
By tsm-jtb

189K 3.7K 1.1K

"No, please! Come to breakfast, I-" "Pardon me?" Jacob began sternly. "What was that you just said? Did you... More

♡ un ♡
♡ deux ♡
♡ trois ♡
♡ quatre ♡
♡ cinq ♡
♡ six ♡
♡ sept ♡
♡ huit ♡
♡ neuf ♡
♡ dix ♡
♡ onze ♡
♡ douze♡
♡ treize ♡
♡ quatorze ♡
♡quinze ♡
♡ seize ♡
♡ dix-sept♡
♡ dix-huit ♡
♡ dix-neuf ♡
♡ ving ♡
♡ vingt et un ♡
♡ vingt-deux ♡
♡ vingt-trois ♡
♡ vingt-quarte ♡
♡ vingt-cinq ♡
♡ vingt-six ♡
♡ vingt-huit ♡
♡ vingt-neuf ♡
♡ trente ♡
♡ trente et un ♡
♡ trente-deux ♡
♡ trente-trois ♡
♡ trente-quarte ♡
The end

♡ vingte-sept ♡

3.1K 60 20
By tsm-jtb

Troye couldn't stop looking at his left hand. Every time he picked something up his eyes were drawn to the gorgeous ring Jacob had gotten him. He was engaged. Troye Mellet was engaged, soon to be Troye Bixenman. It had only been a few weeks since Jacob had proposed, and Troye still couldn't get enough of looking at his ring. To add to Troye's happiness, his babies were healthy. He'd made it into his third trimester, and his tummy was so incredibly large. In two more months they'd have their babies.

Luke had even helped with the development of their babies' organs by giving Troye steroid shots. The isolation room had been cleared to make space for painting and decorating whenever they could decide on a wall color. Dus had long since been told of the babies' genders and she constantly sent them baby clothes. Even Tommy and Luke occasionally surprised Troye with baby clothes. He'd developed quite the collection. With everything that had been happening, Troye's mind was in an excited overdrive. "I want to get married before we have the babies," Troye declared several weeks after the proposal while he and Jacob were laying down in bed, ready to sleep. "Before?" Jacob arched a brow. "Are you sure?" "I want to be Troye Bixenman on the birth certificate," Troye said insistently. The Dom hummed, rubbing a large hand over Troye growing belly, the twins shifted around, kicking at Jacob lightly. "They're twenty-eight weeks now, how about when they're thirty-two weeks? So, almost a month from now?" Jacob asked, nuzzling a nose into Troye soft neck, leaving behind a few kisses. "That's not too quick, right?" Troye asked, turning a little so he could try and get a look at Jacob's face.

"No, not too soon. I can hire the best," the Dom assured, leaning up a bit so he could kiss Troye. "We'll go to Dua's shop tomorrow and see about getting cribs?" Jacob asked and Troye was quick to nod. "I saw some black ones," Troye whispered, his voice seemingly too loud in the quiet house. "They were really pretty..." "We'll get them," Jacob kissed Troye's shoulder closing his eyes. However, Troye was suddenly pushing himself up and moving carefully to face Jacob rather than letting the Dom spoon him. Jacob's eyes flashed open in surprise as Troye wiggled down beneath the covers, feeling his way down Jacob's torso until he reached the waistband of Jacob's boxers.

Jacob's pulled the covers of himself, his eyebrows raised. "Pet..." "Can I suck you off?" Troye asked hopefully. "We only had sex like two hours ago," Jacob laughed. "Come up here and go to sleep." Troye sneakily palmed at the Dom's cock, "Just like... five minutes..." "Don't make me punish you Troye," Jacob said firmly. However, Troye sat back up with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest. He was determined to get what he wanted, and he wanted Jacob's dick in his mouth,

"Maybe I want to be punished." "Do you want me to leave you here all alone to go sleep on the couch?" Jacob still didn't look very angry, and Troye half wondered how far Jacob would let him go. He knew his Dom really wasn't one for patience. "You wouldn't leave me all alone..." Troye shook his head. "

I want to suck your dick." "Pants off, kneel by the headboard," Jacob growled firmly. "I'm going to get a paddle, bad boys get spankings, and they don't get my hand or my dick." Troye blinked in surprise, because he hadn't exactly expected that. He liked spankings if Jacob wasn't actually angry with him, they were a good hurt, and he especially liked what came afterwards. So he stripped as fast as he could, making sure to be kneeling and ready for Jacob when the man came back.

As Jacob walked back into the room, closing the door behind him, Troye craned his head around and took one hand off of the headboard to rub his tummy. "How many spanks?" "Hush," Jacob growled. "You're going to count and I'll stop when I want to." Troye's eyes widened, his dick twitching in interest, "Yes sir." "No talking unless you're saying numbers," Jacob huffed. Troye shifted a little, moving his hand from his tummy to place it on the headboard in front of himself. Jacob was hiding the paddle he had behind his back, but Troye felt as Jacob climbed onto the bed behind Troye, and he shivered as Jacob ran the smooth paddle over his bare bum.

