Who Will Escape?

De BRryyyan

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Based on Escape the Night by Joey Graceffa on YouTube Art belongs to: Diana Irimie on DeviantArt Mais

Being Invited (Update)
Appearances (pt.1)
Appearances (pt.2)
The Masquerade Ball
The Plan
A Life for A Life
The First To Go
Onto The Next Gem
Working Together
Ones Life In Another's Hands
The Ungodly Machine
A Moment For The Jazz Singer
Time To Meet Her
Into A Tangled Web
Devious Spiders
Which Girls Will It Be?
Spider Dance
Rest In Peace To The First Three
Get Ready For Battle
The Helmet To War
Against Each Other
Lost The Game
Scoop and Check
Hansel and Gretal
Chocolates, Gingerbread House, and Candy Trails
Gingerbread Woman
The First To Finish The Sweets
Someone Must Be Slained
The Tales Of Mermaids
There's Bodies In The Pool
Pointing the fingers
Build The Right DollHouse
The Three To Follow After
Return From The Rhymes
The Guardian's Out
Running and Distracting
The Carnival Is In Town
The Firsts In The Carnival
The Clowns Here Kill
The Adventure Of The Detective and The Engineer
Arcade Games
The Clown's RV
Round and Round' We Wish We Didn't Go
Here They Come To The Rescue
Off To The Disco
Zero G-Man
Partners Yet Again
Clowns Like Knives
An Extra At The Meeting
Finding The Password
A Cure For The Snake Woman 's Venom
TroubleMaker Will Make Trouble
Venomous Bite
A Body Fell From Above
Dividing Into Teams & Starting The Hunt
Red Lights And Severed Fingers
Which Names Will Fight The Man Without One
Find His Name And Yours Lives Another Day
Someone Isn't Telling The Truth
Who Has The Most Strength
Man That's Strong Like A Demon
JailBreak And Artifact Pieces
Strength Against Strength
Enjoying A Drink & Out To The Merry-Go-Round
The Acts Of Torture.
The Twin Dolls Wanna Play
The First Two Tests
Time To Find The Blood Doll
The Blood Test and Lazurus Coin
The Maiden Of Madness
Someone Must Be Sacrificed
Into The Maiden Of Madness
Returning Player
Welcome To The FunHouse
Willie's Coming For Ya
Deciding Who Goes In
One Last Twist
The Last To Die In Everlock (For Now...)
More Bodies Fall
Who Will Play The Peverse Games?
Death Journal
Onto The Next
Heros Of The Prophecy?
Torhild The Undying
The Path Of Betrayal
Who's Turn Is It To Go
Pointless Sacrafice
War Again?
Bullets Shot Away
Experiment 277200
Who Will Watch The Other Die
Taking One For The Team
A Voice From Beyond
The Seance
Digging Someone's Grave
The One To Be Buried Alive
Down To The Basement Yet Again
Holy Water and Rosary
The Two Exorcists
Trust In Me
The Professors Guilt, Moving On
Help! They're Gonna Burn Him!
Reverse The Three Spells
Get The Ingredients To Help The Pig Man
From The Grave, We Bring You Back
Cursed, Are You As Well?
Wicked Witches
The Last One Who Is Sacrificed
Sort Of Like The Big Red Button
Watch Where You Step
The Automaton Bride
Who's Heart Won't Make It
Golden Heart
Hear The Howls?
Hide and Seek
No Vote. Just Run.
Who's In Control?
Breaking Free
Rings, Rings, Rings, Rings
Who's My Opponent
You Decide How This Ends
From Another World. The One and Only. The Devourer
Be Smart, Be Quick, And Make Sure You Last
Yes? Is This Hell? I'd Like A Word Or Two
A Familiar Face
Joining Your Friends
The Final One Left. Vincent Welles
Swamp Man Vs. Zombie
Guess The Riddle, Or You'll Be Sliced
The Mad Must Feel The Volts
I'll Follow You Into The Dark
We Did It, We're Going Home...
The Final Showdown
It's Almost Sunrise
It's Time
Closer To Home, But Didn't Make It
Epilogue: For They Shall Rest

Old Foes

7 1 0
De BRryyyan

"Go!" Trey screams, and the three teenagers run from the snarling werewolf.

