Silver Lining (Completed)

Par JoeArshi

351K 20.4K 18.1K

General Fiction They were poles apart. He is a football player who have anger management issues while she is... Plus

Author Note *New*
Songs & First Scene - Prologue
Chapter 01
Character Sketch
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61A
Chapter 61B
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Last Chapter
Bonus Chapter
Thank You Note

Chapter 35

3.1K 233 191
Par JoeArshi

Do comment and vote

Next day Arnav took Khushi to Salim's cafe.

"Baby, some local matches are coming. So I won't be here for two days." He said entwining their finger.

"Why are you doing this Arnav? You are again going away from me." She blasted at him.

"Baby it is unavoidable, I have to join this match."

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"One angel bewitched me so much that I forgot to mention that. I will be back before my angel's birthday." He teased her and tried to make her understand.

"Tell me how many matches you have in these 3 months?" She asked him.

"For this month, just this two. I'm not going to take any more matches outside for this 3 months, you happy with that?" He lightly squeezed her hand.

" I'm just sad. I know that football is your profession. Don't ignore me because of that." She said wiping her tears. He pulled her closer to him.

"Baby, it is for your betterment. Let me do this."

"I don't want all these money and things." Do it if it makes you happy and come back to me soon. I will miss my Arnav."

"I will be there to celebrate my angel's birthday."

"Okay, I will be waiting for you laadgovernor." She said with a smile.

"I won't miss it for my life. Come let's drop my baby home."

Arnav dropped her home and left to his next destination. He reached Panchgani and went near to David's farmhouse which is in a secluded area. For the next day he got busy in executing his plan and collecting things. He went to the club to see David that night.

"David, I have a good news for you." Arnav said cheerfully.

"What is it ASR? Did you got lucky with that cripple leg?" Arnav hide his anger and behaved normally.

"Man, she agrees to it. I'm planning to take her to your farmhouse tomorrow.
Would you like to join me in your farmhouse tomorrow night?" He asked winked at him. David got excited and handed him a glass of scotch.

"Why not, I will surely join you guys. Take some pills to spike her drinks, it will make everything easy."

"Sure, pills will come handy in some situations. Are you planning to come alone?" Arnav asked sipping the liquor.

"Yes, I don't want to share her for now." David replied taking a sip from his drink.

"That's great."

"Cheers for Raizada." David said raising his glass at him.

"Cheers." Arnav said clinking their glasses together.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow." Arnav said bye to him and is about to leave when David called him.

"Wait, here is the key of my farmhouse. Take this and have fun." Arnav showed his pocket so that David can put the key in it. He left after giving David a final look.

Arnav reached his friend's apartment where he is staying. He worn the gloves and took the key given by David. He placed it in his bag along with the other things.

Next day evening,
Arnav went to the farmhouse and parked his bike, hiding it in green bushes. He walked towards the farmhouse and opened the door while wearing a gloves.
He placed the bottles of alcohol on the table.  He waits for David after checking out the rooms.

Around 8 at night, David arrived there.

"ASR, why are you in this weird attire?"
David looked at Arnav who have worn a black pants and jacket along with black gloves.

"Welcome David." Arnav said hugging him lightly.

"Well, it's so cold here, so have to wear this." He said to David.

"Where is that girl?" David asked getting excited.

"She is in the room sleeping. Have some patience David."

"Haven't you started anything?"

"No, was waiting for you. I thought maybe you would like to join us." Arnav said casually taking a seat.

"Then why are you waiting now, let's do it ASR."

"Before that let's have some drink David." Saying this Arnav poured a glass of alcohol for David which later turned  into three glasses. Slowly David started to feet little tipsy.

"I want to ask something David?"

"What is it ASR?"

"What will you do if someone try to harm something that you consider precious?" Arnav asked the question.

"I will kill anyone who tries to snatch my belongings." David replied instantly.

"Is it right to do that?"

"Absolutely, our comfort comes first ASR."

"Can I kill you if you try to do that to me?

"Why are you asking this ASR? We should concentrate on that cripple girl now."

"If you dare to call her cripple again, you will curse your existence in the very next moment." Arnav warned him.

"Wow... much affection for her. Don't get attached to such good f***s."

"You have dug your own grave David.
Do you know what is the most precious thing in my life?" Arnav asked calmly.

"Money is the most precious thing in one's life ASR."

"For me, it is Khushi. She is mine. I can't even tolerate a single scratch on her skin. You and your friend have done a great mistake by hurting her."

"You and her?"

"Yes, she is my Khushi. You have to pay for hurting her." David gulped his saliva and tried to find his phone.

