Chances. » Lirry/Narry

By Sad_Serenade01

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My life crumbled into pieces, every part of me turned into dust. On the edge of the universe holding onto a s... More



211 28 7
By Sad_Serenade01

Tuesday, January 14, 2014.

Harry's POV

"I don't want to go." I complain, crossing my arms.

"I know, you've had a long break, but you need to graduate. Then you can do whatever the hell you want." Liam says, not taking his eyes off the road. I turn my head to look at Mikey in the back seat.

"You're lucky you don't have to go to school." I say to her before turning back around. "What's the point of going if I already failed the year?"

"Harry, you have to go to summer school in order to graduate, and I could be put in jail if you don't go-"

"You're not even my real parent so they can't do that." I interrupt him.

"I am your guardian, though." He says, sounding disappointed.

"Yeah, but I am eighteen, I'm going to be far behind, and I don't feel well. There, three reasons why I shouldn't have to go to school." I argue.

"Would you rather go to the hospital? Is that what you want to do?" He says irritated with me.

"God, Liam, I'm fine I just have a headache-" Liam interrupts me before I can finish my sentence.

"Stop complaining, then." He goes through his hair with his hand.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, leaning my head on the window. After minutes of silence, we eventually arrive at the huge school. He parks, and exits the car. I do the same, while he gets Mikey out of the car. "You're not going in with me, are you?" I ask, closing the car door.

"Yes, I am, I have to make sure they get this or else you will have to repeat the full-year." He holds up the doctor's excuse. He places it in his pocket, and takes out the papers I forgot to take out. "What is this?" He asks, holding Mikey against his hip.

"Papers that say I was discharged from rehab." I walk over to him, with my bag in my hands, and take the papers from him. "I'm probably going to need these." I take them, and place them in my bag. I watch as he walks towards the school. "Dad, please don't embarrass me." I beg, catching up to him.

"Don't call me that." He complains.

"Why, you are my dad...In a sense." I remind him, looking over to find him shaking his head. "What?" I smile at him.

"Stop." He mumbles. "I don't want to embarrass myself." He uses his one hand to push the office door open. I follow closely behind him, noticing that Liam is holding Mikey. In public. At my school.

"Liam." I complain.

"What'd I do?" He asks, entering the office.

"Do you have to hold Mikey?"

"Hello, what are you here for?" The secretary asks, interrupting my conversation with Liam.

"Harry Styles is starting today." Liam says with a big smile on his face.

"Okay, let me get his schedule for you." She smiles back at Liam. I watch as the lady enters a room, and quickly exits with a piece of paper and an agenda. "This is for you." She hands it to me from over the desk.

"I just have one question for you, Miss-"

"Mrs. Longstreth, but it's not legal in this state...So, you can call me Miss. Longstreth." She rambles, telling us too much about her personal life.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Liam says awkwardly, scratching the back of his head with his one free hand. "Did you need the doctors excuse for-"

"Yes." She interrupts Liam, with a big smile on her face.

How is she Luke's mother?

Liam hands her the slip of paper before she takes it, and puts it in a folder. "You are ready to go, Miss. Styles." She smiles at me, turning my smile into a frown.

"Oh, okay..." I whisper, offended.

"I'll see you later, Harry." Liam smiles at me, and pecks my cheek.

"Liam!" I shout at him as my cheeks turn a bright red color.

"Payback's a bitch, ain't it?" Liam says before exiting the room. I look up to see Luke's mother smiling at me. I awkwardly walk away, and exit the room with a few of my belongings. I walk in the hallway, confident I know where I'm going. I head up the stairs, and finally reach the floor where my locker is. I watch as a few people stare at me as I walk past, but I decide to ignore them. I finally find my locker through the big crowd of people, opening it and placing my back-pack inside.

"Welcome back, fag." I hear someone say from beside me. I turn to see Kyle smiling at me with his gay-ass smile.

"Shut the fuck up, Kyle." I roll my eyes at him, walking away to try to find my Homeroom. I quickly enter the classroom, finding no one I know. I take my seat in the back of the room in the corner where no one was sitting. I watch as a girl turns to look at me.

"Hi, Mr. Styles. It's a pleasure to meet you." Someone says from in front of me. I turn to find the teacher holding out her hand. I grab onto it, and shake it gently.

"Hi, Mrs. Jones." I say, reading her name off of my schedule.

"I'm going to be your Homeroom and Science teacher." She smiles at me, putting her hands behind her back.

"Okay, thank you." I smile at her awkwardly. She smiles back, and then walks away to the front of the room. I watch as she grabs a notebook and pencil, checking who is absent.

"Kyle?" She calls out, before Kyle shouts to let her know he is here.

Of course Kyle has the same Homeroom teacher as me.

I readjust Liam's hoodie to fit over my large stomach as I hear the teacher call out the name I really hoped I wouldn't hear. "Niall?"

Of course Niall has to be in this class.

"Okay, no Niall? What about Luke?" The teacher says causing me to let out a loud sigh.

I really don't want to deal with him, he probably hates me.

"Today we have a new student, Harry?" She says, signalling for me to walk up to the front of the classroom. I awkwardly stand up, and walk to the front of the room. I look over at the crowd of people all in the same corner of the classroom. "Is there anything you want to share with the class?" She smiles at me, kindly.

"Uhm, I'm Harry...Some of you might remember me from previous years, but others may not know me at all...Questions?" I ask nervously.

"Why are you gay?" Kyle shouts, trying to get a laugh from someone.

"Because I like boys, do you have any other stupid questions?" I ask, getting irritated with him.

