By myeonie_reid

247K 2.4K 2.7K

A much darker and much sexier smut book than my first one. This one is more about the ships of EXO and really... More

Take Me To Church- Pt.1
What Baby Wants, Baby Gets
Take Me To Church- Pt.2
Leather Jackets & Strawberry Cakes
Take Me To Church- Finale
Author's Note
The Bucket List- Pt. 1
The Horrors of a Caramel Apple
Opinion Time
Hot, Hungry, and Horny
The Bucket List- Pt. 2
Needfully Impersonal
Merry Christmas My Loves~
Gonna Take Good Care Of You
The Bucket List- Pt.3
Knock Out, Blow Out, Touch Down
The Bucket List- One with the Angels
Hi, Again~
Needfully Personal
More I'm sorries 🙂
Hey Y'all...

Just You, Me, and Old Memories

6.6K 61 75
By myeonie_reid

Where Yixing is back with the boys and Sehun is more than happy to relive old times.

*SeXing (you know the drill. Don't like the ship, don't have to read)

*dedicated to my favorite reader, my darling @Rosalie512 I'm sorry this is so late!


"Hyung... you're not leaving us, right?"

Those are not the words Yixing would like to be greeted with the moment he steps through the door of the dorms, nor are the onslaught of bitter emotions coursing through him. The answer is an obvious one but the question still manages to leave him frozen and wide eyed, staring at Baekhyun who was barely holding down his own tears.

Yixing inhales deeply, shakily even, closing the door gently and dropping his keys on the tattered bowl by the door. "Of course not... why would you think I will?" he whispers, clearly having a difficult time keeping it together. He sighs as he toes his shoes off and sets them down on the rack they keep by the door, hanging his jacket up on it's usual hook.

"It's just... Tao told me the same thing. And next thing I know, his bags are packed and his room is empty," Baekhyun gulps, hands clenched by his side. Yixing drops his bag and steps forward, engulfing his younger member in his arms and sniffling, shaking his head. "I'm not leaving. I promise, Baek, I promise I'm not."

Baekhyun's hair was not in it's natural soft brown with slight curls at the ends, instead matted and his eyes puffy. Similar to just about every member's eyes, Yixing knowing that Junmyeon looks the worst at the moment, barely keeping it together at the showcase from just this passing winter. Junmyeon was pressured into going by management and the CEO, not having any room to protest anyway.

With a heavy heart, he and the rest of the group received an award for their previous comeback, Overdose, a new era over. The members watched from home that night, holding their breaths as their name flashed on the screen and their song blared through the speakers, Junmyeon smiling weakly at the camera as he held their award. They would have to make a space soon on their shelf, but compared to the other awards, this one holds sadness. Perhaps slight pride, of course they worked hard for it, but it's their last award as 12 members.

Soon, the number dwindled down to 11, Luhan the second to go after Yifan. Tao held remorse to the first, speaking ill of him to the media and it was worse when he physically confronted their second leader. Yixing could only watch, horrified that the little family he found in Korea was breaking apart.

When Luhan left, he could only quietly accept it, wishing his brother all the best of luck in the future. His departure was less angering, but filled with more tears, especially from the youngest in the group. Yixing held Sehun as Luhan was escorted out of the dorms, their youngest member sniffling and crying silently into the crook of Yixing's neck. They all had a tight schedule, though, their manager breaking apart the tearful departure by hurrying all of them into the vans outside, only Luhan's had already left and was heading to the airport.

And just this week, after filming their last comeback, Call Me Baby, Tao announced his own court case and his departure from the group. The table was quiet that early Monday morning, Yixing holding his chopsticks tightly while Junmyeon sucked in a deep breath. Baekhyun and Sehun were the first to leave the table, not even finishing their breakfast as they slammed their doors closed.

Now 9 members remained, Yixing the last of the Chinese line and one of the three members from EXO-M. Though, based on today's meeting, EXO-M was no longer a subunit and they would all be addressed as EXO and EXO only. Yixing was silent through out most of the meeting and once it was over, he walked away from the group quietly, needing time to think. His closest brothers were gone and he strangely felt out of place.

That feeling is soon gone, though, standing in the middle of the foyer with Baekhyun wrapped tightly around him. After a short while, they part, Baekhyun giving him a small smile before murmuring that he was glad Yixing would be staying before disappearing to find Chanyeol. Yixing chuckles to himself, knowing well that the studio downstairs was often Chanyeol and Baekhyun's quiet space.

"Yixing, hyung?" The Chinese singer stops again, at the start of the hallway where his room resided. He hears a faint gulp, eyes softening even more as he takes note of his youngest member, Sehun, standing at the other end of the hall, head poking out of his room. "I'm right here. I just went for a walk. You okay, Hunnie?" he smiles, pretty and gently.

"Can you... can you stay with me today? And tonight too?" It's not an odd request from the younger, if anything he liked to cling to each member, always found cuddling with one, sometimes right between Chanyeol and Baekhyun or with Jongin. Yixing nods and shuffles over to him, Sehun gladly opening the door wider for him before pulling Yixing in, shutting the door.