'Trying to find this?" Arnav showed his phone to him which he took from his pocket when he hugged him.

"Why do you need phone when you are going to join your friend whom you murdered for your own benefit?" David got spellbound hearing his secret from Arnav. It was David who had killed Vivian and framed it as a suicide.

"You must be wondering how do I know that?" David looked at Arnav with horrified eyes.

"It was me who had created the rift between you two. It was me who drove you to kill Vivian. Now don't tell me that you can't understand who is behind both of yours attack. That's was just a sample for hurting my Khushi." Arnav mocked him.

"You can't do anything to me b**t**d." David screamed in anger.

"So much of confidence, let's see what happens now." David tried to get up from the seat, but was unsteady.

"David, what do you prefer? Painful one or painless one?

"I prefer your b**** and will f*** her till she bleeds." The arrogance in him shouted at Arnav.

"Okay, let's bleed it then." Arnav took the alcohol bottle and walked next to David.
He pushed him to the sofa and caged him. He pushed the alcohol bottle into his mouth and closed his nose. David had to drink the bottle of alcohol forcefully.
He pushed arnav away but is in a half concious state.

"You deserves to bleed b****d." Arnav took the razor from his bag and walked towards the sofa. He placed the razor in between David's finger and made him cut his wrist vein. He whimpered in his intoxicated state.

"I wish I could torture you, but you see I cants take that risk. There is a girl waiting for me with lots of hope and I can't disappoint her." Arnav whispered in his ears.

He watch David laying on the sofa with his bleeding hand while he collected the things he needed. He waited there for sometime as he watch David's breath getting slower and slower. A pool of blood stained the white marbled floor. He placed some alcohol bottles near him and made David's fingerprints on the bottles. He took his bag and went to the back side. He get out through a window. He jumped off the wall and walked towards his bike which is parked far away.

Arnav throw away the glass used by David into some water body. He changed his dress and resumed his journey. He stopped at a place and stayed there for the whole night to escape from night patrolling of the police. He resumed his journey after sunrise. He went to his friend's apartment and washed everything.

Arnav took his phone which he didn't take with him and found missed calls from Khushi.

Khushi is in very bad mood because of her laadgovernor. Usually he would leave a message for her if he was busy
Yesterday she didn't get any reply from him.  She saw his call and decided to cut it. He again called her and Khushi cut his call. 

Arnav understood that she is angry on him and decided not to call her. She decided to take his call after noon, but he didn't call her during that time. She got hell angry on him for not calling her back after noon.

At midnight,
Khushi's family wished her happy birthday and cut a little cake. She returned to her room with a piece of cake and stood near the window waiting for Arnav. She saw him jumping off the wall and walking towards her bed. She laid down on the bed closing her eyes. 

Arnav entered the room and understood that she is angry on him. He laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. 

"Happy Birthday Angel." He dropped a kiss on her head.

"Are you angry on your laadgovernor baby?" He trailed his finger on her face. 

"Baby, are you smiling?" He asked her. Arnav saw her lip stretching into a bright smile. She pushed him away and sat on the bed.

"Why are you here now? Go and do whatever work that kept you busy." Arnav gets up and moved next to her. 

"Don't come near me when you don't have anytime to call me or message me."

"Baby, I'm sorry that I couldn't attend your calls."

"Why do you always do this? I have to tolerate everything you do." Tears formed in her eyes. Arnav moved next to her amd she started to hit on his chest. 
He hugged her tight as she continues to hit him. 

Slowly Khushi reciprocated the hug and wrapped her arms around him. He wiped her tears and entwining their hands.

"Baby, I'm so sorry for doing that. My phone was on silent and I didn't see the calls. I was so tired from the match that I forgot to check my phone. I saw your calls on morning and called you, but you cut my call. It's your birthday baby, I don't want you to be sad." He tried to  cover up his folly.

"I was worried for you laadgovernor. Don't you dare do this to me again. And why didn't you call me after noon?" She asked disentangling from the hug.

"I thought you don't want to hear anything from me, so I decided not to 
disturb you." He held her by her waist.

Khushi slapped her forehead with her hand. 
"Can't you be little romantic laadgovernor? Do I have to write it for you?" She asked shaking her head in disapproval.

"Baby, you were not in a mood to talk to me."

"Then you should have cajoled me by calling me continuously."

"But you didn't take my call in morning." He asked her.

"How can a macho man like you be unromantic?" Khushi asked in disbelief.

"Baby, I don't want to disturb you unnecessarily."

"You are not a disturbance Arnav. You should have called me and cajoled me, that's what boyfriend do." She explained to him.

