
Por Albion_dxd123

55.1K 961 586

why don't we sickfics. @whydontwemusic🗣️ Más

c.b.<fight w parents>
j.m.<stressed out>
z.h.<felt faint>
j.a.//d.s.<car crash>
z.h.<stomach flu>
j.a.//d.s.<car crash>part 2
c.b.<throat surgery>
c.b.<chrons disease>
j.m.<i wanna leave>
c.b.<mental collapse>
j.m.<no inspiration>
j.a.<how to keep going>
wdw.<losing a friend>

d.s.<broken leg>

1.8K 28 5
Por Albion_dxd123

Daniels POV

Today the boys and I decided to go to the skate park since we have a day off, see now jonah zach and I have no idea how to skate, but jack and corbyn are like pros. so there going to teach us how to skate or as the "cool" kids say sk8 (aha not really)

So we currently just arrived at the skate park and it's pretty huge and I'm kinda doubting it because it's large as crap and kinda scary looking to me.

guys, cmon it's not that bad once you start. Corbyn said really happily. this was corbyn hobby before he was a singer and since we've been on tour and stuff him and jack haven't been able to sk8 for a while, so I can see why he's happy, he looks so cute too.

"aye yo corbyn you can help daniel get situated on the board, while I help zach, and jonahs old enough lmao"

oof corbyns helping me aha. so corbyn came over and took my hand in his and helped me get on the board, did I also mention were at the top of the thing that u skate in so if u fall you'll die (aha not really daniel yo stupid😂)

when corbyn helped me onto the board he has holding me tight so if wouldn't fall, he also told me to keep still until he's ready so we both don't fall to near death (aha once again daniel yo stupid😂) well it all ended pretty badly for corbyn and i, when he told me not to move I kinda might of flinched and the skateboard went down the ramp with me on it having no clue how to steer, oh and also corbyn was holding onto my hand and he never let go so, that ended pretty bad for both of us.

GUYS! WHOLY SHIT. jonah yelled frantically running towards, I kinda felt bad because everyone ran towards me and not towards corbyn.

when I tried to stand up, I felt a very sharp pain in my left leg and I fell back down to the ground crying, "what hurt dani?" Jack asked me worriedly. m-m-my left leg bro, it hurts so bad, I think it's broken. I said crying even more, but in all honesty I just wanted to know if corbyn was okay, I don't think the guys saw him fall with me.

Dani, I called the amblance and there gonna be here in a short 20 mins. Zach said rubbing my back. 20 SHORT FUCKING MINIUTES I CAN'T WAIT THAT FUCKING LONG IT HURTS LIKE A BITCH!!! I yelled in jonahs face.
yo bro chill, your not dying it's just fucked up, and why the fuck is corbyn not even coming over here to see if his best friend is okay, that's fucking messed up.

b-b-because h-h-he, I tried to get out but I couldn't because all of the pain shooting through my body. "he what daniel? he fell with me, h-h-he was holding onto me and he never let go" I sobbed even harder. guys it hurts so bad. "the bobo truck will be here in a few imma go check up on corbs. Jonah said

Corbyns POV

Nothing is really wrong with my honestly I just hit my head off the ramp when I fell and I think I fucked up my finger to be honest, but all I can worry about is if my little boy dani is okay, all I could hear was him crying in pain, and I'm like over here crying only because I wanna be with dani and protect him, but I'm afraid if I move I'll throw up cuz of my head, so I gently lay down and just look up at the sky hoping dani will be ok.

CORBYN BUDDY CORBYN bro are you ok? jonah said running over to me.
"j-j-Jonah I'm fine, is dani okay? yah bro he's okay, he thinks he broke his left leg, corbyn you don't look fine" I wanna see dani, jonah take me to dani, he's the hurt one here, I can hear him crying jonah.

"corbyn, your not fine your distressed and your eyes are blood$hoot read and your finger looks pretty messed up, and your head is swollen" Jonah I don't care, take me to dani. "okay" Jonah said helping me up.

when we finally get to dani I see how distresses he is, probably more than me, "corbyn, your okay" yah, dani I'm fine, how r u doing ? "it hurts really bad"

next thing we know the ambulance pulls up and takes dani and I in sepreate ambulances, jonahs comes with me and the other 2 go with dani.

a couple hrs later my finger was patched up and my head is stiched up, and I get to go see daniel who has a cast on his leg and is lifted up in the way boy some doctor thingy.

daniel your okay, thank god, I said walking over to him and giving him a great big hug. "yah corbs I'm doing great, I mean it hurts pretty bad, but one more thing, remind me to never sk8 with u again" daniel come on, I feel like your blaming me for this and that kinda hurts I said letting go of his hands and letting a few tears drop out of my eyes. " no, bean I meant when we're so close to the edge like that, overall you were a gr8 teacher until all this happened, don't cry, it wasn't your fault accidents happen, and when we try again will be more safe, I love you corbs, don't be like that" in all honesty I love you too dani. I said pecking his cheek in a brothery way.

and let's hope next time goes smoothly, jonah safe aid making us all laugh.

fuck my hands fell asleep typing this whole thing😂

love you guys, -kilie❤

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