Sehun towered over Yixing, but the way he curls into the older says different. They find themselves sharing Sehun's bed, Yixing carding his fingers through the younger's hair as he stares at the ceiling.

"Hyung... you won't leave me? Right?"

This time, Yixing does let his tears slip, wrapping his arms tightly around the younger, burying his face into the crown of Sehun's head. "Never, Hun, I would never leave you," he breathes, lips pursed afterwards. His cheeks heat up slightly as Sehun lifts his head, thumb wiping at the stray tears clumped on Yixing's lashes.

The action is small, but it makes their hearts race if only slightly. Yixing has to shake it off, though, knowing damn well that he cannot risk anything. He knows he's being watched like a hawk by SM and his manager, not wanting to give them any reason to doubt his performances.

But his heart melts when Sehun gives him a smile, lips curled gorgeously before his ear comes to rest on Yixing's chest. "Good... you're mine. Don't want you to leave," he whispers, eyes closing and Yixing is left feeling more awake than before.

How strange, his heart is beating more frantically.


"Ten minutes until interview time! Make sure make up is done and hair is perfect!"

Yixing missed the chaos that used to unfold in the dressing rooms, chuckling as he sits cross legged on his chair, his stylist sweeping his pink hair out of his eyes into a suave hairdo. From the reflection of the mirror, he sees Baekhyun smiling brightly, cheeks held between the giant, muscled man's hands. Both sported silver hair, noses bumping together while two stylists break them apart, needing to finish Chanyeol's outfit and find his glasses.

Yixing missed the power couple of the group.


The dance room holds heavy panting, nine men spread out across the floor. Two remain standing, ears ringing from when the loud music boomed through the speakers. Another three are kneeling, hands on their thighs as they sucked in shuddering breaths. One is leaning against a wall, chugging down water desperately while another is sitting down beside him, head between his legs. The last two are sprawled out on the floor, vision going in and out of focus, the bright lights above them like the sun to their eyes.



"No. Again. Sharper movements. Jongin, Sehun, more finesse. I know you're tired but we have less than a week to get this choreo down."

The two youngest members nod their heads from the ground, Sehun lifting himself on his arms and sending a tired grin and thumbs up at Yixing. "Junmyeon, I'm proud of you. But we need to work on your hips. Other than that, just more facials. You're doing a hell of a job, though. Keep it up." His leader smiles from where he sits, head against the wall as he takes the water bottle Baekhyun hands him.

"Minseok and Jongdae. Just... stop eye fucking in the middle of the dance-"

"Hey! Can you blame me? Dae looks hot in black."

"Literally, no one asked? Question mark?"

Yixing laughs, the rest joining despite their bodies tired and sore, Minseok and Jongdae pink in the face but still giggling along. "Chanyeol, big guy, you're doing good. I know it's awkward at some parts because you're tall, but just control your arms. Strengthen them more, we'll do ballet poses later so you remember to keep your arms strong."

Chanyeol grins, nudging Jongin's foot when ballet is mentioned, one of the three main dancers grunting softly but agreeing with Yixing. They're making Chanyeol's dream of finally being in front of choreo's possible. Whatever it takes, they'll make it happen.

"Baek. No words. Hips? Blessed. Facials? Sinful. Hotel?"

In unison, they all say, "Trivago!"

They burst into another fit of giggles, Chanyeol throwing himself on the ground after water dribbles from his mouth, adding to the laughter. They quiet down after several minutes, Yixing nudging at Kyungsoo who gives a heart shaped smile, fixing the black cap on top of his head. "Kyungie, you're doing amazing. This is going to sound weird but don't be afraid to pop your ass back a bit more. There's a lot of hips in Lucky One and since you and Baekhyun naturally have the bigger backsides, you have a better advantage of using them. So don't be afraid."

It makes the rest snort, but Kyungsoo nods at Yixing's wise words, thanking him even though he's blushing. Kyungsoo glares at Jongin who asks how he can get an ass like him. Junmyeon stands and walks beside Yixing, both taking up the older sibling roles along with Minseok at times. They regroup after several more words and jokes are thrown around, putting the music back on once they're in formations.

Somehow, Yixing is starting to think that it's not Minseok and Jongdae he has to worry about fucking in the middle of the stage. He feels stares on him more often than not throughout the dance, catching a glimpse of familiar dark eyes looking at him. Thankfully, it doesn't make him mess up, distracted but not enough for him to forget of his whereabouts. He bites his lip when he passes the younger member at one point, hands brushing and Yixing's face burns.

Oh boy.

The torture is over after an hour of running through the dance and fooling around, presenting it once to their manager who claps enthusiastically before herding them out of the practice room. Yixing is the last to pack up his duffle bag, yawning tiredly and blinking at the time his phone shows. 1:26 in the morning and he realizes they've been practicing for over 14 hours. Jesus, he is in desperate need of sleep.