"So that means you were waiting for my call?" He smirked at her.

"Yes, but you laadgovernor ruined everything.  You should have call me till I takes the call and asked me not to be 
angry on you. You didn't do anything instead of doing that." She complained like a child. Arnav kissed her knuckles and cheek. 

"Okay, I will keep that in my mind. I thought we can sort it out when I'm here. Will you forgive this laadgovernor for one last time baby?"

"Only this time, promise me that you won't do this to me again."

"Sure, I will tell you in advance if I wont be able to take your calls or reply you back. Now give me a smile." He asked her. Khushi smiled and hugged him 

"I missed you very much  Arnav."

"I know baby, I missed you too." He said stroking her hair.  Arnav cupped her face and stared at her eyes. 

"Happy birthday baby, may you get all the happiness in this world." He placed a tender kiss on her forehead. 

"My birthday girl deserve a special kiss on this day." Saying this he placed his lips on her lips and kissed her hard. Arnav looked at her swollen lips after withdrawing from the kiss. 

"Don't you want your gift?" Khushi nodded her head. 

"Wait here." Arnav walked towards the window to take his bag.  Khushi moved next to the table and took the piece of cake she brought for him. 

"Seems like you got your birthday cake?"

"Yes, I brought this for you." She gave him the plate. Arnav fed Khushi the cake and she too fed him. 

"Here is your gift." He hand over her a small box & she found a hour glass in it.

"Arnav, this?" Khushi got amused seeing it. 

"You still didn't get it?" Khushi shook her head in denial.  Khushi looked at the flower model attached to the top. 

"Remember what happened in Goa on our last day." Khushi recollected what happened on that day. Her eyes got wide open as realisation hit her. 

"Is this the same sand?" Arnav nodded his head.

"Turn it baby." Khushi place it downward.  Khushi saw a butterfly model on the other side of the hour glass.

Imagine that as Butterfly and flower 

"This is so beautiful Arnav." 

"For my butterfly." He said kissing her cheek.

"Here is your second gift." Arnav tied a bracelet on her wrist 

"Now my angel have the galaxy with her."


"Yes, each beads represent a planets baby." Arnav told her what each bead represents. 

"So you got me the universe?" 

"You deserves that baby. So do you have any more gift?"

"Yes...wait baby." Saying this he started to unbuttoning his shirt.

"Arnav what are you doing?"

"I don't need this shirt for what I'm planning now."

"You told me that you don't do that here." She said getting little bit shy.

"I didn't said anything like that." He winked at her. Khushi started to play with her fingers while looking down. 
Arnav lean closer to her while placing his hands on her waist.

"So are you ready?" Khushi slightly nodded her head looking at his lips. 

" parents..."

"Baby, we can do it quietly." Khushi made a worried face. 

"So let's start." Khushi closed her eyes for a moment and opened it. She looked for Arnav and found him on the floor. 

"What are you doing Arnav?"

"Baby come, let's do your push ups."

 Khushi smiled at him and mentally slapped herself. She remembered telling him about the push-ups when they were in the flight.

"Count quietly baby." Arnav did  the pushups as Khushi sat on his back. She held his shoulder as he did the push-ups.

 "24...25...that's enough Arnav."

"No I will tell you when I'm tired." He told her.

"No Arnav I don't want you to be tired.
I'm getting up Arnav."

"Okay, 10 more push ups after that I will stop." He bargained.

"Okay...10 more."

"34...35... Okay that's enough, no more push ups now." Khushi got up and sat on the bed.  Arnav stood in front of her, tucking her hair strand behind her ears. 

"Are you happy?" Khushi nodded her head and hugged him by waist, pressing her face on to his tummy. 

"Baby, you have become so naughty.Did you really thought that we are going to have sex here, on your bed?" Khushi blushed and closed her eyes because of embarrassment. 

"You were unbuttoning your shirt so..."

"You thought that we are going to have sex here?" He teased her.

"Hmm...not exactly...but you know getting naughty." The blushing queen answered.

"Yeah, you have become so naughty."

"If that so, you are responsible for that." She retorted.

"I feel so proud for that." Khushi slapped his hand while rolling her eyes at him. 

"Shameless laadgovernor."

"So my shameful angel, don't you want your final gift?"

"What is it Arnav?"

"Here, open this baby." Khushi opened the gift and shook her head feeling annoyed. 

"Do you really gifted me this? A book on applied mathematics? Seriously Arnav?" Khushi looked at the big book on her lap.

"Every topper need a big book to show off baby."

"You have gone mad laadgovernor."

