Izuku the Lost Soldier: Nucle...

By Pabaxel

4.9K 222 13

Somewhere in this world, there are people fighting within the darkness to help humanity grow. Many never see... More

Mission successful?
Found/New mission: School?
Sudden attack!
New assignment
American Civil War
American Civil War part 2
Big Three on the lookout/Sports Festival interupted
Return of Evil
End of the Beginning (Ending)

Fuck their here!/USJ

749 22 2
By Pabaxel

Midoriya and the group didn't do much the following morning, other than finishing the extra expanded room they have been working on. Izuku fortified his room with concentrate and alloy steel. Along with soundproof inside his room, and soon he started filling in his room with random furniture found from the nearby storage rooms. It took the entire day to finish settling in.

Keep in mind that we're still living inside at the base level of the school building.
*Day 3*
Everyone got up early.
"So hey, let's talk about our quirks let's go." ,-said Lukas him starting first.

Lukas: age 16, quirk: Light sensor, has the ability to be able to manipulate any type of light to the user requires. Personally: Coordinator of the group, job: babysitter basically.

Izuku: age 15, quirk: Nuclear Fission, uses stamina to convert it into raw Nuclear power and manipulate the outcome of the nuclear output. Naturally immune towards radiation after the experiment. Personally: Acts almost like Charlie but much bolder. From time to time he gives off a smile that givings off happiness to others. Very curious, and will act as a leader when the time comes.

Charlie: age 15, quirk: Stealth, can hide in plain sight less than a second. Not much of a talker only on special occasions. Both Him and Midoriya normally discuss a plan of action when the time comes. Warning: Don't mess with his Food!

Nora: age doesn't talk about it or your dead. Quirk: Ghost, she can turn invisible for a period of time, also can deflect any type of damage as her quirk lets all physical damage go through her. Personally: She's normally a very good person, only don't talk about age. It's a time where she's self-conscious of her image.

Owen: age 15 quirk: Boast High, can increase in metal brain capacity. Personally: He's mostly quiet, but has bad timing when he talks.

Robin: age 15 quirk: Quirk Reflex, let's the user be able to use 100% of his perception and can go above the normal human speed. Has an odd friendship between Eddy and Charlie.

Eddy: age 16, quirk: Crystal: can turn himself into any type of crystal and reinforce it with multiple layers throughout his body. Mad man of the group will do a thing dangerous for fun. Has a very explosive personality from time to time.

"What do we do now?" ,-asked Nora while everyone gathers in the center of the room.

"Let's practice duos with our quirks!" ,-said Lukas rounding everybody.

"There's a problem with that." ,-said Robin counting everyone.

"What?" ,-asked Lukas turning around.

"There's seven of us." ,-he responded

"What?" ,-Lukas looks around and a sweat drop hits the floor. "Dammit!" ,- said Eddy finishing his thought.

"We will think of something once we get there." ,-said Lukas carrying a clipboard.

"Wait, to where?" -,asked Owen nervously

"Didn't you know? We are headed to the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint). Alright everyone change to your uniforms and meet back here in 10 minutes." ,-ordered Lukas as everyone got their hero suitcases.

He grabbed his modified stealth suit and mixed it with his hero suit. A few minutes later "Not bad.",-said Izuku looking at a mirror. His gun Daniel Defense DDM4V11 is concealed for the moment and ammo in his suit. While he grabs 2 smoke, 5 flash, and 4 frag grenades adding them to his belt. He straps himself a ballistic shield to his left arm. "Not much of a weight difference." ,-he thought looking at his new electric staff. "Almost ready." ,- said Izuku finally talking out two 9mm pistols and hide them away behind his hybrid chest plate.

*Nuclear Ignition Online*
"Cool name, I think?" ,-Izuku thought as he programmed his suit internal system. "Better head with the others." ,-he said activating his helmet scanning his surroundings.

*3 minutes later*
"Hey! Cool costume looks futuristic ." ,-said Robin already changed to his uniform which was just red clothing with brown boots. Holding a modified long-range stun rifle.

"Nice rifle there." ,-he commented looking a the unique design of the weapon.

