Forever My Person

Av LovelyShawniceet

420K 10.3K 1.1K

I turn around to leave again. I need to get out of here before I break. Kyle's hand catches my arm again... Mer

1. Misters before sisters
2. Everything Hurts
3. Go Loggers!
4. Reality
5. Confess Your Sins
7.Engagement party
8. Just A While Longer
9. New Roomie
10.Not Nice
11. Like I Do
The Man Behind the Smirk
12. Understand Her
13. Rose
14. Not My Fault
15. Unanswered Questions
16. Ex Dreams
17. Dont Hide From Me
18. Perfect Date
19. In the Shadows
20. More to Know
21. Dance for You
22. Breath of A Stranger
23. It's Okay to Not Be Okay
25. The Big Day
26. Around Every Corner
27. His Story
28. Unzip Me
29. Perfect Bubble
30. Our Future
31. Your My Bestfriend
32. New Friends
33. Reconcile
34. The First Game
35. Worried
36. Running Through My Mind
37. Everything With You
38. One Call
39. Contradicting Myself
40. Will Always Be Mine
41. Mind Racing
43.Fight or Flight
44. Confused and Broken
45. The Waiting Game
46. Bits and Pieces
47. Holding On
48. Next Chapter
49. Better
50. A Beautiful View
51. Anything For You
52. Unexpected
53. My Perfection
54. With Your Touch
55. You're My Happiness
56. Under One Condition
57. Untimely Visit
58. Meet the Matthews
59. Just You and Me
60. Lunch with an Apology
Forever My Person Cover
61. Lonely Birthday
62. Special Day
63. All About You
Long time no see

42. All My Fault

5K 124 7
Av LovelyShawniceet


Pissed off is the understatement of the century. I'm enraged with anger. Hearing the child like gossip around the locker room, confirming that my ex and I are now currently back together makes me want to punch something. I'd preferably would love to punch myself because of how stupid I am but I can't.

I hate myself. Plain and simple. I should've never listened to Taylor and agreed to this. She said if I just listened to her and let Ev go, I could keep her safe. I of course questioned her as to why would Ev's safety is being jeopardized but the only answer I got was "asking more questions would make the situation worse." But I didn't understand the photos all the photos...

I couldn't risk her safety so I took what was given to me and now I sit here broken hearted, judged, and incredibly angry.

After loosing the game and then the buzzing of the gossip in the locker room and everyone whispering and staring, I snapped. I grabbed all my shit from the cubby, cursed out everyone who decided to look in my direction but what made me flip out the most what the newby that's supposed to be second string quarterback. He had the audacity to make a comment towards me as I was almost about to leave. He some how managed in that pea sized brain of his that he could now slide into Ev's DM's as he put it and how he's love to show her what she's been missing out on. By the time the last of his words spilled out the hole in his face that he calls a mouth, my fist makes contact and a crunch that may have been his nose but at that point I could careless. Actually I still don't.

Now I sit isolated on the plane, no one wants to come near me and I don't blame them. I'm the one who's stuck with myself and my dumbass decisions.

I lean back into my chair, listening to my Music on blast. I stare at the magazine cover with my face plastered to the front with Taylor's overly posed photo on the side lined up above a photo of the most beautiful woman in the world, my Ev. How could I be so dumb to have let her go? I thought I was protecting her but I know all this shit is only hurting her more. We could've tackled whatever this was head on but I was scared. I was scared to loose her, I thought she'd run away and not want what we've been creating these past months.

"You're one stupid motherfucker man." A deep voice rumbles next to me and then my head phones are snatched away from my ears. I turn my head seeing the one person I call my best friend and the only person right now I'd be okay with talking to me.

I roll my eyes and slide my hands down my face. "I know, I fucking know. You don't have to remind me. Why aren't you over with the rest of the team that's keeping their distance from me?" I ask as I look over my shoulder seeing the rest of the guys sitting half asleep behind us.

"First of all I'm glad you can acknowledge that and I'm your best friend so I'm supposed to be here. That's part of the role of being said best friend." He looks at me cracking a smile. I know he's trying to make me not so angry anymore but it's going to take a lot more than that. I give him a tight smile in thanks and look back at the article about my current situation on my phone.

"So you guys are seriously together again? I mean I know you have history and all that but what about Ev? You were starting a life with her. You guys were happy." Wyatt's eyes flicker from my screen back to me.

