Fleeting Embraces, Falling Fe...

By Ak1zaV

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You're a girl with a love and knowledge for flowers. With a fleeting encounter with a man who possesses eyes... More

Author's Note
A Young Freesia Bud
A Fleeting Encounter
Meeting The Five Gems
Was It A Worthwhile Trip?
A Sliver of Trust From The Heart
Blossoming of One's Yearning
Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters
Shattering Ice On Frozen Memories
Final Beauty of The Young Freesia
Goodbye Greeted By A Reunion
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Knowing The Real Him...
Unity of Two Souls
Falling Feelings
Unraveling Hidden Pasts
Silver Silk, Amber Crystals, and Crescent Moon
Mirroring A Once Upon A Time
Deceiver Becomes The Deceived
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames
Intertwined Passion
Arrival of An Unexpected
Judgement of The Foreign Divine
A Merciful Intervention
Searching For The Hope
Gateway To An Awakening
A Sacrifice Worth Giving
That Faint Guilt Deep Down
Just One Kiss
It's Only When They Are Gone...
Renewed Clarity
Flames In The Darkness
Nothing Left To Fear
Let The Flower Petals Float Free
Beating Parallel To One's Heart
Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again
Author's Note

Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent

533 15 2
By Ak1zaV

"How have you been lately? We haven't seen each other in a while so anything you want to talk about?" I ask him as I walk up to him with a smile.

"Nothing has happened since that day, is that all you wanted to ask me and called me here?" He asks me back looking straight at me.

"Oh, well, at least you look alright and good. And no, I actually have some things that I want to talk to you about. First, thanks for coming here." I tell him.

"I see, interesting place that you have chosen." He says looking out to the vast sea again.

"I'm happy that you knew where the place was when Rin told you what I told her. This place is special to me, because you helped me regain my memories and pushed me to go after the one that I truly love. The cherry blossom tree is Naraku and my special place, the sea, is mine with you." I say with nostalgia.

Sesshomaru turns his head to look at me, his eyes widening a little bit as he heard me say those words, then they relax and he shows me a subtle smile.

"It seems like your pregnancy is coming along nicely." He suddenly says.

It surprises me a little, how did he know? I didn't tell him, Naraku didn't tell him, Inuyasha, Kagome, and Miroku didn't know till they were at my estate. Sango, Shippo, Rin, and Lady Kaede didn't know till we told them two days ago. Sesshomaru didn't have any contact with us prior to the news, unless, if Rin told him before he came here?

"Uhm, ya... how did you know? Did Rin tell you before you came here?" I ask him.

"No." He simply replies.

I look at him slightly taken aback, Rin didn't tell him. I guess his demonic senses has picked it up?

"Guess my pregnancy is far enough that you can sense it, I'll give you credit for that." I say with a chuckle.

"Yes, my demonic senses did pick it up, but I have known about your pregnancy at the same time that you did." Sesshomaru replies.

"You knew about my pregnancy at the same time that I did?" I repeat his words.

Sesshomaru nods, his white hair gently swaying in the breeze. He knew about my pregnancy when I did? When was that? I begin to dig through my memories, I begin to furrow my brows as I recall fragments of my memories, the time when I found out about my pregnancy. Then it hit me, I look back at Sesshomaru.

"The first time that I knew about my pregnancy was when we went to go find the goddess Nuwa to bring Naraku back to life. It was before I stepped into the celestial pond, but when she told me, it was just the two of us in the cave." I say remembering.

"Indeed it was." Sesshomaru adds.

"Since it was just the two of us, no one else knew about it...unless..." I trail off.

I also recall something, before I stepped into the pond I was talking to Nuwa. At one point, she looked away from me and was gazing at something that was behind me. I didn't have time to check what she was looking at because she turned her attention back to me before I could. Was the thing she was gazing at...

"You, you were in the cave when Nuwa told me..." I say but with uncertainty in my voice.

