Mr Callahan #wattys2014

By SarahannBennett

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Caitlin is fresh out of university with a business degree and in need of a job. She sees an advertisement for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

798 32 6
By SarahannBennett

I woke up on Sunday morning with the sun shining through my window remembering last night, I came home on cloud nine and told Vince all that happened, he came to the conclusion that Xavier liked me more than just an employee or friend, ridiculous if you ask me, that's just impossible, I mean he's extremely handsome, a billionaire, charming and very kind, then look at me I'm good ole plain Jane.

Climbing out of bed I head to my bathroom to shower before eating breakfast and starting my exciting day of reading my job description and requirements.

"Good morning baby girl, how you feeling?" Vince asks as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Vince, I'm good but hungry, I'm just going to veg out on the couch today and read through my job description, you?"

"I'm going to the gym in a bit, was going to ask if you wanted to come with but seen as you're having a lazy day I'll go for a couple hours and pick up food on the way home?"

"Sounds good, ooo can we have Chinese pretty please?" I ask fluttering my eyelashes and pouting.

"Of course we can, I'll, pick up your usual" he says, gives me a kiss on the cheek and makes his way towards the door.

"Thank you, see you soon" I say as he opens the front door.

"No problem sugar see you soon" and he's gone, well that's me on my own to go over what I need to in peace and quiet.

Deciding to just have a bowl or corn flakes for breakfast I take my bowl into the living room, turning the television on I settle down on the couch, breakfast in lap, papers in hand and start to read.


Working for Mr Callahan is a great opportunity that many wish to fill the position of, congratulations on passing the interview and may your time with the company be a wonderful experience.


You as the personal assistant (PA) to Mr Callahan are to act as his first point of contact with people from both inside and outside the organisation. Tasks will include:

· devising and maintaining office systems, including data management and filing;

· arranging travel, visas and accommodation and, occasionally, travelling with the manager to take notes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations;

· screening phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handling them when appropriate;

· meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority;

· organising and maintaining diaries and making appointments;

· dealing with incoming email, faxes and post, often corresponding on behalf of the manager;

· taking dictation and minutes;

· carrying out background research and presenting findings;

· producing documents, briefing papers, reports and presentations;

· organising and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings;

· Liaising with clients, suppliers and other staff.

In addition to supporting Mr Callahan, his team and departments, you will also have your own personal workload and responsibilities. The scope of the PA's role can be extensive and additional duties may include:

· carrying out specific projects and research;

· responsibility for accounts and budgets;

· taking on some of the manager's responsibilities and working more closely with management;

· deputising for the manager, making decisions and delegating work to others in the manager's absence;

· being involved in decision-making processes.


You are required to be present in the office by eight am till approximately six pm Monday to Friday, hours may vary due to Mr Callahan's busy schedule so you may be required to stay later. You are to remain on call at all times including weekends as you may be needed at short notice.

You will be supplied with a company mobile telephone that must stay on and be within your possession permanently.

Mr Callahan is to have a caramel latte from Starbucks only, waiting on his desk by the time he enters the office at eight am sharp.

You may be required to travel with Mr Callahan for business at short notice.

You must keep your position in the company professional, relationships within the company are not permitted.

You must carry a pen and notepad with you at all times to take any notes that may be needed.

Your probationary period is for a total of three months. Thereafter you will be required to attend a one to one meeting with Mr Callahan to voice any concerns you may have, if you are still happy in your position you will have the opportunity to sign a longer contract with us.

May your stay in the company be long and we hope that you enjoy your time with us, any problems please speak to Mr Callahan himself.

I thought more was going to be required of me, that there was going to be a long list of things to do, but this is just what I expected and I can't help but look forward to my first day tomorrow.

Not only will I be starting a wonderful new job but I will get to see Xavier again, it states that no relationships in the company are permitted and I have to respect that, it is part my contract after all.

I'm sure that this thing I have for Xavier is just an infatuation and will eventually fade, it has to.

I get up off the couch and make my way towards my bedroom to pick out my outfit for my first day of work.

I pick out my black knee length pencil skirt and sleeveless white blouse, it is slightly low cut with ruffles down the middle but it looks professional and appropriate, I match it with a black blazer and black four inch pumps. Looking down at the outfit I have laid on the bed I smile, really quite proud of my choice and excited to start tomorrow.

