Staid and Fatuous

By groovycatmuffin

841 32 9

THIS BOOK IS ON HIATUS (for now)!! Staid. One word to describe Dark. Fatuous. One word to describe Anti. Hir... More

Quick Note
Dark: Just A Talk
Anti: First Mission
Dark: First Mission Mishap
Anti: Planning Something Devious
Dark: System Error
Mark: Getting Unexpected News
Dark: Simple Dinner Date
Anti: Something Worth Waking Up To
Mark: Guns and Irish cursing
Dark: Complicating Complications
Anti: Furthering Into Business
Dark: Mistakes Were Made
Mark: Awkward Acquaintance
authors note

Anti: Needing More Coffee

36 2 0
By groovycatmuffin

Dark paced the room as I sat relaxed with my feet propped up on the table. I sipped on a mug of hot coffee, not caring that it was practically burning my tastebuds off. "Dark... If you pace anymore, it's either going to be me or you getting sick." He sighed at sat across from me at the table. He grabbed a pen and started to scribble down a few notes. Dark looked up at me and handed me a paper. "What do you see." He asked me. My eyes scanned over the paper, not really seeing anything that caught my attention. Shrugging I handed the paper back to him. "I don't know, a bunch of words." Dark smiled and shook his head. "I went into the library this morning and did some research. Since I couldn't bring the books with me to study, I copied the important things. I found a book on necromacy, and found a way to reverse it. If I'm able to reverse it then... Then I'd be back to my normal self, and Mark would pay for what he has done. I was also able to look up the coordinates of the manor." I slowly nodded my head.

Dark and I had talked about what the incident that happened ealier could have been about. He had explained what happened, and how he came to be what he was. This Mark guy and Dark's... Or Damien's twin sister, Celine, had gotten married. Then after a few years, Celine ran off with William J. Barnum. A childhood friend of Mark, Damien and Celine's. Mark believed that William had kidnapped her, while Damien believed that Mark was just an asshole that Celine didn't love anymore. Mark decided to get revenge on them by inviting his friends over for a poker night. He had invited William, Damien, and another good friend named Abe. Another person had also come, but Dark wasn't able to recall their name. The next morning Mark had been found dead. Abe pointed fingers at William while Damien didn't know who to trust anymore. Abe, who was a detective, teamed up with the unnamed person, who Dark forgot the name of, to try and figure how Mark had died. Turns out Mark had died and come to life plenty of times before. A trick that Celine had told him about since she mastered in the dark arts. So Mark quickly took advantage of Damien, taking his body and controlling it. Damien was basically kicked out of his own body and was forced to take on Mark's broken and bloody one. That then explained later on why Mark's body had disappeared. After another whole argument and another death, Damien and Celine had suddenly found themselves in a cabin. A cabin that was deep into the woods, isolated from civilization. They had another encounter with Mark there. Mark's plan seemed to have turned out perfectly, merging Damien and Celine together to make... Dark. Even though Celine had thrown an axe into Mark's chest before they merged, Mark seems to have come back again.

That's what I understood of it all anyway. It's really fucking confusing. I still didn't trust Dark enough to tell him my story though. I felt like I should, but something was holding me back.

A warm hand on my shoulder jerked me back to reality. My green and blue eyes met with red ones as I took a deep breath. "Anti? I lost you there for a minute?" I gently pushed Dark's hand off my shoulder even though I enjoyed the contact. "Sorry, I was just thinking. Just a lot of shit to take in." I forced a chuckle and Dark's features relaxed slightly. He ran a hand though his black hair. "Yeah, I have a pretty fucked up life, don't I?" A real laugh came from my mouth this time. "Well that just proves that we have something in common." Dark smirked, but it wasn't smug, nor mocking. It was a genuine and happy one. I looked up at the clock in the Staff Room. "Well if your plan is working correctly, then the letter should have reached Mark by now." Dark nodded. "I... I want to thank you, Anti. Thank you for agreeing to help me with this. You could have just said no, you had a choice but you decided to help anyway-" I stopped Dark from rambling anymore my putting my hand over his. "Don't thank me just yet, you doofus. You're right, I did have a choice, and I felt like I chose right. I'm in sort of the same position as you anyway. And the bonus is that you're fuckin' smoking hot." He threw his head back and laughed. He looked back into my eyes with a grin. "Well I could say the same thing about you except I've only known you for a month." I rolled my eyes. "You really don't know how to get a guy do ya? If you really were interested you would've asked me out by now." Dark was just about to say something before the door opened. I casually took my hand away from Dark's and moved it back to my coffee. A younger looking demon walked through the door. He had pitch black eyes, and skin more pale than mine. Now that's pale, considering that I'm Irish.

He looked at the two of us, then back to the coffee machine and sighed. "I think we need more coffee." I grinned and guzzled down the last of my dirty bean water. Dark chuckled. "Sorry about that Blank, this asshat over here took the last of it." Blank pulled out a chair and sat near us. "Eh it's cool, you're Antisepticeye right?" He asked pointing to me. I nodded and he moved his black, and slightly blue hair out of his eyes. "Cool, nice to meet ya, I'm BlankGameplays, I much rather prefer Blank though." I nodded understandably. He looked between Dark and I for a moment. "So... Are you two like a thing?" Dark started coughing and I snickered. "Well we could be if this fucker ever asked me out." Dark glared at me out of the corner if his eye. I propped my chin up on the palm of my hand and gave him a quick wink. Blank didn't seem to have any reaction at all. Then after a long awkward pause he started to lose his shit. Laughing like there was no tomorrow. He stood up and patted Dark on the back and whispered something to him. He walked over to be and shook my hand. "Well nice chatting with you two, but I gotta go now. Natemare's probably looking for me. We had a plan to rehearse some stuff together." I wished him luck as he walked back out.

Dark stood up from his chair and folded the papers. I stood up also. "Whatcha doing?" Dark grabbed his suit jacket and looked back at me. "Heading to the PR to get to the manor. Possibly have dinner with you there if you decide to get your ass moving."

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