"I was, you finally caught on." Sesshomaru replies with a gentle smile.

So it was him, he was what Nuwa was looking at, he heard when Nuwa told me about my pregnancy.

"You came back into the cave. Why?" I ask him curious.

"Although we all left, but I wanted to make sure that nothing was going to happen to you. So I went back into the cave and stood somewhere where I won't be seen, but Nuwa is a celestial being after all, she sensed me and caught my gaze. That was how I knew about your pregnancy. Congratulations." Sesshomaru explains to me.

"I see, thank you Sesshomaru. I suppose that's one mystery solved. I have so many things that I want to ask you, and that is why I asked you here today." I tell him with a sigh.

He wanted to make sure that I was safe when I traded with Nuwa for Naraku's life, it shows how much he cared for me...and loved me. I smile at the thought.

"Then ask away, there are a lot of mysteries in this world that deserves some answers." He replies gently.

The purpose of this meeting is here, and I want to know the things that I don't know. As I recall, what happened right after I lost my memories, I can't seem to remember and no one told me. I just remember waking up a few days later.

"Can you tell me what happened after I stepped into the pond? Because I can't remember anything after I closed my eyes." I ask him.

Sesshomaru inhales and exhales deeply, his amber eyes glistening under the sunlight.

"You gave up your memories for Naraku and you fell into a state of unconsciousness, Nuwa noticed my presence and asked me to carry you out of the pond." Sesshomaru tells me.

"Was that all? Also, about the bracelet, why did you have it?" I ask him remembering.

"No, she and I talked about some things." Sesshomaru replies.

"Such as?" I push him.

"Stubborn and persistent like always." Sesshomaru says furrowing his brows.

I let out a chuckle at his remark.

"It's who I am, you should know that by now." I say with a smile.

"Nuwa asked me if I loved anyone, since she is the mother goddess she could sense these things. She knew that I had feelings for someone, even if I didn't tell her who. She asked if it was you, I was surprised but admitted that it was." Sesshomaru goes on.

"I see. But why did she give the bracelet to you and not to anyone else or Naraku?" I ask him confused.

"It was in her words, a trial. Because she knows that I hold feelings for you aside from Naraku, she wanted the trial to be for both you and I, to see if we will make the right choices. She told me that somewhere deep down inside your heart, you held the tiniest splinter of affection for me. Whether it was love or not, it did not matter. Because of that bit of affection that you held for me and my love for you, Nuwa gave me the bracelet to hold. She trusted me that I will make the right choices to help you regain your memories and make you realize who you truly love, and only when you realize who you truly love that I can give you the bracelet and thus activate the spell placed on it. She told me that love isn't about what you want, it's about what the person that you love wants. I knew that you weren't mine because you were Naraku's, but my selfishness told me to keep you and to love you. I couldn't love you when you loved Naraku, it was only when you lost your memory that I was able to tell you how I felt. But in the end, your heart chose the right path, and it was Naraku. I was happy to be able to love you and be loved back even if it was fleeting, but I knew that Nuwa believed in me, and I knew that the real you wouldn't want that either. I then pushed aside my selfishness and made you see who you truly belonged with." Sesshomaru finally says quietly.

Now, I understand everything, it seems like a dark cloud that hung over my head has finally dispersed and I have nothing to be curious or worried about anymore. It may seem like Sesshomaru charmed me into loving him, and to be honest, if I was willingly to try and start a relationship with him then, it must really mean that I held him with some special affection. But now I know that I only loved and cared for him as someone very dear to me. He only cared for me, he didn't hurt me, he may have taken advantage of my amnesia, but how could I blame him? He just wanted the person he loved to love him back, who wouldn't want that? I wished that Naraku loved me like I loved him back then. He really loved me, Sesshomaru really loved me a lot. I feel that ache in my heart, he did so much for me and in the end I couldn't give him the one thing that he wished for. I'm grateful that he let go of his desire and focused on what I wanted, I could never thank him enough. I feel my eyes becoming slightly watery and my nose becoming clogged at bit, but I hold back my tears. I walk up to him, Sesshomaru glances at me and he turns his body to face me. Without a word, I put my arms around his strong torso and I rest my head against his chest as I hug him. I can feel the warmth from his body, his soft kimono feels so soothing and comforting. I close my eyes as I take in this precious moment, then I feel Sesshomaru's left hand come up and rests gently on top of my head.