"Things just happen I guess." I reply trying to avoid answering his question honestly.

"That's bull shit and you know it. You and Ev were perfect. Something is going on and I know it. Even Chels is  trying to figure it out but Ev won't talk to her. She said she just stays locked into her guest bedroom and doesn't come out. She hasn't been eating, and she won't talk to anyone. Avery told Chels she's worse than when her engagement ended. That's saying a lot, man.Then we have you over here not focused and punching your own team mates. So what in the hell is going on?"

Fuck. My girl, I put her through all of this. Hearing that she's as broken as I am breaks my heart even more. How could I put the woman I'm completely in love with through all of this. I need to fix all of this. I'm going to need help though. She's not going to want to see me let alone listen to me.

I sigh knowing I should tell him. He's right about everything and he is my best friend.

"You have to promise to not say a word to anyone. Even Chels. Got it?" I stare at him keeping my face stern so he knows I'm not joking around. This is serious, Taylor can't hear me talking about anything.

"You know I won't say a word." I can tell he's serious which helps me relax slightly.

"It's all for Ev's safety. All of this is for Ev. I know it doesn't look like it. I know it looks like I just broke up with her then just got back with Taylor but I had to. I had no other choice."

"No other choice? What do you mean?"

I lean closer towards him so no one around us can hear the information I'm about to spill. I begin telling him what happened before him and the rest of Ev's family showed up for thanksgiving and how she was upset with me.

"I didn't even realize why she was so upset with me until some texts came across my phone and that's when it all went down hill."

"At first I had no idea who it was. I was sitting on the couch with my brother while the girls were cleaning up the kitchen. I finally pulled out my phone and see this text saying they missed me and how I shouldn't have my girlfriend going answering my phone for me or whatever. I was so confused. But what confused me the most was the next text they sent."

Just thinking about it makes me angrier. I should've done something then but I didn't.

"What did they send? Did they tell you who they were? I'm so confused right now." Wyatt fires his questions at me. The creases between his dark eyebrows furrow more as he tries to figure it out.

"Taylor told me that if I didn't end things with Everly she wouldn't be safe and she'd release photos to the press the next morning. At first I thought she was full of it. I thought she clearly had lost her mind and was trying to get back into my life. Before I could even question her she sent me the photos." I clench my jaw and breath slowly out my nose to calm myself.

"What photos? Like some leaked nudes Ev sent to you or something? What were they?"

"I'm not sure who the fuck took them but they were of Ev alone at random stores or just driving, Ev and I at different places, her and Avery, even some of her and Chelsea." Wyatt immediately stiffened hearing Chelsea's name. I can see him getting angry but wanting to listen to what else I was about to tell him.

"But the ones that caught me completely off guard were the ones of Ev and I sleeping in our bed. We were both asleep and there's no chance either of us could take those photos. That's how I knew Ev's safety was endangered and I had to do whatever I could. I could careless about me but seeing those photos of my girl sleeping in my arms while someone was in our home watching us makes me furious and helpless. I didn't protect her then but I had to do whatever Taylor said. I couldn't chance it." I hang my head down feeling ashamed. I've had this on my mind since it happened. I didn't protect her like I should've and now I lost everything.

"I get where you're coming from. I do but have you told anyone? Why haven't you told the authorities yet? This is some deep shit and you shouldn't be trying to fix it on your own. What Taylor is doing is in no way legal. Her ass should be fired and in jail with all the charges you can pressed up her ass. She fucking blackmailing you into a relationship with her, who does that? Who sneaks into someone's house and takes photos of them? Did she even tell you who took them? Was it her in your house?" Everything he's saying I've repeated over and over in my head. I have no answers for any of them and that makes me even angrier.

"I have no fucking clue. None. Like I said I didn't chance it especially after what happened to Ev before. I promised her I would keep her safe and if that meant letting her go that's what I had to do. I'm so fucked man. Taylor told the press about us being back together but how do I know if Ev's okay? The pictures don't just disappear. How am I supposed to get Ev back when it could put her in danger even more? I can't even stand being in that house anymore without her. I have no idea what to do." I slide my rough callused hands over my face and let out a groan. I'm so messed up in the head right now I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to see a therapist pretty soon.

I feel a warmth on my shoulder and a slow pat from Wyatt's large hand. "I'm here man, you know that. But you can't do this on your own. This needs to be taken to the authorities. When we land you can come with me to my house and stay as long as you need. I'll even go with you to make the report. Something has to be done holding everything in is tearing you apart."