"Over dinner!" Alexis keeps repeating. "Over dinner!"

Amarie's beginning to panic. "Oh my god! Go! Go! Go!"

The run in different directions again. Alexis ends up on the staircase, watching Trey run around the yard. "Come on Trey." she whispers. "Trey. Trey."

"Atticus, bring them to Daddy!" shouts the distant voice of Cash.

"Oh," murmurs Alexis, her stomach bubbling with fear. "I hate this so much."

Atticus howls.

That's when she hears a hissing of sorts. Then soft, but yet intimidating footsteps, she looks around her to see nothing, but still the sound doesn't go away. Then she looks up. She screams as Jorogumo over takes her.

Alexis Captured.

Alexis's screams are heard by the other group. Consisting of Alec, Daniel, Octavia and Rita.
"I think that was Alexis!" Rita whispers harshly, clearly in a state of worry.

"What do we do?" Daniel asks, he feels pretty powerless right now.

Amarie makes a run for it, she runs past the harpy who's hot on her trail. She decides to risk her safety for Alexis's.
"Guys! They got Alexis! Save her ass!"

She's up the stairs in no time and runs right past the Promethean without even noticing him.

"Me and Danny can save Alexis. You two help the others find the symbols and break them." Alec looks at Rita and Octavia, they nod in agreement.
"Good luck."

They split up, because of course they do.

Again, it's not like there's strength in numbers or anything! But I mean I guess we do need to hurry a lot more now

Alec and Daniel run towards the building while Octavia and Rita try to follow the direction in which Amaries voice came from.

Amarie somehow manages to live and hides behind a bush along Trey.

If we die, then I mean at least we won't die alone.

Alexis is completely alone at this point, and she's terrified. "Guys!" she calls out, but no one answers her. She's tied up in the lounge and all she wants to do right now is cry. "Somebody...please save me..."

"Where'd they go?" shouts Cash.

In a desperate attempt to find their friends, Octavia and Rita dash out into the open. Fortunately, they aren't spotted, and manage to find their friends.

"Guys! Where's Alec and Danny?" Trey whispers harshly to the two girls.

"They went to save Alexis." Octavia replies quietly as she kneels down in the grass, next to everyone else.

Alec rushes up the staircase, Daniel by his side.

"The lounge!"

The boys spot Alexis tied up in the lounge, however, just as they're about to open the doors that Atticus came through earlier when he was a human, the Devourer pounds on the door scaring the boys.

Their screams gather the attention of the new harpy, who's claws are ready to end one of their lives. Just like Sarah's was by claws like those.

"Go! Go!" Daniel gives Alec a head start on running with a nice ol'push. The boys run away from the bird woman, hiding behind some columns.

"The Devourer needs to be distracted, and we need to be quick! Alexis is running out of time." Alec pants, trying to catch his breath.

"I'll distract, you go and get Alexis. Be quick!"

Before Alec could protest, Daniel runs right inside the estate, screaming the Devourer's name. It catches his attention right away, and Daniel runs off in a different, this allows Alec to run inside.

"Alec!" Alexis rejoices in happiness. He quickly shushes her, as he looks around then proceeds to untie her from the rope.

"Thank you!" She wraps her arms around him immediately, really grateful that he came to save her.

"Come on, we have to go before the Devourer catches Danny!" He grabs her hand and they make a break for it, Alexis trying her best not to fall.

"Wait!" Alexis tries to tell Alec that the second seal is inside, but they're outside before they know it. Daniel comes tumbling out of the estate, the Devourer lets out a mighty roar as it remains stuck inside the building.

"Fuck, I thought I was a goner." Daniel laughs nervously, dusting his hands off on his pants.

"The dining room!" Alexis fusses.

Why couldn't the boys listen to me!