"How could I ever thank you Sesshomaru, you have done so much for me and in the end I couldn't give you the one thing that you wished for." I quietly say.

"Like I said, although our love was a false and fleeting one, but it existed and that was enough for me. I don't want anything much from you, all I ask is that you will be happy and smile in the years to come." I hear him say softly on top.

I smile at his words, I pull back slightly and look up at him. I can never beat his height, but it's right to look up at a being like him. His golden eyes gazes down at me, his white bangs sways gently in the breeze.

"I will, don't worry. I can promise you that. What will you do now? Will you find someone else to love?" I ask him.

"You do not have to worry about me, if I find someone or not, I'll be fine the way I am." He replies.

I suddenly remembered something, he once said that I reminded him of Rin, perhaps...

"Do you think you will come to love Rin as she ages?" I ask him with a smile.

Sesshomaru looks at me for a few seconds with slightly raised eyebrows, then he looks out to the sea again.

"Perhaps, if Rin and I are meant to be, I would like to hear her feelings first." He answers.

"I suppose that's a safer way." I say with a slight chuckle.

I then turn to look at the waves of the sea along with Sesshomaru, we just look out together in silence, but it's a precious moment. More than half a year ago, Sesshomaru almost killed me. We had a rough start, he eventually fell in love with me, and I thought that I did too but it was not meant to be. Although it was hectic, but it seems as if the two of us has grown closer than before, because there are no more unspoken feelings and unsolved mysteries between us.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" A high pitched voice shouts from behind us.

That voice, I only know one being that has a voice that high. The two of us turn around and hopping towards us is Jaken and A-Un follows not too far away, I haven't seen them in forever.

"There you are Lord Sesshomaru, you have been gone for quite a while. Looks like you have been with____________." Jaken says panting as he stops in front of us.

"It's good to see you again Master Jaken and A-Un. I haven't got the chance to thank you both properly for helping me out when we went to go find Nuwa. So, thank you." I greet them with a bow.

"Yes, well, Lord Sesshomaru insisted on helping so we would do anything we could to accompany him. It seems like you're pregnant about 2 months now." Jaken says looking at my stomach with yellow eyes.

"Yes I am, and because of your help, the child will have both of its parents to raise him." I reply with a smile.

Jaken nods and A-Un lets out a snort.

"If you have no more questions left, then it's time for me to go. I have some things to take care of." Sesshomaru says turning to me.

He always says that he has something to take care of, and I believed that it was some personal things. If only I knew that everytime that he had "something to take care of", he was actually going out of his way to help me, to go find Naraku. There's still that one more question of Sesshomaru going to find Naraku when I lost my memories, but I know that I don't need to ask him. He went to find him most likely was to tell Naraku that walking away will make one regret for the rest of their lives. I smile at the thought, I then nod and gently hug him again. I rest my head against his chest, I feel Sesshomaru rest his chin on the top of my head.

"Thanks again for everything Sesshomaru, will I be seeing you in the days to come?" I ask him.

"Not for a while, I'll be taking some time to figure my feelings out and clear some things up. You won't be seeing me for a while, but I will be back one day." He tells me.

"I see, well don't be too long, because it would be nice for you to bond with the child when it's born. Also, Rin will be lonely without her Lord Sesshomaru visiting her." I tell him pulling back to look at him with a smile.

Sesshomaru looks down at me with soft eyes, he then holds my head lightly from the back and he leans down, I then feel his soft lips on my forehead. He kisses me on the forehead and then back away from me, my arms naturally lets him go.