Like always, Jacob's hand slid under Troye's arms to help support the boy, and then the paddle was gone from Troye's ass until the first white hot sting came. The loud smack reverberated off the walls as all the blood rushed to both the stinging skin and Troye's cock. "One," he gasped. Sometimes Jacob would soothe the skin with his hand before the next smack, but this time the next smack came right away. Troye jolted, yelping out at the sting. Tears prickled his eyes, but he blinked them back and pushed his bum further out for Jacob. "Give me a number Troye," Jacob warned. "T-Two!" Five spanks later, having already started alternating between cheeks, Jacob still didn't show any signs of stopping. Troye had tears dripping down his face as he wheezed out in anticipation, his cock painfully hard, the tip brushing against the pillows. By the tenth spank, Troye wailed out,

"Please sir, fuck me!" The paddle came down hard on the center of Troye's bum, "Naughty language and you didn't say the number. I should give you more spanks." "Ten!" Troye hiccupped. "Ten spanks. M'sorry, I just want to suck you off. I wanted to make you feel good, sir." Much to his relief, the paddle wasn't what came into contact with his stinging bum next. Finally Jacob started to rub at the red and raw skin, "That's what I like to hear, pet. Even if you want those things you mustn't speak out against me, remember?" "Yes sir," Troye breathed. "W-will you... can we have sex? I'll be good." "I already told you that you won't be getting my dick tonight, hmm?" Jacob reminded, his hand still rubbing at Troye's sore cheeks. However, his hand slipped between them, fingers brushing over Troye's dry hole, and Troye whimpered.

"I'm so hard," he pleaded. "That's because you're naughty and you get off on being spanked," Jacob cooed. Much to Troye's dismay, Jacob left his side, but he returned with a bottle of lube. "And I'm not going to fuck you, but I don't see why I can't finger you and eat you out." The sub's heart leaped into his throat in anticipation, and he instantly shifted to spread his legs for Jacob. He stayed leaning against the headboard since it seemed like the best place, and he waited for Jacob to open the lube and put some on his fingers.

Instead, Jacob spread Troye's ass open with two hands and buried his face between Troye's cheeks. Just like the tease he was, he avoided Troye's rim and focused rather on the skin around it. Troye pushed his ass back hopefully, giving breathy little whines, and Jacob's first tongue flick across his rim came. The first was always Troye's favorite. It surprised him nearly every time and sent a little jolt of pleasure through his entire body before nearly every inch of him turned into a livewire of pleasure.

Jacob seemed to be on a mission, because without even really waiting for Troye to warm up he began to lick him out with determination. A wet hot tongue and Jacob groaning into him had Troye crying out and spurting onto the pillows, but Jacob didn't stop. The Dom grabbed Troye's bucking hips and trembling thighs, prodding his tongue into Troye before he slipped in a finger into the spit slicked hole, licking around it as well. Troye's dick didn't even have time to soften before it was interested again, slightly painfully this time.

"Sir!" Troye sobbed out in pleasure. "C-Can't-" Jacob pulled his mouth and fingers away, and Troye thought that maybe Jacob thought he wanted the Dom to stop. That was the last thing he wanted, and luckily Jacob was only lubing up two fingers to slide them fast and hard into Troye, "You wanted to cum so badly, I'm going to let you cum again." Troye was halfway thankful for the headboard to hang onto, because his knees were shaking so badly it was hard to stay upright. Jacob's fingers were prodding around inside of him in search for the spot to drive Troye over the edge, and when they found it, they pressed up hard. Troye's back arched as he shrieked out, rolling his hips backwards against Jacob's hand,

"Oh fuckfuckfuck-" Jacob's fingers were thin and long and they could always reach all the right places. His Dom was so, so good with his hands. Jacob's two fingers rubbed directly against Troye's prostate, and for the third time in the past three hours, Troye came untouched. Granted, the first had been a bit earlier when Jacob had made Troye fuck himself on Jacob's cock on Jacob's office couch.

Cumming even two times made Troye feel a little floaty, and he was certainly feeling a bit detached from everything. It sounded as if he were underwater, and he vaguely felt Jacob's fingers leaving his body as he was pulled gently backwards into warm arms. Hands stroked over his tummy, and Jacob's voice whispered in his ear, "Color, sweets?" Troye craned his head back to see is Dom, blinking a few times in confusion. He knew what color he was, it was a good color, he just couldn't seem to place the color name, so he worked with what he had.

Jacob's face was in focus of course, it was always one of the only things that was, and he struggled to find his voice to whisper, "Your eyes..." "Hmm?" Jacob's brow furrowed. "My color is your eyes, sir," Troye nodded, nuzzling further into Jacob. His hands folded happily over his tummy as he felt a wiggling from inside, and Jacob kissed his temple, "I'll be right back with a warm rag and some lotion for your bottom." He didn't like being left on the bed, but almost right after Jacob slid from under him the man was back and wiping him down with a washcloth. The Dom placed Troye on his side so that his hands could massage lotion onto Troye's bum, and Troye finally just felt backwards for Jacob.

"I'm green," he said again, finally feeling grounded enough to remember his basic colors. Sounds were becoming more prominent. "K-Kind of hungry. I think I want some toast." "Do you want me to get you some toast, baby?" Jacob asked gently. "No butter but jam- no, Nutella," Troye said decidedly.