"The second seal can only be discussed over dinner! We have to go to the dining room!" Alexis sighs, then Alec facepalms himself while Daniel's expression drops.

"We have to go back inside?..W-with the devourer?...ohhh no.." Daniel nearly slumps onto the ground.

That thing is still terrifying!

If we want to free Riley, we're going to have to go to the dining room and deal with whatever the crap is in there..

Of course, they have to get away from the lieutenants first.

"Give you guys a little warning shot!" Cash announces, and a gunshot rings through the air. He laughs.

Trey sees all three girls flinch.

Once silence returns, Trey remembers about the lieutenants that they haven't encountered in a while. "Where the fuck are these twin dolls? The snakewoman? There's so many here..."

"Where are they?" Rita clenches her hands together. She's becoming really worried about the others.

"Guys!" Alec stands on the balcony, motioning his arm toward the other four, making sure that he's in a spot where they can see him.

He's okay. He's still okay. Thank Jesus

He waves his arm. "We're up here."

"We're coming!" Trey screams, and he breaks into a sprint. This catches the other girls off guard who run right after him, almost stumbling though.

"Trey! I'm gonna best your ass!" Amarie screams, trying to keep her chest in place.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" screeches Alexis.

Daniel bites on his knuckle as he watches the others run towards them. "Be careful..."

"They'll be fine..." Alexis mutters.

But no sooner has she said that when Cash exclaims "A-ha! Come here!" and marches towards them, pistol at the ready.

Of course when I say something, THIS HAS TO HAPPEN

For a moment, Daniel expects the worst. All three of them duck out of sight.

However, thankfully, Trey, Rita, Octavia and Amarie make it to them alive.

"Get down!" Daniel tells him, and the group huddles together in a small corner of the stairs.

Alec points to a window, where the Devourer is visible. "He's inside the house, so any time we're in the house, he'll be there chasing us."

"So one of us should distract him." Daniel sighs.

"I can do it." says Rita.

I don't have much to lose anymore, its worth a shot

"You sure?" Alec asks, wanting Rita to be sure of the task shes about to take.

"Yes. I can distract him" she gives him a reassuring smile.

Alec's worry for Rita's safety isn't soothed when the Promethean arrives on the scene. Amarie, Rita, Alexis and Octavia hide behind the telephone booth from earlier, meanwhile, Daniel, Trey and Alec hang from the balcony and wait for him to pass by.

Once the Promethean is gone, they're back on track.

"We have to go in the dining room."

I don't want Rita to be facing the Devourer alone, but there's no other way for us to get inside. I can only hope she'll be okay..

"You got this.." says Alexis to Rita.

Sis I hope I do..

"If you hear me scream," she says breathlessly, "please come save me.."

"We will save you." Daniel assures her and she believes the Professor.

The six teenagers head off, leaving Rita at the task of distracting the Devourer. She dances in front of the window, her outfit swaying in the breeze, as the creature watches.

I look like a whole crackhead...

The clue said something about eating dinner, so i lead everyone to the dining room.

Once we get there, we find the second Leviathan seal, shining on one of the walls.

"The second seal," Amarie is trying to catch her breath from all the running. "Okay. Woah bitch. So what do we do?"

The room looks different than it did last time. It's littered with several varieties of soups.

There's even a human head on a platter, just great!

They find a giant dish at the center of the table, assuming that it's important, Alec whips off its lid. Inside is a dish full of cockroaches along with a note.

Octavia and Amarie scream.
"I'm tired of this shit!"
"Oh my god!"

Daniel goes ahead and grabs the note. Trey closes the lid because he doesn't want to look at the cockroaches anymore.

"Is there anything else in there?" Alexis asks sheepishly, against her senses, she reaches for the lid.

"No! Don't open that shit!" Octavia cries.

Daniel proceeds to read the note.

Welcome to dinner for the damned. The first course has just started, but no one has arrived. Can't let it get cold! The chef will be furious! Would you be so kind to at least swallow a spoonful of soup at every plate?

