After That Day...

By Itmy06

7K 249 124

After her girlfriend disappears with her last words on a note being: "Goodbye and let's break up", Minx feels... More

I guess this is an author's note...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
This isn't an update. Sorry...
Chapter 9
This isn't an update (2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Ending 1
Ending 2

Ending 3

50 7 1
By Itmy06

The 3rd and last ending is out. Yup. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

~???'s POV~

I walk around the corner cautiously, looking out for any one I know. I can't risk getting seen by anyone, it'll cause so many problems that I don't need. I walk towards the door, hoping that no one is inside visiting Minx. As I reach the door, I listen carefully for any sounds that could have come from visitors. Upon hearing none, I pushed the white door open and walked into the purple room. I put the bouquet of three red roses that I was holding into the pretty vase that was placed on the bedside table. Then proceeded to pull the nearby chair closer to the bed and sit down, taking her hand in mine.

"Hello, Bebe, its been awhile since I last saw you." The corners of my mouth lifted slightly.

I looked at her pale face and stroked her cheek, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I miss being able to hold her in my arms whenever I want. I would do anything for her, even if it means ending my life. I shook my head and smiled softly, knowing that the chance would probably never come but I still wished it would. I've caused her too much pain.

As I talked to her, I began to forget that I had to go back soon. It had completely slipped my mind until my phone rang with a notification, telling me that I had received a text message from her. That bitch... Anger filled me as I read the message:

'You should be back by now! Where are you? I miss youuu! Come back now. Or else~'

Oh god, I hate that bitch. How did I ever think that she was just a normal fan?

I sighed as I got up from my seat, bending down to give Minx a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, Michelle. Please forget about me," I whispered as a tear fell onto her pale face, staining her cheek.

I walked away from her bed, glancing back at her form one more time before leaving the room, knowing that this could be the last time I might ever see her.

Goodbye, Michelle. I'll miss you.

~Minx's POV~

As I sat in the darkness of my mind, I thought about..... well, everything. Questions like: "Why did Krism actually leave?" ran through my head and each time, I didn't have an answer that I felt satisfied with. The thinking process eventually causing my brain to hurt. A lot.

As I heard a door open, I knew someone had come to visit me again. Sigh. It was probably the doctor. I ignored the sounds from the outside, not wanting to hear the doctor's "words of encouragement" since they didn't see to be of any help.

Upon hearing the sound of the visitors' chair being moved, I could hear the faint sound of a voice speaking. It's probably one of my friends. I decided to tune out the person's voice as I didn't need anymore upset voices ringing in my head. They'll make me feel more depressed.

After a long time of thinking, a different sound pierced through my darkness. The sound of a phone's notification, and not just any phone, it was Krism's phone. I realized that it was Krsim here the whole time and immediately strained to hear her voicr but heard nothing.

"Maybe that was someone else's phone? Maybe that wasn't her's, yeah?" I wondered out loud. As soon as I said that, I heard a sigh and the sound of a chair being pushed back. Almost immediately after that, I felt some pressure on a part of my upper body but as soon as I felt it, it was gone. "No!" I screamed. But then, I heard it.

"I'm sorry, Michelle. Please forget about me."

I cried out, knowing that Krism was going to leave. Why didn't I listen to her when I had the chance?! I'm such an idiot!

"Let me go! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I shouted desperately, "I have to see Krsim!"

As soon as the words left my "mouth" a shaft of light appeared where that small amount of pressure had been. I quickly chipped at the edges of the hole, knowing it was my exit to freedom. Soon, a bright light lit up the darkness thag I was so used to and engulfed me...


I blink my eyes at the bright light of the blurry room and sit up in my bed, feeling my muscles stretch for the first time in so long.

"What... Where am I?" I asked despite being able to guess.

"You're in the hospital, Michelle. You've been a coma for around a month now," an unfamiliar voice replied.

I turned towards my bedside and saw a young nurse pressing a button above my bed. A button which I presumed would inform the doctor.

"So Michelle, how much do you remember about yourself?" The blonde asked.


"Oh, don't worry about it. It's nothing that important so don't stress yourself out, okay?"