I know he's right. I can't have my past mess up my future and Ev is my future,there's no doubt in my mind about her. I just hope she'll take me back. I broke my promise to her. I did the one thing she was scared of me doing but maybe just maybe if she'll listen to me she'll realize I did it for her. I didn't want any of this. I wanted everything with her just like I told her when we're in the bath together, I want to marry her, I want her to have my children, I want to be the person she sees before she lays her head on her fluffy pillow and be the first person to kiss her amazingly soft lips in the morning. I'll do anything it takes to get her back. Anything.

I nodded my head in agreement to Wyatt for his plans when we get off the plane. I'm so thankful he has my back even when this is all my fault. With that our conversation ended. After a long and tiring game we both needed rest. We had still had about four hours left of our flight until we were back home. In that time I'll be able to think of all the things I can and will say to Ev if she lets me talk to her.


"Chels, baby... what's wrong? Yeah- yeah we just landed. What do you mean? I don't think so. Try to calm down I'll ask him just hold on a second." Something was majorly wrong. Wyatt is trying to calm down Chelsea on the phone as we headed to get our bags and I can't help but feel like somethings wrong with my girl.

Wyatt comes to a halt and turns to me. "Have you heard anything from Ev at all?" He ask making my nerves sky rocket.

"No I haven't. Why what's going on?" I look at him trying to decide how bad the situation is.

"Get your bags and I'll tell you in the car. We're heading to Chelsea's right now." He gives me back a clipped response before picking up his own bag and rushing away making me half walk half run after him.

We get to the exit and swarms of press come piling in. All I can see of flashes and hear voices shooting question after question at us.

"Is it true you and Taylor are back together?"

"Did you propose to Taylor yet?"

"What happened to Everly Tanner, was she just a fling?"

"Did you have an affair with your Ex wife while you were with Everly?"

Every question I hear make me angry. I can't stand the thought of Everly's name in their mouths. She's done absolutely nothing, I know Taylor is probably eating this all up. She's getting all the attention that she wants.

I quickly walk to the black SUV Wyatt got for us and slide in the back seat right after him. As I pull the door shut behind me escaping the obnoxious press I can feel the seat beneath both of us vibrating. I look over and see Wyatt bouncing his knee and staring out the window. Whatever Chels said to him is bad, very very bad.

"Tell me what's going on. Why is Chels freaking out right now? Are the girls safe?" With every question my heart rate increases. I'm trying to stay as calm as I can so I can hear what he says but it's hard when he keeps looking out the window.

"I'm not sure what's going on. All she said was she got home from work and Ev was gone. She thought she might have gone back to your guys house to get some stuff she might've left,that's why she asked if you talked to her. But then she said she saw Ev's purse, phone and keys were laying on her dresser." By the end of his sentence his words sounded like whispers. He looks over to me with an alarmed look on his face. As much as I want it to be a joke I know it's not. I'm not even sure if I even heard him correctly.

"So you're telling me at eleven at night my girl is missing? She's not at Chelsea's, she's not at mine-our house. Did Chels ask her parents or get a hold of Avery and my brother? What the fuck is going on!?"

He pulls his phone out his pocket and swipes his screen making the phone light up. He clicks a few buttons and I can tell he's texting. I follow his lead and begin texting Avery, my brother, I even text my manager Zach to see if he knows anything. I scroll through my phone and call the one number I know most likely will have an answer. It rings and rings and rings but no answer.

Taylor has to be behind this I know it. She's been plotting something this whole time. God I'm so stupid to have let her back into my life again. I should've just stayed with Ev, I should've been there with her. This is all my fault.

As if Wyatt can read my mind he turns his head from the window towards me. "I know you think this is all your fault but it's not.We're almost to Chelsea's house now. We'll find her."

Like he said in short five minutes we were in front of an apartment complex. Before the car came to a complete stop we were both out the car and running up to Chelsea's apartment. Following Wyatt down the walk way then up a long stair way we finally stop at a door. Wyatt knocks lightly on it and few seconds later Chels opens it. She looks extremely tired and upset.

She steps aside for us to come in. I stay in the living room as Wyatt follows Chels into her kitchen. I look around and I see no sign of Ev possibly even being here. There's also no sign of struggle either, it's as if she left willingly. What if I pushed her away, away from all of us?