"Till next time." He simply says.

"Take care." I quietly say.

Sesshomaru then turns away from the sea and dashes off, Jaken freaks out at the suddenness, I bid him and A-Un goodbye as he jumps onto A-Un and they fly off after Sesshomaru who's in the far distance. I watch as they disappear, I suppose the ending between Sesshomaru and I has come to a close. I take a deep breath and look up at the sky, the late afternoon blue is slowly tinted with orange. I then turn back towards the vast sea, the waves crashes in rhythm. The gentle breeze carries my hair around my face, guess it's time for me to head back. I go to retrieve Boshi and I head back to the village, afternoon goes by and evening rolls in, the sun has set and the moon shines. I help the other prepare dinner as we also wait for our men to come back, which they do eventually. We all have a nice dinner like always, after relaxing together with a cup of tea we all decide to turn in. None of them asked about what I've talk about with Sesshomaru today, I'm happy that they didn't, it shows that they respect one's privacy. As the other's turn in, Naraku and I walk hand in hand through the quiet village. I haven't been with him all day, and I have missed him, his big hand holding mine gently within them.

"I don't want to go to bed yet." I tell him.

"Then what do you want to do?" Naraku asks me.

"Let's go to the flower field for a bit, I want to spend some time with you before sleeping since I didn't see you all day." I say with a smile.

"Of course, I would like that too." He replies with a smile of his own.

The two of us then walk to the field with the moonlight guiding us, our footsteps crunches lightly on the sandy ground. Within a few minutes, we finally arrive. The silhouette of the flowers sway softly in the night breeze, we walk into the field and we sit down amongst the flowers and tall grass. Naraku sits down and I sit in his lap slightly in an angle as I lean my head on his right shoulder, his arms wraps around my body and rests on my slightly bulging stomach as he holds me to him. The two of us look up at the dazzling stars in the sky as we sit in silence but with each other's comfort, how precious this moment is.

"What did you and Sesshomaru talk about today?" Naraku asks me.

"Clearing up some unanswered questions and making sure that there were no more loose ends on our fleeting but false relationship." I answer him.

"Did everything work out alright?" He asks me again lightly gliding his hand along my stomach.

"It did, Sesshomaru won't be coming to the village for a while he says, he said that he wants to take some time to figure some things out and I don't know, I guess personal things." I reply back with a smile at the tingly feeling.

"I see, I know that I thanked Sesshomaru before, but I suppose I should thank him properly the next time I see him." Naraku says quietly.

I look at his face from the side, Naraku looks up at the night sky and gazes at the stars, His crimson eyes are bright in the darkness, I can see his bangs covering his forehead and eyebrows slightly. Not having seen him for a day, I seem to fall in love with him all over again. I lift my left arm up and caress his left cheek, I then hull myself off of his right shoulder slightly and kiss him on the right cheek. His smooth skin comes in contact with my lips, Naraku turns his head to look at me, now his eyes has switched from the stars to me, I smile at him.

"That was a bit unexpected." He says with a light chuckle.

"I haven't seen you all day, and seeing your face has made me fall in love with you all over again. I thought a kiss would be nice." I reply.

Naraku replies with a smile of his own, I proceed to lean back onto his shoulder again, but his right arm shifts slightly and my head falls between the bent of his elbow. He props me up by resting his right arm on his right knee, my head hangs off slightly thus allowing me to look straight up at the sky, I feel Naraku's left hand caress my right cheek and turns my head to the right slightly. I then feel Naraku kiss my left cheek and jawline, his gentle warm breath laces the places that he kissed. I close my eyes at the soothing sensation, then he tilts my head back more and more to the right, thus exposing the left side of my neck to him. The cool air brushes against my bare neck, but then I feel Naraku's lips on my neck as he kisses it. I close my eyes again and caress his face as Naraku lavishes my neck with feather light kisses, he sucks on the flesh gently above my beating pulse. My face is facing the other way but my heart is directed towards him. After giving my neck enough kisses, he pulls away slightly but I can still feel his breath lingering near.

