Rebelious Relations (Benicio...

By The_Masked_Creator

13.1K 383 247

Cover created by thelostmoongazer. Taken away at birth under the order of a mob boss, (Y/n) found herself bei... More

Taken at Birth
Meeting Him
Getting Ready
A Bodyguard!? Seriously?!
Authors Note: 1/20/2023

Years Later

2.3K 75 76
By The_Masked_Creator

(No one's Pov)

"Oof!" was all that came out when two big, muscular men tossed you inside the front door of your house. You were just caught after you tried to sneak out of the house, again. Though 'not' to your surprise, you were caught as you almost made it a couple of miles away from that hell hole house. You immediately took off upstairs and locked yourself in your room. Your adoptive mother thanked the two for bringing you back as your father stomped upstairs to deal with this.

"Goddamnit Monica Lee! (Don't worry, this is just a temporary name until you and Benicio are reunited). Get your ass out of that room this instant!!" Your adoptive father yelled as he banged on the locked door that you took shelter behind in your 'creatively' designed room. Wall to wall was filled with posters of your favorite band, along with some other questionable things that your adoptive parents didn't particularly like. Located on the full sized bed in the corner of the room, was a certain rebellious teenager known as 'Monica Lee Johnson'. She had just gotten home from a party that she had snuck out too, like some parents in this day and age, hers were quite strict when it came to a lot of things.

"Why should I?! You're just gonna try to rip me a new one with that damned Bible of yours!" you yelled back at him, turning up the radio you had playing in your room in an attempt to block him out. The banging on the 15 year olds' door increased in volume. The adult on the other side fumed with rage. "THAT'S IT!! I'M TAKING THIS DAMN DOOR DOWN!!!" his voice boomed, surprisingly louder than your radio.

Your eyes had widened with fear at the sound of that announcement, you turned the radio up to its' max volume, grabbed your backpack, then ran over to your window. Mind you, you're on the second story of the building. You opened it and stuck your head out of it, looking down and then to the sides. When you turned your gaze to the left, there was a ladder up against the wall from the painting company that was there that day to paint the house. "Oh thank god." you mumbled to yourself as you slinked your arms through the straps of your backpack and proceeded to hop up on the windowsill and balance yourself on the flower bed hanging from it. Thank goodness you were relatively light, being the 5'0'' teen you were, it seemed to prove helpful sometimes.

A loud 'BANG' came from behind you as your adoptive father kicked the door to your room down. And ohhh booy did you almost shit yourself at the sight of the adult steaming with pure rage. Almost as if your body moved on its' own, you quickly leaped over to the ladder and landed on it by mere chance. You gripped on to it with your life as it wobbled back and forth, you didn't have time to let it settle completely so you proceeded to slide down it at lightning speed. Once you reached the bottom, you booked it like a bat out of hell. The ladder fell as you hopped the fence.

By now it was getting late, you had managed to make it to the outskirts of the town. At this rate, you would have been caught already by that damned mafia. To your surprise, nothing has happened yet. "Maybe I actually escaped those bastards-" The literal second you said that, it was instant karma for you because that's when a car rolled up right beside you as you were making your way down the sidewalk. The window of the passenger seat was rolled down slowly to reveal your adoptive mother, your father in the driver seat, and your older brother in one of the back seats. "Get your ass in the car missy." Your father broke the silence with a demanding tone. You simply gave him a look as you continued walking. "And if I don't?" you spat with venom. He let out a low growl. "Then that's the longer you'll go without food." he threatened. "It's not like you'll catch me, you'll break a hip trying to do so old man." you quickened your pace along the sidewalk.

"C'mon sis, just get in the car-" your brother was cut off when you shot him a glare. "Do NOT call me that! I don't know if you've checked lately, but you all are humans, and I am a toon! Some kind of devil toon at that! I am pretty far from being human so it's clear as day to see that I'm adopted. So why do you continue to try to keep me around?!" you stopped in your tracks. "All I want to do is find my REAL family, why must you try and keep me from that?!? You MONSTERS!!" with that, you ran off, turning a sharp corner. They didn't follow you though. "You're not gonna follow her dad?" The boy asked the driver. "No.. We'll just make a phone call." He said as he drove away from the scene back to their home.

It was the next day, you had ended up sleeping on a bench at a bus stop. Not that you were complaining, it's better than spending another second with that damned so called 'family'. You slowly woke up, sat up, and stretched. Earning a few cracks from your back, must've slept on the wrong side. "Now, where the hell does someone go to find their family? Hm.. Can't go to the police, they're probably looking for me. I gotta keep a low profile from those damn mafia boys too. This isn't leaving me many options." you stood up from the bench and began to walk, where are you you may ask? Who knows, all you know is that you have to keep moving. No matter where it is, you have to get there. You were determined to find your birth family.

