๐…๐ˆ๐„๐‹๐ƒ| The Umbrella Acad...

By wheelerblossom

145K 5.3K 2.5K

-๐™๐™„๐™€๐™‡๐˜ฟ แต—แต˜แตƒ '๐ข ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ ๐š๏ฟฝ... More

"i'm feeling a little gayer than usual"
"the future? awesome"
"She makes better oatmeal than you"
"Straight as that circle"
"Have you ever loved someone?"
"Have you not met me woman? I've got this"
"You'll fill out soon old man"
"I can do it monkey man"
"These bitches again?"
Season Two
"God, I hope they have some fries."
"He's my best friend."
"Blairson is endgame."
"You feel familar."
"Never turn out like your sister."
"You messed with the wrong family."
"You gonna punish me?"
"Lets go lesbians, lets go."
"Ben Franklin?"
"We're all sexy trash!"
"I'll be damned if I ever let men tell me what to do."
"Breath for me."
"I'm So Proud Of You."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, men can be quite gross"

6.1K 255 16
By wheelerblossom


Peaking into her sisters room the next morning she saw how peacefully she slept. Blair smiled sadly and shut the door back, walking into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She couldn't help but laugh slightly at it as she thought of Five. She missed the Hargreeves siblings even though it's been only a few hours and she slept most of them anyway. She truly hoping Klaus would use the address to visit her soon.

She frowned her eyebrows as she heard a soft knock on her apartment door. Walking over, she unlatched the chain and pulled it open, only to blink in surprise.

"Allison? What are you doing here?" Blair asked looking at the tall woman infront of her.

"Vanya lives a few doors down, I was about to run her keys to her and remembered Klaus saying you lived close by. Can I come in?" Allison asked as Blair nodded quickly, opening the door more.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday, I should have never asked you to stay and drag you into our family problems more than you already are. It was selfish of me" Allison said as Blair frowned.

"No, you don't have to apologize. I completely understand and i'm glad I was included in all of it. If I didn't have Brenn I would have stayed. Just don't want her hurt" Blair shook her head as the two sat on the grey couch.

"I understand completely, I wouldn't have wanted Clair around any of this either. I hope you'll stay in touch though, with me anyway" Allison said as Blair nodded.

"Of course, yeah definitely. Hey, is everything okay? You seem kinda different" Blair said noticing the woman's odd posture.

"Um no, no not really" Allison said with a forced chuckle as her eyes watered.

"Allison.." Blair trailed off giving her hand a squeeze.

"You know, even though I said we should shut her off I didn't know it would be this difficult. She's still my Mom" Allison said as she wiped a tear.

"What are you- What are you talking about?" Blair asked her confused.

"Diego didn't tell you?" Allison asked her with a single sniffle as the dark haired girl infront of her shook her head.

"Those intruders last night kill Mom" Allison said as Blair's eyes widened and her mouth become a gaped.

"Oh... i'm so sorry" Blair said as she hugged her, letting her get the collar of her shirt wet with her tears.

"It's not easy" Allison said as she sniffled again.

"I know, it's gonna be okay" Blair whispered before the two heard a door creek behind them.

"Blair?" Brenn asked in a tired voice as the two woman pulled away from each other.

"Hey Brenny, sleep well?" Blair asked as she looked over at her sister and Allison wiped her eyes.

"Mhm, hi Allison" Brenn said as Allison gave her a smile and a wave.

"Cereal or oatmeal?" Blair asked as she walked to the kitchen.

"Cereal" Brenn said as she sat at the table.

"I should go, i'll see you soon okay?" Allison said as she stood up .

"Wait!" Blair called out as Allison spun around.

"Hey, how would you feel about Ms.Stella and her daughter coming over for a couple hours?" Blair asked Brenn as her face lit up.

"Really? I thought you said you didn't like them?" Brenn asked as she smiled widely.

"Yeah I don't but I'm gonna go out with Allison for a bit. That okay?" Blair asked as Brenn hugged her sister.

