The Untouchable Day Class Stu...

By awkwardactor

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'The phantom' is the pseudonym given to Chiyo Morri from her uncanny ability to disappear. Chi wasn't always... More

Part 1: Before Cross Academy
Part 2: The School
Part 3: Her Mysteries
Part 4: Mind Games
Part 5: The Knowing
Part 6: Dorm Inspections
Part 7: It Wasn't That Sharp
Part 9: Nauseous Plans
Part 10: Who Are You?
Part 11: Well, We Found Her
Part 12: Suits and Bandannas
Part 13: Bad Girls Get Backstage
Part 14: White Lies
Part 15: The Power
Part 16: It's Going to be Fine

Part 8: Twinkling Eyes

2.6K 91 19
By awkwardactor

A/N: Not even gonna lie there is this one part that even makes my cold writers heart warm and smiley, so if you don't mind, play the music on loop or wait to play the drop till a certain point! Thank you!!!!!!!

Chi's pov 

"That may have been our fault" A voice calls from behind me. I turn to see Hanabusa and Takuma standing behind me. 

"How did you two get out here? Never mind, you two need to go to the Headmaster's office with me, you can't be spying on the Night Class," I state. I can't say that I know who they are, or that they are in the Night Class.

"Oh, well we're actually apart of the Night Class," Takuma says, and I make an astounded face.

"I'm sorry. I'm Chiyo Morri. I'm kinda like Yuki's replacement on the Disciplinary Committee until she gets better," I inform them. 

"Well then, I'm Takuma Ichijo, the Night Class vice president," Takuma says, shaking my hand.

"And I'm Hanabusa Aido, but you can call me Idol," Hanabusa states and tries to kiss my hand, but I pull my hand from his before he could do anything.

"It's, uh, lovely to meet you two. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take these two to the Headmaster," I say walking towards the two girls.I sit them up and sling the both over my shoulder and wave goodbye to the dumbfounded boys.

I keep walking, every once in a while adjusting the girls, until I finally reached the Headmaster's office. Although the entire way here, I felt Takuma and Hanabusa's presence watching me the entire walk here. 

I open the Headmaster's doors and gently sit the girls on a sofa. "Headmaster?" I call out.

He pops his head out from a room, "Yes?"

"While I was patrolling, I ran into these two girls who were trying to see the Night Class. After a little dispute they were about to come up here, conscious, but then these two Night Class guys appeared and they fainted. So after they introduced themselves, I carried the girls up here," I tell him.

"O-o you carried these two all the way here, by yourself?" Headmaster questioned.

"Yes, I happen to be a lot stronger than I look. Anyways I'd better get back to patrols, Takuma and Hanabusa are probably waiting for me," I wave goodbye and start heading back. 

When I said that they would be waiting for me, I could feel their presences run to wait where we last were. I walk back to where I first saw them, and they were already there and waiting. 

"Hello again Night Class students," I greet jokingly. 

"Hey," They both greet.

"I'd love to talk but I need to keep patrolling," I say beginning to walk away. But Hanabusa ends up grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

I turn to look at him. "Would you mind if we walked with you?" He asks, smiling like a kid. 

"Listen, you both seem like nice guys, but you are a student here too, so you need to get back to your studies," I say looking at both of them. 

Takuma just looks down, kinda nodding his head. Hanabusa on the other hand... 

"Awww, but class is boring!" He whines. 

"I know but I can't treat either of you differently from those two girls, so you need to go back to class," I state. 

"Are you sureeee?" Hanabusa pleads, giving me the puppy eyes. 

"Yes, Hanabusa," I say and he increases his puppy eyes. "But, I guess I could walk you both to class. I mean I can't have you two wandering around and making more poor girls pass out," I finally give in. 

Maybe, just maybe, the Night Class isn't all that bad. 

"YES!" Hanabusa yells. You know, for a flirt, he's a bit childish.

"Thank you Miss Chiyo," Takuma respectfully says.

"Alright let's make this quick," I say as we start our walk to their class.

Hanabusa is talking our ears off, dropping terrible pickup lines every once in a while. But me and Takuma had a pretty nice conversation. 

"So what were you two doing out of class Mr. I'mVicePresident?" I joke.

"O-oh heh, well Hanabusa heard of the new Disciplinary member and wanted to see them, and I followed him. . . to keep him out of trouble of course," 

"Oh of course," I jokingly elbow him.

