Why? (A Nash Grier fanfiction)

By CloudyyHemmings

141K 2.5K 364

"Why?" "Why what?" "Why must you hurt me so bad to the point that my heart actually aches?" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 ( THE END)

Chapter 30

2K 54 5
By CloudyyHemmings

Nash's POV

I never liked that boy and I never will. I don't even care if Skylar wants me to be nice to him. She is mine and not his. Well, at least going to be mine very soon.

I groaned and walked back to my house.

Why must she be friends with that... Thing.

Why can't she hang out with that other chick from our school?

I opened the door to my house.

"Nash 10 minutes doesn't count as going out." My mom says to me.

"I am not hanging out with Skylar and I am not going outside."

"Fine. Since you won't do that, then be useful and go clean your ro-"

"Ya never mind. I'm going... Somewhere."

I ran out of the house before she could say anything to me.

What was the point of my mom wanting me to go outside? I'm basically just gonna do the exact same thing I do when I'm inside.

I need friends.

Most of my friends are assholes, and Skylar is, well she is just with an asshole at the moment. That sounds weird.

I guess I'll just wait outside until she gets back.

Skylars POV

"Who was at the door?" I asked Shawn.

"Nash" he says with a groan.

Why was Nash here?

"And what was he doing here?"

"He just dropped off something."

"And what did he drop off?"

"Will you stop with all the questions please?"

"Fine." I say and cross my arms and look away.

They don't like each other at all, so I was just questioning him on why Nash was here. I mean it is out of the ordinary for them to ya know... Socialize.

"If you want to know that badly, ask Nash. Even he will say it wasn't a big deal. Nothing happened. He simply dropped of something. Nothing more. Your getting too worked up over this tiny thing."

I knew I may have been overreacting a bit, but THEY HATE EACH OTHER. Of course I would be all curious.

"Ok fine. I'm overreacting a bit, but so are you. Your making a big deal out of telling me. I'm not gonna ask Nash, so just tell me." I whine.


"Tell me."

"Uh uh"

"Tell me"


"Tell me"

"Nu uh hunny"

"I give up." I say and fall back onto the Shawn's bed.

He lays down beside me and wraps his arms around me.

"If you care that much, he just came to return my dog?" He said, more as a question.

"I didn't even know you had a dog."

"Ya neither did I."

(A/n I'm not sure if Shawn has a dog or not, but almost every single thing about the characters are completely made up, so don't call me a newborn cause all these facts are made up.)

-4 hours later

It was after dinner, and I walked up stairs to take a shower. If your wondering what happened, well the exact same thing that happens everytime me and Nash are put in the same room. Much awkwardness.

He's making this entire thing weird. If Nash got a girlfriend, I feel like there would be a lot less tension. He wouldn't always look so uncomfortable around me, since his full attention would be on an entire other girl.

Yes, I know I had a huge crush on him, but after he did all those things, I didn't feel the same way about him after. I was also expecting that to happen. There are a bunch of fan girls that would kill to meet him, and the girls at our school, all want to date him. He has many options, so I don't understand why he's so attached to me.

I just need to help him find a girl. I feel like a match maker.

After my shower, I put on a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt, and looked around the house and tried to find Nash.

Let the match making begin.

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