My Angel

By NevenkaS18

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Alec is in a toxic relationship with a mundane who treats him like shit. Izzy tries to make him realise the d... More

3- Sweet
Thank You!
The End


1.9K 52 21
By NevenkaS18

Alec's POV

There I was, walking down the isle. I was so fucking nervous, but I managed to hide it a little. Magnus was the one who proposed to me, so there was no chance of him saying no. But I still feared that something could go wrong, or that someone could ruin it.

My dad was walking with me, and when we got to the altar he hugged me. Then, my mom and my future husband came in and started to walk my way. He looked so beautiful, it was a simple tux but it still looked great. I also had a tux on, one that Izzy and my mom helped me pick. It was also very simple, but I didn't really care that much because all I could think about was the fact that I was about to get married.

I'm actually getting married to the love of my life! I almost couldn't believe it, I never thought that this day would come. But it did, and I couldn't be happier.

Finally, Magnus was standing next to me. We turn to look at each other and everybody sits down, right before we start to say our vows.

A: The love I have for you...-

M: Is a love that know no bounds-

A: In times of Joy as well as sadness...-

M: In sickness and in health...-

A: I will love you as my equal...-

M: And protect you above all else-

A: I'll share with you my truest feelings...-

M: And when you speak, I'll will listen-

A: I'll will catch you when you fall-

M: And when you sore, I will help you reach your greatest hights-

A: Magnus Bane...-

M: Alexander Gideon Lightwood...-

Together: I am, and will always be, your loving husband- we hold hands.

B: It it my Honor, to pronounce he smiles.

And then, we kiss. We kiss with so much passion and so much love, in a sweet kiss. We hold hands again and we start to walk out, ready to go to the reception. The ceremony was amazing, but it's time to have some fun as well.


There we were, dancing to a slow song. We were so close to each other, with no space between us. Everyone was around us, watching our every move. But it was like we were alone, like we were in our own world.

A: I'm not stepping on your feet, am I?- I look at my feet.

M: How could you be? It's like I'm walking on air- he smiles at me.

We keep dancing until the song changes to a faster one, everyone starts to dance with us. The dance floor is now filled with people dancing in their own ways, talking or laughing. Our friends joined us eventually, dancing with us totally out of sync. We were talking and laughing, we were having the time of our lives. We were enjoying ourselves so much, much so that we didn't even notice my mom and dad approaching us.

Ma: My boys! I'm so happy for you, congratulations!- she hugs us both.

R: Me too, even though I didn't really get it at first. But I do now, and I'm so glad that you've found each other- he also hugs us both.

A: Thank you, you don't know how much that means to us- I smile at them.

M: Yes, it means a lot. Specially to me, thank you for accepting me and making me a part of this family- he smiles warmly.

Ma: But of course! You are and will always be, part of this family Magnus- she kisses Magnus's cheek.

R: I still have to get use to it, but I welcome you with open arms as well- he shakes Magnus's hand.

After that we take a break from dancing and sit down in our table, eating some food and thinking some alcoholic beverages. We also cut the cake and give a pice to everyone, and eating one ourselves. It was a delicious cake, Magnus has a really good taste in food, and fashion. He also is very good at home decor, that is why this party turned out to be beautiful. I've always admired that of him, but I also admire everything from him.

After we're done eating and drinking, we decide to dance a little more before heading out to a balcony. We just wanted to take some fresh air and talk, admiring the stars in the sky.

M: It's beautiful, isn't it?- he sighs.

A: What is?- I look at him.

M: The sky, the starts, you- he looks at me.

A: I guess, but the most beautiful thing I see is you- I grab his hand.

M: Heh, thanks. For some reason, in my long life I have never noticed how beautiful the stars really are. And for some reason, I have never felt like I feel right now- he smiles.

A: How do you feel?- I smile back.

M: Happy. But also calm, and loved- he looks down, letting a few tears fall.

A: Hey, don't cry. You said you were happy, why the tears?- I grab his chin.

M: That's just it Alexander, I'm so happy. This tears are of happiness, because I know that from now on...our life is going to be just perfect- hi steps closer and hugs me tight.

A: I know, and I couldn't be more glad that I found you. Even after everything that happened between James, Camille and us, we're still standing strong- I sigh happily.

M: Yes, we are. And we'll always will, as long as we have each other- he gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

A: You're right, because our love is stronger than anything- I kiss his lips.


I: Los Cabos? Is that in Mexico?- She looks at us.

M: It is my dear, and it's one of the most beautiful places on earth- he smiles big.

Jc: Well, I hope you really enjoy yourselves- he smiles.

A: Oh we will, trust me- I wink at them.

C: Ew, we don't need to know what you're going to do there- she laughs.

S: Clarie's right, just enjoy it and don't tell us- he makes a face of disgust.

