Splatoon 2 Chatlogs!

By LycanAnimates

527 4 2

So, you know those chatlogs in the Octo Expansion featuring, Pearl Marina and Cap n Cuttlefish? Well, what if... More

Chat Session 1
Chat Session 2
Chat Session 3
Chat Session 4
Chat Session 5

Chat Session 6

61 1 1
By LycanAnimates

.Webmaster. > DJ_Hyperfresh, MC.Princess and ?!#$~ has joined the chat.

?!#$~ > ...

MC.Princess > Uh... hi ?!#$~?

?!#$~ > ...

MC.Princess > Uh... you gonna reply ?!#$~ ?

DJ_Hyperfresh . Uh... Pearlie?

MC.Princess > Yeah? What is it Rina?

?!#$~ > ...?

DJ_Hyperfresh > I think ?!#$~ isn't his/hers name. That might just be an text display error.

MC.Princess > What's a display text error?

?!#$~ > ...?!

DJ_Hyperfresh > Right ?!#$~... anyways, a display text error is when text, in this case, a username, fails to display properly. And I think that ?!#$~ might just be the system struggling to display his/hers name properly, since I'm pretty there's only supposed to be 3 members of this chat. And I'm really sure I didn't invite anyone else into this chat.

MC.Princess > Okay then. But that still doesn't explain why she hasn't said a word yet!

DJ_Hyperfresh > Wait, hold on. Lemme check this user's profile real quick.

MC.Princess > K then. In the meantime, I'll try to get this person to talk. Okay?

DJ_Hyperfresh > Aight then.

MC.Princess > So... how was your day ?!#$~?

?!#$~ > :\

MC.Princess > Average?

?!#$~ > ...

MC.Princess > Okay then, I'm taking that as a yes. So.. what your favorite song?

?!#$~ > ... .frsh

MC.Princess > Oh. You a fan of Dedf1sh? That's nice. 13 shade is a good song. My favorite song is City of Color by the Squid Sisters.

?!#$~ > ...!

MC.Princess > Oh! You also a fan of the Squid Sisters!? That's nice! Here's a link to my Squid Sisters fanclub! www.squidclubs.com/squid_sisters_club_invite/

?!#$~ > ...

DJ_Hyperfresh > Okay! I'm done! You got her to speak!?

MC.Princess > No. She continued to talk in periods and only sent a file. No actual speakin tho.

DJ_Hyperfresh > I mean hey, at least we kinda made progress. And I also got some info. It says that he/she lives in Swordfish Heights, is a female, mains the Splat Dualies and is a female.

MC.Princess > Nice, now we know what gender they are. But we need to come up with a nickname for her.

?!#$~ > ...

DJ_Hyperfresh > I know! How bout... Ayano?

MC.Princess > Yeah, Ayano is a good name. Anyways Ayano! We gotta leave now! See ya!

DJ_Hyperfresh . Bye Ayano!

.Webmaster. > MC.Princess and DJ_Hyperfresh have left the chat.

?!#$~ > ...

.Webmaster. > ?!#$~ have left the chat.

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