"What was that about? I ask him with a chuckle.

"I gave you a love mark, now that you're mine and only mine. I won't let you go again." Naraku replies right next to my ear.

"I was yours to begin with Naraku, you won't have to worry about that. I'll hold you to that, and I won't forget you or abandon you again." I answer him back still looking up at the sky.

Naraku then licks the place that he gave me the mark, the mark that I can't see which is most likely slightly bruised now. I giggle at the ticklish feeling and the warmth. I then pull myself up again and give him a quick kiss on the lips, I show him a smile as he gazes at me. A proper kiss to end the day off.

"Let's head back." Naraku suggests.

"Let's." I answer back in agreement.

Naraku helps me up and together hand in hand, we head back to our hut. A day soon turns into 2, then 3, then 4, eventually into a week. A week then turns into 2 and into a month, and the whole cycle repeats. Each day spent with the people that I love and loves me back, each day filled with happiness and joy with the company of them. And each week, I can see my stomach growing and growing. As my stomach grows, adjusting my kimono becomes a work as well. Also the size of my stomach starts to push against my lungs, and my movements becomes more restricted as the months goes by. Sango and Kagome has to remind me the food that I can eat and not eat so that it won't harm the unborn child, Naraku goes out with Inuyasha and Miroku in the first few months but then as it got to the mid point, he would stay with me as my movements becomes harder. 1 month turns into 2, then 3, 4 and 5. Somewhere between those months, Naraku and I married, with a small dinner celebration with the others. My sleeping position becomes limited as well, which is mostly me lying on my stomach. Being a soon to be mother sure has its discomforts, but it will be all worth it. Naraku and I haven't made love to each other during those months either, but just to be able to have each other to come back to at night is enough. The seasons pass as well, and Sesshomaru hasn't come to the village in these few months. I hope he's doing alright. Eventually, 8 months goes by, I have grown so accustomed in this village living like everyone else. My stomach is pretty big now, and occasionally I can feel slight movements inside. I seem to have all the symptoms of a pregnant woman, according to Sango and Lady Kaede. The stars are out and the moon is bright, Naraku takes me out on a late night walk after dinner. His big hands holding mine as we stroll on the outskirt of town. The cool night air fills my lungs, how refreshing it feels.

"Can't believe our child is almost here, one more month to go." I say with a smile.

"Yes, you have carried so much burden in these few months." Naraku answers back, his voice seem to echo in the night.

"Burden? I don't see this as a burden at all, it's a gift, you Naraku, and everyone that I've met throughout this past year, and our soon to be child are all gifts. Everything that I've been through has never been a burden, so do me a favor and don't think badly of everything that has happened. In the end, all of these events has brought us to this moment. The past makes us grow and see the things that were in the dark." I say to him holding his hand with my other.

"I just felt that I have put the woman that I love through so much throughout the year, I caused you a lot of pain." He says.

I stop walking and gently tug on his hand to stop him too, Naraku turns slightly to look at me, I give him a playful glare.

"Well It's not like I said love will only be filled with laughter and joy everyday, It's only up to us to make everyday joyful, that is, look past the pain and sadness and focus on the good things. Besides, I kind of got myself in this situation due to this stubborn personality of mine by falling in love with you, I knew you were dangerous and was once upon a time evil, but changed into a completely new demon. So I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it, but at least I won't have to deal with it without getting anything in return. I have you Naraku, and I'll be happy to go through my sadness and pain because I know that you will be there to save me. You have saved me first Naraku, and all because of that catch that you and I met." I rebuke him with a smile.

Naraku looks at me with his crimson eyes burning like rings of fire in the night, I can see a gentle smile laced on his face. Naraku then pulls me gently into him and he wraps his arms around me, I rest my face against his chest as he hugs me. I feel him rest his cheek against my head, his long hair tickling my face slightly. I can hear his breathing around me and the faint faint beat of his heart through his chest.