Daniel looks up from the note to the others, with a worried expression. Trey feels like he's gonna be sick. Alexis wants to cry. Amarie and Octavia are shaking their heads. Even Alec is questioning it.

Rita has just spent the past three minutes of her life playing peek-a-boo with a demonic creature from hell.

Honestly, I don't know how to feel about it

She taps on the glass. The Devourer leers at her.

Then, she hears the heavy footsteps of tue Promethean coming her direction. She runs for the telephone booth while also gesturing for the Devourer to follow her. (She's not really sure if he ended up following her.) She hides inside the booth. Her nervous breath mists the glass, shes doing her best not to freak out.

They said they'd save me...I believe them

She does her best to comfort herself as the Promethean approaches.

"You're fucking lying!" Octavia spits.

Nope. I aint doing it. I done a lot, but I am not touching these damn bowls that are supposedly soup. I'd rather risk death by the lieutenants than put taste this shit..

"Guys! Come on, we have to!" Daniel insists.

I dont want to do this either, but we have no choice! Come on you guys!

"If we all do it, we can do this way faster!" Daniel urges his friends.

Mountain shoes over here must not understand..There are body parts in. This. soup.

It's probably full of all kinds of diseases. We could die from this!

"I'm not eating this nasty fuckin' soup!"

"There's no time."

"Danny, not happening."

"I don't know about this one."

"Rita's waiting for us! She could be-"

Trey fishes out an eye from one of the bowls. "There's a fuckin' eyeball in this!"

"We have to be-"

The Devourer enters the room. Trey drops the eyeball, scurrying into hiding. "Get under the table!" he harshly whispers to Octavia.

Trey, Alec and Octavia huddle together under the dining room table. Daniel, Alexis and Amarie hide behind some curtains. Alec can hear Trey's breathing; he's clearly trying to keep himself calm.

Whatever happens, please don't let him find us.

The Devourer slams a hand against the table.

If he looks down, we're dead.

After prowling around the dining room for two minutes (but felt like twenty to the teenagers), the Devourer finally leaves. As soon as he's gone, Daniel gets right into action. "I'm going to close the door."

Alexis's face turns into a worried expression. "Wait, but what about Rita?"

Daniel quietly pulls the door shut.

"We have to be quick..." Alec finally agrees.

"We can't let that happen again." Daniel proceeds to grab a chair and uses it to barricade the door. "He is not getting in here."

Rita remains trapped in the phone booth, face-to-face with the Promethean. He puts his hands against the glass. She stares blankly back at him, unwilling to let him see any trace of fear, but on the inside, she's having a full on mental breakdown.

What if he gets me? What if they don't save me? What if this is the end for moi?

Everyone emerges from their hiding spots, they examine the array of soup bowls.

"Okay, Alec, Alexis and Octavia you get that side, Amarie, Trey and I get this side."

We gotta get it done.

"This looks so disgusting!" Alexis complains.

"Rita could be dead right now!" Daniel reminds her.


"You're right. You're right. You're right."

Just as Alec picks up a spoon, he can't get the Journalist out of his mind.

"We only have five minutes to save her if she's captured."

Since the Devourer showed up, that has to mean she failed to distract it, which could mean that she's been captured by one of the lieutenants.

To make matters worse, they all lost track of how long they've been in here.
Time might've already run out for Rita Herrera.

The group eats soup. It tastes just as bad as it looks, but Trey forces himself to swallow a spoonful from the plates that he's responsible for. He can hear Amarie, Alexis and Octavia gagging.

"Oh no," says Alec. "That's not good."

"This one has a fucking bone!" groans Amarie.

Daniel tries a taste of the next bowl in line, then makes a face of disgust. "Sour."

Amarie has some of the bone soup, then immediately coughs it back up.

This is ridiculous.

"Get a grip, girl!"

"This ain't easy!"

"Guys we're almost done! Quit arguing!"

They keep eating. Trey shudders at the taste, but he thinks of his dead friends then powers right on through. "We're so close."

The Devourer starts banging on the door.