"So, speaking of the Disciplinary Committee. How did you get roped into filling in for Yuki? Because from what I've heard, you're just the quiet, stand-offish, new girl, who doesn't pay attention, and yet passes," He questions, elbowing me back. 

"Oh, well it all happened yesterday an hour or so after my dorm inspection. Yuki, Zero, Kaname, and Headmaster Cross, all appeared in my room to 'better inspect my room,'" I do air quotes. "And Headmaster purposed the idea, I surprisingly said yes, so he went off to get my arm band. He left all of us in my room, so with nothing better to do I went to clean up my broken toothbrush holder and accidentally cut myself," I say. 

At this point Hanabusa is also listening to my story, both of them giving me all their attention, to the point of them almost tripping or running into a tree. 

"And when I went to get a band aid from my room, and Zero suddenly started towards me and Yuki stopped him with her Artemis Rod, and suddenly Kaname was holding me and he was really close to my neck. I grabbed Zero's gun and pointed it at Kaname, so all was well. Until Hea-" 

"Wait wait wait. You pointed a gun at Kaname?!" Takuma exclaims.

"Well yeah, he was about to go all cannibal on me and try to eat me!" I explain.

I told them the rest of the story and a couple of times they almost slipped up about the vampire thing.

"Wait, how did you know Zero carries a gun around?" Takuma asks me. 

"Ah-um, well sometimes I can, uh, see the metal glint in the sun or under some lights," I cover. 

"Wait does that mean that you still have the Bloody Rose and the Artemis Rod?" Hanabusa shouts. 

I check my blazer pockets. I pull out both, Zero's Bloody Rose and Yuki's Artemis Rod. I notice how they both flinch and slightly back away once I'm holding the two weapons. 

"Whoops, looks like I forgot to give them back," I say. "I hope Zero doesn't mind. You know he might actually be around here somewhere," I smirked and looked around, making sure to move the weapons as I spun. 

"Ah- ahem, uh... You know we really should be getting back to claAA-" He cuts off as the Artemis Rod 'accidentally extended. 

"Oh! Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! Here, Hanabusa, can you hold the Bloody Rose for a second?" I ask handing him the gun, while I pretend to fiddle with the Artemis Rod. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see Hanabusa and Takuma tossing the, luckily, not loaded gun back and forth. Whatever metal the gun is made of, must burn vampires or something like that. 

"There we go! I'll take that," I say and turn to see them mid throw.

Hanabusa catches, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. I motion for him to throw it back to me. He quickly rids himself of the harmful weapon. 

I catch the gun and slip it under my belt, and put the Artemis Rod in my blazer pocket. 

"Okay, sorry about all that! Now I can walk you both back to class," I smirked. We started our journey again. This time, with no anti-vampire weapons. 

We enter the building and I let them lead the way. They take me to a classroom a door or two away from my own classroom. 

"Alright! Please stay in your classroom this time, because as much as I love seeing your beautiful faces, I have a job to do," I sarcastically say, standing in the hallway while the boys enter their classroom, lingering by the door frame.

Play the drop (play the video at 2:42) it's kinda loud 

"Ohhh," Hanabusa starts, leaning on the door frame while I roll my eyes. "Well that just makes me wanna skip more oft-" Hanabusa suavely says... before getting cut off. Kaname appears behind Hanabusa in the classroom. 

"Oh really?" Kaname questions.

"I- uh, Lord Kaname!" Hanabusa exclaims once he realized that it was Kaname who was standing behind him. 

"So what was that about skipping class?" Kaname asks.

"I- oh. Uh. . . Nothing," Hanabusa says like a kid who has been caught doing something they're not supposed to, hanging his head down. "I'll, uh. . . I'll just head back to my seat now," He says dejectedly, and begins to walk away.

Before I realized it, my mouth was speaking without telling my brain. "Hey Hanabusa?"

He stops and turns his head, still looking like a beat up puppy.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I quietly chimed. 

"Yeah!" He says, and like a light was switched on, his eyes had their sparkle of child like wonder again. Maybe I was imagining it, but as he turned and walked back to his seat, I could've swore there was a slight bounce in his step. (There, there is your sweet moment, I feel proud. This is probably only the beginning of cute things to come. I got a few ideas if y'all wanna vote at the bottom)

"Ahem," Kaname calls me back to him. "I hope they weren't bothering you on your job, I'll have a talk with the both of them" 

"No not at all, they were actually pretty fun. And you don't need to yell at them or anything, they just got bored," I surprisingly defend them.