"I don't think we have... Nutella?" Jacob asked confusedly. "What is Nutella?" Troye's brow furrowed, "It's so good though... it's like. It's just Nutella. You don't have any?" "No..." Jacob sighed. "Do I need to go get some? It's nearly midnight, but if you really want it then I'll go get it." Troye shook his head quickly, "Don't go without me! Just... just get me some jam on toast and then we can go to bed." And Jacob actually did go make Troye some toast with jam, bringing him back some ginger tea as well. He helped the boy sip the hot liquid so his still trembling hands wouldn't spill it on himself, and he didn't complain when Troye only ate half of the toast he'd made him. Instead he tossed the pillows Troye had dirtied off the bed, grabbed a pair of panties and a large jumper to slide onto Troye, and then he spooned Troye from behind.

Troye felt warm and happy with Jacob holding him from behind and his babies occasionally squirming inside him, and he sighed adoringly, "I love you so much, sir." "I love you, too, sweets," Jacob replied quietly. "Tomorrow we can go get you some... Nutella... when we go shopping for the babies." At Jacob's promise, Troye was contently drifting off to sleep with his hands rubbing small circles onto his belly.

"Stay close to me," Jacob told Troye looking out the car windows at all the paps. They were flashing their cameras, trying to get a look inside. The reason that Jacob went to Dua's was to avoid the paparazzi, and yet somehow they'd been discovered. "I'll come help you out, and then I want you to walk behind me so they don't hit your tummy. "Do you think they'd hurt the babies?" Troye asked in alarm, his arms encasing his large belly. "They better not," Jacob said opening the door, letting in the deafening sound of men's voices calling to Jacob and Troye. Troye prepared for Jacob to open his door, clutching his light jacket tightly.

The door was opened and Troye got out, hugging himself close to Jacob's back, hiding his belly as much as he could. Jacob kept a grip on Troye's arm with one hand as he guided them through the swarm. As soon as they got to the shop they'd be safe. Paps weren't allowed in, the sign on the front made it very clear. The paps yelled at Jacob and Troye, screaming questions at them. Their cameras flashed, trying to catch Troye's belly, and Troye was terrified. A tall man squeezed his way in front of Troye, pushing him back from Jacob.

"What the fuck- hey!" Jacob snarled, grabbing out at the man as Troye was separated from him. Panic was rising up in the Dom's throat as more paps closed around Troye. "Sir!" Troye called, trying to move past carefully through the people surrounding him to get back to Jacob, his arms around his babies. "Jacob!" Jacob watched Troye throw his hands out as he was roughly bumped from behind. He almost caught his footing before he was pushed again, and Jacob's breath hitched as Troye fell forward, wrists giving out as he twisted to land on his side in the fetal position. The crowd went quiet, cameras stopped flashing, and Jacob completely panicked as Troye started sobbing. "Jacob!"

Troye wailed, and Jacob finally shoved enough people out of his way to see Troye curled with shaking hands encasing his belly as he looked around for any signs of his Dom. "If you don't fucking move I'll break your goddamn necks!" Jacob roared, and then he was throwing himself down next to Troye. "Troye, baby are you okay?" Cameras started flashing again, people started yelling, and Jacob's heart sank as Troye shook his head.

"No-o, I practically fell on them! It hurts, right here, it hurts!" Troye pointed to the side of his stomach. "My F-Fuzzies-" "You three are going to be okay, I've got you, come here," Jacob pulled Troye up into his arms, kicking and pushing past the paps to put Troye back into the car as he hissed at them. "I'll find the motherfucker that pushed my boy, and I'm going to kill you." Troye was still sobbing, and he tucked his face into Jacob's neck, "I'm s-so sorry, I tried to stay close and now I could have hurt our babies- I can't lose-" Jacob hushed him, kicking people out of the way until he could reach the passenger side door on his car. He gently placed Troye down so he could open the door and help the boy inside, keeping the paparazzi from snapping even more pictures of the traumatized looking boy.

"Hold on, baby, buckle up for me. Just hold on, I'm not going to let us lose them," Jacob closed the door, pushing people out of his way as he got to his side of the car. He didn't care if he hit anyone, the man just pulled backwards, tires squealing, and he sped to the hospital. Troye was sobbing, pulling up his shirt to look at his belly,

"It aches, H-Jacob, what do I do? I don't know if I hurt them, what if I did? I hate myself! It's my abdomen now, too- and my back-" "I saw you fall," Jacob tried to soothe. "I watched you catch yourself," there were red scratches on his side where he'd fallen, and the sub's head slumped down as he sobbed harder, covering his mouth with his hand, trying to muffle himself. "Sir," Troye reached out, turning his head to look at the stone faced Dom.

"We're almost there, hang on." "I can't lose our Fuzzies... I want them, I love them so much-" Troye told him, wiping at his eyes, rubbing his belly. Jacob reached out and touched Troye's tummy, but he didn't respond. He hoped to feel at least something, kicking, wiggling, but there wasn't anything. He was hoping that Troye's pain had subsided, but Troye's breath hitched in a gasp, and Jacob had only just sped into the emergency room parking lot. He sloppily parked the car, nearly taking his Mustangs mirror off with a pole.