"Need a hand?"

Yixing really thinks he'll never get over how grown Sehun has become. His voice is deep and slightly on the gruff side, but he can still be a whiny baby, courtesy of spoiling the youngest member of the group. But if he looks past that, Yixing is confronted by a man now. Not a boy. Tall and with his signature board shoulders he grew into over the years. Black hair dark in comparison to his pale skin, Yixing having the sudden urge to run his hands through it. And God, Yixing thinks, those dark eyes that always have him sinking to his knees.

Metaphorically, of course. Because he is one chicken of a man when it comes to confronting his feelings, especially the ones he's harbored for the younger.

"No, I got it, Sehun. It's just my bag and water bottle- Hey!"

The younger shakes his head, taking Yixing's bag and slinging it over his other shoulder, gently tugging the older along. The manager with the rest of the members are already ahead, Yixing watching as they turn the corner and disappear from his sight. Oh boy, he feels like he's in high school again, walking along side his crush except this isn't the girl he met in his math class, but his coworker and best friend, Sehun. Shit.

"I can carry my bag, mind you. Now that you grew into your shoulders you think you're a whole big boy," Yixing pouts, jabbing Sehun's side playfully and earning a whine and pitiful whimper. "I'm not a boy. I'm a man- oh, candy!" Sehun gasps, eyes gleaming as he finds a toffee in his pocket, unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth. Yixing snorts, resisting the urge to kiss the younger's cheek when Sehun looks down at him with a beaming smile.

This is too painful for his weak heart.

They continue to wall together, sharing much, yet at the same time, nothing. They just talked a whole lot of nothing and to them, it's fine. Their company is enough for one another, arms brushing as they walk closer together. Yixing has to keep calm throughout this, even more so when he realizes that they'll be taking the elevator down together and without the others. Double shit.

They've grown quiet now, stepping into the elevator and standing in the middle. Yixing grips the handle beside him, stifling another yawn as he brings the back of his hand up to his lips. "Xing?"

He hums, tilting his head to the side with a small smile on his lips, yet his heart was beating wildly in his chest. "Have you ever been in love?" Sehun asks softly, dark eyes warm as he stares at the shorter Chinese man beside him. If Yixing is being truthful, he's not entirely sure he has. Perhaps deeply adored someone, but not loved. "I'm not sure, Hun. Huh," he chuckles, scratching the back of his head.

"Why? Someone's caught your eye?" he teases, but deep down he feels a spurge of jealousy for the woman or man that has his youngest member's heart. Yixing looks at the other when Sehun snorts, a ghost of a smirk on his face. They lock eyes again, this elevator ride taking way longer than usual.

Yixing gulps as Sehun moves closer, head tilted to the side as he looks down at the older. "You could say that, yeah. Caught my eye a long time ago," he murmurs lowly, adjusting the strap of the bags he carries before his hand reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind Yixing's ear. The older thinks he might burst right here, right now.

"Oh." Is all he can say, breathing caught in his throat as Sehun comes closer and he presses back against the lift walls. They both swallow thickly, eyes flitting down to their lips with Sehun's hand cupping Yixing's cheek. His thumb makes soft circular motions, caressing and warmth wades through the Chinese dancer and singer.

"Hyung... don't leave me. Please..."

Yixing shuts his eyes and thinks 'how could I leave this man?'

"Five minutes, folks! Yixing we're promoting your new album along with the group one!" His manager calls out before the dressing room door is shut, everyone becoming crazier and more hectic as they run around with make-up brushes and setting spray.

Yixing snorts water, coughing in between his laughter, Junmyeon dying even more in his chair as he tries to apply his chapstick. On the floor lies Jongdae in a heap of tears and laughter, Minseok trying to drag him up as he too giggles. Jongin is still trying to explain the story through gasps and laughs, thumbing at his tears as he recounts how his drill sergeant tripped and fell head first into a trash can.

Sehun and Jongin were the last members to enter and leave the military, the 18 months long and without that light the group usually contained. It was even worse when Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae left two years after Kyungsoo, one year after Junmyeon. Yixing remained in China through it all, but never missing their enlistment dates. He skyped with the members for Minseok's as Yixing was busy preparing for his world tour during that year and had no free time. For Kyungsoo, he promised he would, even if he'd only get a few hours with his best friends.

"Has anyone seen Sehun?!" Their manager bursts in again, a wild and panicked look in his eyes. The dressing room falls quiet, glancing around and Yixing eyes the empty chair beside him. It's been empty for hours now, since he arrived. Apparently, Sehun had left before he could get there and Yixing would remain the last one to see the youngest member.

Junmyeon speaks up from his chair, phone in hand as he types a quick response. "He said he'll be here in a few minutes. He just parked his car." The members and the rest if the staff let out a sigh of relief, their manager nodding before dashing out to go find the younger.