Suddenly, everyone is grateful for Daniel's chair maneuver.

Rita peers at the Promethean through the window of the phone booth. She's trying her best not to think about what happened to her friend.
Go away, her soul pleads. Please, just go away.

Much to the Journalist's relief, he does.

Once the coast is clear, she sneaks out of the phone booth and runs inside. She can only hope that she finds the Devourer before he finds her friends.

"I think we're good." Daniel whispers to his friends. "I locked the door with a chair." He turns his attention back to one of the last soups.

"Let's finish this."

When Rita comes across the Devourer, he's at the door of the dining room. She waves at it with a toothy smile. "Hey, I'm in your house!"

He storms towards her.

"Come out of your house!" she giggles nervously as she makes her way back outside. "You guys! Hurry up!"

Just as she's about to run out the doors she hears what appears to be the noise of a machine shutting down and next thing she knows, an older man is charging at her. She screams like never before and makes a break for it, not caring if she pushes past any of the previous bosses.

She manages to hide behind a column, away from the sight of the mad man. He looks around then begins to trot around the premises. Her chest rises and falls as she tries to catch her breath, who in the hell was that?

It looked like a scientist to her. However, a mad one.

Scientist. Scientist. Scientist. Where have they faced a scientist before? Then it hits her. The man who created the contraption that took Cassidy Banks's life. He's the inventor of that god-awful machine.

The others heard Rita's screams.

"Is she okay?" Alexis whispers, becoming more and more worried.

Alex chokes down the final spoonful of horrible soup. "That's it." He wipes his mouth.

The seal is going to break soon...hopefully.

Rita's Devourer distraction efforts have proven dangerous, since now she's being chased down the hall.

I literally have no idea why I ran back inside, oh my god

"You guys!" she screams.

The dining room...I gotta get there before he gets me...

"I think homegirl got captured." Octavia gulps.

Daniel begins to say something, but Rita's screams of "I don't know what to do or where to go!" drown him out.

On second thought, she might still be free after all.

Either way, we have to get to her.

"It's gone!" Trey points at the wall where the seal once was.

As if their victory wasn't good enough, Rita walks into the dining room, still alive, clearly out of breath, but alive.

Sis, I might have an asthma attack

Alec perks up as soon as he sees her.
"Rita!" He hugs her and shows off a clue. "Look!"

"Yay.." she gasps, then she takes in her surroundings. "What is this?"

"This was a dinner.." says Daniel to Rota, gesturing to what remains of their awful meal. "The dinner we came for." The bitterness in his words is obvious.

"I think I just ran a mile.." pants Rita.

Alec sounds relieved. "Well, I'm thankful you're here. I thought you had died!"

"Thanks for coming to save me then!" she replies sarcastically.

"We just finished!" Trey responds, "just when you screamed."

The next seal is located in a place where a friend died in a invention that's not of God. You may have already come across the creator.

"The scientist!" Rita gasps again, resting her hands on her knees.

"Girl! Is you good?" Octavia asks, making a face of astonishment.

Rita shakes her head, but she continues to talk, or as best as she can. "It's-the...Ungodly machine...the scientist is-here..."

"He's here!?"

Everyone asks in unison, but before Rita could gasp out another word, the twins break in.

Back to fucking running it is!

They all scream yet again and run. Yet, again. The dolls are waving their knives around like the psychopaths they were acting like earlier.

Rita, Alexis, Alec and Daniel head downstairs while Trey, Octavia and Amarie run into another room upstairs, locking the door right behind them. Separating them once again.

The four running in the halls, hear the laughter of the dolls and pick up the pace even more. Once they reach the lounge, a harpy breaks through doors. The four make a run for it outside through another door.

Can we please stop being chased!!

I'm gonna pass out at this point.


I'm so tired....

Daniel happens to be one of the only ones to remember how to get to the basement so he leads the way. The Snakewoman and Benjamin jump out at the group, bug they manage to slip by the grasp of a snake and the swing of Benjamin's long arms.