"We're here, unbuckle, sweets and I'll help you get out," Jacob opened the door to get out of the car, sending a look back at the sub. "Troye?" he asked, moving back into the car to reach over the middle console to try and soothe his boy. Troye head was slumped against his chest and his hands were limp. "Sir?" A man's voice asked from behind Jacob. A male nurse. "Get a stretcher, fuck-" Jacob pushed back, scrambling from the car with such a force that his door swung back and dented the door of the car beside him. He didn't even bother closing it back as he stumbled to the other side, yanking open Troye's door. The nurse had sprinted back inside, and Jacob unbuckled Troye, frantically but gently shaking the boy. "Troye! Troye, look at me. Come on, pet, wake up now, we have to get you inside-" Troye only stirred slightly, and Jacob slipped one arm behind Troye and tried to tuck the other under Troye's thighs so he could pull the boy from the car and carry him inside. The nurses were taking far too long to come back with the stretcher, and Jacob was slowly being drained of all logical reasoning. But as he slid his arm beneath Troye's thighs, he pulled back in alarm at the sticky warmth he was met with. Upon glancing down, he found that his arm was smudged with blood.

Jacob froze numbly, staring at his arm with Troye half out of the car, balanced against his chest. "The stretcher sir-" Jacob looked up to the two nurses that had returned desperately, but he forced himself to move to action as he pulled Troye completely into his arms and gently lowered him onto the stretcher. "Is he bleeding?" "I think something is actually wrong with our babies," Jacob croaked hoarsely, following along as the men whisked Troye towards the front doors. "What's his name and what happened?" one nurse asked, as they rushed into the lobby of the waiting room, headed for two large metal doors. "T-Troye Mellet. I'm his Dom Jacob Bixenman. He was tripped by some paparazzi, fell down on his s-side and-"

Jacob told him and the nurse's eyes widened. He turned and scanned a card to make the doors swing open, and then they were pushing Troye quickly through a pair of double swinging doors. Jacob moved to follow, but a trembling hand slid in front of him. "Sorry Mr. Bixenman. We cannot let you through right now. As soon as we know what condition your sub is in we will let you know,"

she was shaking in her shoes. It wasn't often that one of the richest men in the world came into the hospital, their pregnant subs in trouble. "You have to let me through," Jacob said immediately. The double doors were already closing, and they required a carded entry. "He's my fiancé, fine me if you have to-" Jacob ducked around the terrified woman, shoving the doors back open just before they latched. He bolted down the hall, looking in through the doors in search for Troye. With each room he passed that didn't contain Troye, the more desperate he became.

Nurses were giving him nervous looks, but if anyone tried to stop him from finding Troye he'd have to do whatever it took to get them off of him. And then he heard it, a desperate and terrified voice wailing out for him. "Jacob?!" Troye coughed out. "Oh God, I'm bleeding, m-my babies are t-they okay?!" The Dom nearly knocked over a nurse's cart rushing towards the voice. Troye was just around a curve in the hall, pale and having been lifted from his stretcher and onto a hospital bed.

"Troye," Jacob forced his way through the nurses standing helplessly at the door, falling to his knees beside Troye's bed and gripping Troye's hand. "Jacob!" Troye sobbed, clutching weakly onto Jacob. "Our poor babies, something is wrong. I hurt our babies!" Troye's shirt was pushed up, and some sort of strange device was placed on Troye's tummy along with gel and an ultrasound wand. "Are you in pain Mr. Mellet?" a nurse asked.

"Y-Yes," Troye hiccupped. Jacob felt so overwhelmed, he couldn't even begin to imagine what Troye was feeling. He held tighter to Troye's hand, bringing it up and burying his face into their clasped hands, and he silently prayed to whoever was listening that they didn't lose their babies. Troye would be devastated. He himself would be devastated. Their little boy and their little girl.

It felt like a cruel joke, having not wanted children only to get the idea of a little baby girl and a little baby boy, to fall in love with these unborn little babies, and then them ending up not making it because of a group of money hungry assholes. "They've got heartbeats," one nurse supplied. "But Baby A... we've got placenta abruptio, signs of fetal distress." "What does that mean?" Troye wheezed.

"It means we need to prepare you for an emergency C-section," the nurse said, and then they were already unlocking the wheels of Troye's hospital bed and preparing to rush him from the room. "He's only twenty-eight weeks, that's only seven months!" Jacob protested. "Hold on-" They left the strange device hooked up to Troye's stomach, and Jacob thought that maybe it had something to do with keeping track of their babies' heartbeats. Troye's hand was pulled from Jacob's as they whisked him from the room again, and Troye pleaded,

"Please, isn't there a way to stop it? Are they even big enough right now?" Jacob gripped onto the edge of Troye's bed as he caught up, determined not to be held back, but he didn't stop the bed from moving. Troye's eyes red eyes latched with Jacob, and he simply burst into more tears. "Somebody answer him please," Jacob huffed as they wheeled Troye into an elevator. Jacob crammed on despite one of the nurses preparing to protest. "With twins, premature labor can be expected," one of the nurses began to explain softly to Troye. "How far along did you say you were?" "Twenty-eight weeks," Troye whispered. "With a baby girl and a baby boy and if anything happens to them I'll-"

"Well Mr. Mellet, they've got about an 80% chance of survival being born upon normal circumstances. With your placenta abruptio... which, is basically where the placenta detaches from the uterine wall. Yours is a moderate detachment, so your baby is now experiencing what we call distress due to a lessened amount of oxygen. It's why we must perform an emergency C-section."