Yixing checks the clock on the wall, chewing on his bottom lip before he's dragged back into the fits of laughter from his friends, Kyungsoo clapping his hands as he tells a similar story to Jongin's, his own drill sergeant tripping in the cafeteria and dropping his tray on top of another cadet. The military wasn't so bad other than missing family members and friends.

And Yixing dearly missed his small family in Korea.

Blood is pumping in his ears as Yixing is shoved against a wall, sweat making on his skin shine as his lips are attacked by warm ones. He can still hear the music blaring from the stage, where his seniors were performing, but that is beside the point. Right now, he is more preoccupied with the blond man in front of him, kissing him silly.

"Sehun, we have to get back with the others- fuck!" he hisses, hands fisting at the front of the blue velvet suit, teeth nipping along his neck. Sehun growls lowly, holding Yixing by his hips as he grinds their hips together. The older huffs as he tugs Sehun back in for a messy kiss, teeth clashing and lips smacking, adrenaline running through their veins.

It's quickly gone, though, Sehun being pulled back by a fuming Junmyeon. The two men pant, Sehun snarling as he forcefully pulls himself away from their leader and dives back to join his and Yixing's lips together. "Oh Sehun!" Junmyeon scolds, Yixing responding quickly and gently shoving the younger off.

They're both held by the front of their matching velvet suits, black turtle necks barely concealing the marks on their necks. "What the fuck is wrong with you two?! There are cameras everywhere! Yixing I thought you more careful," Junmyeon spits out, Yixing gulping as he tugs away, hands coming up to make sure his gelled hair was still in place.

He ignores the look from Sehun, nodding absentmindedly. "I'm sorry, Junmyeon..." he murmurs, the heat he felt pooling in his stomach gone. Their leader sighs softly, standing off to the side and extending his arm. "Go. The other members are seated in our area already. If you two sneak off I'll scream at you in the van."

Sehun rolls his eyes as he stalks off, Yixing and Junmyeon following behind. Yixing feels dizzy, blinking rapidly as he sees Sehun's figure ahead of him. He thought they were going to take this easy, both still in the pool of 'complicated' rather than 'sorted out'. Their group just got out of another scandal with Jongin taking it up with Krystal, everything put on the line for both.

Essentially, EXO doesn't need another one, especially if it involves two of the members.

"Sehun is becoming reckless."

"I know. I'll deal with him when we get home," Yixing mumbles, buttoning the front of his suit and lifting his turtle neck up higher. He cringes slightly when they step out into the idol area, hearing screams from fans. He plasters on a fake smirk, waving towards a section and the fans burst into screams, Junmyeon nudging him discreetly and leaning towards his ear. "You better. Otherwise manager-nim will take care of it and I can't do much when he's involved."

Yixing sighs as he sits down beside Baekhyun, the redhead glancing between him and Sehun who is sat on the other side of the couch. No words need to be exchanged to know why Yixing is annoyed and silent. He just hopes the night will go quicker.

"So what if we have a fucking scandal, Yixing!" Sehun snaps, hands slamming down on the table, both of them the only ones still clad in their velvet suits. The rest watch with wide eyes, surprised by Sehun's outburst. Kyungsoo is by the staircase with Jongin, Junmyeon and their manager near the table. The other four left a while ago to Chanyeol's apartment, not wanting to be caught in the storm brewing.

Yixing narrows his eyes, fists clenching by his sides as he challenges Sehun. "You know what that will do to our careers. We get put on the black list and we lose everything, Sehun. Fucking think for a moment, dammit!" he growls, before he leans back into his chair, heart thumping in his chest. The younger scoffs, angrily shrugging off his suit jacket and throwing it down. But it registers in his head that he could lose everything. Not just him but the rest of the group.

They're on thin ice with their company as it is, especially with politics becoming involved. China has become less lenient with South Korea and their business is becoming strained. With Japan, they're flourishing, but Yixing isn't Japanese and he knows that sooner or later, the ban will be set and he will have to promote in China alone. No exceptions.

"I am thinking. And I'm thinking that you care more about your career than me."

Yixing wants to scream, standing up quickly that the table jolts forward. Their eyes meet and neither are happy, at their boiling point. "Don't. You know that's not it. You always ask me if I'm going to leave you. Well guess what, I am if we don't fucking learn to cover what we have up. Our careers aren't the only thing on the line anymore."

Silence follows, Sehun gripping the back of his chair while Yixing stands stoic. Their manager sighs, rubbing his temples before setting his hand in the table. "Sehun, please. Listen. We're not telling you to not be together. In private, you can do as you please. But in public, you have an image to keep. It's the same thing I told Chanyeol and Baekhyun. The same thing I told Minseok and Jongdae. And now it's the same thing I'm telling you two. Your public image is the most precious thing an idol holds. Taint it and you lose everything. I don't think you want what happened to Baekhyun," his manager ends the last part with a whisper, Sehun softening significantly while Yixing clenches his fists tighter.

He would never forgive what supposed fans and Dispatch had done to Baekhyun.