"I never knew that I could love someone in my life as much as I love you, you have filled my eyes of beauty and joy and used them to wash away the darkness in me. You have taken so much steps for me, and I feel that everything that I have done for you will never be enough to repay you." Naraku says softly.

I smile at his words, I wrap my arms around him as much as I'm able to due to my big stomach.

"It was of my own will to take those extra steps for you, if I didn't, I would have lost you forever and I couldn't bare that. What we want to do is up to us to decide, the only thing that I ask for in return is for you to embrace everything in the present and to live everyday with love and happiness with me." I answer him.

"Of course__________, you are my joy. You have been the one that gave me a glimpse of innocence and beauty 13 years ago, and 13 years later, you still are and always will be. I love you_____________." Naraku replies kissing me on my temple.

I nod in response. I then release him and take his hand again, I look at him with a smile.

"I love you too Naraku. Come on. Say, let's take this moment to think up some names for our child." I suggest to him.

Naraku smiles and the two of us continue to walk as the stars dazzles above us, the sound of our footsteps fills the space around us.

"Well, let's see. If it's a boy, what would we call him?" Naraku asks.

I begin to think, if it's a boy, I wish he will look like Naraku. When I think of Naraku, I think of his eyes, bright and red like crimson fire. I smile as my mind juggles some words together.

"If it's a boy, I would like to name him, Shinkutama." I say with a smile.

"Shinkutama, crimson soul. How did you come up with that name?" Naraku asks me.

"I thought of you, it's only natural that a child would look like their parents. I wish that, if it is a boy, I would want him to take after you more, almost like transferring a part of your soul into him. Then when I see him, I see his crimson red eyes, just like yours." I tell him with a gentle chuckle.

"I see, If it's like that, then that name will fit perfectly." He nods his head in agreement.

"And how about if it's a girl? I'll let you think of a name." I say giving his big hand a squeeze.

Naraku tilts his head up slightly and look at the stars, I can see the glimmer of his eyes shifting as he gazed at the vast space.

"If it is a girl, I hope she will take after you more, doesn't matter if it's in appearance or personality. When I think of you, I think of flowers. Delicate and beautiful, fleeting petals laced in vivid colors of fiery passion. How about, Hohanabira?" Naraku suggests.

Hohanabira? It's a combination of the words Hono no Hanabira, petals of flames. It's beautiful, guess both names were inspired by the color of crimson. I smile at the name.

"It's beautiful Naraku, then it's decided, Shinkutama or Hohanabira. Can you hear that? Your father and I have already came up with your name already, whether you are a boy or a girl, either name will fit you perfectly." I say giving my stomach a gentle pat.

With Naraku beside we walk around the outskirt and eventually head back. The 8th month goes by, and the final month has just entered. Carrying a baby in your stomach for 9 months sure puts a lot of strain on your back, I'm constantly tired and out of breath, but I mentally tell myself that it's the final month. I'm in my 36th week almost going into the 37th, according to Sango, just two more weeks to go till the baby arrives. I wake up to the slight movements in my stomach, I open my eyes to see the bright sunlight shining through into the room. I stretch my arms and I look to my right, Naraku is propped up by resting his head on his arm. His bright inhuman eyes greets me along with a smile, he gently brushes my hair away from my face.

"Good morning my love." He says softly.

"Good morning." I reply with sleepiness lacing my consciousness.

"Ready to start the day off?" He asks me helping me up up slowly.

"Yea guess I am, just a bit more to go until my stomach goes flat again." I say with a depleted laugh.