"Open the book baby." Khushi got shocked as she opened the book.  The inside part of pages are cut out to create space to store letters. She found a bunch of letters in it. 


"When you miss me so much, do select any letter you like qccording to your mood.  Even though it is your birthday gift, it will help you when I will be away from you." Khushi looked at each letters which should be read on different moods.

"You wrote all these letters?"

"Well, I'm damn possessive, so there is no chance of some other man writing these letters on behalf of me." Her eyes got teary as soon as he replied that.  Arnav wiped her tears and hugged her. 

"You have turned into a cry baby."

"What can I do when you do things that make me emotional?" Khushi entangled from the hug and entwining their hands. 

"You have wrote all these letters for me Arnav. You took the effort and  time to do that. I'm overwhelmed with happiness Arnav. I never thought that all these will happen to me, to have a man who is concerned about my happiness. How can you do all these for me? Have everyone do this for their girlfriend? She asked with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know about other's girlfriend, but my girl deserve all these." He said wiping her tears away.

"Are you planning to go now?" Khushi asked him 

"What do you want baby?"

"Can you lie down with me and go after a few hours?"

"If the birthday girl wants that, she will surely get it. What do you prefer, shirtless or not?" Khushi bite her lips and blushed hearing his question.

"Shirtless." Arnav made her lie on the bed and joined her. He covered themselves with the blanket. He streched out his arms do that she can rest her head on it. He wrapped his arms around her waist while she placed her hand on his chest. 

"I totally forget to ask you about your match. How was it Arnav?" Khushi asked about his match.

"It was good, we won the match." 

"The opposition team were really bad, but we tackled them very well. There were wrong all the time, so we taught them a lesson." He replied.

"They played foul?"

"Yup, a lot. They shouldn't have done what they did, but they kept repeating it."  Arnav told her as nuzzled her neck with his nose while he had a rage in his eyes. 

"Don't tickle me Arnav, I will laugh and wake up my parents."

"Well we can't do that, so I'm sparing you now." Arnav cupped her face and stared at her intensely.

"Why are you looking me like that?"

"Do you know how much important you are to me?"

"I know about a little bit of that." She said stroking his cheek.

"What you know maybe only 1% of it. You are so important and I will do anything to keep my angel safe and secure."

"I'm very much aware about it. You are my over protective and possessive laadgovernor."

"I have to be protective of my angel. Society is not at all good baby. Haven't you seen those news about rape and molestation? So we have to be cautious."

"You are worrying too much Arnav."

"Because your safety comes first baby."
Khushi know that he won't stop being over protective and decided to end that discussion. 

"Arnav, what is you plan for today?"

"First tell me about your plan." He asked her.

"I have classes to attend which I'm not at all interested, but had to attend that. Will be going to the synagogue in the evening and have a little outing." She informed him about her plans.

"You will see me in the evening then." He said to her. 

"I have to reach home earlier at evening, then how could I wait for you?" She asked getting worried.

"Don't wait for me baby, go and have fun with your family. After all it is titaliya's birthday." Arnav flickered her nose making her smile. 

"Let's sleep now." He pulled her closer, securing her in his embrace. 

"You are my snuggle bear, Arnav."
She said wrapping her arms around his waist. 

"Sleep baby." He placed a kiss on her head.

"Thanks for all those wonderful gifts." She placed a kiss on his chest and closed her eyes.  Arnav stroked her head while watching her sleep so peacefully in his 
arms.  He felt so content seeing her sleeping like that in his arms. He felt like protecting her from all possible dangers from this world. 

At that moment he felt proud for getting ride of David. He know that she will get terrified if she gets to know what he have done to David. His eyes burnt with anger as he remembered what David said about his angel.

Arnav kissed her forehead and stared at her sleeping figure. He don't know what made him addicted to her, but she is the most important person in his life.


Welcoming your ideas to kill people like this, I'm running out of ideas to kill people. 😈👿

Well, you guys will know more about him in the coming updates.

Do Comment & Vote


Khushi looked up and found Arnav which made her eyes to bulge out.

"Di, select something for you. Did you like this earrings? Kasi asked Khushi.

"Yeah, I'm selecting." Khushi saw his face through the mirror placed opposite to her. She placed an earring on her ear and looked at him as her sister got busy with trying out things.

Arnav shook his head not liking the earring. Khushi placed another earring which he doesn't approve. He pointed at an earring and she foun it.

"Di, did you finalize anything?"

"Yeah, this one."

"This is beautiful di and will suits you."
Khushi placed it on her ear and Arnav winked at her with a smile on his face.

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