M: Don't worry, we're not planning on telling you any details. That's very intimate for you to know- he blushes.

R: Right, well I just want to say congrats. And I really do hope you enjoy your honeymoon, weather you have tons of sex or you don't- he says truthfully.

A: Thank you guys so much, we really appreciate it. It wouldn't have been this special without you.

Ma: Oh, I'm going to miss you so much. Promise that you will be careful, I want you both safe- she points at us both.

A: Mom, don't worry. It's not like we can get pregnant, and we're both clean so- I blush and laugh.

Ma: You know what I mean, the sea is very dangerous- she rolls her eyes.

M: Don't worry, Los Cabos has a very calm ocean. There are barely any waves, so you don't have to worry- he grabs her hands.

Max: Guys, not to be rude but you should get going. You're hotel is waiting for you- Max rushes us.

M: Ugh, yeah. They always charge extra if you're not there on time- he rolls his eyes.

I laugh and kiss his cheek, loving how he gets annoyed for the smallest things.

We say our goodbyes to everyone and go get our stuff, ready to go have a romantic and beautiful honeymoon. Of course that any place would be nice as long as we were together, but it's also a plus if the place is nice. Now, I've never been to Los Cabos, but from the picture that Magnus showed me I can tell it's the perfect place for our honeymoon.  Besides, it's been a really long time since I went through any beach.

When we're ready, Magnus opens a portal that takes us to the hotel. We check in and then we take all of our stuff to our room, which is the master suite by the way. Magnus made sure to book every deluxe thing, from the room to a piece of the beach. Yep, he literally payed to get a pice of the beach reserved only for us. It's nice to have our own space, but it's quite ridiculous as well. I mean, I love that he did that, but it must have costed him a fortune. I'll have to pay him with a lot of pleasure, I'm getting good at that.

We finish unpacking and getting ready for the beach, and then we go down to swim for a while. The water is actually kind of warm, which is really nice. We just swim around together and splash each other occasionally, enjoy the warm weather. After a while we just lay down on our colorful towels and enjoy the sun, maybe even tanning a little. Not that any of us really need it, but it's fun to do it anyway. The sun also makes Magnus's skin glow, and it makes me drool.

After a couple of hours, we go back to our hotel room to take a shower and change. We are going to have dinner at a fancy restaurant, so we need to dress elegant. Magnus always does, but when it comes to a special occasion he always manages to look even more elegant. Well, he always looks elegant because of the way he dresses anyway. But I also love it when he just dresses casual and comfy. He looks cute in anything though, so there's that.

I'm already getting used to his crazy and drastic changes of fashion actually, so it's not that much of a surprise when he enters the room with nothing but a sparkling pair of pants or underwear. He also tries to make me change my sense of fashion, but I think he'll have to work a bit harder because I like my sense of fashion. I do let him buy my underwear and socks though, just because no one ever sees that.

M: Alexander? Are you okay?- he taps my shoulder.

A: Yeah, I was just thinking about us- I smile.

M: What about us?- he raises an eyebrow.

A: Just wondering how life is going to be for us, now that we're married. I know it's going to be amazing, it's just the little things that we will have to get used to that I'm worried about- I look at him.

M: Don't worry about that! Whatever comes in our way, we will figure it out together- he smiles.

A: You're right, we've got this- I take his hands.

M: Yeah we do, cuz we're the best couple ever. Everything is going to be different from now on, and it's a good thing- he hugs me tight.

A: Of course it is, it's better than good. I love you, so much- I give him a quick kiss on the lips.

M: I love you too, and I always will- he kisses me back.

I'm more than happy, because from now on...we will have each other no matter what. And we will always love each other, despite the fights or arguments he might have. And we will continue to love each other for a whole eternity, weather it's on this or our next life.

One look at you, my whole life falls in line.
I prayed for you before I called you mine.
Oh I can't believe it's true sometimes.

I get to love you.
It's the best thing that I'll ever do.
I get to love you.
It's a promise I'm making to you:
Whatever may come your heart I will choose
Forever I'm yours, Forever i do.

I get to love you

The way you love, it changes who i am.
I am undone.
I thank God once again.

I can't believe it's true sometimes.

I get to love you.
It's the best thing that I'll ever do.
I get to love you.
It's a promise I'm making to you:
Whatever may come your heart I will choose.
Forever I'm yours, Forever I do.

I get to love you

And they say love is a journey.
I promise that I'll never leave.
When it's too heavy to carry
Remember this moment with me.

I get to love you

Oh My God, I am so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am for taking so long to update, I just have been super busy and stressed with school. But it's finally here, the last episode.

I really hope you enjoyed the story, and I hope it was at least a little entertaining for you. I'm sorry if I'm bad at this, but this is my first story ever. So, yeah.


Love, Neve❤️

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