Not too far from your location, almost a week later, there was a party in Moonmans' Bar (idk if that's the name of it, please correct me if I'm wrong). Men clanging their bears together in celebration for their successful heist. "C'mon boys! Let's celebrate! Drinks on me!!" the demon boss preached over the roaring crowd of his men. Everyone was enjoying themselves as the celebration at the bar continued.

The party had lasted until late that night. "You gottaa frie- *hic* end in me!" a few drunken men sang together, arms wrapped around each others shoulders as they swayed side to side. The boss on the other hand, was sitting on a stool at the bar, chatting away with Moon as he cleaned glasses. "And that's when we made our big get away." Benicio spoke with a toothy grin. "Quite impressive, I wouldn't expect anything less from you Benicio." Moon said as he placed the few cleaned glasses away. The demon downed the rest of his drink and placed the glassware on the bar. "I think I'm done for the night, hopefully I don't have too bad of a headache later-" he was cut off by the sound of a scream heard from outside, he perked up to this. "What the..?" Moon began as he turned Benicios way, resting his elbows on the bar top. "That better not be your boys roughing around my customers or so help me-" it was his turn to be cut off by a gunshot ringing out. The boss stood up from his seat on the stool and fixed the collar of his dress shirt. Afterwards he headed for the exit, grabbing his gun from his waistband. "What about-" "Just put it on my tab Moon!" He cut the bar owner off as he exited the building. Leaving the passed out drunks to their own business.

(Benicios Pov)

     Once outside, another gunshot rang out. I followed the sound and was lead to an alley way where I was met with two silhouettes roughing around, one was quite noticably shorter than the other(that's you). The shorter one seemed to have gotten the gun out of the others' hand and was about to shoot them with it, but then the taller figure slammed them against the wall and held their wrists above their head. They dropped the gun. "You're not goin' anywhere little lady~ hehe, my boss wants me t' escort ya back t' his place. But I think I'll have some fun with ya since we've got some time to spare~" purred a deep males voice, more than likely from the taller figure. "Like hell you will ya perv! I ain't goin' back to that hell hole! And you certainly can't make me!!" A sassier, female voice snapped back at him. Struggled and kicking the man, he didn't take this lightly. He pulled her away from the brick wall, just to slam her against it once more, harder this time. "I like 'em feisty, but you are just a handful, ain'tcha darlin'~?" he mentioned, leaning down towards her attempting to make a move on this now limp figure. Damn, she must've hit her head hard. I'm not gonna just stand by and let this happen to some innocent lady. I aimed my pistol at the man. "Ey, bucko, I'll make this easy for ya. Let the lady go and you can walk your happy ass home scot-free." I offered, giving this guy a chance to escape the ass woopin' I'm about to give him. "Or what? You gonna tell on me pretty boy?" Welp, you can't say I didn't give him a chance.

(No One's Pov)

     With that, the demon shot the guys' foot, making him let go of the female, she collapsed onto the ground. Benicio didn't give this guy the chance to grab the gun on the ground, he put his in his waistband and proceeded to beat the living shit out of the guy. Afterwards he hoisted him over his shoulders and tossed him in the dumpster. He then turned towards you. You seemed to be unconscious, and you had a small gash on the back of your head along with a cut on your cheek. Not to mention bloodied knuckles from defending yourself. He picked you up bridal style. "Don't worry miss, I gotcha." He mumbled, he then made a phone call.

     You woke up. "Mmn.. huh..?" You murmured, finding yourself strapped to a chair in an empty room. "Wh-What..?" You become completely aware by now, you hear two voices outside of the door. Looks like you can't really escape through there. You turn your attention to your hands which were tied behind you, trying to shuffle them out of their bindings. "Come on alread-" you were cut off by the sound of the door opening. You turn your gaze back around and you are met with an tallish malw toon, he looked a little aged. Then there was an even taller wolf toon. The both of them looked down at you, paying attention to your features, such as your eyes, your (h/l) hair and your devil horns. "It's rude to stare." You spoke at a low tone. The two of them snapped back into reality and the man spoke. "What's your name kid?" He asked, raising a brow. "Noneya'" you replied. "Noneya'?" He questioned. "Noneya' business" you spit on the ground just at his feet. "Why you little..!" He rolled up his sleeve. "Try me old man!" You exclaimed, looking up at him dead in the eyes. The two of you share a glare that could slice through diamonds. The wolf was taken back by this. "Let's calm down here, look. We're just trying to figure out who you are so we can help you return to where you came-" you cut him off. "NO! I'm NOT going back! You can't make me!!" You helped, eyes widening. The older man straightened his posture and placed his hands in his pockets. "Why not, don't you wanna go home to your motha' or somethin'?" He spoke up. "Like hell I do! I'll die before I go back." You said, laying back in the chair and avoiding eye contact.