"Okay. We'll be more careful," Sehun finally breathes out, Junmyeon's shoulders sagging while Yixing pinches the bridge of his nose as he nods. A few more moments of hushed words are shared, Kyungsoo and Jongin smiling sadly at Yixing who drags himself up the stairs of the dorm. He can hear the heavy footsteps from Sehun behind him.

Yixing holds the door of his bedroom open, nodding at Sehun to get in. He's still angry, but he knows they need each other. Once they're both inside, door shut, Sehun clings to him, head hidden in the crook of his older member's neck. Yixing lifts his arms around him, sighing as he nuzzled into the side of Sehun's head.

"Don't leave me, Xing. I'll be more careful, but don't leave me."

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."


"WHERE THE FUCK IS SEHUN!?" Now that's Junmyeon screaming, the other seven darting down the hall nervously while their eyes search for Sehun. Yixing is in the lead, Junmyeon telling him he's in charge with Minseok. They need to be side stage already, interview about to start any minute and they can't afford anymore delays. Sehun said a few minutes and yet, he's still not here.

But Yixing is nervous as he stands around, hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket, shaking. After doing the math, he hasn't spoken to Sehun in months, his enlistment about the same period they stopped talking. Yixing misses him the most and he should feel bad since he cried silently for Sehun and not for the rest. He spared no tears for the others, not even Baekhyun who he is the closest one too.

"I swear, I'm going to beat Sehun. I can't promote our subunit album without him. That's embarrassing," Chanyeol hisses, getting a nudge from Jongin who glares at him. "What am I? A roach? I'm part of this subunit mind you-"

"Listen, twinkle toes, you know what I meant. We are a unit of 3 not 2," Chanyeol huffs, minor bickering commencing that Minseok quiets down. Yixing isn't paying much attention to it anyways, no matter how amusing it may seem if Baekhyun's giggling and Kyungsoo's snorting is anything to go by.

The Chinese singer closes his eyes and counts to ten slowly, easing his rapidly beating heart as best he can. He hums silently when he feels a comb go through his hair, the familiar huffing from his stylist going through his ears before he's left alone again. The chatter from the others goes through one ear and out the other.

And then, an arm eases it's way around his waist, a pair of warm lips pressed on the shell of his ear.

"Miss me, hyung?"


He cannot begin to fathom the words being said to him from his boss, lips set in a gape and eyebrows furrowed in sudden realization. Yixing is more than just surprised, he's furious.

"You're sending me back to China tomorrow night? I don't even get a full week with my members?" he growls out, the two CEOs shrugging nonchalantly. They've done terrible business strategies with his group as it is, but sending Yixing back to China when their 2016-2017 era hasn't even finished is the biggest joke of the century.

"It's politics and business. Nothing personal. If anything, this will be a great benefit for the company. China has agreed on making you one of it's many ambassadors so long as you stay out of Korea for promotions. Besides, you said you wanted a solo project, right? Now you're getting one and think of it in a positive light. You're EXO's first soloist. Isn't that exciting!?"

No, Yixing would like to say. It isn't if he has to be away from his members instead of celebrating together with them. However, even when the media isn't present, Yixing has to remain a good little sheep for his CEOs.

So, he loses his attitude and leans back in his chair with a smile, nodding. He truly is grateful for this, just not at the fact that he now has to leave behind his members. And so soon at that.

"Thank you for this opportunity."

Yixing's eyes sweep around the living room of the dorms nervously, lip caught between his teeth as he studies the other eight men in the room. Junmyeon us the first to speak, as expected from the leader of the nation's boy group. "You'll visit us when you can, right?"

His voice is so soft and almost inaudible, but Yixing hears him all the same, a sad smile coming across his lips. "I'll try. I can't guarantee I'll be here for everything. Not this year, at least. SM doesn't want to risk their bond in China. Which means I won't be in this year's comeback. I'm sorry, guys..."

Another hush of silence follows before Baekhyun raises himself from his seat in the couch, approaching Yixing and almost collapsing onto him when he wraps his arms around him. "Please take care. I won't be there to protect you against sharp objects so please be careful," Baekhyun whispers, earning chuckles from all around the room. Yixing squeezes his arms around Baekhyun, both nuzzling against each other.

Baekhyun pulls away before he's replaced by Junmyeon and Minseok, holding the second oldest close to them. "We'll drive you to the airport tomorrow. God, I can't believe you're leaving us with these kids," Minseok sighs jokingly, broken laughs and screeches of protest going around the room.

Yixing continues to be bombarded by his members, all except one. Sehun is leaning against the entrance of the living room, eyes shining under the lights. The older Chinese singer gives him a pretty smile, but doesn't get one in return. He just gets a weak nod and Sehun pointing towards the stairs, disappearing up them.

"Hyung... you said you wouldn't leave me..."


They come onto the interviewing stage in a uniform fashion, their smiles and soft chuckles making the interviewer flustered. She almost gasps as she takes sight of all 9 members, each one gorgeous and sporting beaming smiles. Each one comes up to her and shakes her hand in greeting, complimenting her and she is beyond amazed.

