Sleeping With My Bodyguard

Av lazy-writerr

158K 4.6K 331

"Don't run from me, princess." Soft, yet threatening voice whispered near my ear sending chills down my spine... Mer

Author's note.
Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 13
Chapter. 14
Chapter. 15
Chapter. 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter. 18
Chapter. 19
Chapter. 20
Chapter. 21
Chapter. 22
Chapter. 23
Chapter. 24
Chapter. 25
Chapter. 26
Chapter. 27
Chapter. 28
Chapter. 30
Chapter 31
Author's note.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34
New story!
A rewrite

Chapter. 29

2.6K 84 3
Av lazy-writerr

My eyes flutter open as my hand crept to the spot next to me hoping to find a brown-haired girl, but I was met with an empty spot. It was still warm which mean she just got up. Groaning to myself I pushed covers from my very naked body and stumbled on the ground with my legs who felt like jelly.

Brushing my hair out of eyes I searched for my shirt, but found nothing... just my shoes laying in the middle of the room and sports bra with panties. Narrowing eyes, but decided just look something to wear in Andrea closet... she doesn't mind when I wear her clothes. I picked my sports bra and put it on along with boxers.

Walking to the closets, I found some black running shorts and not looking for anything else I left the room to the kitchen where the dim light was coming from. My stomach growl when mouth-watering scent invaded my nose making me fasten my pace to the kitchen where found Andrea standing with her back facing me, my white shirt who clearly is half unbuttoned loosely hung on her slender body as she stirred something on the stove.

I tiptoe to her with a wide grin plastered on my face and my heart pounding against my chest only from the sight of her.

"What ya cooking?" I mumbled into her hair as I sneak my hands around her waist from behind. She did a small jump before her face broke into a smile and she gave a chastened kiss on my lips.

"It's a secret," She whispered bringing her attention back to the pot who smelled deliciously.

I tried to sneak a glance over her shoulder, but all I got was a jab into my ribs and a playful glare from the green-eyed girl. Rolling eyes to myself I sat on the kitchen isle dangling my legs over the ground and I stared at the younger girl back.

Her hair was loosely falling on her shoulders as she moved her hips to into tune she had in her own head. She seems to be in great mood... well, after all, we did had sex... mind-blowing sex. Clearing images of her glistening skin flushed against mine a locked at the wall where the clock was and noticed it was almost midnight.

"Why are you cooking in the middle of the night?" I asked confused by her actions and by myself that I felt like I slow whole night, but it actually was just a couple of hours.

I should be tired after a mind-blowing day, but I'm not.

"Well, we were busy a little to eat dinner," She threw a small, teasing smile over her shoulder before she tiptoes taking two white plates from the shelve and gave it to me which I gladly took putting behind me where the chairs are.

I jump off from the counter feeling my cheeks heat up from the thought of our activity before and I decided to pick two wine glasses and fill with the first bottle I found in a fridge. I can practically see my mother shaking head in disapproval from me not knowing what the name of the wine.

She tried to teach me the names and all other stuff who I might need if drastically change my mind by working in one of our hotels, but I didn't even bother simply knowing it would be... never. I still can't believe she suggested for me to run a hotel... while freaking hotel. And I'm not talking about those small ones, but a high class where rich people stays usually.

"Here you go... a portion of chicken with spinach in creamy Parmesan cream." Andrea announce putting steaming food into the plates with a shy smile. "I watch a video on how to cook... hope it's taste good as it looks."

"Don't you think it's a little bit too heavy for a night?" I couldn't help but asked putting glasses on the dinner table who was near the kitchen as Andrea put plates.

"No," She shook head chuckling. "I mean maybe... but I don't care. I wanna eat and no one going to stop me." She added and not waiting for anything she takes a bite of the deliciously liking food before moaning.

"Okay, calm down, princess or you will choke." I joked taking a fork myself and felt my taste buds exploding. "Oh god... this is good."

"I know... I'm surprised at myself. Last time I tried to cook something in the pot, I put to match salt and Sophie spit out everything on my little brother, Jason." Andrea spoke as she was done chewing and start showing again.

Someone is really hungry. I'm not complaining. I love to see this carefree side of hers when she isn't worried about something... when it's both of us enjoying each other company.