"My baby will die if you don't?" the sub squeaked, and Jacob reached over several nurses' arms to take Troye's hand. "Most likely." Another one of the nurses touched Jacob's shoulder, "Sir, while we prepare Troye would we be able to get his medical information and insurance- I presume you're his Dom, so-" "I'm not leaving him," Jacob said immediately.

"You won't have to," the nurse held up her hand. "I'll bring you the immediate paperwork I need you to fill out. Everything else can wait until after the surgery." The elevator dinged, and they rushed Troye off and down the hall. Wheeling him into a room, they almost instantly began hooking him up to monitors and IVs, and the hand not being occupied by nurses flung out blindly for Jacob as Troye whimpered out,

A "Jacob... Jacob I thought I was ready to meet our babies but I didn't mean so soon!" "We've got to induce you and give you an epidural, Mr. Mellet," a nurse said. "The doctor and surgeon have been informed and are pushing back their current surgeries. They'll be here in about thirty minutes. The epidural is just a simple needle in your back, you can't even feel it's there. But you'll have to lean forward for me. I'm sure your Dom will be able to help you. We'll need you to strip as well, but we'll give you blankets.

Jacob was there immediately, helping Troye out of his pants and shit before letting the sub lean forward against him and twist his body a bit so that the woman could insert the needle. Troye was trembling, gripping tight onto Jacob in terror. The Dom didn't blame him, he was terrified too. "80% chance is good though, right?" Troye sniffled. "Yeah," Jacob said softly, stroking soothingly at the back of Troye's hair. He wanted to cry himself, but he figured it would scare Troye further. He was just glad that Troye was conscious. Seeing Troye passed out in the front seat had drawn him to the instant conclusion that he preferred his fiancé coherent and alert, especially when their babies were suddenly and unexpectedly on the way. "You can sit back again," the nurse assured.

"Nurses will be in and out to take your blood pressure, to monitor the heart rate of your babies, and then we're going to get the one with beginning signs of distress out and most likely into our NICU. We've got the best neonatal intensive-care unit. We don't even have to move you." "Wait," Troye gasped as Jacob leaned him back against the propped up hospital bed and tucked blankets around his lower half. "Can my baby breathe?! Is it getting some oxygen or-" "Yes," the nurse said immediately. "Moderate abruptio. Which means the baby will be in distress if we don't act quickly. Its oxygen supply is very limited." "And our other baby? Troye?" Jacob asked. "Other baby and Troye are stable," the nurse responded. "Maternal death because of this is rare, so don't even worry about it." Jacob, who still had his arms partially around Troye, hugged the boy tight,

"Well I wasn't until now." The nurse's nose scrunched, "I think you might have paperwork to fill out... I'll go get that." Only one nurse was left, and she was monitoring the heartbeats of the babies. The room was fairly quiet aside from Troye's sniffling, tears wetting the front of Jacob's shirt. Both men had rested their hands on Troye's belly, and Troye mumbled against Jacob's neck, "I fuck everything up for you." Jacob gasped in surprise, "Troye! You don't, I don't want to ever hear you say that again." "What good have I brought you?" Troye asked, his voice growing louder as he tried to pull back from their embrace.

"You are my everything good!" Jacob let Troye pull away, but only so he could seize Troye's face in his hands. "You bring me happiness and love, you make me laugh, you go far out of your way to please me and take care of me- Troye. You're having my babies... babies that I didn't even know I wanted until you were already giving me them. So they're coming a little early, maybe they get their impatientness from me. Hopefully the rest of the stuff they get from you.
I love you so much Troye, do I not make you believe me? Because I want to, I want you to believe me."

"I try to believe you but it's so hard because I love you so much that I want to do whatever I can for you, and when I can't do it I feel like I'm failing you. Like right now. I'm failing you, I'm failing our babies- I was supposed to keep them safe and I fell." "And they're going to be fine," Jacob said instantly, hoping with all of his being that it was true. He honestly had no clue. The thought of the 20% chance of the babies not surviving was eating at him inside.

"And you're going to be fine. That's not failing me. Failing me would be leaving me, please don't ever do that. I wouldn't be able to function if you left me." The nurse came back with a clipboard, papers, and pen, and Jacob set to work filling out the papers for Troye. His hands shook, but Troye's hands shook worse. Several other nurses came back as well to disinfect Troye's tummy and to set up some type of curtain over the middle of Troye's belly. Strangely enough, his epidural seemed to be relaxing him.