"I've called everyone I could think of. My parents haven't heard from Ev since Thanksgiving, Avery and Liam are on their way now but they haven't heard anything either." I turn towards Chels as her and Wyatt walk into the living room. Chels walks up to me and hands me a steamy cup of coffee similar to theirs. I graciously accept it knowing I need some extra energy right now.

I take a seat on the couch as I try to think of where she could've gone. Did she leave on her own? But if she did she would've taken her purse at least. Where would she even go if it wasn't to her parents or best friends house? There's something telling me that she didn't choose to leave. She wouldn't do that to her family. She loves them way too much to put them through this.

I feel the couch dip next to me and a small warm hand cover my large one on my knee. I look up and see identical eyes to the girl I love.

"My parents are calling the authorities now. We'll find her okay? But can I ask you something?" She hesitantly asks me.

I nod my head waiting for her to continue.

"You're here, trying to find my sister and your not with nor Taylor after the announcement of you guys.I know Ev had to have seen it. Her laptop is open on her bed. She hasn't talked or even been out of her room in the past few days. What I'm asking is, are you actually with her and would Taylor have anything to do with this?" She takes a deep breath and I can see unshed tears forming.

I glance over to Wyatt sitting on the love seat opposite of us. He raises his right eyebrow in question too. I lean my back against the couch and let out a deep sigh.

"She most likely does. I've tried calling but she won't answer. I have no idea where she's at but Zach is trying to get ahold of her now.Zach and I have been texting since I told him about the situation. He's trying to track down Taylor as we speak and will let me know when he hears something." I tell the both of them.

Right as Chels is about to speak a rapid knock is at the door. Wyatt hops up from the seat to answer it. I hear the door open and feet scurrying in towards us.

"You! You may be my brother in law but I swear to god I'm going to make you wish you were never born!" Avery runs up to me pointing her finger in my face. For such a small person she's very fierce and frightening.

"Babe, let him speak for himself before you plan to threaten to murder him." My brother walks up beside her and wraps his arm around her waist to pull her back away from me.

"You got five minutes to explain everything." She berates me.

Wyatt pulls two chairs from the kitchen table and puts them opposite of me for them to sit on. The room falls silent and it's my turn to tell them everything. I confess everything from what happened on Thanksgiving to how I'm truly not with Taylor to the photos of her. By the time I'm done the girls are on the verge of sobbing.

"But I don't understand. Who would do this to Ev? She's already been through a lot. To think she's already been hurt by Kyle and the night of the club. Could it be possible it's the same guy? Did Taylor set this up and that too? I'm so confused." Avery asks as she wipes away her tears.

Through tears of her own Chelsea asks what Avery is talking about as Wyatt comes over to comfort her. Right as I'm about to voice my own opinion my phone rings making the room quiet again.

Taylor's name appears on my screen. Zach must've gotten ahold of her, she's probably trying to cover her ass so I don't say anything but nothing will stop me now.

"You've got a lot of Fucking explaining to do! Where is Everly!? You better tell me now Taylor, I know you know something." I can feel my hands becoming sweaty as I curl my fingers into my palm trying to stop myself from breaking something.


"Hello? What the fuck is going on Taylor?!" I yell into the phone.

I hear mumbling but I can't make out what's being said. I click the speaker button on my phone to make it louder for everyone else to hear what I'm hearing then my heart stops when the most beautiful voice comes through.

"So umm... what motel are we in? I don't remember us ever staying in anything like this. If you're trying to impress me it's not working." I hear my girl ask someone. I can hear the fear in her voice and my heart aches more to save her.

A deep laugh comes through the phone making me see red. "Evvie I missed your humor baby. Don't worry we'll be going to a better place in a few hours right now just relax and let's go back to where we were okay?"

Back to where?
Who the hell is that?!
Why is Ev calling through Taylor's phone?
What is going on?!

"That's Kyle! She's with Kyle!" I hear Chelsea yell out only loud enough for us to hear.

The sound of something heavy dropping sounds through the phone and then a piercing scream echos through.



I promise the next chapter will be the one you've all been waiting for !!

But now we know why Cohen did what he did! He loves her and would do anything for his Everly.

Again I'm sorry for the long wait, I am a mom of two crazy little boys so my time is taken up by them.

I also want to say thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all the love and comments you have given this book! It truly makes me want to keep writing!

If there's any questions you have just ask! I have no problem answering.

Love you guys! Thank you again. And don't forget to like, comment and Share!

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