Naraku helps me remove my nightwear, He then slides my red kimono onto my arms he kisses my left shoulder before he covers my bare skin with the silk wear. I then grab my obi cord and sash on the clothing wrack, I look down at my stomach and I see the scar that runs along my lower abdomen to the top of my ribs. It looks so dark, I remember it like it was yesterday, I was on the verge of death from massive blood lost. Sesshomaru's aura whip almost ripped my stomach open but lucky he pulled back before it could, but I didn't escape without being injured. As I touch the scar, it dawns on me just how deep it is. I finish dressing up and the two of us head out.

"How are you doing today__________?" Sango asks me as we enter the hut to have breakfast together with everyone.

"I'm doing alright, just a bit tired." I reply with a laugh.

"Well it is to be expected. Just about one more week or so to go and that extra weight on your body will finally alleviate." Kagome adds.

"Ya, I can imagine how much Sango went through with her twins and her son." I say giving Sango a gentle nudge on her arm.

Sango smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind one of her twin's ear. We then all sit down and enjoy a nice breakfast. The day goes on like usual, Naraku goes out with Inuyasha and Miroku and I stay with Sango and the others. Shippo and Rin occasionally comes to check up on me. Since I couldn't help out much I could only do what I can, around the afternoon, Rin accompanies me on a stroll to take a breather. The bright blue sky is serene with birds flying across, trees lines the edges of the forest.

"It's been quite a while, how is it not having Sesshomaru to visit you in these past months?" I ask her.

"Well, I do miss the visits from Lord Sesshomaru, I wonder how he is." Rin says tilting her head up to the sky.

Her long black hair falls behind her back and her ruffled bangs covers her forehead. She has a braid on the left side of her head. Rin has aged another year, she has grown into a young woman indeed.

"Tell me Rin, how do you feel about Sesshomaru?" I ask her again linking my arm around hers.

"Well, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that but I care a lot about Lord Sesshomaru. He is very dear to me and I love him." She answers.

"That's a given, what I mean is, do you feel anything more for Sesshomaru. You're a young lady now, I'm sure you know what love is, but it's not that kind of love. Do you see Sesshomaru as a man? Someone who you can perhaps have a bond with?" I explain to her.

I look at Rin's face, she seems to be deep in thought. Her eyes wonder around the vast land as we walk.

"I never thought of him as someone like that. Perhaps I do love him, but never realized it." Rin murmurs.

"Tell me what do you feel when he comes visits you, from the first time till the last visit. Your feelings when you see him in these few years." I add.

"Since the first visit, I'm happy when he comes visit, happy that he brings me gifts and stuff. Then as I aged, I become more reserved when he comes but nonetheless happy when he visits me. I want to look the best for him when he visits, you know now that you brought this attention to light and looking back at my changing and growing feelings towards Lord Sesshomaru... I think I may have feelings for him." Rin says quietly.

"You know, I think if you and Sesshomaru actually become a couple might be a beautiful thing. You both have been lonely in your lives and you both found each other in your weakest moments, you mutually gave joy to each other in the past, and you still can in the years to come, not as people who saw each other as once upon a time a young child and a protector... but as possible lovers." I say slowly as I think of Sesshomaru.

"Perhaps..." Rin replies.

"The reason I'm asking you this, is because I want Sesshomaru to be happy, I want the people that I care about to be happy, or at least find a possible happiness. Sesshomaru has fallen in love with me, but I was Naraku's, not his. He has come to know love and he directed his affections towards me, but I couldn't give him anything in return. He has finally let me go, I don't want Sesshomaru to lose what he has found for himself. He has let me go, but I don't want him to lose the love that he has come to understand. You're the second person that he cares for and loves, he once told me that I reminded him of you Rin. What am I saying, you were the most important human to him before I came into the picture. Become his world Rin, take time and become his world, and let him become yours. Don't force and don't push, love takes time and the mutual feelings of each other. Alright?" I say to her taking her hand gently into mine so that she stops and looks at me.

Rin looks at me with her big bright eyes, her cheeks lightly flushed with a pale pink tone. She looks lovely and mature.

"With time." She replies with a smile.

