The Virgo Woman

TheQuirkyQueen08 द्वारा

28.4K 1.4K 153

The sequel to R O B B E R Must Read अधिक

The before


1.4K 85 10
TheQuirkyQueen08 द्वारा

I stare stunned at Ryan as he finished the last bit of the extremely spicy sandwich. He noticed my gaze and chuckled.

"Are you Okay?"

"I can only eat half of this sandwich before I quit. How the hell have you managed to eat all of it?"

"I love spicy food. This was easy."

"Now I'm offended, I worked hard to perfect that recipe." Mama said. "I had finally made something that Malorie couldn't handle and now you come in-"

"To be fair it did have a kick."

"A kick? Well it looks like you have to marry him now." She said before groaning and walk away, mumbling under her breath. Ryan raised his eyebrow.

"I am not marrying you." I said. He chuckled. A waitress came over with a bill and handed it to me.

"Thanks Jess." I mumbled.

"Is this your husband?" She whispered.

"No. He's my pretend boyfriend." I had known Jess since she started working her five years ago. We became close, fast. She was only a couple years younger than me.

"That never works out. Anyhow. Flag me down when you guys are done arguing over the bill."

"You know me so well." I smiled. She nodded and left. I opened the small folder and looked at the receipt, Ryan took it from me and nodded, he slipped in the amount and flagged down the waitress. I sent him a glare but he shrugged.

"That was quick." Jess said.

"He didn't-"

"I know Malorie pretty well. I don't give her the time to think about it anymore." He said handing her the tab. She nodded slowly impressed.

"He's a keeper Mal." She said before walking away.

"How much are we tipping?" I asked. He shrugged.

"400?" He asked.

"$600, three hundred each?"

"Sounds perfect."

"She doesn't like when I leave big tips so we're going to have to leave fast." I whispered. He nodded and pulled out his money. I pulled out mine and left it under a plate. We giggled and quickly got up leaving the cafe quickly. We went outside and peered in the window watching Mama pick up the bills. She shook her head and looked around before connecting eyes with us. I blew her a kiss and left dragging Ryan along.

"We should have one of those back home." I commented.

"Or we could move here."

"You do know we're not together right?"

"Yeah but we could be roommates, we still have a relationship with each other."

"I guess." I shrugged.

My sister came out of nowhere, her red face was pushed up to mine.

"Where the hell were you guys?" I almost punched the bitch but Ryan pushed Renee back gently.

"Control your woman and I'll control mine." He warned Eric. He rolled his eyes and grabbed a fuming Renee. This was almost amusing to see.

"We got hungry. I pulled him out for lunch." I shrugged.

"Okay let's keep it moving. I have some shopping to do." Mom said.

"I have to take Ryan to get fitted for his suit." I said before dismissing myself and heading over to the tux shop which was only a few stores down.

"Hi. I had a fitting for Malorie Evergreen." The woman looked me up and down before responding.

"Can I see some ID?" She said. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my ID. Her eyes widened.

"Yes ma'am right this way." She seemed young so I didn't think twice about it.

"I'll have the tailor bring out the suit the dressing rooms are to your right." She quickly headed back to her spot and I sighed sitting on the sofa. A tailor came out and handed him a suit to go try on. I was minding my own business when Ryan came out looking fine as hell.

"What do you think?" He asked. I stared before putting on a nonchalant face.

"You look good." The tailor then instructed him to stand on a pedestal so that the clothing could be fitted perfectly. While he was getting poked I decided to go pay.

"Hi I want to pay for this session." I whispered. The lady nodded.

"It's going to be one thousand five hundred dollars." Sounded about right. I handed her my card and she swiped it. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ryan too busy to notice me. I was handed back my card and I tucked it away into my wallet she handed me a receipt.

"Ma'am, once again I just want to apologize for being so judgmental at first."

"It's fine. Just make sure you know the facts before you jump so quickly to assumptions."

"Yes ma'am. Have a good day."

"Yeah you too." I said going back to the seat.

"What were you just doing?" Ryan asked.

"Using the bathroom." I lied getting comfortable again.


After we thanked Mr.Fromage for his work we headed back to the house vía Uber.

"Go get dressed." Ryan said when we were in the room.

"I didn't plan an-"

"Just go get dressed. Something classy." He said


"Stop asking questions and get your beautiful ass into the bathroom." I rolled my eyes and headed to the closet first so I could pick something out. A simple dress would be fine I guess. I didn't really know where I was going but I was excited, mostly everything in my life was planned, so when Ryan included me into his spontaneous adventures I got a shot of adrenaline.

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