She can't help the blush and giggle that makes it's way out of her lips, hand firmly grasped by Yixing who says he loves her hair before taking a seat between Junmyeon and Minseok. Next to Minseok is Baekhyun and the rest sit behind them, Yixing swallowing when he glances back to see Sehun smirking at him from behind. His hair is short, dyed blond with several strands falling across his eyes. And those dark eyes gleaming with excitement.

The Chinese singer tears his gaze away, focusing on the camera directed at them and then the pretty interviewer. Her name slips out of his mind, holding down a frown from having paid attention to Sehun more than her. He crossed his legs, Junmyeon giving him a nod before he and the rest of EXO break out into gorgeous grins.

"1, 2, 3! Hello, we are EXO!" And they throw their thumbs up, bowing as well because they never lost their humbleness. Perhaps that is what made them the best group in K-Pop. Their humbleness and sweet nature more attractive and not to mention the pure talent they all had. Whether it was acting or singing or dancing, they had it all and not once, have they ever bragged about it.

The interviewer giggles and claps her hands, cue cards in front of her as she flips to the next set. She brings the microphone up to her lips, the boys wiggling in their seats as it is impossible for them to stay still. Especially now that they were all together and their antics are beginning. Yixing can faintly see Baekhyun poking Minseok's side, the 35-year-old shooting him a glare which in turn receives a sheepish smile.

"Oh my gosh, it's been six years you guys! Six years of not seeing all of you together. I can tell you now, the fans are losing their minds. Especially the older ones that waited for you all. How does it feel to be back?" She asks, smile blinding. Junmyeon glances around, wondering if anyone of the member would like to go first. They nod their heads at him, the leader chuckling lowly as he brings the mic up.

"It's wonderful. Honestly, I missed all my members, especially Yixing since it's been more than six years without him. It's almost surreal too. For a brief period of time I thought we weren't going to continue. That we were going to split ways soon," he answers first, Yixing reaching out to pat Junmyeon's thigh in comfort. He almost squeezes it too, eyes going wide when he feels a pair of hands on his shoulders, not even having to glance back to know who's hands they are.

He gulps, though, Junmyeon smiling at him before continuing. "But here we are. Contract renewed and our subunits back together, the new one being EXO-SKY. I think we're one of the oldest groups at this point, right?" Chanyeol snorts from behind Baekhyun, nodding along with the rest. "Our youngest member is freaking 31. 31 years old! Makes Minseok feel old! What a grandpa," Chanyeol drawls, Jongin and Sehun joining him.

"Shut your mouth. You're literally like 33. If I could curse right now I would, whimp."

Tutting goes around followed by the crew behind the cameras laughing, the interviewer giggling at the group's antics. Chanyeol almost shoves Sehun off his chair, the younger spitting out a low curse, hands gripping Yixing's shoulders. Junmyeon snaps his fingers and they all huff, readjusting. They held soft smiles though, if anything scooting closer together.

"Speaking of subunits! EXO-CBX just released their latest album and you guys broke the charts in less than ten hours! How do you guys feel about that?! Because it is a HUGE deal!"

"Yeah! Big deal! Very huge deal!" Chanyeol hollers, Jongdae kicking him on the down low. Baekhyun brings the mic up to his lips, giggling while his cheeks are tinted pink. "I almost cried. I didn't know our beautiful Eris missed us this much. But then again I should have know. Twitter was a mess when I enlisted, especially when I went bald and they started to photoshop hair onto my head," he laughs, Yixing snickering as he remembers scrolling through his Twitter line and saving all the memes, sending them through the group chat and proceeding to break all the members.

The mic is passed to Minseok and Jongdae, another fight almost commencing when Chanyeol mentions that the C in CBX stands for Chanyeol. No one has ever heard this tall, muscled man screech when Jongdae swipes his hand to hit him. Banter ensues after that, questions being asked but honestly, even the interviewer has abandoned her cards, having the time of her life laughing and engaging with all the members.

"So Sehun! What did you miss the most in your time in the military. You were the last one to enlists after Jongin, must've been a bit lonely, huh?" She asks this and Sehun chuckles nervously, one hand fiddling with the collar if Yixing's shirt, the pink haired male starting to blush. He bites back a smile, glancing to his side and seeing Baekhyun smirking at him smugly.

"Ah. I missed all my members, but," Sehun answers carefully, all of his members turning to give him the most attention. The blond smirks lightly, eyes trained on the gorgeous Chinese singer. They lock eyes together, Sehun's hold on Yixing's shoulder growing tighter. But it was comforting, a sign that Yixing wasn't going to anywhere. That he wasn't a figment of Sehun's imagination. "I missed Yixing the most. He was gone the longest and outside of the country too. I visited him a couple times but only for a few hours, never for long periods of time. He's... he's my best friend."