"Where are they?" Trey mumbles as he looks out the window, but there's no sight of their friends anywhere. Octavia and Amarie sigh, glancing out the window as well.

Daniel kicks the basement door open. The other three almost stumble inside. Alec steps on Alexis's dress while Alexis steps on Rita's skirt, and the only person to fall onto the ground.

For a brief second, the others try not to laugh.

Honestly y'all, just leave me here, oh my god, how embarrassing..

"Let's go.." Rita pants, getting up off the ground and makes her way toward the Ungodly Machine. Then because of course the group can't catch a break, the scientist makes his return again. He charges at the group, pressuring them even more to get to their location. They reach the door to the Ungodly Machine, then proceed to rush inside while closing and blocking the door behind them.

The scientist pounds on the door, scaring the small group, but they finally have a chance to breath.

Then I see the next seal glowing on the wall..

"Guys.." Alexis steps forth toward the Ungodly Machine, her hands resting on the glass still full of smoke.

"Poor Cassidy.." Rita mumbles under her breath, she feels like she can still see her blonde hair through the smoke. Alec just stays silent as does Daniel.

Alexis spots a note, giving them their next instruction, so she does the honor of reading.

In order to break the third seal, you must kill the man that killed your friend. In the same way they died. Once he's inside the machine, pull the lever and the smoke will do the rest. However, you must not get touched by the scientist, if you do you'll get put into the Ungodly Machine and your life will be forfeited. Your friends will be able to save you, if they find the flashlight and shine it in his direction causing him to lose focus.

"We can still die?!" Rita shouts, clearly upset.

"How the hell are we supposed to get him inside without him touching us!" Alexis complains, as the banging on the door gets louder.

"I don't know!" Daniel replies back, clearly freaking out as well. He hasn't been face to face to death since the Path of Betrayal.

Then by some twisted fate, the scientist opens the door. He grabs the first person he sees and chaos breaks out. His laughter fills the room as he has his victim in a grip.

Alec and Daniel look frantically around for the flashlight, throwing things and dropping pieces of machinery everywhere. But they can't find it.

"Guys!" Alexis screams as the scientist opens the door of the Ungodly Machine. How crazy. Her best friend nearly died in this machine at the beginning of the night, and now she's gonna be the one to die in it. At least she'll see her friends soon.

Rita spots the flashlight on the ground, by the machine that Kyler and Bryan raced to complete earlier. Her hand grabs it right away, she flicks it on and she shines it on the scientist. The scientist lets the Fixer go as his hands race to cover his eyes.

Alec sees the opportunity right in front of him. He tackles the scientist into the gas tank, he stumbled back and closes the glass door.

"Danny! Turn it on!" Alec pleads as he holds the door shut to keep the Scientist from breaking free.

The Professor brings the contraption back to life, the tank fills of gas. The Professor bangs against the glass for a couple of seconds, before there's no more sound.

The seal breaks and their clue reveals itself.

Everyone stands still for a second. Alexis is taking a couple more to process that she isn't dead. Her only reaction is to hug Alec, and let out a muffled cry. He rubs her back as he tries his best to comfort her.

Daniel grabs their last clue and reads it out to the group.

The final seal lies on the water.

"We have to head back out." Rita mumbles, setting the flashlight down on the machine. For once tonight it feels like a really somber and dreadful time. However, the group is back on it, heading out of the lair of the Ungodly Machine.

The trio locked upstairs notices a new symbol appear on the pond that lies in the distance.

"Look! It's a new seal!"

"They must've broke the third one."

"We have to meet up with the others."

"There's the pool and the pond!" Daniel tells the group as they emerge from the basement.

"The pool.." says Alexis.

Rita nods. "It has to be the pool."

To be honest, Alec really isn't so sure about that. "It could also be the pond you guys?"

"That chick is there!" Octavia whispers harshly, once they reach the foyer. "The stupid crazy bitch is there." They find another route to get outside, quickly heading out that way.

"We have to go to the pool," hisses Rita.