I nodded my head and faced forward, trying to recall anything that I could think of. 'Let's see... My name is Michelle Manga. I'm 29 years old. I'm a youtuber who calls herself Minx and plays games...' I continued listing out facts until I heard the door open and shut, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"How are you doing, Michelle? Does your head hurt or anything?" That's the voice that I heard while I was in coma! I looked up and was finally able to match the voice to a face. The voice belonged to a slender woman with dead-straight black hair and brown eyes framed with half-rimmed glasses.


"Good. We've already informed your friends and family that you're now conscious so they should be here anytime soon."

As soon as the words left the doctor's mouth, a few guys rushed into the purple ward. They stared at me in shock and disbelief. One was a brunette wearing a poker face mask - Cry. Another had deep brown eyes and a bear hat that covered most of his curly dark brown hair - Ken. The last one was had sandy blonde hair with sky blue eyes - Pewds.

"Are you gonna stand there and stare at me all day or what?" I asked, a smirk appearing on my face.

~ 2 months later ~

Its October already and I have most of my memories back. Yes, I did lose my memories but not all. I could remember everything except this shadowy figure. I recalled that this person was a lover, maybe even a spouse but I wasn't sure. No one would tell me anything, they all said that I was better off not knowing. I'm still clueless up to this day.

Every memory that I have of this figure is missing and I have no clue to who it is. Sure, I can remember the events and people that we've met together but I couldn't recall any of it's features, it's voice or even its gender! It feels so odd knowing that I was with this person for such a long time but I don't even know their name!

I walk to the nearby park where this person and I would always spent time together. The air was full of cool autumn breeze that pushed the brown wilted leaves around. The leaves lifted themselves up off the ground in spirals and flew away, leaving the sound of rustling leaves in their wake. The park was filled with loving couples who cuddled with each other on the park benches.

I put my hands in my pockets and walked over to an empty brown wooden bench, sitting down. I leaned back and closed my eyes, letting out a silent sigh as I tilted my head back ever so slightly, the autumn breeze playing with my hair.

Will I ever know who that person is? I asked myself in silent thought.

As if answering my question, I heard the sound of shuffling feet approach me. I opened my left eye, keeping the other shut. In front of me was a beautiful young lady with wavy dark brown hair that looked so... familiar.... I sat up straight and turned to her, almost asking her a question until she beat me to it.

"I'm sorry, is someone else sitting here?" A hint of something in her voice. Was that... Sadness?

"No! I mean, uh, no. You can sit here if you want," I hastily replied.

Why was I so anxious? Why does it feel like I know her? Maybe I lost more memories than I thought...

She gave me a smile and relaxed into the seat, turning her head to face me. I studied her face carefully, staring at her most outstanding feature: her eyes.

Her eyes were of a different color each. One was a deep shade of very alluring brown and the other was a rather bright and vibrant crimson red with a black cross in the middle. Her eyes displayed many different emotions, the most prominent one was disappointment.

"You look upset. Is anything wrong?" I asked softly, not knowing if it was the right thing to say.

"Yeah, everything's fine." She flashed a feigned smile. "I'm just a little upset, that's all."

"Oh... Do you mind if I asked why?"

"I'd... rather not talk about it now," she sighed, closing her eyes.

I looked down in embarrassment. Who in their right mind would tell a random stranger their problems?!

"Hey, don't worry about it! We can talk about other things if you want," the girl added quickly, flashing me another smile.

This time, it was real.

I smiled gratefully, thankful that she didn't brush me off as a weirdo like other people probably would.

"I just realized, I don't even know your name," I stated.

"Oh, right." her eyes widened a little, as if she expected me to know.

"My name's Michelle but call me Minx," I told her.

"I'm Kristen. I'm more used to Krism, though."

"Well then, Krism, it's nice to meet you," I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too, Minx," she said, returning the grin.

I smiled as we shook hands.

Krism.... Such a lovely name....

~ Ending Complete - Do I know you? ~

Yea, the third ending is done. This is actually my favourite ending out of all of 'em. Next, the last ending! By the time you read this, everything has probably been posted so... yep. No need to wait :3

So, which ending do you think this is, happy, sad, or bittersweet? Please do leave your thoughts in the comments, along with your answer. Some constructive feedback would help. Well anyway, if you have read this far, I say thank you! :D

Now, the last ending.

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