     The wolf and old man share a look, and then turn their attention back on you. "I'm Boris, and this here is my pal, Barry. We're members of an elite mob, we're a couple of the top dogs around here." He explains. "Did she pay you to do this?" You asked. They gave a confused look. "Who's "she" kid?" Barry asked. "My adoptive mother, more like 'fatass witch' if ya ask me. Hmph.." you huffed. "That bitch wants me to come home more than a junkie wants Florida snow (cocaine). All she wants is to keep me from my real family, selfish bitch.." you mumbled the last part. The two were just at a lost for words, they just couldn't seem to come up with something to say to that. "Desperate much.." Boris mumbled. "Anywho back on track. We've told you our names, now what's yours kid?" Barry asks. It took you a moment but you eventually gave in. "Monica.. now tell me, when are ya gonna let me go?" You asked in return. "Whenever we think you won't just run off, cause it seems you don't have a plan. Let alone any idea of what you're doing." Boris stated, pointing out some facts. "What of it? Do you really think I'd be so stupid?" You implied, somewhat offended. "Eh.." Barry tilted his hand side to side, a little iffy about the statement. "Don't you test me pops!!" You growled, glaring at the old man. "You don't have any room to talk short stack!!" He returned the glare, holding up a fist. You gritted your sharp teeth showing. "'Short stack'?!!? Oh you're asking for it now!!-" you were cut off. "Guys, guys. Calm down! There's no need for this!" Boris exclaimed.

     Meanwhile, with bickering in the background from you and Barry, past the glass 'mirror' in the room a conversation went on between a few members of the mob. Including a certain demon. "Her name is supposedly 'Monica', I don't believe it but it's what we've got for now." One investigator said. "That still doesn't explain why the hell she was getting mixed up with one of 'those' guys! They got claim over the other side of town, did she piss'em off or something?" Another questioned. Whilst these questions filled the room, Benicio starred through the glass with a serious/curious look on his face, arms crossed. For him, everything became mumbles and fuzzy sounds as he focused his gaze upon you. Your facial features, your hair, and even your body type. These observations threw up red flags in his mind. Something about you, he can't put his finger on it, but something is so familiar. This train of thoughts was cut off when a woman with short, curly hair and big circle glasses bursts into the room holding a couple of binders filled to the brim. "B-BOSS, BOSS! You wont believe what I-" she tripped over her own two feet. Quickly, the demon caught her as her things fell to the ground. "Woah woah woah, Chrissy dear, slow down." He said, putting her back up on her feet and bending down to grab her things and return them to her. "Now, what is it?" He asked calmly. The girl fixed her cockeyed glasses and began. "Th-This girl, her name is M-Monica Lee, she's 15 years old. Born at (random hospital name) hospital. Sh-She also-" he held a finger to her plump, purple colored lips. "Did you just say..(hospital name)?" He spoke in a low tone. "Y-Yes sure, that's what worries me.. look at her, she l-looks like.." "I know... But there isn't any chance, my daughter died at birth along with her mother 15 years ago. There isn't any use of going over that stuff agai-" Christina pulled his hand away from her face and spoke up. "It's her.. I know right now you may not believe it, b-but if you just give me one moment of your t-time to show you my findings on her, you'll see that it's almost 100% accurate." She explains as she clears a table and opens up her binders with papers in them and places them there. She then proceeds to explain what she found, flipping through multiple pages. Benicio slightly leaning over her shoulder looking at all of it. "I know I didn't get permission, but I took a small DNA sample from her and you secretly while she was passed out. I ran them through my computer and the results say it's a 100% match!" She looks at you through the glass and then back up at the demon. "That girl.. she's your daughter sir.." she spoke softly. Benicio walked closer to the glass and starred once more at you strapped in the chair. Boris and Barry were in the corner mumbling to themselves. He had placed a hand on the glass, getting slightly choked up as he looked into your eyes. He didn't get a good look at you earlier that night since it was pitch black outside, but now.. he could see all the ways you looked like your mother and him.


     "I want to meet her."

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