"Okay, I have a better idea. We'll go around the room, say our names, and ask Harry a question. Luke, you can start." Mrs. Jones calls him out.

"Well, I'm Luke, it's nice to see you again, Harry." Luke says innocently.

Jump in a shark tank, Luke.

"Uhm, how are you?" He scratches the back of his head.

"I'm fine." I lie.

He nods his head, "That's good."

Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing a familiar person. The boy awkwardly walks into the room, avoiding everyone. He sits towards the back of the room right next to the seat I was sitting in.

"Niall, do you have a late pass?" Mrs. Jones asks him in front of everyone. He shakes his head no, and refuses to look up.

"Okay class, you can continue to ask Harry any questions you have for him." Mrs. Jones says, causing Niall to look up at me.

"Why did you leave?" Kyle asks, causing Niall to look back down.


"I'm just wondering, you don't have to tell me if it's too personal." Kyle grins evilly.

"I needed to get help..." I mumble. "So that's what I did." I say as innocent as possible.

"Okay, Harry, you can go take your seat now." She says out of guilt.

I awkwardly walk to the back of the room, feeling the pain from my stomach kick-in. I take my seat next to Niall, hoping that he won't look over at me. From the corner of my eye, I watch as Niall gets up from his seat, and moves away.

I messed up...Bad.

Suddenly the bell rings, causing me to get up from my seat. I quickly push my way through the doorway, and enter the even more crowded hallway. Suddenly, I feel the urge to puke.

No, no, no.

I quickly push past crowds of people, throwing my schedule on the floor beside my locker, and somehow make it to the bathroom on time. I lean my head over in an open stall, and puke up most of my breakfast. I quickly flush the toilet so that I wouldn't forget. I hold my hair back with my one hand, and use a piece of toilet paper to wipe off my mouth. I sigh, and lean my head on the stall door. I slowly get up, and walk over to the sink to cool myself off. I wet a paper towel, and wipe my forehead with the edge of it. Feeling some relief, I walk out of the bathroom finding out I was in the girl's bathroom.

I hope no one saw that.

I look down, trying to hide that I just left the women's room, and run into Luke. "I'm sorry." I shout at him, holding onto my stomach. He laughs at me, noticing where I just left.

Of course Luke saw that.

I hurriedly walk away, and find my locker. I pick up the stuff from the floor, and open my locker. I throw everything into my back-pack, and take out my phone.

I can't do this.

To: Liam

From: Harry

I know you are busy, but I really don't feel well. Please pick me up ASAP. :(

After a few minutes, I hear the bell ring. I sit myself down on the floor of the empty hallway with all of my belongings, and wait for Liam to respond. Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate from my hands. I quickly open it, and read the text message.

To: Harry

From: Liam

coming what happened :(

I instantly respond, hoping he hurries himself up.

To: Liam

From: Harry

I don't feel well, I already puked once. :P

I place a hand on my stomach, feeling the pounding. I try to calm myself down, and somehow manage to get off of the floor. I walk down the stairs with my bag and phone. I slowly make my way down the stairs, hoping the dizziness won't try to come back. I quickly push on the door, and exit the school without hesitating. I stumble to the edge of the snowy curb, and sit myself down. I open my phone, and read the text Liam sent to me.

To: Harry

From: Liam

almost here, have 2 stop texting its a law

I set my phone on my bag, and rest my head in my hands. I close my eyes, wishing the pain would disappear. After a few minutes, I look up to find Liam's small grey car approach me. I get up from the ground, and grab my bag and phone. I throw my phone in my bag, and enter Liam's car. I quickly close the door, and buckle my seat belt.

"Harry, I'm taking you to the hospital." Liam says as soon as I get comfortable. I watch as the car quickly drives away from the school.

"No, Liam, I'm fine-"

"I'm taking you to the hospital." He interrupts me.

"Liam, I-" I stop talking, suddenly feeling the urge again. I sit up, and puke on my lap. Liam opens a window, and grabs onto my left hand.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." I close my eyes, and allow a tear to form. I feel as Liam's grip gets stronger as my crying starts to get louder. "I have a pair of pants you can wear." I open my eyes, and nod my head. I look out of the window, slowly feeling less pain.

Why can't I just die?

Niall's POV

"Sorry about that, Niall. I had to reschedule, my son was sick. So, it's been about a week or so now, tell me what's new." The doctor asks, closing the door behind me.

"He's back." I mumble, taking a seat.

"Who's back?" She asks, taking her seat behind a desk.

"My ex-boyfriend, the one that ran away for seven months. I saw him at school today..." I gulp, trying not to cry.

"How does it make you feel?" She asks, taking out her clipboard.

"Like shit, he abused me. I don't want to see him..." I mumble, knowing that's a lie.

"Why'd he abuse you?" She pretends to be shocked.

"He never meant to...I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, I guess." I wipe my eyes.

"I would try to avoid him, don't get involved in that kind of relationship, Niall." She tries to cheer me up.

"Whatever..." I roll my eyes.

"Niall, it's for your own safety." She reminds me.

"I know...but I love him." I frown, trying to stop thinking about him.

"Now, I'm no expert in love, but you need to find a way to get over him."

"I know."

"What ways have you tried?" She smiles at me.

"I cut myself, and I've tried to commit suicide a couple of times." I smile back at her.

"Niall, that's not good."

"I know." I nod my head with wide eyes. "That's why I need help."

"Well, what are some...positive ways to get over him?" She asks me.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you." I mock her.

"I can't do everything, Niall." She laughs at me.


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