The house phone starts ringing so I make my way to the living room to answer.


"Hey baby girl it's me, just letting you know I'm on my way home with food, I'll be about five minutes"

"Ok I'll get the plates ready, see you in a bit", I hang up and fetch the plates and cutlery out of the kitchen, place them on the coffee table in the living room and sit on the couch waiting for Vince to come in with food.

Not even two minutes later Vince walks through the door carrying a bag of Chinese food and it smells amazing, I didn't realise how hungry I was till the smell hit me, he walks over and opens the bag taking the boxes of food out and places mine in front of me.

"Before you dig in baby girl lets pop a film in, what you up for watching?"

"How about a comedy? Something like grown ups?"

"Grown ups it is" he says and puts the DVD in the player.

I open my boxes of food, egg fried rice and chicken chow mien, the smell is amazing and as always I drown it in curry sauce just how I like it.

Vince comes to sit down next to me emptying his food onto his plate, special fried rice and chips then like me covers it in curry sauce, our order never changes its always the same, some calm us predictable, no we just know what we like.

We both stuff our faces with food and watch the film, laughing regularly, this is how I like to spend my Sunday evenings, at home veg'ing with my best friend while watching films, eating take out. We spend every Sunday the same.

Approximately an hour and a half later we have finished eating and the film has finished,

"Want to watch number two?" Vince asks whilst getting up off the couch and changing the film.

"Why not, I love these films"

Vince puts on Grown ups 2 and sits back on the couch, laying my head in his lap he plays with my hair and I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

I'm woken up by my alarm going off indicating it's six in the morning, I open my eyes and notice I'm in my room, the last I remember from last night is watching a film with Vince, he must have bought me to bed.

I hop out of bed and into the bathroom, taking a shower i get ready for my first day at work, changing into my outfit I picked out last night I can't contain my excitement. I finish getting dressed then apply light make-up consisting of a little foundation, blusher and a small amount of mascara. Moving on to my hair I brush it all up putting it in a high bun on top of my head, taking a look at myself in my full length mirror i make sure I look smart and professional, content with what I have chosen I make my way into the kitchen to have breakfast before starting my journey, deciding on an egg white omelette for breakfast I cook it up and make one for Vince as I can hear him walking around getting ready for his own day at work, I place my plate in the sink once I have finished and continue making Vince's, he enters the kitchen just as I set his plate on the island, It's now seven thirty and I need to start heading out the door.

"Good morning Vince, I made you omelette for breakfast, I hope you like it, I have to leave now but have a nice day"

"Thank you sugar, you too, I want all the details when you get home, don't let him work you too hard on your first day ok, love you" he replies giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I grab my bag and keys then head out the door, getting the elevator down to the main lobby my mind keeps drifting back to Xavier, I have no idea why but I can't get him out of my mind, I've been thinking about him constantly since he took me to the charity dinner Saturday night. I hadn't noticed that I was now at the lobby till I was slightly bumped into by someone else getting off.

Walking out of the building and into my car my mind starts wandering again, how was Xavier? I wonder if he had thought about me too. I need to snap out of it, it's not healthy to be thinking of my boss so much.

I drive to Starbucks to get Xavier's coffee before heading to work, I walk in and up to the counter.

"Good morning miss how I can help you" the Barista asks.

"Good morning can I have two caramels latte's please"

"Coming right up, can I take your name please?"

"Sure it's Cait" I reply.

I take a seat near the counter and wait for my drinks, glancing at my watch I notice I have fifteen minutes to get to work but it's only a five minute drive from here so I'm safe. Minutes later I hear my name called, I get up, take the drinks and head back out to my car and continue my route to work.

Within five minutes I was parking my car in the staff parking lot to the side of the building, I take the coffees and get out of my car, I walk through the main doors to the building and notice the same Barbie receptionist sitting at her desk, glad that I don't have to speak to her today I walk straight past and the elevators taking it up to the sixty fifth floor, in no time I'm there and being greeted by Suzy the receptionist.

