stay with me [BxB] mpreg

By jennakq

166K 6K 1.3K

Yu Hua has been stolen from his quiet life in the countryside and tossed into the mess of the palace. He arri... More

1. night of the blood moon
2. willow cave
3. preparations
4. celebration
5. lust (18+)
6. morning after (18+)
7. newly-weds
8. facing a tiger
9. chang sheng is exposed (18+)
10. dark plans
11. first meeting
12. unrest in the empire
13. news (18+)
15. storms are brewing
16. lost
17. chaos

14. return to willow cave

5.6K 235 37
By jennakq

Chang Sheng's eyes widened with disbelief. 

"W - what?" His voice broke. Turning swiftly, he cradled Yu Hua in his arms. "Did you hear that?" Chang Sheng whispered excitedly. "Yu Hua, we'll be parents!" Chang Sheng pressed a hand to Yu Hua's stomach, eyes bright with delight. 

"Mm, Chang Sheng." Yu Hua smiled with exhaustion. "Congratulations. You'll be a father."

Chang Sheng's eyes filled with unshed tears. "Yu Hua," he whispered again, pressing his face into Yu Hua's hair. "I love you."

"I love you too," Yu Hua murmured, pressing a kiss to Chang Sheng's hand. 


From that point on, Chang Sheng rarely let Yu Hua out of his sight. It was to the point of being suffocating, until Yu Hua finally cornered Chang Sheng and forced him to be give him permission to leave the palace. Chang Sheng agreed, only so that Yu Hua's anger didn't harm the baby. And he only agreed if an extra four guards accompanied Yu Hua to town, soldiers whom were specially trained under the center army general's daughter. 

So Yu Hua still went to town, but far less frequently than before. Most of the time, it was to meet up with Lei Zhen. Even so, during their time together Yu Hua was constantly distracted. 

"Yu Hua?" Lei Zhen nudged her friend gently in the arm. Yu Hua had been staring down at a swath of cream-colored silk with a golden dragon pattern emblazoned across it. 

"Isn't it beautiful, sir?" The shop owner smiled kindly. "Perfect for a little prince."

"What are you doing here?" Lei Zhen questioned. "This section sells cloth for children's clothes, there wouldn't be enough material for a full-sized robe."

"I'll take these ones," Yu Hua said, putting down the fabric with dragons and instead handing over a rich cream-colored silk and a dark forest green silk. 

"Thank you, young sir." The shop owner bowed her head and hurried away to package the two  swaths of cloth. 

"Yu Hua?" Lei Zhen asked again, worried. Yu Hua's eyes were glazed, and he stroked the little embroidered dragon again. 

"Yu Hua?"

Yu Hua blinked, and seemed to snap out of it. "Lei Zhen." He turned, eyes wide. "Sorry. I - I was distracted."

"I could tell. Why?" Lei Zhen glanced at the cloth. "It's beautiful, but it's for children. And why did you pick such plain colors? Why not something patterned?"

"I want to embroider it myself," Yu Hua murmured. "The clothes, I mean."

"Oh." Lei Zhen nodded, although she didn't really understand. "That's why we spent two hours in the thread shop earlier."

"Here you go," the shop owner handed over the parcel of goods, and Yu Hua gave her the money. She smiled widely again, and nodded with gratitude. "I hope your wife fashions beautiful clothes out of that fabric for your children." 

"Oh no," Yu Hua laughed. "I don't have a wife."

Lei Zhen's eyes widened just slightly. Was it possible - ? No. No way. Men were able to give birth to children too but - but... she glanced over at Yu Hua and followed him reluctantly out of the store. 

What was the chance of that happening? Lei Zhen tilted her head, inspecting Yu Hua's figure. 

Was it Chang Sheng then...? Lei Zhen gasped. Chang Sheng was the bottom?!

No. No way. Lei Zhen shook her head vigorously. 

"Lei Zhen?" Yu Hua glanced at her, amused. "Are you alright?"

"Oh." Lei Zhen blinked, seemingly breaking out of a trance. "Y - yeah, I guess." She laughed sheepishly, pushing the doubts away. "I just - why were you buying those fabrics?"