My heart tugged inside my chest and my body filled with warmth when I looked at the girl with brown hair as she had a sauce on her chin still chewing her chicken. She was completely obvious to my stare or she simply chooses to ignore me... which I'm glad for. I don't know What is it, but having a way to look at her without her noticing makes my heart rate double the speed.

We ate in the silence with me continuing to stare at the younger girl and her being lost in her own world as hurriedly shove her food down her throat. It was amusing to watch.

I put a fork in the plate picking a glass of red wine and took a sip scrunching my nose at the sour taste. That is one of the reasons why I never drink wine and chose stronger liquors instead, but of course, time to time I can drink glass or two of this strange drink.

After we both were done eating I picked plates and walked to the kitchen to wash them while Andrea walked to the room for something. Putting plates in their rightful place I dried my hand and trailed to the living room who I found empty, but doors the terrace was ajar open, letting the chilly breeze of spring get in.

I walked towards it and found Andrea sitting on one of the chairs staring at the sky who was dark without any stars as the city lights overshadow them. She didn't notice me coming and I take it as an invitation to sit beside her only noticing her hold a pack of cigarettes.

"You smoke?" I asked in disbelief not believing she would smoke. I never saw her, not even once to smoke and I practically every minute with her.

"Sometimes, when I need a minute." She shrugged looking at the far end, but not really focusing her gaze. "You want one?" She pushed a full pack of cigarettes.

"No, thanks." I shook head cringing at the bad taste in my mouth. "Got a bad experience with them."

She didn't say anything as we both once again fell into the silence. The only light source was cigarette tip lighting every time she inhaled a puff of smoke with her eyes still set on the building in front of her.

"Do you remember saying to me something before you fell asleep?" She asked turning her head to my side with her eyes shiny with a strange light. "I heard you saying something, but I'm not sure what it was."

I close eyes trying to remember and I did. My throat went dry and the tempting feeling of taking her offers by hitting a death stick was appealing to me right now. My hands start shaking and Andrea intense gaze at my side didn't ease my nerves.

Why would I say something like this?

I mean, sure I like her and a lot. She's the first thought in a morning and the last at night, but telling those three words isn't something I had in mind and let alone let her hear it. I'm so stupid. What if she knows what I told her and now she's trying to test me? What if I admit and I scare her off?

What if...

I swallowed the lump in my throat and muster a small smile before shaking head. "No, I don't think so... my mind was a little full of something else." I smirked trying to push the clenching feeling around my heart.

Why would I lie?

"Oh, Okay." She nodded pulling knowing smile too, but I can see a disappointment in her eyes who made me shrink in my place.


"We need to talk."

I barged inside my small apartment where Lacy live until she would find her place which I don't think would be anytime soon.

Lacy throw a curious, but at the same time, annoyed look as she paused a flat tv screen on one of her shows she's watching on Netflix and brought attention to me only second later rolling her eyes probably already knowing why I am here.

"I really need to start making money for sessions. I feel like a couple therapist." She groaned pushing her legs off the couch and letting me sit.

"Calm your tits woman, you ain't that good to make money." I joked only getting a harsh glare.

"So why are you here then?"

"Because you're the only person I can talk with." I groaned already regretting by coming here.

"You have Julia and Cara, why by the way better talked than I." She pointed out.

"I know that," I paused taking a glass of juice from her hands and taking a long sip. "But you're the only one who knows Andrea."

"True," she nodded getter my up from the couch and leaving me alone in the living room staring at the paused tv show.

Andrea was once again in her classes and I don't come to Lacy thinking this apartment is closer than any other, plus I really need advice from my younger sister. Not that she's good at giving them, but she's just known me better than I know myself and even If I don't like her advice most of the time she's still managed to open new lights.

I looked around my apartment who was a messy place. Damn you, Lacy, can't you be a neat person? I gave her this place to live because she needed and it's not like I will be within here every time, but I should know better Lacy isn't a neat person and it would be a disaster after time I'm done with my assignment.

Soon Lacy come back with two plates of what's looks like chocolate cake making me raise eyebrows at her.

"Don't look at me like that, you know better than anyone else I can't start the day without some sort of candy." She grumbled pushing a plate to my hands and occupying the same place she had before.

"It's almost lunch... the day has started a long time ago." I gestured to the digital clock on the stand.

"Are you going judge me or gonna start talking what's bothering you," She rose her brows with her blue eyes challenging me.

