The Quiet One

By Haven0412

373K 20.3K 778

Harper Talbot is a painfully shy bookstore owner in the town of Black Wood Falls. She has built a name for he... More



8K 488 31
By Haven0412

 "To answer your question from before, Mr. Hartford knew about your living situation. He purchased a cabin several miles outside of town off of Green Lake. He wanted you to have it, he already moved his collection thereafter he changed his will last year."

"Why didn't you say so in front of everyone?" Regal asked, he could sense her question and knew her shyness was keeping her from asking.

"You saw their reaction. George knew his collection had many rare and expensive books. He didn't want his family to know where his collection was being kept."

"Why me?" her voice came out in a soft whisper.

"George knew you would keep his collection complete. I have a letter for you from him. I also have the keys and address of your new home." Mr. McAvoy handed her a small manilla envelope and a set of shiny keys.

"Please read the letter at your new home, there are several other items at the house that belong to you." Both knew they were being dismissed from the office and left. Harper clutched the letter to her chest, Regal watched as confusion and sadness played across her face.

"What's the address?" he asked, she handed him the small slip of paper and he raised an eyebrow. Setting a course for the house, he knew the property; it was near his parents on the opposite side of the lake from his childhood home. What had George been thinking buying a home there? Regal remembered how hard George had pushed for them to meet. Kept telling him about the amazing Harper Talbot and how many underestimated her when she didn't speak. He had told Regal he wanted him to help her find her voice and be heard.

Pulling up in front of the massive home he heard Harper gasp.

"When Mr. McAvoy said cabin I was picturing a small two bedroom one story home, not this." Harper stepped out of the car, Regal following close behind. George had purchased a huge home, there were floor to ceiling windows on the west side of the house. The outside was covered in smooth gray stone, down a small hill was the two car garage and above sat the house. There was a set of stairs leading up to the front door, a porch to the right of the front door had two rocking chairs and a gliding two seater swing.

"Want to look around?" Regal asked, he smiled at her wide eyes as she nodded.

"Lead the way, this is your new home." He motioned her up the steps and she smiled. She loved the look of the place and a conversation she had several months ago with George played in her head.

"Harper tell me what your dream house would be," George asked.

"Why?" They had been in hot pursuit of a first edition of a book by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"Just curious, you don't tell me enough about you. All I ever hear is about your sisters and their exploits with the men your mother sets them up with," George replied with a sly smile.

"Well, I think I would like something with a front porch. I've always wanted to have a rocking chair or porch swing to sit on. Watching the sunset or just curl up and read a good book enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. I'd want to be near the lake surrounded by trees, giving me a sense of privacy. Growing up here in the middle of town, everyone knows everything that happens with my family. Rarely you have a family of four girls all with their names starting with H. It should have four to five bedrooms so I can live there a long time and grown a family. Of course I'd want a space for all my books too. Right now all the books my grandfather left me are packed away in storage. He had an entire room with wall to wall shelving devoted to his books."

"Any preference on your kitchen?"

"No, it should be a place where all want to hang out and are comfortable digging through the cabinets. I want it big enough for my sisters and parents can spend time with me there. I just want my home to feel welcoming."

"For someone who didn't want to share you sure know a lot about what kind of house you want," George joked, nudging her with his shoulder.

Harper opened the front door and stepped into a home with an open floor plan, to her left sat a large living room with a large fireplace and the right a massive kitchen with all stainless steel appliances. There was a space for a large dinning room table that sat ten people comfortably. She walked over and stroked the dark cherry wood of the table and sighed.

"This is a very nice setup." Regal came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist nipping at her neck.

"George and I had a conversation several months back about what kind of house I wanted. This is exactly what I told him, if he did what I think he did, the place will have five bedrooms, a playroom for future children and a space downstairs for all my books," Harper explained, pointing to the stairs on the far right, one set led up and the other led down.

"Which way do you want to go first?" Regal kissed the hollow of her collarbone and Harper leaned into his body letting him hold her up.

"Mmm, down. I want to see if my hunch is correct about where George has stored his books, and I also need to read this letter." Harper held up the crumpled letter and Regal asked,

"Do you want me with you when you read the letter?"

"Yes, as you said earlier, I am yours and I want you to be mine. After thinking about George and how he spent so much time alone after Ginny passed away. I don't want to be alone anymore and if you'll have me I want you." Harper looked up at him with shining eyes of tears unshed. Regal scooped her up into his arms and carried her down the stairs into the library he knew would be at the bottom of the stairs. The room spanned almost two-thirds of the house wall to wall bookshelves and several standing displays with George's most prized possessions. He settled in a large leather recliner, her in his lap. Several book shelves were still empty waiting for her collection of books.

"Harper, are you sure about being with me? Having my cubs, growing old together forever?" Regal rasped out, his eyes bright gold as his animal came to the surface.

"Yes, that is, if you want me. You showed me today at the reading of the will how much you help me. You knew what questions I had and asked them for me, when I couldn't find my voice. I want to continue to try to speak on my own, work through my shyness, but I know you will be with me when I cannot." She tucked her head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his unique scent.

"I always want you." He captured her lips in a tender kiss, then nodded to the letter in her hand.

"Go ahead, once you are done I am taking you to the master bedroom and you will be mine in all sense of the word. I want to get you with child tonight." Regal nipped at her ear.

"I'm on birth control," Harper replied and Regal smirked.

"Human birth control doesn't work against shifter sperm, you could be pregnant already."


"Yes, but I don't smell any change in your scent."

"What does that mean?" She looked up in confusion.

"When you get pregnant your scent changes. I can smell your arousal for me and when you are angry, afraid, upset, or happy. I can also smell when you are most fertile and ready to become pregnant." Regal took a deep breath to show her.

"I can tell you are aroused being around me, happy and a little overwhelmed and sad with George's passing."

"I miss George, he was a grandfather to me when I had lost mine. He was so special to me and now he left me this house and a huge book collection. I would love to know what he was thinking when he made his will." She kissed Regal gently on lips and tore open the letter. 

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