Yu Hua blushed, and fiddled with his fingers. "I know I've been distracted lately on our outings, Lei Zhen. I'm sorry. And - and today too. And as one of my closest friends, I think you should know."

Lei Zhen's heart lifted at being called one of Yu Hua's closest friends. 

"I'm pregnant."

Her heart dropped to her stomach. 

Yu Hua smiled, turning pink, ever the youthful and lovely mother. "Chang Sheng didn't really want to expose the news - as, I don't know, he's really much too protective - and it all happened so fast, but I'm so happy." Yu Hua grinned as Lei Zhen's chest solidified into lead. 

"I never really thought of it before, but - it's wonderful." Yu Hua smiled, almost lighting up the entire street. 

Baby? Child? Pregnant? Lei Zhen's thoughts shuttered across her mind without her really grasping onto them. 

Chang Sheng and Yu Hua? A happy family?

No place for me in the equation?

"Although the morning sickness is terrible." Yu Hua shivered. 

 How stupid could I have been, Lei Zhen thought bitterly. There was never a place for me in their equation. There was no chance I could have ever -

She fluttered her eyes closed, remembering phoenix eyes and that burst of color she saw when she first met him. 

"And, that's why I've been so distracted lately." Yu Hua concluded. 

Lei Zhen opened her eyes again. For the first time in weeks, she felt an ache of hatred for the man in front of her. The beautiful, helpless man who stole away her first love. Now pregnant. 

Lei Zhen settled her sharp gaze on Yu Hua with an air of finality. 

Was Shui Hui Yin right then? Lei Zhen watched her friend continue to talk, eyes bright with delight. 

Break Yu Hua...

Hmph. Lei Zhen thought, gaze clouding. At least they'd be separated that way. Maybe if they were seperated, this hurt she felt would lessen. 

Maybe if they seperated...


Just - just maybe. 

Lei Zhen's gaze flickered down to Yu Hua's shopping bags. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier," Yu Hua added, looking embarrassed. 

"No." Lei Zhen smiled stiffly, and stepped forwards for a hug. "No, congratulations. I'm very happy for you." 

"Thank you," Yu Hua smiled back warmly. "You don't know how much that means to me."

"Of course," Lei Zhen said, and turned away. "How about we go get tea or something?" 

"At your shop?" Yu Hua asked, puzzled. 

"No. Somewhere else." Lei Zhen smiled widely. "There's a place I know nearby. Their tea shop is most well known for their plays. Qiu Liu supplies them with her own hand-written creations."

"Qiu Liu?" Yu Hua's eyes widened with awe. "Qiu Liu, the famous noble woman playwright?"

"Yes." Lei Zhen nodded. "Exactly. That one. I'm sure they have something wonderful going on."

"Let's go!" Yu Hua exclaimed, rubbing a hand on his stomach. 

Lei Zhen's eyes followed Yu Hua's movements and her gaze darkened. 

"Come on then," Lei Zhen smiled, taking Yu Hua's other hand. "Follow me."

They wound their way through the streets until they reached the tea shop. A sign hanging off the building read, The Lotus Pavilion. Inside, emphatic voices rang out. 

A young woman wearing elegant white robes with her hair partially secured in a firm bun sat at a table next to the door, gently fanning herself. Her sharp eyes watched the movements of the actors, but her gaze suddenly flickered to the entrance of the shop. 

A waiter appeared to greet Lei Zhen and Yu Hua. "Honorable guests - !"

In a moment, the young woman had snapped her fan closed and walked over. "Honorable guests," she said, smiling widely. Her voice was smooth and soft, as comforting and flexible as silk. The waiter upon seeing the young woman coiled back, eyes widening. "Unfortunately, the tea shop is full at the moment. Perhaps you can go somewhere else?"

Behind her, numerous empty tables were scattered around. With a sharp tug, the woman pulled a curtain behind her, obscuring their view of the shop. 

"I deeply apologize," the woman smiled charmingly again. Li Peng was ready to step forward angrily - 

"Oh no," Lei Zhen pouted, then turned and tugged Yu Hua's sleeve. "We should go, then."