"Good morning Suzy" I greet cheerfully

"Good morning Miss Moore"

"Please call me Cait"

She smiles back at me brightly.

"Ok Cait, have a nice first day, I'm here if you need me"

"Thank you Suzy, see you later"

With that I walk to Xavier's office and enter without knocking, noticing he isn't here yet I place the coffee on his desk and walk into my office, I notice there is a nice new computer and telephone on my desk, I also notice I have a photocopier and fax machine in here, placing my coffee on my own desk I open the drawer and put my bag inside, I decide to get myself settled waiting for Xavier to turn up and give me my orders for the day, I switch on my computer and take out a notepad and pen that are in my drawer, I'm glad they provided them because I forgot to bring my own. I lift my head up when I hear a knock on the door and meet Xavier's eyes.

"Morning X" I smiled brightly at him.

Smiling back he replied "Morning C, how you doing?"

"I'm good, Just excited to start work, you?"

"I'm great thanks, get your bits and come to my office we'll get started, oh and thanks for the coffee I wasn't expecting it your first day"

"No problem, it in the job description"

I pick up my notepad, pen and coffee then walk into his office taking a seat in front of his desk, instead of taking a seat in his seat behind his desk he surprises me and sits next to me.

"Ok let's get started shall we" he smiles at me scooting his seat closer to mine.

I open my notepad and get ready to write.

"We have a meeting today at nine which I need you to attend and take note, it is to expand our company, the people we are meeting with are from France, I have met with them a few times over there and now they have travelled to us to settle negotiations, his name is Mr Lukasz Garcia and I want to buy him out". I notice the scowl that has taken place on his face.

"Ok, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to buy him out so bad, don't you already have an office in France?" I question.

"That does not concern you Miss Moore", ok so back to formality, I must of hit a nerve and intend to find out why.

"Sorry Mr Callahan, I'll just go back to my office and ask Suzy to email me your schedule" I stand up and walk back into my office, picking up the phone I dial reception and ask Suzy to email me Mr Callahan's schedule to which she happily agrees.

I go over his schedule and note down what I need to and prepare what I must for the meeting, I log in to my computer and google Mr Garcia to find out what I can before the meeting, all I find are pictures upon pictures of him and his wife at various events, I click onto a link and read up on his business, it turns out he is a very successful businessman, not as successful as Xavier but successful nonetheless.

The phone in my office rings and the caller id shows that it is Suzy from reception.

"Good morning Mr Callahan's office"

"Hi Cait it's only me, just to let you know that Mr Garcia has arrived for the meeting with Mr Callahan, I have shown them to meeting room two".

"Thank you Suzy, we'll be right there", I hang up and walk into Xavier's office.

"Mr Callahan your nine o'clock meeting is here in meeting room two, we should make our way over?"

I hear him sigh heavily before getting up and collecting his suit jacket, he puts it on making his way to the door, following closely behind I can't help but look at his toned shoulders as he shrugs into his jacket.

We walk into meeting room two and three men stand to greet us.

"Lukasz" Xavier greeted him curtly and shook his hand,

"Xavier" Mr Garcia replied just as sharply,

He turned to me and smiled "And who is this lovely lady?" he asked taking my hand and kissing the back, I couldn't contain the blush that crept on my face.

"My new assistant, Miss Moore, Miss Moore take a seat"

I sat down and Xavier sat next to me, the meeting begun and I took notes where needed noticing Mr Garcia taking glances at me throughout the meeting, every time our eyes met he would send me a smirk. The meeting lasted around an hour, must admit it was pretty boring but it's all part of the job, all the men stood up whilst I collected papers.

"Good doing business with you Xavier"

"You too Lukasz"

They both shook hands and the three men left the room, leaving me alone with Mr Callahan, I quietly collected my papers keeping my head down and made my way towards the door.

"Cait, I'm sorry about earlier" I hear Xavier call out.

I turn around and look at him smiling slightly,

"That's ok Mr Callahan, you're right its none of my business, I'm only your assistant", I turn around and walk out of the room and down the hall into my office, I close the door behind me and sit down in my chair putting the papers on my desk ready to type up onto the computer.

I sigh loudly and rest my head on the back of my chair closing my eyes, and yet again my thoughts run back to Xavier.

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