"Yeah.." says Daniel. "Let's go."

Trey, Amarie and Octavia run down the patio, but are forced to go the other way when they encounter the Promethean again.

Cash is visible to Alec, Alexis, Rita and Daniel.

Why are they everywhere! Ugh!

The others hide in an alcove, but they can still see the back of the Promethean's head.

"Anyone around?" barks Cash. "I sure hope so. Cause I'm surely lonely." Veronica is by his side giggling in a malicious manner, baton ready at her hand.

The Promethean is dead ahead. Trey, Amarie and Octavia emerge from hiding spot and race past the robotic creature. As they run, the Promethean lunges for them, but only a well-timed jump saves them from capture.

"Run, run, run." Alec's voice doesn't have enough energy to shout anymore. To the pool!"

"No!" Trey hisses as they join back with the others, almost running right into them. The group is together once again. "Its the pound, we saw the seal from the second floor!"

"We need to stop with the splitting up!" Amarie mutters harshly, trying to catch her breath.

"Cash and Veronica!" squeals Alexis. She can see the Confederate general and the demon girlfriend from where they decide to hide. Right now, they can't see them, but she knows that it's only a matter of time.

"Come on." Trey starts running. "It's this way."

The other six follow, running for the pond.

"I hear whispers!" sneers Cash, his voice filled with malicious tendency. "I hear 'em too!" Veronica laughs.

The group rounds a corner, and Cash's triumphant "A-ha!" lets them know that they've been spotted.

Rota turns pale. "He's coming!"

"I got 'em!" cackles Cash. Soon the Twin Dolls and Lucy come out as well, dunning toward the group. They somehow manage to outrun them and hide within some bushes.

Alexis can still hear Cash's voice. "We know you're close!" he snickers. But soon their footsteps fade away, and they're free to leave the booth and continue their journey to the pond.

When they arrive at the pond, the fourth and final Leviathan seal shines on the water. Amarie is ecstatic.

We're almost done! Soon, we'll be able to free the Riley chick, and the fucking Sorceress will be stripped of her power.

She can't wait to see the look on her face when she realizes that they've defeated her.

They find a wooden chest under a nearby tree. Rita kneels down and reads the note attached.

I'm afraid this seal can only be broken by blowing the shit out of it. The trick is to take down the lieutenants at the same time. Place the dynamite in the pond and prep the detonator. Then, lure in the lieutenants and blow the seal. Good luck.

"Guys, this is the dynamite!" says Trey, picking up the chest. "It's in here."

"Well be careful with it!" Alexis protests, really worried. However, Alec and Daniel both order him to "throw it in," which he does. Amarie prepares the detonator. The trap has been set. It's time for them to capture the lieutenants' attention and if anyone can be loud as hell, it's Octavia Sullivan and Amarie Gaskin.


"Oh my god she said whores..." Octavia mutters under her breath then proceeds to join her bestfriend in screaming.




In no time at all, Cash, Atticus, Twin Dolls, Jorogumo, SnakeWoman, Lucy, Benjamin and Veronica, Clown leader and Harpy show up.
"Drop it!" Cash orders the group, pointing his gun at them. "Don't even think about it."

Amarie detonates the dynamite. Both the lieutenants are thrown backwards by the resulting blast of water. The seal is broken, and the majority of lieutenants are officially out of commission.

"We got it!" cheers Trey.

Alexis points to a purple light that's only a few feet away from them. "The treehouse! The treehouse is right here."

"It's unlocked." Amarie smiles and sighs. They're almost home. Soon, they'll be back in the modern world, and tonight will be nothing more than a painful memory...

Continue lendo

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"I don't remember much about what happened. All I remember was waking up in a coffin with the crown on my head." Joey Graceffa has survived two deadl...
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This is Escape the Night by Joey Graceffa and I added one of my oc's and there will be no romantic relationships in this series, just letting everyon...
100K 1.7K 11
Book One Yn Ln gets invited to a dinner party which ends up being a search for ancient artifacts to rid a house of evil. With people dying every few...