Yu Hua glanced at the curtains, then the woman, feeling dejected from missing out on a good play. The woman smiled again and Yu Hua turned away. 

Lei Zhen quickly tugged Yu Hua away, starting to chatter about a beautiful fabric and ornament shop. 

The waiter turned to the young woman, sweat practically cascading off him in waves. 

"M - miss Qiu, why did you do that?"

The woman turned to glare sharply at him. "Do I need a reason to do what I want?" She snapped her fan open. "If you want this miss to continue supplying your plays, don't question it."

The waiter inhaled sharply and nodded. 

"Additionally, tell your boss." She jerked her chin at the two friends, disappearing into the crowd. "If those two, or that man ever tries to enter a single one of your shops -" Qiu Liu's eyes narrowed. "You can see fit that my patronage is gone."

The waiter bowed and nodded frantically. "O - of course miss! I - I'll go report this right away!"

Qiu Liu raised her head in approval, and turned away. "I hope you know what you're doing, Lei Zhen." She muttered under her breath before entering the shop again to watch her play. 


Throughout the entire day peculiar events continued happening. 

The fabrics store was just as grand as Lei Zhen mentioned. Under the Xia family, and specifically, Xia Meirong's watchful eye, it had over a thousand types of differently dyed and patterned silks. Additionally, they sold beautiful jewelry and hair ornaments. That day, they even had a 75% percent off everything, titled the 'Women, Please Your Husbands Sale!'

Yu Hua would have happily bought something - if not for the fact that the sale only applied to women. 

"Yu Hua, I'm so sorry!" Lei Zhen said, wide-eyed. "I - I heard of a sale, but I didn't know it'd be like this!"

"It's fine, Lei Zhen." He smiled at her. "How about you pick out something?"

"But you -"

"I'll buy something of my own, too." Yu Hua said. "Go ahead. I don't mind."

Lei Zhen glanced at him again, worried, before rushing for a pile of silks that were already surrounded by many other ladies.   

Yu Hua sighed, looking around at some other stands. Typical of the Xia family's goods, everything was of high quality and thus, rather expensive. Yu Hua fingered a pearl barrette before settling for a swath of gold silk and a pair of matching, simple jade rings. The goods were so expensive, he had used up all his money for the day. 

Lei Zhen emerged forty-five minutes later with a long length of ice blue silk, a pale lavender fabric patterned with peonies, a glistening pink silk, a charming yellow silk, black silk, and several hair ornaments. 

"I'm so happy!" Lei Zhen exclaimed, clutching her new purchases to her chest. 

"You've bought such beautiful ornaments, miss!" Lei Zhen's servant exclaimed. She lifted a glittering pearl barrette to the light. 

"Here, I got you something." Lei Zhen said, handing Yu Hua a bracelet of jade and pearl beads. Yu Hua's face lit up. 

"It's beautiful! Thank you, Lei Zhen."

"No worries," Lei Zhen smiled, but her brow was scrunched up with unease. Her chest suddenly felt tight as she watched Yu Hua slip the bracelet onto his wrist, Li Peng only carrying a simple parcel from the store. 

He's too kind for this... too kind for this dirty bullying. 

Lei Zhen looked away, guilt clogging in her throat. Li Peng's eyes watched the young noblewoman, gaze distasteful. 

But still. She brought him to another tea shop where there was a play going on about a dishonorable man stealing an innocent and kind wife's husband. She led him to the heart of the market where gossip about the empire's suspicious Empress was chanted louder than the haggling of prices. She introduced him to a medicine shop under Yang Wenqian's control where they had suddenly decided to specialize in medicines that prevented 'homosexual tendencies'.

By the end of the day, Yu Hua's mood was so low he wasn't able to even lift up his face. 

"I'm sorry," Lei Zhen said, shaking her head violently. "I didn't know today would be like that."

"It's okay," Yu Hua smiled. "You - you were just showing me new places in the city. You wouldn't know that - that such things would happen."

"I'm sorry," Lei Zhen said again, quietly. 

"It's not your fault." Yu Hua insisted. "Not at all."

Lei Zhen looked up, expression still apologetic. 

