Temptation || Vhope AU [DISCO...

By felixsblkgf

42K 2.8K 729

temptation; the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise synonyms: desire, urge, itch, im... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

1.2K 99 19
By felixsblkgf

|Third Person POV|

Hoseok woke up to rustling and a mop of silver hair in his face. He rubbed his eyes till the blurry-ness went away. He noticed Yoongi packing away the few clothes he bought him to change into. Yoongi then put on gloves and began wiping down the metal table then the TV.

"Yoongi what are you doing?" Hoseok asked with confusion.

"I just got word that your little CEO boyfriend is on his way here. So we're going to Daegu. We're gonna start a new life and leave all this behind us." Yoongi replied as he stuffed everything into a black, plastic garbage bag.

"What? NO!" Hoseok yelled. The fear of leaving his life behind getting to him.

Yoongi's eyes darkened before he set the bag down on the floor. He slowly walked over to Hoseok who was slowly backing up in the mattress.

"You coming with me whether you like it or not. You're mine Hoseok, what don't you fucking understand?!" He slapped Hoseok making the younger boy whimper in pain.

"I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE." Hoseok yelled with tears streaming down his face.

"YOU GO WHERE I GO!" Yoongi yelled back before pulling out his phone.

Hoseok held his face in pain and silently cried as he listened to the conversation.

"Yes, send the boys to come get the rest of the stuff. We're leaving for the private jet now."

Yoongi walked over towards Hoseok before pulling a pair of cuffs out of his black jacket.

"Try to run and my men out there won't hesitate to tackle you. Follow my orders and you won't be harmed." He told Hoseok before unlocking the chains.

Hoseok tried to run but Yoongi quickly grabbed his wrist causing Hoseok to fall and his arm to twist.

"YOONGI, YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Hoseok yelled in pain as Yoongi grabbed his wrist.

"Shit." Yoongi yelled when he realized Hoseok was really in pain. "Shouldn't have tried to run, dammit Hoseok." He cuffed Hoseok hands to the front before softly messaging his wrist.

"You'll be okay. I'm here." Yoongi whispered, wiping away Hoseok's tears.

Ten minutes later and the duo are in a sleek black car with tinted windows on the way to Yoongi's private jet.

Hoseok stayed on his side, sniffling softly to himself. How the hell would he get out of this situation? He had no idea, no energy, and was too bruised to put up a fight.

Yoongi watched with sadness as his lover cried silently in the corner. But the only thing he cared about at that point, was him and Hoseok getting to Daegu before that Taehyung guy caught them.

Yoongi's phone suddenly rang. He wondered who it could be since an unknown number popped up.

[Italics on the left is Taehyung and the right is Yoongi]


Son of a bitch! Give me back Hoseok!

He wasn't yours to begin with Mr. CEO.

Hoseok quickly snapped his head towards Yoongi. "Taehyung? HELP TAEHYUNG HELP!" Hoseok yelled but Yoongi quickly stuffed a cloth in his mouth.


I'm afraid he doesn't want to speak to you.

I just heard him asshole. What do you want? Money? Property? I'll give you whatever, I just want Hoseok back.

I want what I have and that is Hoseok, goodbye .

Hoseok tried his best to scream and shout but he couldn't remove the cloth from his mouth. Yoongi hung up the phone and looked over towards Hoseok who looked miserable.

"Hoseok what happened to you? First you cheat on me. Then continue to see the guy you cheated on me with. And now your not complying with my orders." Yoongi said all while shaking his head in disappointment.

Hoseok just started in disgust. He couldn't believe this was the man he fell in love with. The man he gave his virginity. The man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The one he'd give up his last name for. The one he parted with family for.

It's the same man who tore him down. The same man who beats him daily. The same man who starves him when he doesn't comply with his orders. The same man who raped him. The same man who put him in the hospital. The same one who's taking his freedom away.

The same man who he's gonna escape from. The same man who he's hopes rots in jail. The same man who Taehyung will rescue him from. The same man who's ass he's gonna kick.

Hoseok wasn't sad or depressed anymore. Now he's was pissed.
He spat the cloth out his mouth before raising his foot as high as he could and kicking Yoongi's face. He raised his hands before he finally unlocked the car and jumping out.

|Taehyung POV|

We finally pulled up the house from the address we received. Chanyeol walked around the car before opening my door. He bowed before walking with me towards Jungkook and Namjoon.

"It's this house right here. The basement is in the back where the wooden fence is." Jungkook said. Chanyeol led the way until we reached the basement which was underground so no one could find it. Min Yoongi really outdid himself this time. I was worried because I couldn't hear anything.

Chanyeol pulled his gloves before opening the square door. He took out his flash light before heading down. After a minute, he yelled, "It's clear boss, but there's no one here. We're too late!"

I hurriedly ran down the stairs before looking around the room in horror. My poor Hoseok was trapped in this prison. No windows, nothing for air nor sunlight to come in. Only a cold metal table and mattress. Even the floor was metal. How could anyone survive down here?

"Dammit!" I yelled before hitting the metal table, causing a dent to form.

"Boss, don't worry we'll find him." Chanyeol said as he wiped the table and mattress for fingerprints.

"We could always check the house for any clues that might lead to where they are." Namjoon said.

"I'll go now." Chanyeol bowed before heading out.

"We'll find him Taehyung. I promise." Jungkook patted my shoulder.

I just want my Hoseok. I ran my heads through my hair before rubbing my face with agitation. I'm tired of the bullshit and now I'm mad.

Chanyeol came bag down with items in the bag. "Sir, I think they're flying somewhere. There's mail with receipts for suitcases that was ordered on Amazon."

"I think their going to Daegu, but Bukgu specifically." Jungkook spoke.

"Why there specifically?" I asked.

"That's where Yoongi grew up." Namjoon thought aloud.

"Sir, I pinpointed Mr. Min Yoongi's number and he's not far. We can catch him if we hurry."

"Let's go. Now!" I yelled as we all rushed up the stairs and to the cars.

"I will find you Hoseok. Today, I promise." I spoke to myself.
Firstly, thank you for 5K+ views, 600+ votes, and 70+ comments! It is deeply appreciated and I'm glad people enjoy my book. I deeply apologize for not updating for over such a long time, I've been busy with school and honestly have no time to update between my horrible sleep schedule so please expect updates only on the weekends. Thank you for ranking me #2 for "bottomjhope". Thanks for understanding, and hope you enjoyed the chapter ^_^!

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