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UchihaTrash1 tarafΔ±ndan

276K 6.9K 10.6K

αͺ₯ KiriBaku oneshots, mostly consisting of fluff, but some angst. Trigger warnings are in applicable chapters... Daha Fazla

Pick Up Line
First Meeting
Nervous(Prequel to Pick Up Line)
Injury Part One
Date Night(Part Two of Coffee)
Injury Part Two
Pocky(Part 2 of Pick Up Line)
Valentine's Day
Childhood Friends
Flower Shop
Okinawa Part One
Okinawa Part Two
Alternate Universe
1K Special-Anniversary
You Know You Want Me(Contest)
College Party
KIRIBAKU WEEK #1-The Trojan Horse
MeiMei-20K Special(Part One)
Red Riot Hood
Nightmare (KiriBaku Month #1)
Pool Party
MeiMei (Part 2)
The "L Word"
Truth | Part One
Shark | Part One

Training(KiriBaku Month #2)

4K 142 276
UchihaTrash1 tarafΔ±ndan

I know it's Monday I'm sorry I had a bad day yesterday ;-; that just means you get three this week :3 Hope you enjoy this Tundere/Gay Panic filled chapter!

Bakugo's POV

The bell rung, snapping me out of my thoughts. Everyone stood up simultaneously and grabbed their bags, starting to head towards the door.

Except for Kirishima of course, who was fast asleep on his desk. I threw a pencil at him and he sat up.

"C'mon Shitty Hair, class is over," I droned, wanting to be literally anywhere but in the classroom.

"O-oh, okay!" he said, rubbing his eyes and messily shoving things into his messenger bag.

"Class," Aizawl yelled over the chatter, "Before you leave, I should tell you that there will be another Physical Training test in two days to see if there has been any improvement from the last."

We all groaned in disappointment. The Physical Training tests were just spars. They were fun at first, but then we started doing them every other week and everyone got bored of them.

"Oh shit," Kirishima suddenly mumbled, "I've barely done any sparring since the last test!"

Sometimes I wonder how he survives in a dorm by himself.

I sighed and nodded towards the door, signaling that I was ready to leave.

"Hey... um, Bakugo," I turned back to Kirishima, "Is it okay if I... trained with you? F-for the sparring test?"

I looked at him with a confused look. His face was all red and he looked overly nervous.

It's not like we hadn't studied together before. We hadn't done anything like sparing, but it's not a big difference.

His face still looks cute though...

Wait, WHAT?

No. Nononono no. I'm not gay. I've dealt with this before and I ignored it no problem.

Even if that was a little bit gay, which it wasn't, it's not like I'd have a crush on Kirishima.

Definitely not.

"Sure," I said in a short tone and dismissed the intrusive thoughts.

His face immediately lit up and I felt my heart warm up for a second.

"Okay, great!"

I shook my head and sighed, making my way out of the door and heading to the dorms.

"Hey, Bakugo! Wait up!" Kirishima yelled after me, still throwing loose papers into his bag.

As we walked down the hallway and out to the dorms, I tried my best to explain to Kirishima what happened in class, since he was asleep the whole time.

"Why the hell did you think taking a nap during class was a good idea?" I scolded, trying my best to sound annoyed.

"Well, it's not my fault! I was up all night!" he yelled back defensively.

"How is you staying up all night not your fault?"

"I didn't mean to," his smile slowly melted away as he spoke, "I just couldn't fall asleep is all. I had a whole lot on my mind..."

I nodded and turned away from him, training my eyes forward.

We made it to the dorms and up to my door. I was about to go in, but then I remembered I was supposed to train with Kirishima.

I turned back around and asked him, "Oh, when should I meet you?"

He blinked quickly, looking surprised that I asked before composing himself.

"O-oh! I guess we could... we could go to the Gamma Gym? In like, a half-hour..." he stuttered.

I laughed under my breath at his nerves and opened my mouth to agree. I didn't quite get a chance to though.

"I-I mean, if that's okay with you! I usually don't take that long to get ready but if that's a bit of a crunch for you I can wait longer," he rambled, "N-not that you're slow or anything! In fact, if that's too long for you I can make it twenty. Or even te—"

"A half-hour is fine Shitty Hair," I said, cutting him off.

He froze and his face grew red. His eyes were wide and his mouth slowly closed into a forced-looking smile.

"Y-yeah okay... I'll see you then..." he said, turning away from me and heading towards his door, the same look still frozen on his face.

Kirishima's POV

"What the hell was that Kirishima," I mumbled to myself, "Get a grip!"

I sighed and pulled my shirt over my head while walking into my bathroom.

I started splashing my face with water while telling myself, "I'm so gay... I'm so fucking gay..."

But it isn't my fault that he's so goddamn hot.

I mean, his jawline could cut a diamond with ease and those abs make me want to cry.

I groaned loudly and slammed my hands against the counter.

Slowly, I rose my head up to look at myself in the mirror and tried in vain to convince myself that I haven't fallen too hard.

My life is totally fine and I don't need to pick it up off of the floor to put it back together. Definitely not a gay mess or anything.

I flashed a smile at myself to try and make myself feel better. I'm still not sure why I thought it would work.

I don't really understand how people in movies do it. They just recognize they have a crush on their best friend and are completely chill about it.

Meanwhile, I'm having a mini panic attack over a sparring session.

I sighed and walked back into my bedroom, fishing through my drawers and finding a red Adidas tank.

