Together forever

By lazy_semicolon

1K 220 294

Althea. Once upon a time, she knew a boy. He was her friend, who soon became her home. The only escape from... More

Chapter 6
Chapter- 15


22 6 4
By lazy_semicolon


June 2012.

If peace can be visualised, then this place would be exactly that.

The chaos in sounds of water hitting the shore combined with orderly rhythm of winds howling across the sea resulted in a magical combination.

Sitting at a distance near enough to get to the kids if need arises and far enough to enjoy the peace, I let my mind wander.

Few days back, Aaron put this idea of vacation into Kayla's head, hoping it would take my mind off the incident. From then, she was persistent about it. She even talked to uncle Jake about it and he immediately saw it to happen.

He booked a vacation for me, Kayla, his wife Carol and their little trouble makers Annie and Ty at an island for one whole month during my summer break as a graduation gift.

I was reluctant in the begining but the offer, which included a cabin with private beach, several spa treatments and many more, was too good to say no and may be deeper down, even I was hoping for this trip to take the edge off me.

It's been almost a month since the assault but it's still fresh in my head. Kayla and the boys did everything to keep my head off it but nothing worked for long. At the end of day, I was always afraid of them finding a way to hurt me again.

I even talked Aaron into teaching me selfdefence. He wasnt happy with my request but when he understood my need to feel secure and well equipped if need comes, he finally gave in. We even had few sessions before my vacation.

It's been more than 3 weeks since I am here and I am missing home more than I thought was possible.

I wanted this trip. However, I planned on cutting it short. May be a week or two would have done the task but once we are here, the happiness in Kay's face made it impossible. I have rarely seen her this worry free and last month wore her out. She deserved everything this world could offer for every sacrifice she made for me and letting her enjoy this break without my constant whining is the least I could give to her. And so, I sucked it up.

Its not that I didnt like the place. I liked it. Infact, I loved the calm of this place but I missed Aaron and the boys. I missed having Ray a phone call away whenever my mind started to get busy making unwanted scenarios. I missed the safety Aaron's arms provided everynight keeping the demons away.

I brought his shirts with me afraid that my nightmares would be back now that he isnt with me to keep them away. Especially after the recent incidents, but thankfully they weren't. Its been more than an year since I had a nightmare and I wanted to keep it that way.

I wished even the boys were here but well, I think its too much to ask. This was supposed to be a girls trip and moreover Aaron said he had to go to his cousin's place to get things straight. He wouldn't say me much about it but promised to once its taken care of. What ever that 'thing' is, its keeping him quite busy.

However, he finds time everyday to call me and let me know how his day went and ask me about mine.

Being away from him with all this free time is messing up with ny head. I miss all the guys but the intensity with which I miss Aaron is starting to scare me. I mean, I guess its normal to miss your boyfriend but this, it almost borderlined the point of insanity. An unhealthy obsession as my therapist calls it.

"Allie! Look what I found," Annie, my 5-year old cousin shouted in my ear, holding a pretty blue stone in her hand and jumping into my arms breaking my train of thoughts which were going in a rather dangerous direction.

"Oh my god! You found a treasure. It's so pretty Anns..."Her enthusiasm was contagious which spreaded all around her like a wildfire.

"Come on. Lets find more. There are so many teasuuu over there." She pointed towards the sea.

"Its treasure princess."

"Treasure," she repeated nodding.

"You go. I will join you soon."

Satisfied with the answer, she bounced off me and ran towards her brother who is still in water.

Watching them play without a care in the world is best form of therapy this world can offer.

"Ali girl. Your phone wont stop ringing," Carol huffed sitting beside me and handed my phone to me .

"Oh. Those boys can be irritatingly persistent when they are bored," I explained while I unlocked the phone.

As soon as I unlocked my phone, a notification which read that I had 42 missed calls from Aaron popped. Wow. This isnt just boredom. Something is wrong.

With doubts plaguing my mind and fear tightening its grasp around me, I dialled his number.

He received the call for first ring with a frantic hello.

"Aaron. Whats wrong? Is everything alright?" I fired my questions immediately.

"It was. Why did you lie Thea?" he asked in a serious tone making my world tremble slightly.

"What are you talking about Aaron?" I tried playing dumb buying little more time for myself.

"Dont play dumb Thea. You know what I am talking about. Its about the guys who tried to fucking rape you. You said you didnt know them but you did. You knew them all along and yet decided to lie," he comfirmed my doubts. God this cant be happening.

"Oh my god. How did you know? Aaron. Dont do anything stupid. They are dangerous Aaron. We cant fight them and win. Please try to be smart," I reasoned hoping he would listen.