"Yes" she squealed as Allison gave Blair one last smile as she did back.

"She's adorable" Blair told Allison as they stood at a shopping cart, looking through magazines .

"I can't believe he would say they are doing fine. What kind of daughter could be fine without her Mother?" Allison asked as she threw the magazine back on the cart.

"He's just trying to make this harder for you, you can't let it get to you" Blair told the taller woman, until the two heard a voice.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Vanya asked confused as she walked over toward them.

"Hey, I was looking for you. I um, I wanted to be the one to tell you about Mom" Allison said sadly .

"Hi Vanya" Blair said to her as the brunette gave her a small smile before looking back at her sister.

"What? She okay?" Vanya asked Allison.

"Vanya she's- she's gone" Allison said sadly as Blair looked away.

"I thought we were gonna wait a bit?" Vanya asked after a few seconds of silence, probably so she could take it all in.

"It was those guys last night, they killed her. We found her this morning" Allison said to her.

"I'm so sorry" Blair said, giving Vanya's arm a small squeeze .

"And last night, what I said-" Allison began but her sister quickly cut her sentence short.

"No, no don't worry about it" she shook her head as it feel to silence for a moment.

"Oh, I have your keys" Allison said, handing Vanya the keys.

"Did you know we only live a few doors down?" Blair asked the girl with a grin.

"What? No no I had no idea. Why do you have my keys?" Vanya asked, looking toward Blair then toward Allison.

"It's a long story. Do you wanna get a drink with us?" Allison asked as she pointed between herself and Blair.

"Sure" Vanya nodded as the three walked away.

"Lenore wouldn't, I mean I can't even imagine" Vanya told the two woman sitting across from her as Allison started to talk about her concerns when it came to Leonard, who she had a encounter with.

"I get it. I mean why would he tell you he's going to work then all of a sudden be letting himself into your place?" Allison asked her as Blair, not as sneakingly as she planning, took a sip of Allison's drink, considering she'd already finished hers.

"To use the bathroom like he said" Vanya quickly said.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, men can be quite gross" Blair said as she put her hands up in defense .

"Yeah or to creep around" Allison pointed out again as he nodded toward Blair.

"He wouldn't" Vanya still continued to defend him.

"To go through your stuff" Allison suggested.

"Or steal something" Blair quickly add.

"Jerk off on your mr. snuggles teddy bear" Allison listed as Blair giggled childishly .

"No, no stop" Vanya said squeezing her eyes shut and waving the two off.

"Look i'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but sometimes, like Blair said, men are complete shits" Allison said.

"Not sometimes, most of the time" Blair corrected her.

"Well maybe but I like this one. I know it's weird because we only knew each other for a few days but... Leonard felt real. Like he saw something in me no one else did" Vanya said with a sigh.

"I know the feeling" Allison nodded her head.

"And it's not weird, if you can like someone that quickly, just shows you took the time to see underneath their mask, see what no one else does" Blair said as Vanya looked at her with a small smile.

"I'm gonna go make a quick call, be right back" Blair said as she excused herself, walking off toward the bathroom.

"C'mon, pick up pick up" Blair said taping her foot as she listened to ring.

"Hello?" a deep voice asked into the phone as Blair smiled widely.

"Hi yes Pogo! This is Blair" Blair said quickly and loudly, just relieved he picked up.

"Hello Ms.Blair. How may I assist you?" Pogo asked her.

"I was wondering if you could put Klaus on the phone? I'm downtown with Allison and Vanya and was just curious if he wanted me to pick him up a couple waffles from the breakfast joint across the street" Blair said with a small grin.

"I'm terribly sorry, Ms.Blair, but Master Klaus isn't home at the moment. I'm sure he'd love some for when he gets back though" Pogo said as Blair's smile frowned.

"Yeah, but do you know where he is? He's safe right?" Blair asked now worried as she remembered she hadn't seen him when the intruders attacked.