He was still sniffling, but he stroked at the part of his tummy he could reach and spoke softly to their babies, "I'm so sorry Little Fuzzies... when you're out here, please, just be okay... for me... I promise you I'll never let anything hurt you again. Just stick with me. I love you so much, I've loved you since the moment I knew about you. You're always so wiggly and it's never annoying, babies, I could feel you wiggle and kick all day and never get tired of it. Not being able to feel you in there will only be okay if it's because I get to hold you in my arms." Jacob fought tears, and just as he considered suing if the person delivering their baby didn't show up, two men, both tall, dark haired, and in scrubs, walked in. They seemed to be Doms.

"Troye Mellet and Jacob Bixenman?" the first man said. "I'm Dr. Nicco and this is Dr. Gianni. We'll be delivering your babies." "I just want you to know that if anything happens I'll sue you for everything you're worth," Jacob warned immediately. "What's the procedure?" "Well first we'll check on the epidural. How are you feeling Troye?" Dr. Nicco asked. "Warm all over... but scared," Troye whispered. "I can still wiggle my toes, does that mean I'm not numb enough? It doesn't matter actually, just please get my poor baby with the limited oxygen out." Dr. Gianni spoke up,

"You're right on track, Troye. Toe moving is good. You'll be able to feel pressure from our scalpels as well, but it isn't going to hurt. If you feel the slightest bit of pain, you're to tell us. We would shake your hands but we're sterile and we must remain so for your caesarean section." Two more nurses came in with gloves, washing their hands at a sink in the far corner of the room. And then before Jacob was fully aware of what was happening, Troye's hand was thrusting out in search for Jacob's own. The two nurses and two doctors gathered around the opposite side of Troye's curtain, and Jacob peeked around the very edge to see what was happening. "Oh," Troye gasped, and Jacob jumped. "What, what's wrong?" he asked anxiously. Troye's grip was vice-like, "They're um... cutting. It doesn't hurt, I just feel it."

"Not yet," Dr. Gianni corrected. "We're just drawing the cut we need to make. But if your senses there are a little dull then that's good." Jacob squirmed impatiently, "Isn't this supposed to be an emergency? Why aren't we moving quicker?" "We are moving quick," Dr. Nicco assured. "About to make the first cut now." Jacob had somewhat of an idea of what was happening as Troye's face crumpled again, tears leaking from his eyes, "I'm so scared sir." Jacob brought Troye's hand up to his face, kissing the boy's knuckles in response. He didn't have anything else to say to that. Troye had every reason to be scared. Jacob was terrified. Terrified to lose any of the children he hadn't met yet.

For something to go horribly wrong, for something to happen to Troye, too. When he had told Troye not to leave him, he hadn't meant leaving him as in breaking up with him. If he lost Troye, he couldn't even fathom what he would do. He'd be catatonic without a doubt, however. He needed his boy more than anything. "About to cut through the uterine wall," Dr. Gianni said softly. "Will you look for me?" Troye croaked. Jacob refocused on his sub, seeing that Troye was desperately trying to see over the curtain. There was a gross suctioning sound, and Dr. Gianni spoke again, "One baby in sights, we're going to pull it out. Suction ready?" Swallowing hard, Jacob leaned carefully without releasing Troye's hand just in time to see a tiny red baby being lifted. Troye's breath hitched, and they both waited for someone to say something. To give them a gender, anything. But they were only met with silence, and Jacob's hand fell slack in Troye's as he watched them suctioning out the baby's mouth.

Troye burst into tears, "Why isn't it crying?!" Jacob watched them pass the baby, it didn't even look like a baby Jacob was certain his hand was larger, off and wrap it into a towel to bustle it from the room. But then the blanket gave a loud shriek, and Jacob was crying too. "Thank God, it's alive!" Jacob sobbed. "It's alive." The nurse stopped, her brow furrowing as if thinking hard, but then she scurried back over, "I can't let you hold her, she still needs to be checked up on crying or not but-" "Her," Troye wheezed, and the nurse unfolded the blanket a little to reveal a scrunched up little red face. The baby was wrinkly and tiny, her veins heavily prominent beneath her skin. Any hair she had was matted down from the gunk she was covered in. She looked like a little alien, and Jacob wanted so badly to hold her. But then the nurse whisked her back off again, leaving both Jacob and Troye crying.

Their baby boy could be heard before Jacob even leaned to see him. He was screaming, a gurgling cry, before the nurse even suctioned out his mouth. Just like their baby girl he was tiny and red, but Dr. Gianni held a hand out to Jacob. "His lungs sound very well developed, actually... we'll let you have the honors of cutting the umbilical cord, and then we'll have to take him to the NICU, too," the man said. Jacob couldn't seem to pry himself away from Troye's grip, but when he did he was crying so hard he almost was afraid he'd miss where the doctor was telling him to cut. He wasn't even ashamed for crying, so much was happening, they had babies.

The baby boy was whisked away as well after Troye was shown, and he was still sobbing as they stitched him back up. "Those were our Little Fuzzies," he sobbed. "They're alive, I'm so glad they're alive." After that, waiting was unbearable. Troye's blood pressure was a little high, so they kept him where he was, although they did remove the curtain from over him and cover him back up, until he was stable again. Nearly their entire wait to move rooms, they still had no word on their babies. Jacob was prepared to go look for them himself, knowing that they were probably in the NICU, but then Dr. Nicco came back with a clipboard in his hand.

