, he's coming. He's coming!" Toneri starts freaking out. Naruto calms him down but the Ōtsutsuki continues to mutter to himself.

"He's coming, he's coming, he's coming."

A/N: Well this chapter was shorter than expected. Don't worry, the next chapter will be longer. Usually, people would depict Sarada with Naruto as her teacher and Mitsuki with Kabuto. I switch it up! I like to do things differently.

Usually, I'll copy-paste my outro here. But it got stale after a while. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you next time!

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