And God, Yixing thinks, he said it with so much sincerity and underlying meanings of love that Yixing almost turns into putty. He reaches up to hold their hands together briefly, squeezing his hand. He has the urge to kiss it as well but refrains. They can't push their luck too much. The question moves on to the other members but all Sehun and Yixing can do is smile slightly before turning away. They still haven't properly talked but they will soon.

And, of course, Yixing missed Sehun the most.


12 hours left. Sehun leaves for the military in 12 hours time and if Yixing was staying in South Korea perhaps it wouldn't have been as painful.

But it is, even as he's having the most of Sehun right now, heavy panting filling the room along with hot kisses and whimpering moans.

Yixing doesn't have much time either, leaving right after this. His flight is scheduled for five hours from now and he's not sure if he'll even be able to make out of Sehun's apartment.

"S-Sehun! More!" he cries out, pressing his head back against the rug, plush and warm under him. Sweat rolls down his body, Sehun not doing any better as he grunts, lifting Yixing's leg and keeping it firmly wrapped around his waist. "Feel good, hyung? Fuck, Xing," he gasps by the side of his neck, the Chinese singer clamping around the thick length drilling into him.

Their clothes are strewn across the apartment, the moment Yixing stepped through the door a frenzy of kisses ensuing. They weren't supposed to go this far, frankly, Yixing should not have been anywhere near Sehun's apartment. But he knows this is the only time he will see him all for himself.

Yixing groans as the bundle of nerves is hit, his nails digging into Sehun's toned back and dragging down. Dark, red scratches are left in their wake, Yixing moaning the younger's name like his life depended on it. Sehun pants, bringing his hand up to grip Yixing's chin and slide their lips together. "I-I love you, hyung. Don't, don't forget about me," he rasps out.

The older gasps, withering against the floor as Sehun presses himself closer, chests rubbing together as hips move in a tantalizing and erotic way. The pleasure was doubled as both were dancers, pliable with one another, but mainly Sehun was always keen on taking Yixing. Make him crumple in pleasure, scream his name. "Sehun! Sehun!" he chants, moaning and arching his back when the younger snaps into him rather roughly.

Sehun lifts Yixing off the floor and sits up, holding the older close to his body and fucking up into him. His movements grow desperate along with Yixing's, groans mixed together as they cling to each other. They kiss, messy and desperate, but the message is clear.

They don't want to leave each other again.

Cum stains their chests, covers thrown over them as they huddle together quietly. Sehun is draped over Yixing, nuzzling into his chest as he seeks the warmth he loves so much. Yixing cards his fingers through Sehun's hair, sighing as he realizes that those gorgeous locks will soon be gone. He sighs in content, for now at least, every once in a while leaning down to press a kiss to Sehun's temple.

"I meant what I said. I do love you," Sehun whispers out, licking his lips as he rests his chin on the older's chest. Yixing swallows, pink tinting his cheeks and a gorgeous smile spreading. "I know. I love you too... and I'll miss you," he breathes out, sinking back into the pillows when Sehun crawls over him. Their lips lock together again, Yixing's arms circling around Sehun's neck.

"Will you wait for me, hyung?"

"Always, Hun. I'll always wait for you."


The laughs are infectious, especially Jongin's. Chanyeol is off to the side of his chair, shoulders shaking as he tries to regain breathing through his laughs. Jongdae is spluttering through his story, wiping at his eyes. "I swear I almost died trying to find Xiumin-hyung. We just wanted to meet up but I honestly thought breaking into his military base was a good idea," he wheezes.

Yixing has never laughed so hard in his life, leaning back into Sehun's legs, the younger gasping for air the more laughs. It doesn't help that Jongin screeches when he leans back to far in his seat, the interviewer choking on her glass of water and spitting it out. Kyungsoo steadies Jongin, but they lean into each other as they giggle madly, trying to calm down.

It's a mess of limbs and laughs, the boys just acting like themselves to a certain extent. But they are displaying how close they are, fooling around and clowning each other. The interview is almost over after a good hour, Jongdae and Chanyeol back to being sworn enemies, though, they act soft and cuddly. Baekhyun is back to being under Minseok's wing and shit list, poking at each other but also staying close.

Junmyeon is mushed between Kyungsoo and Jongin, the three of them giggling and close together than ever before. And Sehun and Yixing? The crew aren't dumb, they can see the fondness and love from both. The subtle touches and coquettish smirks, Sehun eventually changing chairs with Junmyeon. His arms are wrapped around Yixing, chin on his shoulder and a cute pout on his lips.

Sehun is, after all, the baby of the group. And Yixing's beautiful baby boy as well.

"Alright, boys," the woman wheezes, putting her hands up with her cue cards in one, EXO drawing in shuddering breaths as they settle down. By now, their old spots are in shambles. Minseok has Jongdae on his lap while Baekhyun is leaning back against Chanyeol's knees, sparing him a shy smile before focusing on the interviewer. Junmyeon is the only one sitting without anyone to hold and for a brief moment, Yixing has the urge to pull him to his side too.