"Yeah, it can shoot two bullets per shot." ,-said Robin excited letting Izuku hold his weapon.

Soon everyone arrived shortly after. "Alright, let's get going, USJ is located outside of the school campus." ,-said Lukas while everyone followed him to the first floor and then towards outside.

"Wait, how are we going to get there?" ,-asked Nora wearing a military type armor uniform, Midoriya took quite an interest in her costume design.

(Note: Mostly everyone is wearing very bland hero costumes. Will try to add characteristics to their costumes as the story progresses. Also it is difficult trying to develop new characters, but here I am writing ✍️ let's continue.)

"We are headed along with class 1-A, they are headed the same place like us." ,-said Lukas.

"Wasn't there a breach in the school during lunch?" ,-added Nora randomly

"What?" Everyone snaps their necks in her direction.

"Well, we were probably all still building the room." ,-said Charlie still fatigued from all the moving around.

"Now we have to wait." ,-said Owen

Still waiting, two buses arrived one belonging to class 1-A and the other for class 1-B.
"Who are these guys!" ,-said a very obnoxious character in the distance and then stopped.
Everyone turned around seeing this loud figure already mad. Izuku made eye contact.


"Who?" ,-said Izuku confused. Feeling uneasy he grabs his electric staff, just in case.

"Why are you HERE!!!" ,-said this blonde spiky hair pissed off student, while small explosions want off on both of his hands.

"Hey! Hey! back off little buddy!" ,-said Eddy activated his quirk, feeling hostility from this guy. From two volatile personalities, one with a great horrible sense of pride, and the other is willing to take down his terrible foe.

"You two settle down." ,-said a much older man a teacher that looks sleep-deprived. They both looked at the man. Suddenly both of their quirks disappeared?

"Shi—" ,- the angry kid

"What?" ,-said Charlie surprised

"Bakugo don't start any more fights." ,-said the teacher, "Mr. Aizawa teacher from class 1-A," ,-he said.

Nora, Izuku, and Robin noticed immediately who he was. "Eraserhead." ,-all three of them thought looking at the pro-hero in person.

"We are part of class 1-X, we will be using the same transport." ,-said Lukas.

"Go ahead." ,-he said holding down Bakugo
"I don't know the Principal is thinking, but let's see where this leads up too." ,-Mr.Aizawa thought as he waits for the rest of his students.

Class 1-X went inside the bus, the driver was a robot program to drive to its destination.
"I'll take the back seat!" ,-said Eddy jumping in the back seats.

"Where's the nearest exit." ,-said Owen seating in the last exit in the back of the bus.

"Settle down." ,-said Izuku making Eddy sit up straight.

"Damn bastards, are here too." ,-said Bakugo entering the bus still annoyed. Soon more students from class 1-A started boarding the bus as well.

"Thank goodness we don't have someone like that right? Right, Eddy?" ,-said Charlie

"Right....right." ,-said Eddy as he felt a villainess presence coming from Charlie smiling for the first time. Everyone else in 1-X where slight shocked as well.

"Woah they have quite an interesting group." ,-said Nora as she noticed as well as the rest. That being the different types of quirks even some mutant quirks can be seen.

"There must be a reason why they are in the hero course." ,-said Izuku

"Hey, where's the other class going?" ,-asked Owen looking back at the other bus.

"Not sure, but they are headed somewhere." ,-said Lukas trying to give a half answer.

As more students filled in the bus, they noticed their presence. For some reason, they didn't notice at first.

In front of the bus, a tall guy with blue hair asked formally to Eraserhead who they were.

"Calm down, lower your voice they are class 1-X." ,-said Mr. Aizawa closing his eyes.

"Class 1-X?" ,-the student repeated.
Eventually, the robot driver started the engine in route towards the USJ facility.

"Finally!" ,-said Eddy taking out his phone.
Everyone started doing their own things in the meantime.Izuku has been calculating multiple strategy's with the quirks involved with his classmates as well as his comrades.