"That i'm not sure of but if I were my guess, i'd say he's out searching for...substances" Pogo said as Blair chuckled.

"Right, probably so. I'll see you in a bit, thanks Pogo" Blair said as she hung up the phone, leaving the bathroom.

Blair left Allison and Vanya a few minuets after saying goodbye and that she needed to get back to Brenn. Walking home, she hummed to herself as she swayed the bag of waffles in her hand. She took a double take as she saw someone running out of a hotel that had sirens coming from around them. She recognized the figure faster than she'd even seen it.

"Diego!" she called out as he spun around. She couldn't see his face but by the way he was running toward her, she knew something was up. Setting the bag on the ground, she quickly embraced him.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" she asked, hearing him sniffle.

"Patch is.. she's gone" Diego said as his voice broke slightly and he attempted to keep himself together .

"I-Wha-" Blair tried but she was lost at words as well. Her and Eudora weren't the bestest of friends but they'd gotten a coffee together a few times and talked about Diego on multiple occasions, considering Blair was making sure the woman was good enough for her best friend. She shut her eyes tear, hugging him tighter.

"C'mon" Blair said, wrapping her arm around Diego and walking home.

"Diego wait!" Blair shouted as she ran after the man moments later as they stormed into his small apartment in the gym .

"You piece of shit! Do you have any idea what you just did!" Diego shouted as Luther quickly stopped him from attacking Five.

"Let me go! Get your ape hands off me!" Diego shouted at Luther as the blonde held him in the air.

"I can do this for as long as it takes you to calm down. Blair, care to explain?" Luther asked as the girl just looked away, with hurt eyes, not wanting to get into it. Diego stopped fighting as Luther set him back down into his feet.

"Now wanna tell us what you're talking about?" Luther asked looking down at the shorter man.

"Our brothers been pretty busy sinces he's gotten back. He was in the middle of that shoot up at Griddys and then at Gamble Brother after the guys in the mask attacked the Academy looking for him!" Diego said as his voice rose out of anger. Blair walked over to the fridge, pulling out a water and leaning into the counter, knowing this wasn't her place to say anything,

"Non of which is any of your concern" Five glared at him.

"You sure about that?" Blair asked, the boy glanced at her then back at Diego.

"It is now, they just killed our friend" Diego said as his eyes water slightly as Blair just looked back down at the ground.

"Who are they Five?" Luther asked him after looking at the two ex police academy students, who both looked torn between upset and angry .

"They work for my former employer. A woman called the handler, she sent them to stop me. Then soon as Diego's friend got in their way well, fair game" Five said as Blair shook her head, not believing he'd said that.

"Now they're my fair game, and i'm gonna make sure they pay" Diego said as he went for the door, then noticed Blair going after him.

"Alone. I've gotta do this alone" Diego said turning to her as his voice softened.

"No you can't go after them without me, something could happen to you" Blair said, shaking her head at him as he blinked at her .

"You're my best friend. If anything bad happened to you , i'd probably become more insane than I already am" Diego said as he pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead and walking away.

"Thats a mistake Diego, they've taken out people far more dangerous then you!" Five yelled out to his brother.

"We'll see about that!" Diego shouted as the door slammed behind him, Blair swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked down.

"Blair?" Luther asked as the girl looked up as tears clouded her eyes.

"She was my friend too, i'm leaving" Blair said as she quickly left the gym and making her way to a near by pay phone.

"Hello?" Stella asked into the phone.

"Hey Stel, it's Blair. Is there any way possible you could keep Brenn a little longer? Not too long, of course, but just for a little bit. Things are pretty intense right now and i'm in no place to leave" Blair said as she sniffled.

"Of course Blair, take all the time you need. Brenn is perfectly safe here" Stella said as Blair let out a sob and quickly hung up the phone, leaning into it for support as she sniffled and rubbing her face to get herself together before heading over the the Academy, hoping Klaus would be there.

gonna get into a very important friendship next chapter so keep your tissues close!

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