But Sehun keeps him firmly in place, pout a sign that he won't be sharing him soon.

"There were numerous requests for this game from the fans. Many were demanding that Chanyeol and Baekhyun play it," the interviewer gives them a wicked grin, the two men separating slightly from each other with blushing cheeks. "But! The polls came in and Lay and Sehun were volunteered. I'm making it sound like the Hunger Games," she laughs, reaching down to pick up a pink box.

The boys gasp before they holler, laughing as old memories come back to them.

The Peppero Game.

Those little chocolate or strawberry cookie sticks of doom what made Yixing become acutely aware of his feelings for the youngest member. Back in 2013, when EXO finally reached their peak with Growl and became South Korea's favorite boy group. When there was 12 members instead of 9. Though they were all together, it was still one of the hardest years of their lives.

A spark lights in Sehun's eyes, unwrapping his arms from the Chinese male and smirking in delight. "Oh will you look at that. Just like old times, hyung," he grins, Yixing not having any time to protest before he's yanked up from his seat. The rest whistle, making a circle around the chosen ones. Yixing feels his heart hammering in his chest, hands on his waist while his own grip Sehun's arms. "Oh come on! Why can't Chanyeol and Baekhyun do it?" he whines.

"Because the fans didn't vote for us. Now stop being a whimp. GET YOUR PHONES AND CAMERAS READY FOLKS!" Baekhyun tells out, earning laughs from the crew.

"You two know the rules! One stick shared between you two and you have to eat until you get to the center! The point of the game is to avoid accidently kissing each other."

Bullshit. Yixing knows damn well by that glimmer in Sehun's eyes that this is all just the tip of the ice berg. They've hardly even talked, yet, now they are put on the spot. Their manager must be having a field day right now. Better yet, the boys must be thinking of all the ways to tease them about this moment for the next fifty or so years. 

Yixing holds the stick between his lips, nervously keeping his hands by his sides while Sehun takes one more step towards him. In front of the cameras, Sehun reaches out with his hand and moves a strand of hair out of Yixing's face, finger tracing his cheek before dropping his hand all together, as if it had never happened. Yixing can already picture the headlines, "Oh Sehun shows signs of affection towards Lay!" or something of that nature. 


Oh no.


Sehun is so gorgeous and handsome up close. 


It goes fast, yet to both men it's like slow motion, Sehun keeping eye contact with Yixing. They bite down on the stick as rapidly as they can, and it's obvious that the winner will be Sehun. Suddenly, Yixing feels a soft brush of lips against his own, red coloring his cheeks. It was so quick and sudden, but the message was clear and Sehun pulls back with a small grin on his face. Yixing curses, turning his head away with a laugh leaving his mouth. 

The members are screaming, Kyungsoo giggling quietly with Baekhyun hanging off him, teasing Yixing who is having a small breakdown in the corner of the interviewing room. On the other side, Sehun is being poked at by Chanyeol and Jongdae, but his eyes are on the gorgeous man. Yixing can't breathe, nothing but those soft lips engraved in his mind once again. 

He wants to feel him again. Wants to hold him close in more ways that frankly, should probably not be allowed. It didn't matter though, because now they didn't have a barrier. Based on how intensely Sehun looks at him, nods his head towards the dressing room, Yixing has a clear idea that the younger couldn't wait anymore. He had to have the older now, whisper all the sweet words he hasn't been able to these past two years. The beautiful 'I love you's that Yixing craved to hear, to melt to when Sehun kissed him like he was his world. 

Somehow they all make it back to their seats, with Yixing's hand being taken by Sehun. It was far too obvious, a clear statement to the members and everyone in the room. To the world. Yixing turns his head to the man beside, a man he practically watched grow up. A man he fell so deeply and helplessly in love with. Sehun smiles in response, squeezing his hand and dipping his head slightly in understanding. 

I love you.

I love you too. 

"One, two, three! We are one, EXO!"


Hello, darlings. It has been a hot minute and I am... so sorry for leaving you all. I have gained new followers it seems and even more interactions with this entire book. I'm very grateful for that, but still feel so terrible for disappearing. If you follow me on twitter, you've noticed I became more active there and have actually expanded my interests outside of EXO. Somehow said interests tie into my boys regardless, though, lmao. Anyways, thank you for supporting this book so much and I apologize profusely to the cutie that requested SeXing way back in like... August. 

Also, I hope everyone is staying save and in doors due to COVID-19. Please stay safe and healthy! Remember to keep your distance during this time and try not going outside unless you absolutely need to! Please, no hoarding supplies either. There are people that are in dire need of supplies and food, don't be selfish. 

But anyway! I hope you enjoyed this story and until next time! Don't really know what will happen next or what ship I will delve into. My brain just isn't working like it used to, lol. Stay safe, darlings and tell me what you think of this update :)

(there is hardly any smut in this and I am so sorry. My emotions got the best of me for this one.)

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