I give her a nod. The afternoon rolls by and evening comes in, the moon is out and the stars shine individually. We all finish eating dinner together and enjoy a cup of tea. After bidding everyone goodnight, Naraku and I return back to our hut, I'm feeling a bit off tonight and I don't know why. I brush it off and just assume that my fatigue is getting to me.

"Is everything alright?" Naraku asks me.

"Yea, just a bit tired that's all." I answer him with a smile.

"Get's some rest tonight and tomorrow you will feel a bit better." Naraku assures me giving my hand a gently squeeze.

I nod in agreement. We finally arrive at our house, Naraku opens the door but I stay still. Something doesn't feel right, it's not pain or anything but I feel something leaking. I look down at my stomach, nothing seems to be wrong on the outside but then I feel something run down my legs. What is this?

"Naraku..." I say his name.

Naraku turns around, his eyes burns vividly as he looks at me, his brows furrows slightly as I see his nose cringe slightly. He looks at my stomach and then back at me, he comes down the steps and grabs my hand, his other holds my face as he looks at me.

"Something's off, and I sense bodily fluid has just come out in great amount." Naraku says with worry laced in his voice.

"Can you take me to the big hut? I think Kagome is still there cleaning up." I ask him.

"Of course, hold on_________. Naraku answers back.

He lifts me up and dashes back to the big hut, at this point I can feel my stomach starting to contract a bit. Does this have something to do with my pregnancy? I hold in the growing pain as we finally arrive, Naraku lowers me gently against the wall of the hut and goes inside, not soon after Kagome comes out looking around. She finally finds me and kneels down.

"____________, what's wrong?" She asks me worried.

"I don't know, but I feel my stomach contracting and a large amount of fluid came out." I tell her feeling my breath becoming laboured.

"I see, Naraku take her to that hut over there, I'll go get Lady Kaede and Sango. Lay her down on a futon, and untie her obi, stay with her till we come back." Kagome instructs Naraku and pointing to a hut not too far away.

"What is happening?" Naraku asks.

"_________ is going to give birth, now hurry." Kagome says getting up and running to get Sango and Lady Kaede.

I'm going to give birth? Now? But I thought I still have two more weeks to go? It's early? Is it possible? Naraku picks me up again and I wrap my arms around his neck, he dashes to the hut and opens the door to the empty hut, it's a large empty room with a table and futon just like all the others, but it seems like it's a hut for emergencies since it's not inhabited. Naraku sets me on the ground gently and opens up a futon, he then lays me down and unties my obi. The fluid that came out wasn't blood but what I assume to be water and a mixture of body fluid. At this point, I feel my inner muscles contracting heavily and it's starting to become painful. My breathing has become laboured as well as I try to catch my breath, Naraku sits beside me and holds my hand, his free hand brushes aside my now disarrayed hair away from my face. He caresses my face and kisses my forehead, I take a deep breath and try to relax my mind.

"Just hold on a bit_________, you'll make it through." Naraku whispers to me.

"Ya I know I will guess things couldn't wait. Our child is eager to be born." I say wth a chuckle laced with heavy breathing.

"Yes, you have carried our child long enough, it's time for you to rest now." Naraku answers.

"It was never a burden, I nurtured a life to the point of which it can live independently now. We will be great parents to Shinkutama." I say with quick breaths.

"Or Hohanabira." Naraku adds with a smile.

I smile and nod, one of us as to stay calm and it looks like Naraku has to so that I can find some peace of mind. Kagome comes back in with towels followed by Lady Kaede ad Sango with a bucket of warm water. They are in their nightwear aside from Kagome.

"You held on well__________, it's time for the baby to be born." Lady Kaede says kneeling down beside me.

"Naraku, I need you to wait outside, Miroku and Inuyasha are outside as well. We'll get you when everything's over. Leave_______ to us." Sango tells Naraku.

"Alright, stay strong__________. I'll be outside if you need me." Naraku tells me.

"I'll be fine, I'll see you soon." I tell him.

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