Yu Hua smiled. "Today - I saw lots of new things. And you even had to pay for the second tea shop. Thank you for always being such a good friend," he said softly. He sure needed one, especially with all these events in town just bringing him down. 

Lei Zhen's eyes widened and she bit her lip, before nodding and looking away. 

"Then'll I see you tomorrow." Yu Hua waved goodbye and walked away, back to the palace.

Lei Zhen waved goodbye after him, her hand lingering in the air way after he disappeared from her sight. A tight feeling gripped her chest, but she turned away and ignored it. 

Yu Hua felt his mood dampen as he made his way back to the palace. Just when he was happy, today - today had to be -

"Young man, do you want to buy a piece of jewelry for your wife?"

Yu Hua glanced over and saw a beggar man sitting on the side of the street. His hair was dark and unkempt, hanging in large bunches over his eyes. In front of him sat several metal tools on a small table and several buckets of stone and string.

"I can carve something for you," the man offered, voice growing louder as Yu Hua stopped and walked over for a closer look. He held up a stone with a delicate phoenix carved into it. "My homeland is well-known for their skills. I learned from my town's master." He held up the stone for Yu Hua to inspect. 

"This is beautiful," Yu Hua muttered. The wind blew up his hat, making the silk in front of his face flutter. The phoenix looked ready to burst out from the stone, a moment away from flying away. 

"I am skilled, huh?" The beggar man grinned widely. "Then, would you like to buy something?"

Yu Hua paused, then nodded. "Can you carve something specific for me?" 

The man smiled again. "I can carve anything."

Yu Hua nodded. "Good. Then," he pulled two glittering rings from his sleeve. "I need something carved onto here."


Chang Sheng was waiting in their room when Yu Hua returned. 

"Chang Sheng," Yu Hua gasped, surprised but pleased. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I come back to my own room?" Chang Sheng stood, smiling. Slowly, he walked over and wrapped his hand around a strand of Yu Hua's dark hair before kissing it gently. 

"Of course you can come back," Yu Hua replied automatically. "But, the court has kept you so late these days -"

"I missed you," Chang Sheng stepped closer, wrapped his arms around Yu Hua and inhaled deeply. "I missed you so much. And," he smiled and rubbed Yu Hua's back. "I missed our little bean."

"Little bean," Yu Hua laughed. "Our little bean. I like that."

"I can't wait for bean to come out," Chang Sheng bent down and pressed his face against Yu Hua's stomach. 

"You're being silly," Yu Hua smiled. "There's still a long time until that."

"Until then," Chang Sheng stood and took Yu Hua's hands again. "I can enjoy having you to myself." 

"I can enjoy that too," Yu Hua said, soaking in the presence of Chang Sheng. Forget what happened today, he thought. You're safe now. 

Hong Huo was sitting on the bed, in a little lump. Yu Hua went over to him and scratched him in between the ears. Hong Huo blinked open a lazy eye, ears flopping in response. 

"I haven't played with you much recently," Yu Hua murmured, stroking Hong Huo's soft fur. "I'm sorry."

Chang Sheng watched his wife as one eyebrow twitched. So I'm still inferior to you, huh bunny? I should have never taken you back. Chang Sheng glared, and Hong Huo blinked open an eye and met his gaze in retaliation. 

"You're only here to protect him," Chang Sheng mouthed angrily. "As if I'll let you have any other purpose than that!"

Hong Huo sniffed and shuffled closer to Yu Hua. Yu Hua laughed and embraced Hong Huo, nuzzling his face into Hong Huo's soft fur. 

Chang Sheng felt a vein in his head pop. 

"Come on, Yu Hua." Chang Sheng wrapped his arms around Yu Hua's waist, giving him a back hug. His hands were gentle on Yu Hua's stomach. "Let's go for a ride on Xiao Hei."

Yu Hua blushed crimson. "C - chang Sheng?" He turned to see Chang Sheng smiling at him over one shoulder. 

"Let's go," Chang Sheng said softly, letting go of Yu Hua's waist but interlocking their fingers. "Let's take a moment away from the palace."

"Oh - okay," Yu Hua said breathlessly, following Chang Sheng out the door. Chang Sheng turned and shot a glare at Hong Huo. Hong Huo glared back at him. 