Kaname kinda looks taken aback. Honestly, I can't believe that I feel so friendly to two people who have almost killed me. 

"Well, since you might be in Yuki's place, I should introduce you to the rest of the Night Class," Kaname gestures for me to enter the classroom, changing the topic. 

"Oh that really won't be necessary," I say, inching backwards.

"I insist," He says, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the classroom. "Ahem, you all know Yuki is out. So Chiyo here, is temporarily taking her place on the Disciplinary Committee," I felt like he was saying that as a warning to the class. It was like the room suddenly got a little bit colder and deadlier. 

"Um, I've gotta go back to patrols. But it was nice. . . meeting you?" I unsure-ly say. I start walking back to where I last was to start my rounds again. 

Soon enough it was four o'clock and me and Zero was escorting the Night Class back to their dorms. I noticed that if me or Zero ever had to move positions while guarding the group, Hanabusa somehow ended up next to me and Takuma was either not too far away, or keeping an eye on us.

Once the Night Class was safely in their dorms, me and Zero began our silent walk to our dorms. 

"Oh yeah," I reach into my belt line. "Here's your gun back," I say handing him his anti-vamp weapon.

Realizing what I just said, he frantically checks his pockets for the gun. "When did you get this?!?!" He snaps, yanking the gun from my grip. 

I just roll my eyes. "I grabbed it from your blazer when you and Kaname went all crazy earlier," I explain. 

"Wait, you mean you used my gun only to point it at me?" He questions.

"For your information, no. No, I did not point it at you.." I trail off. "... I pointed it at Kaname," I quietly say.

"You what?! AHAHAH" Zero starts loudly laughing. "You.. you mean, aha, you pointed a gun to Kaname?" He asks wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"Yea, what about it?" I ask.

"No- nothing," Wiping another stray tear. 

We reach the dorms and go our separate ways. I pass the time by scrolling through Instagram. Before I knew it, it was already four thirty. 

I got up from my cozy spot on my bed only to hurl myself out the window and quietly (and safely) land on the ground below. I start running towards the wall, and jump over. I turn on my old human presence and sprint back to the town. 

Slowly Keizo's figure began to appear, just waiting for me at the edge of the town. I slow down to a walk and calmly walk up to him. 

"Sorry for making you wait so long. Some. . . things popped up," I sorta explain. 

"Oh, well that just clears everything up! 'Something popped up??!?!!' Are you kidding me? You gave me your mysterious bags at three thirty, in the afternoon. Now, here you are at four forty five in the morning, thirteen hours and some odd minutes later! . . . Listen I'm willing to do anything for you, but I really need some answers," He desperately shouts at me. 

"Listen I'm really sorry, but-"

"No but's this time! I need answers," He cuts in.

". . . I completely understand, and you totally deserve your answers, but I need to get my things and go back to my school," I say reaching for my bags.

He moves to the side, taking the bag with him. "No, not until I- Wait! Why do you smell like a bunch of vampires?" He starts to smell me, grabbing both my shoulders. "Where were you? Were you in danger- were they putting you in danger?" He starts rambling off crazy questions not even letting me answer.

"Keizo. . . Keizo" He keeps going, not acknowledging me yet. "Keizo. . . KEIZO!" He stops and looks at me. "I am fine, they did nothing to me, I was just messing with some aristocrats and a pure blood. They just go to my school. I am fine but I really need to get back to my school. I'll come and tell you everything Friday, okay?" I state.

He looks dumbfounded but still nods, begrudgingly handing over my bag. 

"Thank you, now I gotta go! Bye Keizo!" I exclaim as I run back to the campus, turning off my presence. 

I run back to the wall and jump over, going full ghoul speed to my dorm. I quickly jump through my window and immediately plop on my bed.

So much craziness happened today. And honestly, for the first time in a looooong time, I genuinely feel tired. I grab my phone and set an alarm for six thirty. It's about four fifty right now. So I'll get some sleep.

I set my phone on my night stand and rack out. Dreaming for the first time in a while.


Author's Note:

Hey Guys!

For another cute chapter/special chapter, what character? Zero, Any Night Class Guy, Ikki, or Keizo? Or I could write one with Zero and Yuki instead of Chi, but just tell me what you all want in the comments!

Did you guys like the update? Sorry I just started school and I've been crazy busy, but I'll try to keep updating. 

Love y'all and thanks for the votes, comments, and reads!


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