40 minutes later the bus stops, they have reached their destination. Izuku and the group went ahead from 1-A. They didn't want to hear the dialogue and wanted to get into the action.
Eventually, everyone entered the facility, as he scans the surrounding platform, class 1-A comes through along with pro Space Hero Thirteen. Which wore a special type of white and grey space suit.

"Something doesn't feel right." ,-said Robin as his quirk self activated, looking around in every direction.

"Everyone makes a circle!." ,-ordered Izuku. Everyone quickly follows through the command.

"Let's head back". ,-said Lukas as Izuku took out his combat rifle.

"Shit!....." ,-said Eddy as a huge purple portal appeared in front of them. Everyone was confused as to why this portal is doing here.

*Most of the 1-A students started to panic as the villains started to appear from the portal.*

Izuku took at his weapon and started aiming at the villain's legs. "11 mags" ,-he said counting his ammo 11x30=330 bullets. Robin also took his stun rifle out.

The villains soon started marching up to them, "Defeat these brats!" ,-said a random attacker as more and more thugs continued to pass through the mysterious portal.

"For the Republic!" ,-yelled Eddy activating his quirk and takes down two villain thugs with his hardened crystal strength.

"What?" ,-said Lukas confused while Izuku and Robin where the next ones to counter-attack the villains.

"I just wanted to yell that." ,-said Eddy retreating back to the bottom of the main exit stairs.

"They're closing in!" ,-yelled Robin and his rifle started to overheat as he shoots out 120 per minute. At an accuracy of 78%.

On the other hand, uses a combination of close quarter combat with his staff and his combat rifle when the enemy is far away. With an accuracy of 98%, he can't waste a single bullet.

Eraserhead jumped into the battle and started using his steel scarf taking down the invaders left, right, center.

"Woah." ,-said Robin clearing out his section from villains.

"Wait, I don't see the portal guy!" ,-said Charlie looking for the missing mysterious mist guy.

"Shit!" ,-said Eddy looking behind him. The portal man thing has appeared behind class 1-A in the entrance.

"Midoriya and Robin cover us." ,-said Lukas as the rest went to the top to try and take care of the portal problem.

"Copy that!" ,-said Izuku shooting down and crippling 10 enemies at a time.

"Let's see, what some electric slap bitches!" ,-said Robin letting his adrenaline go through his body and quirk.

"Huh?" ,-said Izuku confused by that statement but continued shooting.

"Damn, this is only our third day in school." ,-said Eddy using his mix martial arts and self-defense.

"I guess this is what happens when you are in the experimental hero course?" ,-said Robin still shooting.

"I don't have a weapon!" ,-said Owen empty-handed looking helplessly.

"Owen here!" ,-yelled Robin throwing his stun rifle.

"Thanks." ,-said Owen catching the stun rifle. Concentrating activating his quirk and aims while retreating up the stairs.

"Pass me the staff!" ,-said Robin fighting barehanded for a few seconds.

"Coming!" ,-said Izuku throwing the staff across the battlefield.

"Hell yeah!" ,-said Robin grabbing and starts spinning the electric staff knocking down three thugs.

Locations: Robin on defense using the electric staff on his left side on the bottom of the stairs.Izuku on the defense using his combat rifle disabling the enemy to his right. Eraserhead attacking the wave of multiple attackers at a time. Eddy is in between Robin and Izuku fighting off the incoming thugs that passed throw Eraserhead and swinging violently.

While Owen, Nora, Charlie, Lukas headed up the stairs towards class 1-A. But there were three seconds too late, the warp guy had already transported more than half the class somewhere. Owen used the taser rifle aiming at the mist villains.

Two shots missed and one hit.
"Argh!! Little boy." ,-said the warp villain now he is angry. He charged towards the four new victims.

They disperse while the warp guy missed his charge. "Enough playing games...what?" ,-he was cut off guard as Space Hero Thirteenth used his quirk Blackhole from the fingers.

"Got you."

"No you caught....yourself." ,-said the villain making a portal behind Thirteenth using the quirk against the user.

The portal guy used his quirk sending the black hole back towards Thirteenth from behind.
"No......." ,-said Thirteenth falling to the ground with half of his suit broken.