I threw it on before changing into some basketball shorts and running shoes.

I'd been in my room for about ten minutes already, and it wouldn't take me long to get to the gym. If I had gone then, I'd have been early.

And god knows Bakugo wants to be there first.

I set an alarm and decided to kill time on my phone, scrolling through Instagram and trying my best to ignore the rare pictures of Bakugo that I came across.


It finally turned 3:55; five minutes before our meeting time. I grabbed my gym bag, with my water bottle, a towel, and my phone, and headed out of the door.

When I got to the Gamma Gym, Bakugo was, of course, already there.

He was wearing a black tank with a skull on it and some dark gray sweatpants that he had cuffed at the end.

That's some bisexual tea.

He was stretching already, and he looked up when he noticed I was there.

"You're late Shitty Hair," he yelled.

I checked the clock on the wall. It was exactly 4:00.

"I'm not late! I'm on time, you're the early one!" I laughed.

"Yeah whatever, same fuckin difference. Let's get started."

Bakugo's POV

We'd just finished our second water break and we're about to begin spar number five.

We were tied, two to two, and this was the tiebreaker.

I might go easy on him, because otherwise I'd win. I always win. Except those other two times. That's irrelevant.

We both stood in a fighting stance, mine far looser than his, and I began counting down.

"Before we start, no quirks this time," Kirishima said with a smug, confident grin.

I nodded and felt myself laugh a bit.

He really thinks this will help him win? I'm already going easy on him.

"Oh, and don't worry. I know we're both tired, so I'll win fast," he said finally before nodding his head in my direction to signal he was ready.

I felt myself blush a littlest I glared at him, and I cleared my throat.

He's never this intense...

I nodded and started counting down again.

"Three... two... one!"

I approached him slowly with my fists up. He held up his arms in a loose block position.

I threw a punch towards his neck, but he quickly brought up his hand to redirect it over his shoulder.

"Don't go easy on me, Katsuki," he whispered, my fist still gripped in his hand.

My face immediately lit on fire and I felt my arms loosen slightly.


As soon as I let my guard down, he twisted my arm behind my back and tackled me to the floor.

I was face-down on the concrete and Kirishima's chest was pressed to my back.

"I thought I told you not to go easy on me! And you seemed so confident before... whatever happened to that smirk of yours?" he said smugly.

"You would know, you asshole! You fuckin cheated!"

"Well, how was I supposed to know you'd get all flustered over me just saying your name?"

Okay, I might be a little bit gay.


"If you say so," he laughed, standing up, "Katsuki."

I glared at him as I stood up, walking over to my water bottle and thanking whatever divine beings out there that we were the only ones in the gym.

"So, why did you get all flustered when I said your name? Even enough to let your guard down like that?" He asked suddenly.

I froze and turned to face him. He wore a smirk that wasn't seen often on him, and his voice was almost overconfident.

I'm really one to talk though.

"I—I dunno..." I mumbled.

His face suddenly turned back to his normal soft smile and he stepped closer to me.

"Is there any chance, hypothetically speaking, that if I told you I was gay for you, you wouldn't hate me forever?" He said slowly.

Oh my fucking god... I knew it.

"No, I wouldn't hate you,"

His face lit up and he looked slightly excited.

"In that case, still hypothetically, what would be your reaction exactly?"

I looked up at him and chewed on my lip, debating wether or not to say what I was thinking.

I sighed and finally spoke up, "I'd probably say that I... I like you too..."

I could feel how warm my face was, but I ignored it and turned away from him.

"Katsuki... can I kiss you?"

I whipped my head back around to look at him. His face was about the color of his hair and he wore a sheepish grin.

I finally stopped staring and breathed for the first time in several seconds.

In a spontaneous decision, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Kirishima's. I immediately felt him smile into the kiss, like he was waiting for it for a long time. I wouldn't doubt that he was.

Slowly, I felt his arms slide around my waist as our lips moved together. I swung my arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss slightly just before stopping and looking over my shoulder.

"Kaminari give me all of your fucking money," a female voice said from behind me.

I turned my head around to see Mina and Kaminari, probably getting ready to train. I immediately took my arms away from Kiri's neck, and he took his from my waist.

"I don't have any on me!" Kaminari yelled in annoyance.

"Well then we're going back to your room to get it right now."

"CAN YOU SHITHEADS GET THE FUCK OUT ALREADY?" I yelled, my face as red as ever.

"No problem Bakubro, I'm heading back to collect my bet money right now!" Mina said cheerfully, waving at us and turning around.

Kaminari stayed where he stood, shock frozen on his face.

"Kami, you and I both know that that was a stupid bet to make," Kirishima spoke up.

Kaminari did nothing but sigh and follow Mina out of the gym.

"We should probably go now too. It's late," he continued.

I nodded and went to grab my bag.

Kirishima's POV

"It's amazing how you can go from tackling me to the ground and calling me Katsuki like that back to asking to kiss me. It makes no sense," Bakugo asked me, seemingly amused.

I started blushing as soon as I thought about it.

"W-well I wanted to ask first! I didn't wanna be rude..." I said sheepishly.

"Of course you didn't, Shitty Hair."


Nobody has been naming my dudes lately and I miss it ;( now you can have some more to name though. After KiriBaku month is over, I'll be taking requests, so come up with some ideas for me(please lol)! Love you guys, thanks for reading and see you next time!

Word Count: 1,991

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