They snuck out through the palace, Yu Hua held tightly in Chang Sheng's arms. Using Chang Sheng's martial arts, they would melt into the shadows whenever a guard neared. 

"Chang Sheng -" Yu Hua stifled a giggle. "We don't have to hide like this."

"Nonsense," Chang Sheng grinned. "This is more fun. Also -" Chang Sheng brushed a hand over Yu Hua's face, drawing near, almost close enough for a kiss, "how do they deserve to catch a glimpse of my lovely wife?"

Yu Hua erupted red. 

He was left speechless for the rest of the journey to the stables, where Xiao Hei was resting.

"Xiao Hei," Yu Hua murmured softly, laughing as the horse nuzzled him in the face. He stroked Xiao Hei's glossy black coat, feeling a sudden wave of nostalgia. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"I haven't taken him out for a run lately because of all the court work." Chang Sheng explained. "He's going to enjoy this." Chang Sheng began tacking up Xiao Hei as Yu Hua continued to stroke the beautiful horse. 

Within minutes, Chang Sheng was already tightening the last strap. "Come on," he said and swung onto Xiao Hei. With one hand, he lifted Yu Hua swiftly onto the horse in front of him. Yu Hua blushed as Chang Sheng reached around and grabbed the reins. 

"Xiao Hei," Chang Sheng patted the horse's neck, "let's go!"

With that, Xiao Hei ran off into the night. 

Xiao Hei almost seemed to fly. The wind blurred the horizon, tangling into Yu Hua's hair and eyes. Yu Hua laughed, delight pooling in his bones. 

Chang Sheng watched Yu Hua, smiling softly. 

When they had reached their destination, Chang Sheng gave a swift tug on Xiao Hei's reins, ordering him to stop. The horse chuffed but complied, stilling as they neared a silvery blue rock cave. 

Yu Hua blinked, the breath stolen away from his lungs. 

"Chang Sheng," he murmured softly, a hand drifting to his chest. 

"Come on," Chang Sheng beckoned, jumping off Xiao Hei before giving a hand to Yu Hua. "It's still as beautiful as it was a few months ago."

Yu Hua took Chang Sheng's hand and was hoisted off Xiao Hei. With slow steps, he wandered back into the willow cave. 

"I remember back when you lived alone," Chang Sheng said, wrapping his hand around Yu Hua's as they stopped to admire the flowers and gentle willow trees. "I was like your prince, coming to save you."

"You still are," Yu Hua laughed. "And you've always been more than just a prince. More than just a savior."

Chang Sheng nodded uncomfortably, then drew Yu Hua to him. 

"I'm glad to be where I am now," Yu Hua said softly. "With you."

Chang Sheng's eyes brightened, and he leaned down to press a gentle kiss against Yu Hua's lips. Yu Hua complied, opening his mouth and closing his eyes. 

"You've always been more than just a lover, companion to me." Chang Sheng said, staring into Yu Hua's eyes. "You're everything. You mean everything."

Yu Hua wrapped his arms around Chang Sheng's neck and tightened his hold. 

"You're my everything."

Yu Hua stared up at Chang Sheng, eyes full of affection. "I can't express how much I love you," Yu Hua said. "So, I have a gift for you." Yu Hua turned to reach into his sleeve. Within his palm, he produced two jade rings. 

"One for you, one for me." Yu Hua said. 

"I already got you a ring," Chang Sheng said, amused. 

"Yes, but that's as Empress." Yu Hua smiled, taking the larger of the rings and pressing it into Chang Sheng's hand. "This is us. This is just us - no titles, no birthplace, just - just us."

Chang Sheng looked down at the jade ring, his thumb grazing it gently. Upon closer look, he saw that it had words carved onto it. 

My heart is yours. 

Chang Sheng inhaled sharply, glancing up at Yu Hua who was watching him. 

Yu Hua smiled softly.

"Chang Sheng," he said. "You're all I ever really needed."



well, that's the update!! thank you for sticking with this story, w/ irregular chapters and all that... all i have to say now is, i have a feeling that something big is going to happen soon. :) i hope you keep reading!! <3

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