Do we still attached?

By skyecakes

145K 3.8K 867

Natasha and Steve hadn't seen each other for the past 3 after they're break up. One time there's a new villai... More

Meeting each other again???
Back in action
My son
You seem bothered.
I'll think about it.
I don't know how.
She will experience it.
Meet Nate.
Can we have a dinner?
Let's make things right...
We kind of know it. You know?
Slap by Wanda
Now I know where he got that.
I don't wanna slide.
Be ready.
Bad plans.
A lesson by the black widow.
We meet again.
Nathaniel's birthday.
Steve's message.
Getting my son back.
Never mess with Natasha again.
Nate's back
Family time.
A date it is
The planning.
Rush wedding?
Grumpy Tony
The night before the wedding.
The wedding
On it's way
The Rogers family
A favor A/n

Wanda vs Clint

5.3K 144 58
By skyecakes

Natasha's pov

"Hey baby?" I said getting Nate's attention also Wanda and Clint since I'm now here inside my house. They are looking intensely at me.


"I want you to meet someone."


"Them." I pointed at them and he give me confused look. Aww my baby looks cute just like his father.

"Hi! I'm Wanda!" Wanda said approaching Nate while smiling. Nate smiled at him too although i feel that he is kinda scared.

"Hey! Don't be scared they are Mama's friends no need to be afraid." I assured him and he just smiled. "Say hi to her" I whispered to his ear.

"Hi?" He turned his head on me I'm still carrying him by the way. And he whispers something in my ear "what should I call her mama?" And I leaned in to him and said "how about aunty?" I saw in the corner of my eyes that those two were confused on why are we whispering, "ok" My child replied and turned back his head to Wanda.

"Hi aunty Wanda!" He said with full of joy. Awww

"Oh my god Nat! He's so cute! May I?" She ask, giving her my permission I gave Nathaniel to her and luckily Nathaniel didn't protest and just hug Wanda which caused Wanda to smile widely.

*ehem! I laughed as soon as I heard that and and I'm sure Wanda wants to kill him for ruining the moment and I am right they stared at each other eyes.

"Hey baby there's still someone you need to meet." I said and he look at me again. I give Clint a look that tells 'go introduce yourself.'

"Hey kid I'm Clint." Clint said and Nate smiled at him and Clint walk to them and get Nate away from Wanda's arm which causes Wanda to frown.

"Hey Nate can you introduce yourself to them?" I said and he nodded.

"Hi aunty Wanda and uncle cwint. My name is Nate. Nate Rogers I'm 2 now turning 3." He said and smiled I'm still teaching him how to properly announce L and he's quite getting it.

"Rogers?" Clint ask with wide eyes again.


"Nat can we talk?" He ask me and gives Nate back to Wanda.

"I'll play with him." Wanda said and left.

"Why Rogers? Why not Romanoff?" He ask

"Uhm.. Because.... Because even though Steve broke up with me he's still has a right over Nathaniel and I just can't forget about that. I'm not selfish and you know that." I said and he gives me a confused look.


"Steve broke up with you? But he says you're the one who end it?" He said and I was shocked!

"What?! He broke up with me via text!" I said feeling the tears in my eyes.


"Oh my god! How am I going to tell Steve that I'm pregnant?" I said to myself. I don't know what should I feel right now. But one thing is for sure I love this growing baby inside me.

I was going to meet him in the Avengers facility cause I'm still in the hospital when I got a text from Steve saying

'I'm sorry Nat but I'm breaking up with you I don't love you anymore.'

I was broken at that moment but I can't just go back in there after this and that's when I ran away without telling everyone. Except Fury I know that he's only going to tell everyone where i am if I'm not gonna tell him about this.

Flashback ends.

"Let's stop talking about this." I said wiping some tears and go in the living room where Wanda and Nate is. Clint folling me.

"Mama! Come here! Aunty scarlet fed me ice cream!" I was shocked by this Wanda doesn't want anyone to call her scarlet cause it reminds her of her family.

"Aunty Scarlet?" I ask making sure i heard right.

"Yeah mama." He said and eat ice cream again still confused on what's going on.

"I know what you're thinking Nat. It's fine actually." She said and smiled and I sighed of relief.

"Aunty Scarlet huh? What about uncle Clint?" Clint said Nate.

"Uhh? I don't know what names I can call you uncle cwint sorry!" He laughed.

"Ha! No other names for you Clint!" Wanda said and stick out her tongue. Mocking Clint and that's when they fought like a child jesus!

After 5 minutes they are still arguing and Nate come to me hugging my legs and says "mama up" He said and I picked him up him and give him a kiss on the cheek and his forehead.

"Did you already drink water? You ate a lot of ice cream?" I ask while heading to the kitchen. Still unnoticed by the two.

"Not yet Mama." He said and I give him some water and after that he yawned.

"My baby boy sleepy?" I ask with my baby voice and he just hugged my neck and I know he's already sleeping.

"Hey stop it you two Nathaniel's sleeping now." I said and they looked at me "I'm just going to put him in the bed."

When I almost reach nathaniel's room he speak and said "Can I sleep with you mama? There's monster in my room." He said I didn't argue anymore and just said "sure" I put him in my bed and placed a kiss to his forehead without forgetting to say the things I always said "good night baby Mama loves you, sleep well, sweet dreams." I whispered and got out of my room to go and see Wanda.

"How is he?" Clint asked.

"Sleeping peacefully. I'm so sorry guys but I need to get some sleep too. And besides he'll cry if he noticed that I'm not yet on the bed." I said to them and they smiled.

"You changed Nat." Wanda said smiling.

"I changed for him." And with that we end our conversation and they said goodbyes, I was already going inside when they called for me.

"Hey Nat? Can we see him again?" Wanda said, there's hope in her eyes.

"Of course. Go home and please don't forget not to tell everyone hmm k? Take care." I said and go inside.

I changed my clothes into my pj's and go to my bed hugging Nathaniel and closed my eyes.

It's been a long day.

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