"Smart? Is that what you were trying to be Thea? Those bastards tried to touch you even after knowing you are mine. They had their slimy hands all over you. You sported bruises they gave for a whole fucking week damnit. Everytime I looked at them I remembered being a failire again. You think its easy Thea? Do you think putting those bastards below ground would be harder than feeling so helpless?"He said making my panic bar raise further.

"God Aaron. Why cant you understand? Its not that simple Aaron. They are dangerous. They belong to gang. They will kill anyone who comes their way without thinking again. Please sont so anything stupid Aaron. Its over. Let past be in the past," I begged.

"Oh you knew. Those bastards blackmailed you. Didnt they? Dont worry Muñeca. I know who they are. I know how to bring them down without getting myself killed. You should have trusted me with it Thea," he said in a voice laced with sadness and dissapointment making tears prickle my eyes.

"I am sorry Aaron. I did what I thought was best. I didnt want you hurt. Not you, not anyone else. I trust you more than I should and you know that. But you are too important for me to lose you for such small things Aaron. I heard many things about that gang. I am sure you did too. I domt want us to be another tale this town talks about Aaron. Please let it go."

"Not us Muñeca. Those bastards and their gang will be a tale this town talks about once I am done with them."

"God Aaron. What is wrong with you? Stop being so stupid. We are talking about a gang here. Not some school kid whom you can beat into senses. Our lives are a lot more important than my pride. Please dont do anything thay can keep our lives at stake," I begged getting frantic with every passing second.

"Thea. Breathe,"he ordered making me realise that I wasnt breathing.

"Aaron. Please. I am coming home now. Dont do anything stupid before I come there," I pleaded.

"What? Dont be stupid Thea. I am sorry I got you all worked up. I was so shocked and angry that you hid it from me that I couldnt think straight. You dont have to cut your trip short for such a small thing. I am at my cousins place anyhow. I cant do anything from here. You enjoy your vacation and once you are home, we will decide what to do. Ok baby?" He asked in a sugercoated voice trying to mask the anger and hatred he is holding.

"Aaron. Donot try to fool me. I mean what I say. You arent doing anything until I am home. Try and we are going to have real problems," I commanded making him sigh.
"Alright Thea. But once you are home, we are not letting this matter slide."

"Okay." I answered reluctantly.

After few more minutes of talking, he ended the call. I tried my best and I hoped it would work. After I get to home, may be I can talk him into sanity. May be by then he will cool down enough to think reasonably.

"Is everything ok?" Kayla,who now took my previous position beside Carol, asked with a voice laced with concern.

"I dont know. Aaron found the guys who attacked me. He also found out that I knew who they were," I said in a low voice with my head hanging low.

"Then why would you lie Ali?" Kay's question held more of hurt than anger.

"I am sorry Kay. But they were dangerous. I didnt want to put anyone at risk more than they already are."

"We had police on our side Ali."

"Marcus knew and he also agreed with me that it was better to not let you know."

"Who are they Ali?"

"They... umm... they belong to a gang Kay. Lets please leave it there. I dont want to talk about it."

"How did Aaron know?" She asked after few moments of silence.

"I dont know Kay. He wasnt supposed to know. But now he does. You know him Kay. He can be so stupid when it comes to such things. I tried my best to talk him into not doing anything before I go back home but I dont think I believe him."

"I dont either. That boy wont think twice when it comes to you. I think we need to get a hold of him before he does something that cant be taken back. Do you want to go home babygirl?"Kay questioned making me nod.

"Alright then. We will go and make the arrangements. Right Carol?" Kay asked.

"Jake is already on it. I let him know just now," Carol answered with a sheepish smile.

"Right... I forgot that you guys text like teenagers,"Kay rolled her eyes making Carol blush and me chuckle. True, its been 5 years since they got married but they still are in honeymoon phase of their relationship.

Even before our conversation ended, Carol's phone started ringing and Jake gave her the details of flight. He got us into first flight available which happened to start tomorrow afternoon. With 2 connecting flights, we will supposedly reach our place early in the morning day after tomorrow.

Now that plan took an action form, two days seemed too long. And also, doubts started to plague my mind. Where is Aaron? Can it be true that he is still at his cousins place? And who the hell is this cousin anyhow? I asked him hundreds of times about this cousin of his only to get brushed of everytime. His answers were always so evasive that I didnt even get his cousins name out of him. If he was really at his cousins place, then how did he find out about the guys who attacked me. Questions and questions and the only person with answers is hundreds of miles away. He wont answer any of my questions now and voicing out my doubts would only bring out more of arguments and I am done arguing with him for today.

With a heavy sigh, I stood up and headed back to my room with hopes of getting some sleep. I know it wont be of much use with my mind running hundred miles a minute but atleast it will give me sometime to analyse my situation and probable outcomes.

Changing into one of Aaron's shirts, I jumped into safety coccoon of my blankets, and before I knew, I dozed off.

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