"I've got good news. Not only will you be able to move from this room into a room much closer to the NICU, but your babies seem healthy. Your boy weighs 3.1 pounds and measured 14.1 inches. Your girl weighs 2.11 pounds and measures 13.3 inches. They're going to need a lot of hospital care these next few weeks, but we expected that. They're on ventilators for the time being until they can adjust to breathing on their own. It's actually a lot of work for them, and since they're so small it's difficult. We had a small scare with the baby girl as you know, couldn't get her breathing right away," the man explained, and Jacob's heart gave a twist.

"All their little organs are well developed though, so if Troye has had steroid shots before, that's most likely to thank for that. I expect your little boy to be off the ventilator within the next day or two. The girl we might have some complications with. She's the one that required the emergency C-section." Troye's hand clamped over his mouth as more tears spilled over,

"It's all my fault, my poor baby girl..." "No Troye," Dr. Nicco said before Jacob could reassure his sub. "These are things that just happen. Don't worry yourself over it, alright? Your babies are going to need you. These next few weeks will seem really stressful, but if you hold on then I think without a doubt that your babies will pull through. Both of them." Troye breathed out a shaky breath. "W-When can I see them?"

"As soon as you're up and walking around," Dr. Nicco replied. "However, you have to take it easy. Walking will quicken recovery time, but only if you go at your own pace. And no lifting anything more than your baby's weight for two months, although it might be awhile before you can hold your babies anyway, no sexual activity for two months, and no lifting anything over forty pounds for four months. We'll give you both little wrist bands to wear so that you'll be allowed into the NICU. Oh, and we tested the babies for possible patent ductus arteriosus, which is where their heart allows too much blood or not enough blood to flow through, and we don't think that it'll be a problem.

They seem to have low blood pressure, which could require a blood transfusion, but hopefully not. We've got them on a medicine drip through an IV in hopes of normalizing their blood pressures. Seeing them might be a scary sight, they're several wires and tubes hooked up to them, but it's to help them. They're okay right now, just remember that." Jacob could see Troye's body relax physically, and the boy nodded his head, "T-Thank you." The moment Dr. Nicco left, Jacob turned his teary eyes onto Troye, "You're such a good boy, sweets. You were so brave and strong and I'm so proud." "I'm sorry for this..." Troye sniffled. "For not being careful. Because of me we don't even get to hold them for-"

Jacob hushed Troye softly, shaking his head, "You heard Dr. Nicco, we can see them here soon. If they were really bad I don't think we'd even get to see them." Troye scrubbed at his face with two hands, "Are you alright?" "Me?" Jacob shook his head in awe. "I'm wondering the same thing about you, Troye, you... this was a lot to go through and it all happened so fast." "I couldn't have done it without you," Troye whispered.

"You could have," Jacob hummed. "You did all the right things. You focused on the wellbeing of our babies, put aside your own fears to help them. I was just here to worry with you." A nurse came back in to check Troye's blood pressure and temperature one last time, and then she placed a wrist band on both Troye and Jacob, "Mr. Bixenman, if you would follow along we're going to take Mr. Mellet to his new room now." They wheeled Troye there in a hospital bed, but when they reached their new room Troye had to get from one bed to the other. "I don't want to get in the bed yet, I want to go see my babies," Troye told the nurse.

"You don't honestly expect him to walk there," Jacob started, growing irritated. Their babies had been born nearly two hours before and they'd only gotten to look at them once. "I can take him there in a wheelchair if I need to, just please let us see them." "I'll speak to the doctor," the nurse promised. "Let's just get you into the other bed and settled, Troye." Jacob felt horrible for Troye as he and the nurse helped Troye ease off the bed. Troye clutched a pillow to his abdomen, his breath catching in pain as he stepped down. Jacob ended up letting Troye use him as a crutch as the nurse moved Troye's IV pole.

If he hadn't been worried about hurting the boy, he would have picked him up and placed him in bed himself. Upon a glance at the back of Troye, Jacob realized in a panic that Troye was still bleeding, "He's- the bleeding hasn't stopped? Why hasn't the-" "It's normal Mr. Bixenman," the nurse insisted. "We'll get him a gown to wear and there's already a large bed pad on the mattress for any bleeding. It'll stop in a week or so."

When Troye was settled back in bed, his clenched eyes fluttered open, "For being cut open, it actually doesn't hurt when I'm just laying here." "Epidurals are marvelous like that," the nurse hummed. She had some sort of strange bag and tube, and Jacob realized with pity towards Troye that it was a catheter. Troye remained still as the nurse put it in him, but it was obvious that Troye was in discomfort. "I'll go talk to the doctor and if he says you're good to move around I can bring you a wheelchair." "Thank you," Jacob said, maybe a bit colder than necessary, but given the circumstance he couldn't even feel guilty.