"Okay, jeez. What's crawl into you ass?" I asked to remember how she acted yesterday and that she's extra moody today.

Lacy isn't a person who shows her emotions to the outside world, but if she's doing that's mean she has a really bad problem going on. I was so consumed in Andrea and my own feelings that I didn't notice my baby sister feeling down for some reason or let alone know what's going on in her life.

Lacy face twitches as if I hit a nerve, but she didn't say anything at first biting her lip she pushed half-eaten cake on the coffee table and look up at me.

"Don't look at me like that." I lean in trying to use my soft tone. "I know when something is wrong with you."

"I thought we are going to talk about you?" She asked and I instantly knew that she's trying to distract me from interrogating her.

"We will, it's just... you're my sister and I don't like seeing you sad." I smiled at her half-heartedly making her laugh.

"That's a sight to be seen. The asshole turned into complete mush... wait I'm going to get my camera everyone needs to see this."

I rolled eyes trying to hide a smile, but fail miserably keeping my face straight. I can feel the blush creeping into my cheeks which made Lacy double the laugher.

"And she's blushing too." She pointed out with her eyes sparkling like a kid who just walked into the biggest toy store. "What the hell happened to my sister? Wait didn't answer... I know who. Something with green eyes and smile to die for."

"Shut up," I groaned turning my face to the side not being able to look at Lacy's face.

She can be damn annoying, it's not so surprising, we share the same blood after all... being an asshole is a go-to go trait in a family... one of many things everyone inherited from our lovely mother. Good thing our dad was a decent human being and some of us got a better part than Lacy and I.

"Okay, lay it on me." She encouraged crossing her legs into Indian style with her face fully turned to me, ready to hear juicy secrets of mine.

"I...I, I don't know," I groaned feeling knot forming in my stomach. "I might... I don't know... I might tell her that I love her."

"Why do I sense that you think it's a bad thing?" She furrowed eyebrows and put her arm under chin.

"Because it is!" I exclaimed not being able to control my emotions who were boiling in me since yesterday night when we go back to sleep with untold tension surrounding us. "It's too early... we even didn't go to the date for fuck sake."

"You wanna for me to lie for you or be honest as possible?" She asked lifting eyebrows.

I swallowed knowing it's on me if She says something stupid. "Honest." She nodded closing her eyes before opening.

"Let's be true here... you aren't in a traditional relationship at first hand and don't look at me like that, you know yourself that it's damn true." She pointed her long finger at me with her brows brought in one. "I mean, maybe I wouldn't know what love is or how it feels... but one thing I know it can be scary."


"-No, let me finish." She cut me off leaning forward. "But do you really going let your fear of telling I love you ruin what looks like the best thing What happens to you after... after that bitch?" She paused holding her finger signaling she's not done yet. "I know you think... you don't deserve her like that... but think about it. Natalie, even how much hurts me to admit... she was good, great even well, at first... later I shall not mention what happened. You two have the best thing... Leo... and I know she broke your heart... she broke everyone who was rooting for you two."

"But tell me... do you really loved her through last year when you slept in my house and not with her in the same bed? I know it's not what you wanna hear... but I still going to say... Andrea, it's not Natalie, she's been hurt... a lot, don't ask me where I know... it comes a time when she tells you herself. But my point is... don't let fears from the past dictate your future."

I close my eyes feeling my chest inflating trying drink all words She told me but was again brought by Lacy clearing her throat. "You're a runner Mave, you both are... You run when things get hard, you run from her when you kissed her... you ran when you kissed for a second time. But before you run, Just Listen what your guts telling you... I'm not telling you listen to brain or heart... they can lead to a bad direction, but gut feeling is right... almost every time."

"Damn, when my sister become so wise?" I joke trying to lighten up the mood.

My head was hurting as I tried to sink everything that Lacy told me. Even how much I hate to admit... she's telling the truth. I've been hurt in the past by own family and... Natalie, the person who I thought wasn't capable of hurting, but she did and that's broke me.

She was the first person in my life I told I love you the first person I shared happy and bad memories and that scares me because I never thought I would in the same position as before. I'm not scared of telling those three words... what comes afterward scares me.

"Don't run from her sis. Admit to yourself that she's the best thing What happened for you in years... and if you run, just remember great things don't lay on the ground for too long." She patted my back standing up and picking my still untouched cake with her half-eaten one. "Now go... I think she's waiting for you." 

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