"Who's that guy?" ,-asked Nora to one of the students.

"Kurogiri I think?" ,-said a very frighted brunette girl shaking from terror.

"You heroes are wea—"

*Blinding* - Lukas
*Stealth* - Charlie
*Hidden* -Nora
*100 percent alertness* -Owen

In the middle of his sentence, Lukas used Blinding from sunlight coming from the skylight above the faculty and blinded the warp villain.

"You with the engine, call for help." ,-said Lukas noticing he a speed type hero.

"I can't leave my friends." ,-he said

"Your the fastest one here, go while we take care of this guy." ,-said Lukas

"But the doors are locked?"

Lukas sends a few concentrated light rays destroying the main entrance.
"Not anymore." ,-he said blinding the villain again.

"The hell!" ,-said Kurogiri in pain.

In a second Charlie and Nora disappeared and started punching and swinging aimlessly hoping to hit something. Thanks to that Owen got a clear view of the metal reflecting off the sunlight and took two shots. It hit its target.

"Ahh!!...enough of this." ,-said the villain warping out from the area.

Kurogiri warps back to his leader in the back.
"Have you taken care of the heroes?" ,-asked the light blue-ish villain leader.

"Shigaraki, yes Thirteenth has been disabled but one of the children escaped." ,-said Kurogiri slightly injured.

"Dammit!! This is not going as planned. I had enough Nomu kill him." ,-said Shigaraki ordering the Nomu a huge modified almost not human killing machine. To kill Eraserhead right there and then.

"Arhhhhh!!!!!!" ,-the horrifying bird muscle thing screamed and rushed the top hero in seconds slamming him to the ground shattering bones in the process.

Who is going to save you now?" ,-said Shigaraki making a smile.


Izuku has been burning through the rounds. "90 left." ,-he said reloading leaving two more. The smell of gunpowder, sweat, and iron reminded him of the previous incident in the woods.

"Shit!" ,-said Eddy upper cutting another thug.

"We need help!" ,-said Robin getting fatigued after fighting wave after wave of thugs.

He looked in the distance as Mr.Aizawa stopped moving then he was on the ground as a giant bird beast was on top of him.
"Eraserhead needs our assistance!" ,-said Izuku

"Going!" ,-said Lukas sewing off the engine kid in the distance. "Help will arrive soon." ,-he thought heading back into the fight.

All four of them head back, while the reaming of class 1-A trying to treat the fallen hero.

"Need to be on the offensive." ,-said Eddy

"Got it, everyone one stay back!" -said Izuku taking out his two smoke grenades, and 2 frag grenades.

*💥Boom!!!💥* *💥Boom!!!!💥*

It cleared out most of the thugs, Izuku stopped thinking like a hero and went to his soldier survival mode.

"Charge!!!!" ,-yelled Eddy soon the rest of 1-X joined in.


*A few seconds before*
"I wonder what if feels like not having an arm?" ,-said Shigaraki as the Nomu followed orders breaking Eraserhead's left arm.

He tried erasing the mutant bird's quirk but that just angered it, breaking his other arm.


"It seems you don't need legs am I right? Nomu breaks his legs." ,-ordered Shigaraki while the Nomu steps over his legs shattering them apart.

"Haha haha...I have the power." -he thought

*💥Boom!!!💥* *💥Boom!!!!💥*

"What?" ,-he said concerned as all his army of thugs has been wiped out.

Soon followed by smoke covering the battlefield.
"Heat vision." ,-Izuku activated his helmet switched modes to thermal sight and aims where the blue-haired villain was standing.

*Trrrr!!! Trrrr!!!!*

Izuku takes 5 shots three hitting Shigaraki in the knee cap and Owen hits shocking him.
"A... Nomu kill everything." ,-said Shigaraki as he sees seven shadows coming through the smoke.

"Time to beat down this bitch!" ,said Eddy ready with his fists out.

"Eddy, Robin close combat. Izuku and Owen medium gun range. Charlie and Nora stealth attacks. I will come from above. Let's go!" ,-ordered Lukas ready to fight.