He dragged the room's recliner closer to Troye's bed, leaning and kissing the boy softly. "If they don't give you a wheelchair I'll just carry you there. We'll go see our babies." "It's already weird without them in there," Troye said sadly. "I just want to hold them and kiss them and talk to them." Jacob could see that Troye was about to cry again, so he quickly sat down and seized Troye's hand in his own, "Hey, sweets... our babies need names. You've been trying to make me name them with you I think and I've always put it off but now they're here, they can't just be nameless. What should we call them?"

"We can decide when we see them," the boy said softly, his eyes falling onto the door as he waited for the nurse. Jacob pulled his phone from his pocket, glancing down at the time to find that he had several missed calls and a view voicemails. He ignored them however, sliding his phone back into his pocket. "I wonder what time our babies were born." "What day even is today?" Troye frowned. "I think the epidural affects my thinking process." "It's August 4th," Jacob provided. Troye's head snapped back to the door however as nurse wheeled in a wheelchair, smiling at them,

"We'll check your vitals once more and then you'll be good to see your babies." Jacob could see just how anxious Troye became then, his hands trembling and playing with his engagement ring as the nurse gave him a gown to slide onto his arms and put a blood pressure cuff on him. The moment the nurse gave them the okay Troye was already trying to get up on his own. "Easy," Jacob said softly, gripping onto Troye's arms. "I'll help you, pet." Troye's nose was scrunched in pain as he sat into the chair, fixing his gown around himself without bothering to have it tied in the back. Jacob gave him the pillow he'd been holding to his stomach as well, and then the nurse led the way as Jacob wheeled his boy down the hall to see their babies.

He had to be careful, wheeling Troye's IV pole along as well. The nurse showed them how to get into the NICU, and she was attempting to give them a quick tour around, but the couple were far too preoccupied with scanning warmers and bassinets for any signs of what could be their babies. "Some of these babies have been here for nearly two months now, but I think all the babies we have at the moment are doing very well." "Where are our babies?" Troye asked. "I want to see them." The nurse took them back towards a room with larger looking warmers. The few babies inside were much smaller than the ones in the previous room.

They all seemed too small for the little diapers they wore, and it made Jacob want to see their babies even more. Troye was the first to spot them, and he gave a muffled sob. "The babies with the blue wristbands, those are my babies aren't they? I can see their dark hair, I'm pretty sure they both had dark brown hair." Jacob wheeled Troye up to the warmers the boy pointed to, and just as Troye had thought, the little wristbands, although big on one baby and even bigger on the other, read Bixenman. Both babies in the warmers were hooked up to all sorts of tubes and wires that made Jacob's chest ache.

There were two tubes in their noses, a tube down their throats, and a small IV in their hands, all taped down to their reddish tinted skin. Their hair, no longer wet, was a dry curly fuzz on their heads. They had socks on their little feet, a blue pair and a pink pair. Their baby girl was a tiny bit smaller than her brother, her eyelashes seemingly longer, and her lips a bit poutier. But both were so beautiful to the Dom. Tears spilled over Jacob's eyes, and he gripped onto Troye's shoulder as he croaked out, "So perfect, Troye. They'll be so perfect." "They're so small," Troye hiccupped. He looked to the nurse who was checking the heart monitor also attached to their baby boy. "Both of them are, they're so tiny. Can I... can I touch them?"

"I don't see why not," the nurse responded. "But they told you that you can't hold them yet, right?" Jacob pushed Troye a tiny bit closer to the little baby boy and he himself stepped over to their baby girl. Ever so softly, he grazed his hand carefully over her fuzzy hair, whispering out with a choked voice, "You certainly live up to the name Little Fuzzy, baby girl." "They're so still," Troye croaked. "Why are they so still, inside me it's like the moved nonstop-" "They're resting," the nurse assured. "Being born is a lot of work. They were certainly squirming earlier, however. They don't take fondly to their tubes. We've had to make sure they don't pull up their tape by knocking the tubes around."

"I love you both so much," Troye sniffled to the babies, craning his arms out to the best of his ability so he could touch both his babies at the same time. "I can't wait to hold you and sing to you." "Think of any names yet?" Jacob asked. "Blaine Bixenman," Troye whispered. "For our baby boy." "I like it," Jacob hummed, still softly stroking over the head of their baby girl. "And this lovely Little Fuzzy?" "Uh... well I have a middle name?" Troye offered.

"If you like it. Edelena." The Dom held his hand up to give a weak measurement of the tiny baby girl. The span from the base of his palm to the tip of his middle index finger was bigger than she was, "Brielle. Like Bri and the letter L. Brielle Bixenman. We'll be those parents. Naming both our babies with B names." "Blaine and Brielle," Troye sniffled. "Our Little Fuzzies." Jacob leaned down and kissed Brielle on the forehead before moving to do the same to Blaine, and Troye pulled at the back of the Dom's shirt to get his attention. Jacob turned to look at his sub, and Troye held his arms out. Leaning down, Jacob kissed Troye softly, cupping the boy's cheek.

He tried to thumb away Troye's tears, but it was pointless as Troye only continued to cry. He was crying himself, so he eventually just gave up. But as Troye turned his attention back to their babies, touching and fawning over their tiny hands, Jacob told Troye what Troye had told him a countless amount of times. "Thank you sweets... thank you for the beautiful babies."

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