*Light Ray*
"Hopefully this works." ,- said Lukas as the blinding only stunned it did a second and the light ray sliced off one of the creatures arms.

"Ha...nice try, but that won't work. Nomu has super regeneration." ,-said Shigaraki telling him of his quirk while it regenerated a new arm.

"Fuck." ,-said Eddy reinforcing himself with more crystal layers. "This is going to be annoying." ,-he said charging in alongside Robin.

They both hit the Nomu a few times, but it seemed unfazed by it.
"It also has shock absorption." ,-he added recovering behind Kurogiri.

With a few swift moves, the Nomu knocked out both Eddy and Robin in one go.

Izuku's helmet sends an alert and prepared his ballistic shield for impact. In seconds the Nomu punches Midoriya sending him flying towards the fountain.

"Retreat!" ,-said Lukas retrieving Eddy and Robin.

Owen stopped firing from fear, Nora notices this and takes the stun rifle away.

"Get moving!" ,-yelled Nora shooting at the Nomu stopping it for a few minutes.

Back to Midoriya laying inside the fountain.
"What? Where am I?" ,-said Izuku while his helmet said critical. He tries looking around but there's only water around him. "I need to get out." ,-he thought slowing lifting himself up. "It's shallow?" ,-he said confused reaching the surface. He takes another look around he landed right on the fountain. A quarter of the shield broke off, his systems were somewhat intact. He can't find his combat rifle, so he takes out his dual pistols under his armor.

"It's not over, magnetic charge." ,-he said extending his arm out. His electric staff still laying in the ground soon it was sent flying towards Izuku. Both his staff and his left arm have a magnetic field attracting both items.

"Midoriya they are both knocked out cold." ,-said Lukas carrying Eddy and Robin back.

"It's getting closer!" ,-yelled Nora as the Nomu kept approaching faster and faster.

Suddenly a wave of ice sends off the Nomu flying in the opposite direction.

"Ice!" ,-said Owen helping out Lukas moving Eddy and Robin up the stairs.

*Charging Power Up*
Izuku felt a sudden increase in power, and notice the Nomu getting up.

"Hey use your ice and trap the villain for a few seconds." ,-said Midoriya the ice user looked like the thought of it for a moment and then nodded.

This sudden teamwork was their last chance to take down the Nomu until help arrives.

The ice user traps the creature for a few seconds but breaks free. "No good." ,-he thought backing up.

"What's your name?",-asked Izuku trying to capture the Nomu

"Creed." ,-they both introduced themselves.

The Nomu rushed in ready to swing at Todoroki, but Izuku jumped in intercepting taking the hit along with sending the devastating discharge.
*☢️Nuclear Fusion☢️*

Izuku sends out a purple flame with heat around 100 million Kelvin approximately 6 times hotter than the core of the sun in a controlled environment.

Almost killing the Nomu, instead it was paralyzed from the intense heat that prevented the creature to regenerate.

"The fuck, this heat! Get me out!" ,-ordered Shigaraki as the purple flame was headed their direction, still bleeding.

"Right away." ,-said Kurogiri warping out form the facility.

The fight was so intense, most of the thugs that were still conscious on the ground didn't want to get in the crossfire. And those who were moved the fuck out of the way.

He went flying once more this time he was sent to the rocky mountain environment. Body slamming a buff electric villain user, knocking him out in the process saving three more 1-A students.
*Helmet breach detected*
*Upper body damaged*
* Initialing Auto repair systems *
Izuku was laying in the dirt with pieces of rocks on top of him. His suit switch to survival mode.

*Warning!* *Warning!* *Warning!*
*Medical analysis activated*
*Internal bleeding, 4 broken ribs, multiple fractures across the body, severe head trauma, bruising, increased blood pressure.*
*Activating first aid* *User going into shock*
*Activating Defibrillator*
*Shocked delivered*
*User stable, starting surgery*
*Injecting morphine*
*Medical scan activated*
*Delivering Experimental Vial*
Izuku's suit has a built-in medical A.I to help with any injury the soldier may receive on the battlefield. Now only time will tell of his recovery.

(Pabaxel: tired......Zzzzz)

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